It’s the 28th of January. You know what that means?
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It’s overwhelming, really, to look at the calendar and realise that we’ve been doing Spoiler Warning for two years now. It certainly doesn’t seem like it’s been that long. Heck, to me, it seems like just a few months ago that I ran the marathon editing session for the hilarious first anniversary episode of Amnesia: The Dark Descent. And that episode is still, in my mind, neck and neck with Railroad to Nowhere for our very best work on this series.
Then again, looking back on our very first episodes, they certainly seems like a world away from what we do now. For the editing of this episode I ended up digging deep back in my archives and watching a bit of the end of the first season and beginning of the second, and I was cringing the entire way through. Awkward pauses large enough to drive a vertibird through, terrible image quality, poor editing. It’s a wonder we stuck with it long enough for things to get out of those dark ages. But get through them we did, and look at all the games we’ve covered since! Deus Ex is our seventh full game, and we’ve nearly covered an eighth with our randomly scheduled off-time episodes of Half Life 2. That’s almost four games per year.
Still, as cringe-worthy as it is to look back at the early episodes, it also highlights, to me, how much really has improved – both between us as a group and our ability to deliver interesting commentary and humor simultaneously without tripping all over ourselves – and also in my own abilities to properly edit the series. When Spoiler Warning started, it was just an idea I’d had – I had no idea how video editing worked, what “codecs” really were, or how to sort out all of the black magic I found myself diving headfirst into. Two years later, we have proper credit sequences, full 720p HD videos, and a much tighter flow to each every new episode. I can scarcely believe it when I remember how confused I was at the beginning.
What about you guys? What are your favorite Spoiler Warning memories from the past two years?
Could Have Been Great

Here are four games that could have been much better with just a little more work.
The Game That Ruined Me

Be careful what you learn with your muscle-memory, because it will be very hard to un-learn it.
Lost Laughs in Leisure Suit Larry

Why was this classic adventure game so funny in the 80's, and why did it stop being funny?

Why Google sucks, and what made me switch to crowdfunding for this site.

A wild game filled with wild ideas that features fun puzzles and mind-blowing environments. It has a great atmosphere, and one REALLY annoying flaw with its gameplay.
plese release the full amnesia episode, i bet its epic!
I really liked the episode in which you blew Three Dog’s with a grenade right after giving him “Fuck you!” rant.
Also: Congratulations on the anniversary!
that episode is by a far way my favourite, and from my favorite season, watching a hearing people rip a new one out of my favorite game all the while Rutskarn puns his way to hell, and he is reserved a special place in its bowls.
I really would love it if the old SW seasons were put up on youtube, so I could link people to that moment.
Seconded. The Fallout 3 season at the very least.
Cheers, you guys!
Indeed,it haas been a fun season.I know this sounds like Im just parroting you,but believe me,that wasnt mine intention.
Yeah, that has got to be my favorite moment of the series. The drawing that accompanied that episode was also truly inspired; the epitome of Reginald “Obvious Reasons” Cuftbert.
Three Dog, definitely. That, and Mayor MacCready + Fat Man rage.
Oh, and trying to kill the Securitrons in New Vegas.
Yes, killing Three Dog was great. Also the birth of Reginald Cuftbert, “You are not a mercenary”, killing the Brotherhood of Steel in New Vegas (I AM A MERCENARY–I’M INVISIBLE!–F***!), Rutskarn going insane after meeting Uncle Mario, various Rutskarn puns (Fauwkes and the Hound), Railroad to Nowhere, attempting to play Deus Ex, the Amnesia episode, and this episode.
There are others I can’t think of.
Thank you for 2 years of brilliant entertainment!
Oh yeah, and the Hitman episodes–canNOT forget those…
And Half-Life 2… dangit… I should probably give up.
Fawkes and the Hound. I’d forgotten about that one. And now i want to go back and watch all of the Fallout 3 season again.
My favourite part from the fallout season was when they got stuck with in the electricity room,and then Josh attacked the walls.
My Favourite part is when Josh got an Incinerator, and refused to put points in energy weapons when that was the only type of weapon he used. Good times, good times. Excuse me for a moment, JOSHWHYDIDNTYOUPUTPOINTSINENERGYWEAPONS GAH!
I bet youll be so happy when he finally gets the rocket launcher in human revolution.Shamus will be happy as well.
Until you realise that he will not have enough inventory space for a rocket launcher and probably will never upgrade just to troll us/Shamus…
No, Josh will make space for it and then never use it. This is his way.
I do wonder if Josh was disappointed that you can’t do the same to Mr. New Vegas.
Two particular moments stand out for me:
“Josh? INGEST. EVERYTHING!” At that point, after archive binging all of your Fallout 3 LP during the holidays a year or so ago, I started laughing like a complete idiot and woke up the entire house.
And then there was the part in New Vegas where you robbed the entire energy weapon store. In general, New Vegas was just my favorite season overall. It really is a case of having the right game, one where it doesn’t turn into 20-something episodes of vitriol (see: AC2), but it wasn’t complete gushing all the time either. And of course it featured Josh trolling an entire universe, which is always nice.
Yes. Some games are definitely more open to being trolled than others, and the Fallouts were perfect for that.
I just wanted to thank you guys for two years of quality entertainment. I’ve been watching Spoiler Warning since the beginning, and I’ll continue to do so as long as you guys keep making it. You created a wonderful thing here, and should be proud of yourselves. Kudos!
I second this. So very, very much.
Third. Brilliant stuff guys
Fourth. Keep up the good work!
Number the Fifth!
Number the six (though I only started during New Vegas, I made a pint to watch every season prior). Looking forward to another year of humorous commentary and exploding pants.
Ive started watching the first episode,but the beginning felt a bit boring,so I stopped.Then I started again,some 10 episodes in,and endured to the slow first hour or so,and got hooked.It was nice to see Josh fall to the dark side,and then never climb back to the light.
Haha, that was awesome :D
And I wouldn’t worry too much about your old episodes – they weren’t as technically good but they were still very funny and entertaining.
Here’s to another year \o/
The part in Railroad to Nowhere where Shamus caused the train to get off the tracks and appear on the road.
That’s my favorite Spoiler Warning moment. At least, the one I can think of. I like it all, really. It’s a great show, makes me laugh, and I gladly anticipate each episode.
Also, blowing up 3-dog was hilarious. As are the recent Deus Ex episodes where you guys discuss pheromones. “Want to come up to my apartment for some… candy bars? No?
Pbbbth. Pbbbth. Pbbbth.
How about now?”
Though it didn’t go like that, but whatever.
Between the Railroad to Nowhere to his classic Theme Park Tycoon videos Shamus has gotten pretty good at derailing things for our amusement. (More so if you count his DM of the Rings: the D&D campaign on rails!)
Thanks for all the laughs! And Happy Anniversary, Spoiler Warning!!
Happy anniversary, Spoiler Warning. Two years of honest, undiluted and irresistible Cuftbert insanity and puns.
Thank you!
The birth of Reginald Cuftbert which is now my fav D&D character :).
Man, how do you play the Cuftbert? I’d get kicked out of the game, nay, of the house in four minutes tops :o
Check Rutskarns last day of the charity marathon,he did it in the end.
Where can we see this?
Thats a very good question.Rutskarn,where is the last part where you are playing reginald cuftbert?Did you just delete everything after fatal?
Favorite moment for me would have to be THE GRAND Fo3 FINALE, particularly the aftermath of nuking the citadel, as well as the canonical ending of Reggie dying in a meaningless fight having obliterated both the Enclave and the Brotherhood of Steel out of irritation with them.
Railroad to Nowhere, Assassin’s Creed chase scene(s), THE NEW VEGAS FINALE…
These are all great. Congratulations on pulling together an amazing show, and thank you for it.
I will never forget the sound of Rutskarn’s indignation when the train drove completely off of the map.
That “NO, NO!” still makes me chuckle.
My favorite episode was definitely Railroad to Nowhere.
“Is it just the stream or are you down to 2 frames per second?”
“NO. NO. You are building a game that is LITERALLY ON RAILS. YOU SHOULDN’T BE GOING OFF THE MAP!”
Mumbles comparing the city to Silent Hill.
The hurricane of puns just before the end.
“…pull up beside a fly lady-train, start the hydraulics…”
I still go back and watch the episode periodically – it’s hilarious.
My top three moments in no particular order:
– Blowing up Three Dog
– Railroad to Nowhere, in its entirety
– Mumbles’s wailing fury when Shamus gave Josh permission to do Honest Hearts
I thought it was Honest Hearts that Mumbles raged about
The comment reads “Honest Hearts”. The comment has always read “Honest Hearts”. We have always been at war with Eastasia.
Seems legit.
Big Brother is watching you… and he finds your comment amusing. Also, he wants you to know that he is definitely real.
And that doctor reed is definitely dead and burned to a crisp.
and that Josh isn’t totally evil.
And many, many points were put into Energy Weapons.
There will be cake.
No, I’m putting a stop to this right now. No cake jokes.
There will be space.
Space jokes are completely acceptable though.
“Space jokes are completely acceptable though.”
Mass Effect, anyone?
My favourite SW moment remains the 2nd season, if only because of the nostalgia filter I’ve got lying over it as the first season I ever watched.
Plus, the episodes were long as hell, so I could just play them in the background while grinding in WoW without having to tab out every 10 minutes (My main annoyance with the Bioshock season).
Also, any time you break Rutskarn’s will to live with moments such as the affair with the Golden Mask, and MARIO!
And pretty much all the season finales, especially New Vegas and Fallout 3.
“Josh, ingest EVERYTHING!”
And of course blowing up the Brotherhood.
Anyone else think the Japanese police chief looks like William Shatner?
Oh come on! I spotted the carrot and the corn and the birds waaaay before you guys! You suck! You’re playing this game like a total noob!
Yeah but seriously thanks for this awesome entertainment. My favorite part was the complete all-cast mental breakdown when josh got permission to go do honest hearts. And the good old times where viewers could leave comments straight on the video, it often added a lot of humor. But most of all the incessant recurring trolling, and every time Rutskarn is rendered speechless. Those rare gems…
Again, thanks and good luck for another two years!
Just watched the video-
Wow, Josh, you suck at videogames; my dog could do better than this. And it’s NOT EVEN JAPANESE.
Completely unrelated to that, but I was rewatching the first few Pokemon episodes, and I noticed that Team Rocket has a RIDICULOUS amount of puns, most of which are centered around Pikachu. Seriously- are they your inspiration, Rutskarn?
I’ve never seen or played anything Pokemon related.
Might want to be careful with that denial. It could give people the idea to reverse troll you by talking about how much pokemon you play. Also just to fill trolling quota: As we all know batman never uses his head at all. He just runs in and punches people unconscious. He doesn’t even use stealth or gadgets. He certainly couldn’t be Bruce Wayne. Also robin was the best character ever introduced to the series, and The Dark Knight was the worst of the movies. U MAAAAAAAAAAAAD MUMBLES?!
Also, everyone knows batman’s girlfriend was Kelly “Yeoman” Chambers.
No,no,youre mixing the two guys around.Kelly is marrying garrus,the one renegade who doesnt kill people.The man dressed like a bat isnt extra terrestrial,nor does he respect human lives,so hes not her type.
I’m pretty sure that they retconned it in the sequel.
A man dressed like a bat is a special pre-order dlc bonus for Mass Effect 3, so it all works out nicely. It’ll turn out that the Reapers are controlled by Robin, who felt betrayed after Batman left his mentor to save Lois Lane with his superpowers of talking to fishes.
This is understandable. Pokémon debuted in the states when I was 10 – at least a few years before the Skarn was born, obviously.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, time to get back to making that post-apocalyptic Pokémon tabletop…
I want to see someone write a pokemon story set in an alternate reality dystopia where the populace is split between those who see (what is essentially) animal fighting as being socially acceptable and activist groups protesting against it. The education system and the concept of family would be all but non-existent, you’d have all these little kids wandering around forcing these creatures do terrible things to each other for their own entertainment, and the entire planet’s eco-system would be comletely FUBAR because of what these little buggers can do. It would be this dark, twisted satire.
Actually, pokemon Black/White touched on that. Of course, since it was made to be kid-friendly, it didn’t go nowhere as far as it could have.
But it tackled the whole “is it right to capture and force animals to fight” thing. Again, not as well as it could have, but still.
That chart reminds me of a theory I read that basically states: since children leave home at an early age to explore and partake in animal abuse, they’re missing out on all sorts of education. Therefore, all of the figures listed are actually uneducated guesses by children, perhaps even adults, who have never once attended school.
So what you’re saying is the Pokedex was made by people who have no idea what they’re talking about? XD
Gee, what’s worse: everything we know about science today being destroyed, or a FUBAR eco-system? I think I like the latter; it adds to the whole dystopia thing.
I doubt thats true.You had to at least have watched chinpokomon.Its one of the best south park episodes oooh!Not watching chinpokomon is akin to someone not playing baldurs gate.Its ridiculous to even think such a person can exist.Also,I have a mammoth,dinosauric penis!So everything I say must be true.
Seriously though,if you havent already,go watch the episode,its great.
I have done neither of those things and I exist.
Who are you replying to?
That question is also lies.
Who?I see no Scott anywhere in the comments.
Scott (Duneyrr) <– That guy
Favourite moment has to be the storm of puns following “Fission Chips” during Dead Money. Actually, I think the episode was named after that sequence.
Let’s not forget the Hitmas, here, people.
Although, the whole Spoiler Warning series is just a goldmine of fun and pun. Thank you guys for doing this :]
Hey, that music did remind me of Japan! In a very roundabout way: it sounded like Zelda atmosphere music!
So… the police turned up, decided that he killed himself just based on the evidence in a single scrawled note, then left?
They didn’t even bother to clear up the body or anything…
EDIT: Also, they tore up an anonymous accusation? What the hell is wrong with the police here?
Did you see their suits? And those hats? Would YOU want to be carrying a warm-tea-stained body in your finest outerwear?
And they looked at a _typed_ note which basically said ‘Oh look what a horrible suicidal suicide commiting dead-by suicide person I am’ with the name at the top tippexed out and replaced by another name and decided, ‘yep he must have committed suicide then. Look lady, see how this note says he did? That’s detective work’
Wow, two years. Time passes, even when we don’t notice it.
I think my favorite season (narrowly) is FO3. The descent into insane rage plus Josh totally breaking the game mechanics were just awesome.
Thanks for 2 years of crazy entertainment.
Now I’m wondering if someone’s going to show up in the comments and be like “Yeah, it was me, I gave that game to Josh as a joke gift on Steam a few years ago.”
Was…was that a Scrubs reference? I mean, granted the dead guy doesn’t look all that fat, but still…
Great, now the Katamari theme will be stuck in my head all day. Darn you all.
Only Rutskarn is to blame for this.
Rutskarn is to blame for everything
Funny thing? I JUST finished a few hours of slight headache-inducing eye-straining gameplay of a Mystery Case Files game. This thing has nothing on that in terms of bizarre junk in rooms, though admittedly they did try to justify it in game. I’ve also decided that hidden item games love padding so very much.
yeah, as look and find games go this was nothing. I’ve played all the ravenhurst games and those games are crazy with weird crap in room and places. also stories that are weird and nonsenical to a painful degree.
One of my favorite moments has got to be Josh attempting to run through the Boomers’ killzone in New Vegas.
“Hey I think I might make it.”
*nearby car catches fire*
“Oh that’s not good.”
I think my favourite memory is the TRAINZ episode. HILARIOUS.
Alot of my favorite moments have already been said, but I’ll go over a few anyway (in no particular order):
-“You are not am mercenary.” (Fallout 3)
-It is I, Three Do (Fallout 3)
-The Golden Mask (Assassin’s Creed 2)
-“It’s a me, Mario!” (Assassin’s Creed 2)
-The Face Off pun (Amnesia)
-Fawkes in the Hound/Fox and the Clown (Fallout 3 / Assassin’s Creed 2)
-And so… many… others.
You guys never cease to bring quality entertainment to my computation machine. Thank you for your two years of commentary and punning.
(BTW, I laughed way too hard when I saw “I guess no one’s here.” Not once but TWICE)
I guess since you did it, I can list my favorite moments by season, too.
Mass Effect: That moment when Randy makes it overwhelmingly obvious that he’s going to deck the reporter.
Fo3: Reginald “Obvious Reasons” Cuftbert earns his nickname in the Pitt. That, or when he nukes Little Lamplight. “Do not worry, absolutely no children were harmed in our attempts to murder the children.”
Bioshock: The period immediately after the Reveal, when all everyone is doing is ripping on Fontain, which is the only sane thing that happens for the rest of the season.
FNV: Reggie II does what beings of greater morals and lesser convictions wish they could: utterly annihilate the Boomers, an act enhanced by the hilarious montage of failures. (the hand-shaped bit of him falling on his face at the end was the best.)
AC2: I haven’t seen the entirety of the season yet (still need to beat the game) so I’m going to say the first big battle sequence as the assassins lead the attack on San Gimignano to kill the Pazzis, in which Ezio falls from great heights, assassinates all sorts of things that really should have known better, and rips down posters.
HL2: Gordinald Freebert teaches an Antlion how to fly properly.
DXHR: “This should make you feel better. Pffp pffp pffp.”
And I refuse to dignify the above as being a game, so it gets no favorite moment from me.
Definitely my favourite was the first Half-Life 2 episode where Shamus starts praising it’s non-glitchness and then Josh gets stun-locked by a guard. And then later on, Josh keeps finding mad glitches.
I have one question.
Why did this game ask for you to put in a name? Really. You don’t play as any character you named. Every character in the game already has a name. The name you put in is never referenced. Why?
But Our Princess is in Another Castle.
Probably to distinguish one save from another, because either multiple people will play it or you’ll go through the game multiple times: It’s just that good. (/sarcasm)
My favorite Spoiler Warning moments are the entirety of Railroad to Nowhere, and when Josh taught that Antlion how to fly in Half-Life 2.
It reduced him to incoherence for a good couple of seconds. That antlion is a hero.
Right, the flying antlion was great too :D
Seriously? No one mentions the squirrel in the second “find all that stuff”-screen?
Edit: Or Chipmunk or WHATEVER. The Billardball in the fruitbowl went unmentioned, too. Shame on all of you.
So no ones favorite part was when we learned about Smelly Kelly?
The more glitches the game has the more fun it is to watch. Or at least on Spoiler Warning. Also with this the weirdness was really funny. No it doesn’t deserve to be called a game. At all. Still funny though.
Noooooo!You didnt go to the kitchen!I was waiting the whole time for you to go into the kitchen!Damn you Josh!
It’s been a year since the Amnesia episode? Time really does fly.
Speaking of flight, the antlion from HL 2 has got to be my favorite moment, followed by Three Dog blowing up and Rutskarn’s rant about the Reaper at the end of ME 2.
Trainz was awesome.But I like the show as a whole,even when it bogs down for a bit.I know that it will always come back up.And Rutskarns elkaborate puns,like trav in a cage,are brilliant.Kuddos to you man.Also,you deserve to die!
Well,now all you have left to do is a rts game.How about wh40k.The comments that would follow your bashing of that one will be most amusing.
My favorite thing would have to be the Fallout 3 season. I recall the whole Three Dog sequence (making the BoS perform acrobatics with the Fat Man, conversing while on fire, killing super mutants in a VATS grenade trance and the pocket grenade) especially well. But the later season with the stealthy bellows and firesword, or Midea’s death because of Obvious Reasons, for example, was great too.
Honorable mentions in no real order: punching the reporter and such in ME, the ending of ME2, Amnesia episode, Hitmas and all the trolling and puns.
My Top 5 Spoiler Warning moments:
5. Shamus’s surprise “bearly decorated” pun and Rutskarn’s comeback in Bioshock
4. the ending of Mass Effect 2
3. killing Three Dog in Fallout 3
2. Uncle Mario’s introduction in AC2
1. the entire Railroad to Nowhere episode
(Mind you, I haven’t seen the infamous New Vegas season yet – I’m saving that one for the time I start playing it myself.)
Oh, and the honorable mention:
+1. The long chain of “Assassin’s ___eed” puns by the commenters (the one that ends with Josh’s reply: “God dammit. God dammit, you guys”).
That did make a lot of assassins peeved.
Now that it’s over, we can all feel assassins relieved!
But that did make a really good Assassin’s Read.
What have I done…
I thought we locked it away, but here it is again… the spirit of the assassins, freed.
What can I say,assassins like to pun.And rhyme…What?…Oh,right,I almost forgot:Indeed.
Yay more mumbles!
I love every single moment of the Fallout New Vegas playthrough, it is amazing.
Well, not so much dead money, but the rest is pure gold. Such as taking everything from the Silver Rush and walking to sell it all.
There is a lot to love in all of the show.
It’s really only been two years since we watched you spend about 30 minutes trying to decide what Shepard looked like in Mass 1? It feels a lot longer to me. Maybe that’s just because nothing before Spoiler Warning was sufficiently entertaining for me to remember it. Congratulations on this milestone, guys – may there be many many more.
The triumphant “YES!” on the pan of Miranda’s corpse.
Kaidan blocking the exit as the counter goes on.
The BoS vertibird coming to bring Cuthbert back to (now nonexistant) headquarters.
Cuftbert stealth-cleaning the energy weapons store and then sloooooowly lumbering to the Gun Runners.
Cuftbert’s steampunk’d rampage through that posh cannibal casino.
Little details like “It’s pronounced KAY-zadors!”
I so miss Cuftbert. :`(
If you liked “KAY-zadors” you must have loved Mumbles screaming “KY-zar!” every time he was mentioned.
… in her Bene Gesserit Voice.. Best Part, right there.
And my top 10 moments of Spoiler Warning are:
10. The moment when Miranda appears randomly dead at the end of the ME2 finale. “It’s like Christmas!”
9. In New Vegas, when Reginald Cuftbert becomes immediately addicted to whiskey after drinking his first bottle.
8. Again in New Vegas, when Cuftbert runs through Caesar’s camp and systematically murders everybody by punching them.
7. In Half-Life 2, when the guard beats the shit out of Josh without any means of escape due to him throwing a bottle at him, just after Shamus has been talking about how non-glitchy the game is.
6. In New Vegas, Josh setting down the C4 in the room with the gangsters from Gomorrah, sitting down amidst the explosives, and calmly setting it off. AND IT WORKING.
5. Rutskarn is shown how the Golden Mask thing works in AC2.
4. New Vegas again, in Dead Money – the fiasco with Christine. As the TV Tropes page puts it: “Apparently, all it takes for Christine to trust Reginald is to chase him around the Sierra Madre casino while unloading many, many buckshots into his ass.”
3. Hitmas. Also, Rutskarn’s solo LPs of Hitman in general (even though not actually an official part of Spoiler Warning).
2. Riding on the head of the monster in Amnesia.
1. The Fallout 3 season. All of it. Yes, it’s my favourite season, how did you tell?
Wait wait wait… Ruskarn says there’s basically no Google hits for this game?
Clearly we must create a SW full ‘walkthrough’ to fill the vacuum!
You fools! How could you not know Mumbles would have Bat-Shark Repellent in her utility belt?
“You fools! How could you not know Mumbles would have Bat-Shark Repellentâ„¢ in her utility belt?”
Fixed that for you.
wow… i find this game weirdly interesting…
Anytime Ruts rages and busts out the big words and metaphors.
Just like he does in this video.
If I had a drink, I’d raise my glass.
I’m still cataloguing my favourite Spoiler Warning moments, but Rutskarn screaming “I think I hear Cyborg Satan whispering to me through Shamus’ haunted fucking audio card!” has taken top spot.
No one’s mentioned it yet (I suppose a couple of you might have been alluding to this), but my favourite moment was Rutskarn’s reaction upon seeing the Reaper Baby for the first time. It is the single most honest and appropriate moment in the history of the series. Plus, it totally broke him, which was hilarious.
The best part was, Shamus in his complete inability to not spoil stuff had said exactly what it was going to be but Rutskarn refused to believe him until it appeared on screen.
And there was similar situation when Shamus jokingly predicted Shadow Broker to sound like Dr. Claw and look like Bowser – and that was exactly how he looked and sounded. I’d suspect Shamus of being a bit of a thespian there, but alas, neoBioware is indeed that predictable.
I’ve only watched the Spoiler Warnings on youtube, and I think I loved every episode. More of the same please :)
Mumbles and Rutskarn talking about taking Garrus to the prom or something is still etched in my mind. I will be haunted forever.
So I was watching this episode full screen, and it took me two and a half minutes to realise YouTube froze on Ruts’ drawing.
So for two year anniversary we get to see the story of Reginald’s great-grandmother who started the Cufhbertian tradition of wearing bonnets and walking into random strangers houses and stealing their stuff after her husband got murdered by a Japanese carrot. She probably got addicted to sake at some point after drinking one cup of it also.
Everything hosted on Vimeo is unviewable for some reason, I hope the seasons are not lost for good, it would be nice to see the early seasons again. Congratulations and good luck for the coming spoilers!!
Congrats on two years!
And favourite memories? Lots. The core of it is though that what makes SW good is the interaction between the four of you, which has never seemed forced or awkward and makes the SW great fun.
Pretty much everything on the TvTropes page for Spoiler Warning could be cited as reasons for what I like about SW and why.
…Also? “STOP SHOOTING ME.” Made me giggle everytime Josh said it.
Well done, keep it up. =)
My favourite episodes are the ones where Josh has to travel all over picking up stuff (like the Codex pages in ACII), and we get nice elevator muzak. I like these episodes most because the commentary is mostly just a couple of friends chewing the fat & trolling each other, instead of the typical gamer-rage.
I not trying to sound negative about the rest of the episodes – they’re usually enjoyable, but it’s good to change things up.
My favorite episode? This one. Right here.
For my favourite moment, somebody already mentioned the ending of ME2 season but the one thing that always, every single time that I think of ME2, comes to mind is at that moment of “it’s a human reaper!” Rutskarn just repeating “what?!” in that “I don’t even…” tone of voice.
My favorite SW moments were, in no particular order
1. That one episode in the FO3 playthrough, when Cuftbert stealthily opened the screeching heavy metallic door of the bunker, stealthily pulled out his flaming shishkebab, uttered a loud, yet stealthy battle cry of “Hiyah!”, then cut aflame not one but two mercenaries. Surely they never saw it coming
2. Mumbles: Beeeeeeeees!
3. Ruts’ reaction to “It’s a mee Maaariiooooo”
Thanks for all the entertainment, guys and Mumbles. The Internet would be less interesting if it weren’t for you.
Pemberton? Japan? Wife investigating the mysterious death of her husband? Yamada?
The developers of this game were not only high on something, they were essentially ripping out a subplot from Death Note.
Why am I the first one to notice this?
Ha!I didnt notice this.Thanks,now I can see light laughing maniacally while Josh is collecting all the stuff just to be told that no one is there.
My favorite moments are mostly Reginald’s adventures in the Wasteland, especially the rage filled trolling journey westward, ending with Honest Hearts being greenlit. Then there were the drinking game episodes, featuring the triumphant return of the Shishkebab.
Also, Mumbles is exponentially more hilarious after a few beers. Alcohol is always the answer!
I think this episode may very well be my favorite thing ever. I don’t know if I’ve ever laughed so hard. Please do more of this game! Please! Go to the kitchen! Find the torn-up note! Discover the truth of Mrs. Buttskarn and her husband, the blonde samurai!
Incredible game. Really, I think it is the only game ever made designed to be played by comatose patients.
And the most impressive is that you managed to insert “Butt” into the profile name both times. Irene really seems to be a woman of… assets! Ta-daa!
Yeah. I’m committing sepuku right now. Sorry.
Damn it Josh, now I really want to play a chibi murder mystery game.
I love this show. I have been watching since the begining of new vegas (promptly going back and watching the previous seasons) and I loved every second of them. Favorite part has to be the end of fallout 3, where Reginald “Obvious Reasons” Cuftbert has just singlehandedly murdered the enire enclave and then nuked the brotherhood, he wanders off, fires four tesla canon rounds into a lampost and is shot to death by a random super mutant. Hilarious.
And the montage after that was the greatest thing I have ever witnessed.
Just want to say thanks for all the awesome and I hope there are many more years to come.
Okay, so I just looked up more about this cherry blossom game.
That must be how Josh got it – he probably bought the Square Enix Complete Pack during the holiday sales.
That is hilarious. This… This is hilarious. Seriously, Squeenix? You published- nay, developed this?!
Most favouritest episode has got to be the Trainz special. This one was very enjoyable, as well. From the regular series.. HL2 episodes have been ostly great, the Bioshock run was pretty enjoyable to watch – because BEEEEEEEEEEEESS and Would You Kindly More Beeeeees?
My favorite section every spoiler warning was when you all went completely insane near the end of playing New Vegas. Rutskarn’s fun facts about lizard dick, Mumbles getting wasted in Honest Hearts and Shamus being the worst parent ever and giving in to Josh’s trolling. Classic.
This game is awesome – I’m totally going to get my kid to play it, because it’s Highlight’s hidden picture search with MURDER!
No one has remarked upon Shamus saying ‘…for NO RAISIN’ yet??
Big Shamus am winning the gaem!He is the greetest!
Didn’t he do that before? I think it was during New Vegas.
Just as luck would have it, as soon as Ruts mentioned the irate comments that we would post, I saw the belt… It took all of my willpower not to rant and rage at the screen: “the belt’s right HERE! Can’t you see it??”
Never mind that I didn’t see anything else before or after, btw…
Josh failed to lead the Pemberton clan to total conquest of Japan.
P.S. I hear that deer will kill anyone for a buck.
Favorite memory?
Definitely the “intermission” when no one could remember how to get the Tesla Coil in the Fallout 3 Xpac
That or when Kaiden nearly killed everyone forever by pushing a box into the doorway while a bomb ticked down
Your collective hilarity has made my life better. The strongest argument for the existence of such a perplexingly nonsensical genre has to be that it caused this video to be made. :’)