Wednesday Action Log 10-30-24

By Issac Young Posted Wednesday Oct 30, 2024

Filed under: Epilogue, Action Log 12 comments

This week is more Borderlands 3.

Not anything new with the base game. I still think the main story sucks, and the combat feels squishy. But, I started some of the DLCs, and so far I’ve been pleasantly surprised.

I played through Moxxi’s Heist of the Handsome Jackpot fully expecting the villain to just be some AI version of Handsome Jack, but was happy to find out that the only version of Jack you find is one of his Doppelgangers that’s been trapped and doesn’t want to kill you. The writing is good enough; I didn’t even watch something on my other screen just to make it through.

I also started the Guns, Love, and Tentacles DLC. I’ve only played a little bit, but so far it’s looking good. You even get to see Gaige return which is delightful.

So, what’s everyone else doing?



DM of the Rings Remastered XCIV: For The Shorties

By Peter T Parker Posted Monday Oct 28, 2024

Filed under: DM of the Rings Remaster 1 comments


(As some people noted, it would not have made sense to re-introduce Merry & Pip as players. Each of them goes off on his own. It would have made a three-way party split, which is confusing enough. Worse, most of the humor comes from the players ignoring NPCs and talking to each other – something the Hobbits wouldn’t be able to do. I could have made them players, but I couldn’t make them funny.)

NPCs do enjoy such an odd status as second-class beings. Players will talk amongst themselves as if the NPC wasn’t there. Players will walk away in the middle of a conversation if they realize an NPC is of no use to them. Players expect NPCs to be available at their whim to provide information and dispense rewards. This applies even if the players are nobodies and the NPC in question is a King. In fact, if NPCs ever turned the tables and treated players as they treated others, it would most likely lead to violence.

This is as it should be. Imagine how tedious a story would be if every extra and minor character you encountered tried to shove out in front and make themselves into a main character.

Nobody wants that much realism.

– Shamus, Monday Apr 30, 2007

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Nothing From Me This Week, Thanks…

By Paige Francis Posted Monday Oct 28, 2024

Filed under: Epilogue, Paige Writes 4 comments

Greetings fellow humans! I simply ran out of time to write anything this week. The non-stop litany of broken household appliances and cars hopefully choked out it’s last gasps of desperation this week as we transition into the better part of the year, in my opinion. (I’m in the southwest right now, so Fall and Winter are truly better than Spring and Summer.) Very few activities I have engaged in require more than a sentence or two, so I’m taking this week off. There are a few Star Wars: The Old Republic screenshots in the expanded post.

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Wednesday Action Log 10-23-24

By Issac Young Posted Wednesday Oct 23, 2024

Filed under: Epilogue, Action Log 11 comments

This week I’m still playing Borderlands 3, but I’ve started a new job, and I’m too tired to think of words to express my feelings on Borderlands 3, so I’ll just say I don’t like it very much.

What are you guys doing this week?




One More Burger(s)

By Paige Francis Posted Monday Oct 21, 2024

Filed under: Epilogue, Paige Writes 3 comments

Final fast food burgers update, for a while anyway. I’m just about sick of eating burgers. I had the opportunity, sooner than I expected, to try Arby’s current selection of hamburgers. I’ve said before, generally I like Arby’s. I like the Roast Beef Sandwiches, but usually I focus on whatever their limited-time only burgers and sandwiches are. I used to go there exclusively for their “Market Fresh Sandwiches” menu, but they have actually discontinued all but one of the original choices. Arby’s also, as far as I can tell, started using cheaper ingredients and smaller portions. The Roast Turkey Ranch & Bacon sandwich is neither as thick as it once was, nor as tasty. If you didn’t ever eat one, you’ll have to take my word that they originally were a pretty significant taste explosion. In my opinion, of course. They still offer a Corned Beef Reuben sandwich, which started out as an occasional special offer, but I don’t think Arby’s offering is as good as just about anyone else’s. But apparently that was more popular than the Turkey Swiss they once offered.

Erm…didn’t mean for that to veer off into a rant. Anyway, on to the burgers, and the biggest non-surprise of all.

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DM of the Rings Remastered XCIII: Impervious to Information

By Peter T Parker Posted Sunday Oct 20, 2024

Filed under: DM of the Rings Remaster 9 comments

So here we are, at the end of the second movie. This means I spent 46 strips in Fellowship, and 47 in Two Towers. I didn’t plan that, it just sort of worked out that way. Fellowship occupies 58 total pages, while Two Towers is 74 pages long.

So they are finally going to Isengard. There was a rumor that the Hobbits might have been taken there. I guess we’ll find out.

Sure, it can be bad when you realize that one of your players has been zoning out during crucial moments. But, the real horror sets in when the players who have been paying attention try to explain, and their perception of your gameworld is so different from your intention that you almost don’t recognize it as your own.

– Shamus, Apr 27, 2007

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Wednesday Action Log 10-16-24

By Issac Young Posted Wednesday Oct 16, 2024

Filed under: Epilogue, Action Log 17 comments

This week I’ve finished Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. I’m just going to summarize my thoughts on it: The lasers are fun, Oz Kits are very nice to have once you get used to them, I find the character Pickle really annoying, the novelty of being in space is fun for a while, I find it very weird that the events of the game are (as far as I can tell) completely ignored in Borderlands 3, and I like that Mr. Torgue is mad at the existence of laser weapons.

Speaking of Borderlands 3, that is now what I’m playing. Most of the things I have to say about the game are negative, but I’ll try to say something nice.

I hate the existence of the questPorta Prison’. Here’s a rundown: There is a guy trapped in a porta-potty, an AI is keeping him in there because he has a gun, you have to run around trying to replace the AI so he can get out. Almost every sentence in that quest has a poop joke, and the reward for the quest is a poop-themed rocket launcher. Even by Borderlands standards, the humor is juvenile.

I find that the combat feels squishy, I don’t know how else to explain it. Just, squishy.

They just add the character Typhon DeLeon as “The first Vault Hunter”. There has been no mention of him in any of the previous games, but now here’s this legendary Vault Hunter that everyone knows about, out of the blue.

And I guess the sliding and vaulting mechanics are nice.

For a small change of pace I did play the demo for Lonely Mountains: Snow Riders. Just a cute, chill game (pun unintended) about skiing. I recommend trying the demo.

Anyway, what’s everyone else playing?