DM of the Rings Remastered LXXXV: Press Triangle

By Peter T Parker Posted Sunday Aug 25, 2024

Filed under: DM of the Rings Remaster 4 comments

-Shamus, Monday Apr 9, 2007

I apologize for the late post, lifes been a bit messy lately.

It’s good to see the rule of cool can apply even with the wettest of wet blanket Dms.



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4 thoughts on “DM of the Rings Remastered LXXXV: Press Triangle

  1. Sartharina says:

    The greatest comic for one of the greatest scenes in the movie, and a reminder of the sort of director Jackson actually is.

  2. Andy says:

    This, along with the “horse-f*ckers” comic, are probably my favorites in this whole series.

  3. Megabyte01 says:

    Ah, I remember Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater. Good times!

  4. Mr. Wolf says:

    A press triangle sounds like a place you get lost while mobbed by journalists.

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