DM of the Rings Remastered LXXXVI: Clickfest

By Peter T Parker Posted Sunday Sep 1, 2024

Filed under: DM of the Rings Remaster 4 comments

-Shamus,Wednesday Apr 11, 2007

By now you’re probably realizing that this week is just going to be the same joke, told three different ways. Don’t think of it as getting less jokes, think of it as me getting to play more Jade Empire last weekend!

Honestly if I ever get my hands on Final Fantasy XII, this webcomic is doomed. You’ll get ten silent panels with no punchline, strip after strip of out-of-context Monty Python quotes, and jokes which are nothing more than Viggo Mortensen making funny faces.



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4 thoughts on “DM of the Rings Remastered LXXXVI: Clickfest

  1. Zaxares says:

    Shamus’ post about Jade Empire made me realize it’s been close to 20 years since that game was released. Gods, I feel old. D:

    1. BlueHorus says:

      I’m amuse that he was so excited for Final Fantasy XII.
      Over a decade later, he’d be hosting the Rocketeer’s series describing it as a junk sculpture…

      1. Mattias42 says:


        That’s ironic, but such is life. Sometimes the next big thing just… isn’t.

      2. The Wind King says:

        I mean… that breaks the context of that qoute

        `If I had to describe Final Fantasy XII in two words, I would pick “fascinatingly flawed.” The game is like a junk sculpture: a grand amalgam of pieces that, individually, are often nothing special, and are often, well, junk. But sometimes, in the right light, from the right angle, these parts form a whole that pushes back all of your expectations, and, for a moment, appears to take a new form, alien and intriguing, moving as though alive. And in that next moment, a hunk shudders and falls away, and the illusion is broken again. I’d be very hesitant to call it a great game, and at times I’d balk at calling it a good game. But nonetheless, I found myself circling it, time and again, stalking that one special angle, hoping to get one more glimpse of a mystique I was certain it hid.

        Then a character would open their stupid damn mouth, and the spell was shattered with my controller.`

        There’s something worth playing in FFXII, it’s just ephermal and transient as your heads crests over the murky sewer water and you see the grand caverns, decorated with breath-taking and striking crystal formations grown over millenia… and then suddenly it’s shit again as your head drops back beneath the waves..

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