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I know there are a lot of criticisms of Josh’s exceptionally unorthodox playing style. Some people have even gone so far as to suggest that Josh is a bad player. Laying aside the fact that this show is designed to be entertaining to watch – as opposed to a comprehensive guide on combat efficiency – I would like to draw your attention to a few bits of trivia. In this episode, Reginald Cuftbert:
- Forgot to buy stimpacks.
- Uses the weapon for which he has the least training.
- Is slightly under-leveled for this section.
- Is routinely crippled.
- Has no companion.
- Is wearing stealth armor to a stand-up melee fight.
- Fights enemies in clusters.
- Did not die once.
It’s a horrible and ill-advised way to go through life, but you can’t argue with success.
Silent Hill Origins

Here is a long look at a game that tries to live up to a big legacy and fails hilariously.
The Strange Evolution of OpenGL

Sometimes software is engineered. Sometimes it grows organically. And sometimes it's thrown together seemingly at random over two decades.
Steam Summer Blues

This mess of dross, confusion, and terrible UI design is the storefront the big publishers couldn't beat? Amazing.
Silent Hill Turbo HD II

I was trying to make fun of how Silent Hill had lost its way but I ended up making fun of fighting games. Whatever.
Mass Effect Retrospective

A novel-sized analysis of the Mass Effect series that explains where it all went wrong. Spoiler: It was long before the ending.
Josh routinely impresses me with his ability to play a game in possibly the worst fashion possible and yet still utterly dominate it.
Also, Shamus, you set the video to Private again.
YouTube is just slow to update settings. Give it a little time :)
Me too, honestly. It seems like every situation he gets into is always about as bad as it could possibly be, because of the way he approaches it, but he always somehow comes out alive in the end. It must be the alcohol.
He doesn’t always survive. But usually his deaths are entertaining enough to make you forget how badly he got himself into the position that killed him.
His deaths are also few and far between, even allowing for the few deaths that did not make it to the show.
As an addendum, I also love his very gamer-y sense of direction, navigation and travel.
“Okay, so the cove is on the other side of this massive mountain and sheer cliff. I could walk around it … or I can just SLIDE DOWN THE SLOPE.”
Sliding and skidding down a sheer cliff face ensues, in the name of saving 5 minutes.
I slid down that same cliff, in my playthroughs, and I do that quite often in games. In fact I find getting down a cliff and surviving is some of the most fun in the entire game. I find it more unusual if someone went the long way around instead of sliding down the cliff.
I do that too. And i rock climb over the overcrops instead of going around, even if going around is easier…
Well i don’t do that so much in New Vegas cause there seem to be bunch of invisible walls where I think I can climb over, but generally I try to climb over stuff too. Fastest path is a straight line, no matter what crap is in that path!
As do I. But we, like Josh, are all gamers, and we’re using a gamers’ sense of direction. Sure, I might misstep and fall off the cliff, but worst comes to worst I’ll just break both legs, and I’ve got stimpaks/healing spells/health kits! In real life, one is more likely to walk around the cliff, because broken legs are painful and take more than a few seconds to fix.
Occasionally I will misstep and get hurt going down cliffs, which is why Red Dead Redemption is my favorite game for taking shortcuts off cliffs. Ride a horse off the cliff, the horse dies, walk away completely unharmed, wait 15ish seconds and whistle for a new horse.
I have saved so much time in that game taking shortcuts off cliffs, and I don’t even have to slowly and carefully slide down like in other games. I guess a non gamer would be less likely to casually slaughter horses for shortcuts.
Agreed. We could definitely argue that he is bad at building a character, but he is very, very good at using his poorly built character.
As opposed to my playstyle, which is spending a load of time building my character to maximum power, then failing horribly.
The Video is umm kinda a little bit private.
Must….. Have…… Patience…. Ooooh SC2 VoD’s.
How does that happen, anyways?
Shamus Routinely forgets to set the video to public. i think its at the level of a full on trope now. and also should be in the Spoiler Warning Drinking Game.
Or rather Spoiler Warning Drinking Metagame. It also includes:
– missed week of episodes;
– missed week of episodes, announced halfway through said week;
– episodes coming up out of schedule;
– …
My guess is the videos are uploaded in advance and then set to private before they go up officially. Lets them post the news updates on time rather than when the video goes up, gets processed, etc. Sometimes they just forget to switch the flag back to public.
Or there just expanding their trolling horizons.
this is most likely the case, that way the Post can look all nice and neat and not require edits, and add ons later on after the video goes live, considering i think most of the SW fan-base watches the videos here and not YouTube. or at least the Viddler Era Hipsters do?
I used to watch it on viddler. Youtube is just too mainstream for me.
I prefer here, infact Youtube recommended i subscribe to SpoilerWarning. I say no. I prefer looking here to be disappointed by seeing they botched another week of episodes.
Well, when a mommy video loves a daddy video…
Wait, wrong thing.
Why not just use unlisted? :(
Yay, here we go!
i fixed it :3
Yay for Mumbles, all hail Mumbles
As opposed to yesterday, which was all troll Mumbles.
Mumbles new Title is
Queen Mumbles of the Internets, Lord and Master of all she sees. Rutskarn is Master Troll, Josh is and Assassin. and Shamus is the old wizened Warlock of the Court of Nostalgia
Actually, since yesterday’s video and today’s one I can only think of Mumbles as this:
Here because html image codes don’t work. 0.0
And yes, I know that from the cast drawings we have Mumbles is nothing like that; but common! Spunky, perky and bubbly. Mumbles is definetly a Stephanie Brown alter-ego.
Mumbles isn’t like that… however, Rutskarn is? Is that what you’re saying?
i lol’d
this needs to become a full comic series, its simply that good.
weekly strips of Ruts and Co Trolling Mumbles and the Mumbles gets violent. it would be prefect
Hmm. Maybe Josh is getting through so many fights without dieing because he has a huge stock of food on his character at all times (and booze), and he’s currently fighting mostly mooks, not radscoprions and deathclaws.
One thing I’ve learned from watching a lot of LPs, and reading the comments associated with them, is that people do like to complain about games being played “the wrong way.” It’s not enough to make progress and have fun, you have to optimize your character build, plan the most efficient routes, always do the quests in the way that grants the best rewards, etc.
I think it’s just frustrating for gamers not to be in control themselves, a bit like stomping on the invisible brake when someone’s driving poorly. We basically want to see people do just what we’d do.
You mean you’re allowed to play video games some other way than full-on munchkin mode? But – but that’s just insanity! If you don’t munchkin your game then you might miss something or waste 30 seconds and then where will you be? It’ll be anarchy! ANARCHY!
There’s a trope for that! STOP HAVING FUN, GUYS!
Yeah, but in this case the entire point is it’s basically being played the wrong-yet-somehow-correct way so I wouldn’t say it’s any big deal here.
Shamus: They keep crippling your head a lot.
Josh: Yeah, I don’t understand why.
Well duh… because your head is crippled.
Well played.
For added hilarity, imagine Reginald Cuftburt hopping around on one leg, his machete striking only through the momentum of his limp, flailing arms. All with a cross-eyed slack-jawed expression on his face.
That’s clearly the best way to do things :D
“..the airship is on fire, and you’ve lost your hat.”
I approve of this reference.
I was wondering why it sounded familiar.
Well, we all know by now that Reginald Cuftbert is at least part Jägermonster.
Thats is completely not to reference i thought of, but thank you for that.. now to waste my time looking at more of those
I find it interesting that Josh takes almost everything off the Legion dudes, except the Hunting Rifles. They are a solid weapon, even with little skill, and sell for heaps. Then again, this was to be expected.
I too wondered about that for a brief moment – then realized it’s Josh doing a SW, so all bets are off. Also, given Reginald’s constant struggle with encumbrance, it’s probably not a bad thing that he leaves SOMEthing behind.
That is actually one of the things I enjoy about this cast and crew. The way Josh plays (at least for SW) is completely unorthodox and counter to what I might do – yet he continues to make progress, survive, even thrive – and I get to see actions/reactions/game mechanics that I wouldn’t normally see. This is distinctly awesome in it’s awesomeness.
I would point out that this also reveals just how little all that optimizing actually means. I mean, yes, having your character min-maxed in all the right places may make things easier for you, it may help you get through some places faster or with better result, it may be all but necessary for certain optional things (like clearing out the deathclaws)… but by the end of the day your “every skill point considered” character will get through the same game that the “I’m using the weapon for which I have the least skillpoints” character will.
I Tend to use Small Guns allot (they seam far better then E-Weps somehow), and Charisma is my dump stat, i like to chat with NPC’s but i also dont mind killing them all if my skills in speech are woefully inadequate.
Not sure what difficulty they’re on, but it matters slightly more on the higher levels. Similarly, unless you’re on hardcore, you can just pause and fullheal every few seconds, so it’s not even difficult to get through the combats like that. So long as you can survive onehit, you can heal to full before a killing blow lands, so it’s just time consuming and requires you to carry a metric ton of food.
They are on the default, whatever that is. Not hardcore, but i still notice that the health does take some time to regenerate from foods. I only play new vegas on hardcore, so i don’t know if it isnt supposed to
Foodstuffs are heal-over-time on Normalcore as well. Stims are instant, though (makes Super Stims a little pointless, since they don’t heal that much more).
do they still get the Overheal buff on non hardcore, ‘cus on hardcore its a nice touch to stim up to the eyeballs get stimpack sickness ignore and clear a particularly hard room
I thought one of the selling points of the original Fallout (*drink!*) was that precisely you could go through the game and do well with about any build, or lack thereof. Munchkining was possible, but not necessary or even desirable.
I would assume that this meant something like “there are ways to pass the game with characters with different focus” not something like “you can put all your points in sneaking, chatting and science and have strength of 1 and then go melee supermutants”.
I did not write: “with any build/playstyle combination”. The game is very forgiving, but obviously you would have to play to your strengths. Unlike, say, Josh…
The guy on the cross was Anders? How many Anders are there in the game? Or how many places is he?
I know there’s an Anders who’s an NCR Ranger that’s been captured by the Fiends in Vault 3. I never remember to pick up the quest to rescue him. I usually just stumble across him in the Vault. In my last play through, I forgot about him and cleared the Vault without seeing him. Later I ran into him at Camp McCarran. he thought he was still a captive. I tried to “rescue” him at the camp (all the dialog options that should have come up in the Vault appeared at the camp). I didn’t have any stimpacks at the moment so I couldn’t heal his crippled legs. He cussed me out for leaving him to die and stealing all his glory on the mission. Now he hates me.
His commander thanked me for rescuing him.
I have the opposite problem. I usually pick up the quest, but forget to do it. Poor Anders.
Anders had obviously lost his mind after being tortured by the Fiends. His commander is just glad when someone else is the one on the receiving side of Anders’ crazy.
I had to go to the wiki on my first 3 playthroughs before I had the 2 Anders straightened out in my mind.
I’m just wondering which one of them blew up a church and started a religious civil war. I’m guessing the guy on the cross, but…
The weird thing about Josh’s style is that he uses so much stuff. He drinks and eats town different items at a time and he keeps switching between different types of weapons all the time.
Also, I hate the slave you went past. You can buy them, but when you talk to them your only option is to tell them you set them free. Whaaaat?! I want my slaves!
Josh’s style may be unorthodox during these SW vids, but he is by no means a bad player. During the Fallout 3 SW I used to wonder at his dumping of points into energy weapons then never using them. Then I became enlightened and have come to accept Josh’s zen.
Wait, putting points in energy weapons and never using them? I thought that was the opposite of what happened in the Fallout 3 season. Didn’t he get that one overpowered energy weapon from one of the DLCs and yet still insist on putting his points in melee or whatever?
Yup. Gauss rifle, and later the Tesla cannon. I guess it didn’t matter too much for the TC, since that thing just rips stuff apart regardless, but the Gauss was horridly inaccurate and the damage wasn’t that exceptional for its firing rate (the missile is bugged as well; animation is not where the bullet lands).
Points were sank in Melee due to the Shishkebab :)
You’re forgetting the Metal Blaster and it’s 9x sneak attack criticals of doom.
While I admit to outright forgetting it, wasn’t getting the Metal Blaster not also the point where he started investing in Energy some?
I think it was so, but after he started having enough points in it, he went melee.
“Joshing” apparently means “the opposite of munchkin”.
I honestly have, like, nothing to say about this game. Some people here might remember my long, long rants about Fallout 3, but New Vegas is just… competent. It’s not a great game, it doesn’t have an awesome story or too many memorable characters, there’s nothing about it that’s amazingly praiseworthy… it’s “just” a game set in the Fallout universe that doesn’t butcher the canon horribly like Fallout 3. With Fallout 3, at least I could provide some discussion by systematically dissecting every single one of its many, many flaws, but New Vegas either retains those flaws, so they’re old hat, or just doesn’t have them, without really standing out as being excellent in its own right.
I mean. Yes Man is funny. There are some okay quests here and there. The world design is believable and a lot of thought has gone into the “big picture”, like the socio-economic conditions of the world, its government and politics, its trade, etc. But it really doesn’t do much else beyond that… New Vegas is basically the game you get when you take everything cool and unique about Fallout, and then sort of just treat it as some static thing without attempting to really innovate or expand on it in a way that feels truly meaningful or significant to the overall lore.
That’s actually a very good summary of the game, now that I look back on it – pretty much rings true.
Well said, good sir. *slow clap*
Yeah, this is exactly how I feel. This is a solid, well-built game that gives me very little (aside from bugs) to complain about, but not a whole lot to hurrah and shout about, either. :|
In context of its predecessor, it’s quite amazing, although I do miss Bethesda’s enviromental storytelling (plunger-guy-scaling-the-wall still makes me smile).
Obsidian does that too, and just as well most of the time. The difference is that Bethesda largely played it up for the lulz rather than used it to enhance the game’s narrative and world design.
I could not disagree more. This, for me, is my favorite game in the Fallout franchise.
Personally, I do have to say I like it more than Fallouts 1 or 2. Definitely more than Fallout 3 but 3 does at least get points for giving you a wide open wasteland to explore with about a quarter as many crashes as New Vegas.
Reginald’s bones are getting too old for the grand 4-grenades juggle in V.A.T.S. I guess… that trick used to kill. But he’s still got that little something when he gets his hand on a really big knife.
All in all, I liked that problem-solving attitude of his that this showed. “I don’t wanna be fighting things with four stimpacks” -> get a BFG instead.
yeah, weapon skills aren’t really necessary. I always go max out science/lockpick/speech/medicine/sneak/barter and nearly every skill you can use to get loot or xp before getting more than 25points into a weapon skill.
I just want to point out here how glad I am to be a part of the Spoiler Warning experience slash subcommunity.
I’m also very glad I watched Season 2, which led to me becoming immune to Josh’s points-trolling behaviour.
Josh should get the “Old World Gourmet” perk (I think it came with Dead Money); among other things, it gives alcohol a healing effect.
Hmm. Do they have that DLC installed, actually? (And as a followup, will they show it off? I probably missed/forgot if they mentioned that or not)
The only reason why I can watch this is that it’s amusing enough and success happens … Somehow.
I normally hold myself to at least semi-optimized builds so things die when I want them to.
Btw, the power fist wasn’t working likely because it’s an impact weapon, and their armor is resistant to impact damage.
I thought it mighta been the broken arm, but that should’ve affected the Machete Gladius too…
Yep, the power fist wasn’t breaking through their DT. A perk for unarmed lets you have a higher penetration on armor with unarmed weapons though.
If you look on the bottom of the screen you see a red shield flashing up every time he smacks the legionnaire. It means his armor is absorbing most of the hit.
Vis a vis sucky unarmed damage: I think that’s because the unarmed skill is based on Perception. So when you’re fighting with two crippled arms and a crippled head (!) you get more of a debuff, since the crippled head hurts your perception, and the crippled arms hurt melee/unarmed damage. Melee, OTOH, is based on strength, and while I think there is a strength debuff associated with crippled limbs, downing all those steaks and booze alleviated the strength losses while exacerbating the perception loss.
Also, does the kukri thing pierce armor more?
Unarmed is based on Endurance.
Oh yeah, it’s exlposives I was thinking of. I knew there was some skill on my melee character that gave me a reason to care about perception…
Alrighty, never mind that.
No,ballistic fist is the best weapon.Its a shotgun strapped to a glove!
Oh that guy in the cage is great.He just watched you slaughter the whole camp,and he is just sitting there,greeting you nonchalantly when you pass by.
I could not mentally comprehend just what in the hell the Ballistic Fist WAS. Is is some space age tech? But then why are all the high level legionnaires carrying it? Whatever, I gave it to Veronica and she smacked a deathclaw so hard the game crashed.
You probably mean that… Pulse glove thing, the zappy thing that KY-ZARRRR carries around. It seemed odd to me, too, but I guess they do have straight-up laser pistols lying around in the dirt, so it shouldn’t be that strange that there’s some weird spacey gauntlet business too.
Oh yeah, there’s also a zap glove thing that does extra damage to robots, but isn’t the Ballistic Fist the weapon that all of Caesar’s personal guards wear? And it seems to send up a puff of smoke whenever you use it? I’m pretty sure that’s the one I’m taking about, and I have no idea what it is.
Yeah, ballistic fist, the one that shoots on hit. And yeah, KAY-ZARRR’s bodyguards are sporting those (and are really lethal). KAY-ZARRR himself is sporting zappy white glove thing (which technically is the most powerful unarmed weapon (yay for paradox, btw)).
Basically, ballistic fist is nothing fancy, just a shotgun mechanism strapped to a modified power fist for EPIC levels of EPIC.
Um,displacer glove is weaker than the ballistic fist,which is odd though.Unless you are thinking about pushy,the unique one.
Yeah, Pushy. It’s easy to get ad therefore there’s little reason to thing about the regular dp glove..
Pushy still doesn’t match the ballistic fist in damage. It does have a much lower strength requirement however, along with a few other things here and there that make it more appealing for certain builds.
Now I’m all kinds of confused, in what possible way could strapping a shotgun mechanism to a FIST be more useful than an actual shotgun?! On the other hand the fist does… 106 damage if I recall correctly, and a shotgun does like 5×7 damage?
Thats because strapping a shotgun to a glove gives you additional coolness damage.
I don’t know… but it’s game breakingly powerful. Maybe they figure it should do regular power fist damage plus extra for the shotgun.
Maybe it’s the added momentum!
Yup,praetorians are carrying around ballistic fists.But its not really high tech,its a shotgun on a glove.Displacer glove,the one caesar uses,is the one that looks futuristic.Here,the pictures:
Fallout Tactic’s Punch Gun made it into this game? Yay!
I think it’s funny that the measuring stick for success is “I didn’t die.”
That would make performance reviews a lot easier.
That’s how I decide if I had a good or bad day at work.
“How did the negotiations with the client go?”
“Well, I’m alive, so I was successful!”
Just noticed a strange theme here. In the last episode, Rutskarn explained how he pondered selling his parents (or a kidney, or genitals) for caps to pay the Gun Runners for a minigun. Now he lost his mother to Josh in a spur-of-the-moment bet.
What does this tell us of Rutskarn?
He is in possession of a large number of excess parents?
This… hm. This sounds plausible… probable, actually. Correct, even. Yes, I think this is the explanation.
That he evidently doesn’t pay his bets.
He just became immune to “your mom” jokes, while Josh is now doubly vulnerable to them.
You should add to the list, “Suffers from rad sickness” and “Routinely lets HP linger below half and even below 1/3rd”!
I have to say, the episode title is an absolutely horrible pun.
o.o After one good sleep, I still don’t see the pun.
People are crucified, you see.
Ah. I see. Thanks.
Initiate protocol: facepalm (double length)
Why? Because it had to be done. With apologies….
I am the very model of a bunny-hopping pugilist
A drunken malcontented bouncing bruiser with a power fist
A wealthy if unhealthy mule of pant exploding violence
A bonnet wearing plasma sharing thief of Legion consiousness
With non-appointed skills disjointly used in highest prominence
I am the very model of a bunny-hopping pugilist
(slides the whiskey across the table)
This made my whole day.
The phrase “drunken, malcontented, bouncing bruiser with a power fist” needs to be used more often.
Wow. That was awesome. Kudos.
Dude, that is *amazing.* Someone with a decent singing voice needs to record this.
“A drunken malcontented bouncing bruiser with a power fist” is some seriously fantastic wordsmithing.
EDIT: Yeah, I decided to just do it myself. Mediafire, though, so I’m not sure the link will work.
Hmm. I wonder what Tobuscus would make of that…
Now I want Tobuscus to do a cover of Mordin’s song. Dang.
And I liked “pant exploding violence” :D
Why haven’t you made your own website yet? I for one would visit ‘Everyday gaming observations set to the Major-General song’ every day.
Rutskarn! Sing this in an episode. You know you want to.
Holy Carp.
“And they just drop dead for no raisin.”
“No raisin at all.”
I thought Mumbles getting super trolled last episode was hilarious, then that reference made me feel bad.
Well played, Mumbles. Well. Played.
Wasn’t aware it was a reference – I don’t watch TV.
Just thought is was a misspeak.
You guys know about kukris? I thought they were pretty obscure to people who weren’t weapons nerds.
It’s a weapon in D&D, so that puts in that category of weapons that are simultaneously obscure and really well known.
It’s also relevant here and here, which explains the SW connection
Ah, it all makes sense now. And I fully support Reginald Cuftbert, Gurkha-extraordinaire.
They also feature promintently in the third RE movie, though they were never called such in it. I think they may be a distant third in overhyped zombie killing weapons after chainsaws and shotguns now…
You can still actually punch the guy off the cross. All you need is a strike that does a knockback like the Ranger Takedown.
Und any plan vere you lose you hat iz?
On eating the doctor’s bag: whenever you find then lying around, they always look SO weird to me, the texture doesn’t look to me like what I know it’s supposed to look like (one of those 50’s leather brown doctor’s bags), it always looks like some kind of meat (this may be because I usually find them when they’re lying around in dark places), it looks like some kind of shaped meat with a handle on it. So eating it actually sounds about right.