Aaron Acevedo is an RPG artist. According to the Podgecast, he’s worked on games like A Song of Ice & Fire, Call of Cthulhu, Deadlands, Dungeons & Dragons, Legend of the Five Rings, Solomon Kane, Suzerain, Warlord, The Wheel of Time, and World of Darkness.
Last Wednesday a flash flood struck his home. So, he’s having a print sale to help manage the costs. If you’d like to get some sweet art and help a guy out, then just stop by his site for details..
Civilization VI

I'm a very casual fan of the series, but I gave Civilization VI a look to see what was up with this nuclear war simulator.
Batman v. Superman Wasn't All Bad

It's not a good movie, but it was made with good intentions and if you look closely you can find a few interesting ideas.
This Game is Too Videogame-y

What's wrong with a game being "too videogameish"?
In Defense of Crunch

Crunch-mode game development isn't good, but sometimes it happens for good reasons.
Games and the Fear of Death

Why killing you might be the least scary thing a game can do.
FP! Whee!
That’s gotta be a worst case scenario for an artist, or someone in your line. Home isn’t just home, home is where the job is.
That’s kinda terrifying to think about. Thanks for mentioning him, Shamus.
Thanks for spreading the word!