Wednesday Action Log 02-04-25

By Issac Young Posted Wednesday Feb 5, 2025

Filed under: Epilogue, Action Log 19 comments

I hope that everyone is excited for at least two more weeks of me just playing Infinity Nikki.I can never remember what type of formatting to use so I am just running amok using whatever.

Not much to say except that I keep playing, thinking that I’m going to run out of content, but than the game just gives me a whole new thing to work on for a few days.

What are you guys doing this week?



Dangit! Human fights flu. (Ding! 27)

By Bay Posted Monday Feb 3, 2025

Filed under: Epilogue 35 comments

Paige is out sick so no usual Monday post this week, instead you get me being mildly grouchy. It occurs to me that Peter and I spend a lot of time apologizing for being grouchy, when dad made an entire career of it (according to him, anyway).

Where’s Bay been?
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DM of the Rings Remastered CIV: Girl Trouble

By Peter T Parker Posted Sunday Feb 2, 2025

Filed under: DM of the Rings Remaster 8 comments

A lot of tension in a story happens when the characters do something against the wishes of the audience. This isn’t really possible in the context of an RPG, because the characters ARE the audience.

It pretty much means you can’t create moments like the one where (in the books, mind you) Eowyn begs Aragorn to let her ride with him into battle, and he refuses because he has no right to accept. If you try, you’ll end up with nonsense like what you see above, because 90% of the players out there will simply let her join without a second thought. The other 10% will try to have sex with her first.

– Shamus, May 25, 2007






Wednesday Action Log 01-29-25

By Issac Young Posted Wednesday Jan 29, 2025

Filed under: Epilogue, Action Log 35 comments

This week, I’ve just been playing Infinity Nikki.

I think it’s the perfect game. It has everything—fishing, bug catching, combat, animal grooming, bike riding, and photography. Okay, maybe not everything, but there’s definitely a lot to do. In this game, almost everyone’s problems can be solved with fashion. Someone’s sad? Just be pretty at them. Someone’s getting bullied? Scare them away with superior style. The world’s ending? Be fancy.

And lastly. The game is just really pretty

What’s Everyone else doing this week?



Week Off for Paige

By Paige Francis Posted Monday Jan 27, 2025

Filed under: Epilogue, Paige Writes 1 comments

Hi, folks. Still working on the next post, but everything has been a bit off-kilter this weekend. Doesn’t help that we lost water for a few days thanks to below-freezing temperatures, but it was still an accident. There were things that *may* have helped, but we had a pretty extreme situation. Some plumbing repair took care of the biggest problem, but we still have a tiny leak (that will become bigger…they always do) and some electrical re-location that needs to be done. We’re waiting for a time period of good temperatures, which should be coming up. A little bit more to look at after the fold.

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DM of the Rings Remastered CIII: A Brief History of You

By Peter T Parker Posted Sunday Jan 26, 2025

Filed under: DM of the Rings Remaster 4 comments

Only in the context of an RPG is it possible for someone to need the Cliff Notes version of their own biography.

– Shamus, Monday May 21, 2007



Wednesday Action Log 01-22-25

By Issac Young Posted Wednesday Jan 22, 2025

Filed under: Epilogue, Action Log 19 comments

This week I’ve actually played some games.

I played the demo for Heroes of Hammerwatch II. It was fine. I don’t know if it was just the demo, but there was almost no tutorial or guide, so there was about an hour of playing where I didn’t know what I was doing at all. Other than that, it was just fine.

Most of my time this week has been spent on a newly released game that is outside of my normal genre. Infinity Nikki. It’s a hard game to explain; it has a lot of modern Nintendo elements, some Super Mario Odyssey, a bit of Breath of the Wild, and a tiny bit of Pokémon vibes, all wrapped up in a game about dresses and fashion. Every thing you do is related to your outfit, your double jump has its own outfit, and so does your bug net.

And an outfit for combat.

A lot of the game consists of making outfits and finding clothing, as well as materials for your outfits. Then you have your ability outfits. You can’t change your ability outfits the same as your regular outfits. You can get alternate ones, but can’t really customize (at least as far as I know).

There’s also parkour.

Since I’m not the best at explaining games, I’ll just say: if you played Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom, and got excited when you found a new piece of armor, you’ll probably like this game.

Anyway, what’s everyone else doing this week?