So Mass Effect is done. As I’ve said before, we didn’t want this to turn into “The Mass Effect Show”, so we’re not going directly in to Mass Effect 2. So our next series will be Fallout 3.
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And you people got sick of me pointing out tiny little flaws and objections to the Mass Effect story? That thing is air tight compared to the tale in Fallout 3. There are more holes in the first two minutes of the game than in the 66% of the Mass Effect trilogy we’ve seen so far. I’m pretty sure there are plot holes and continuity errors on the title screen. Even the installer is probably on shaky ground. If I do the same nitpickery here the series will be infinity episodes long.
I don’t know how we’ll get through this, to be honest.
More importantly, we’re getting a new host. Randy is leaving the show for reasons I’ll divulge later if he fails to make the blackmail payments. Starting with the first episode of Fallout 3, Rutskarn will be joining the team. Josh will play Fallout 3, and Rutskarn and I will do whatever it is that us non-player characters do on this show.
We’re taking a week off. We’ll have a special episode next week, but look for the first episode of Fallout 3 in the first week of May.
Rage 2

The game was a dud, and I'm convinced a big part of that is due to the way the game leaned into its story. Its terrible, cringe-inducing story.
Silent Hill Turbo HD II

I was trying to make fun of how Silent Hill had lost its way but I ended up making fun of fighting games. Whatever.
Skylines of the Future

Cities: Skylines is bound to have a sequel sooner or later. Where can this series go next, and what changes would I like to see?

Why Google sucks, and what made me switch to crowdfunding for this site.
Stop Asking Me to Play Dark Souls!

An unhinged rant where I maybe slightly over-reacted to the water torture of Souls evangelism.
Ooh, this one I’ll actually watch, since I have no plans of playing Fallout 3, and don’t mind having it spoiled anyway if I ever decide to play it. Looking forward to it!
Ooooooh, same as Zukhramm, and even better with Rutskarn around. Having all this content that I couldn’t watch because of vague plans to maybe play Mass Effect 2 in the future was getting tiresome.
I enjoyed this game, and I’ll enjoy seeing your views of it
I’m just wondering, are you just going to follow the main story quest? Or are you going to do any of the other quest chains?
Do me a favor and go to Oasis so I don’t have to play through the bulk of the whole game again just to get to see the bloody place? :P
Then again I’ve missed a lot of places. I guess I should just reinstall it.
I’m just tired of slowmo deathcams. So, so tired…
(To think, the only two games I’ve ever purchased the collector’s edition of are games that, today, I have to try very hard to talk myself into playing again. I feel like Bethesda’s abused yet loyal spouse. On the plus side my Vault-Tec lunchbox is the perfect location for my bottle cap collection!)
You might try installing the FastVATS mod, which makes VATS… fast. At least, that’s what Shamus told us; I haven’t tried it yet (though Green World is fantastic).
Which brings up a question, Shamus: are you guys going to play Fallout 3 with Green World, or are you going to play it stock? What about the DLCs?
DLC’s, but no mods.
Although Ruts and I both modded the game to crap, so I imagine we’ll talk quite a bit about the mods. (They really do make the game better.)
I’d prefer to see it with mods, actually. Especially green world, which makes it so much more realistic (and more importantly, a joy to look at).
Specially the ones that add Warhammer 40k. Because Everything is Better With Warhammer 40K!
Seriously, Shamus, please: go with a selection of good mod that you think makes the game more enjoyable to watch for us, and to play for you.
Put in the Survival thingy. The Green Land, thingy. Or I don’t know what else, but please.
It’ll make those mods more popular, and they will be more attention, and thus more improvement from fans.
Well, it’s Josh who will be playing, so you need to convince him first. :)
Might I suggest changing it along the way?
With this I mean, playing a bit vanilla, then adding the green mod some videos after, then perhaps adding some mutant variation, etcetera. Speaking at least from the perspective of visual mods, I believe it’s possible to do so without breaking the game.
not generally a good idea to change mods during a playthrough as it makes your save larger and often times bugs it to unplayability.
even with just graphics mods…
Or show it first vanilla, then add mods that are goodnesses at relevant and appropriate times. “Yes, this part is really boring. Here’s a good mod to make it a little nicer.” (cut, load with new mod, resume) “See? Better isn’t it?”
Exactly what I’d suggest to do – for example, fight for 10-20 minutes to underline how hellish it is to go through every blow in slow-motion, and then install FastVATS.
I’d love to play the game with mods myself. Unfortunately I’m part of the (very large) console audience that can’t use them. I’m not sure whether this is a vote in favor of ‘with’ or ‘without.’ If you play with, maybe people will see how much value mods have and how great it would be if the consoles could accept content of that kind. If you play without, it’s truer to the console gamer experience (there are figures out there somewhere that will illuminate whether that is the majority experience, as I suspect it is-) and less likely to create a bunch of ‘wtf cheats’ crap in the responses.
Squee! That alone would make the game a lot less tedious in combat-heavy segments.
Then again VATS is occasionally as cheap as a happy meal toy so going it with manual aim only could be fun too.
No, not Randy! :(
Oh well, I LOVE Rutskarn’s Morrowind- and Cthulhu-series, so this should be good, too :)
Looking forward to it. Now I just need to find the time to watch the final three episodes of THIS Spoiler Warning-series some time…
Sweet, can’t wait. I’m currently playing through FO3 modded out the wazoo, since Vanilla made me so angry.
It’s also way more fun playing as Zap Rowsdower, drunkenness and all. :D
Ooh, Rutskarn.
That reminds me, I should catch up on what’s going on over at the Hammer.
What? Randy’s leaving the show? Allow me to introduce you to Mr. Shark, nice guy, does macrame in his spare time, you just jumped him.
I’m not even going to watch the show anymore. I don’t know what hackjob you’re going to drag from the depths of the internet to be the new co-host of this thing, but there’s no way he’ll match one-tenth the charm and grace of…
What’s that? It’s me, you say?
Oh. Then I’m definitely not watching it.
Feel free to be funnier than Shamus.
dear god, you are like a whirlwind of posts and stuff.
The only thing I can figure is, “he’s in college”. I know I had way more time then than at any point afterward.
Not that I realized it at the time, mind you…
AAAAAAAAWWWWWW YEEEEEAAAAAHHHHH! I love this game. Oh Bethesda’s games i would have said do morrowind but failing that fallout is a good second. I loved this game and i’m interested in what you guys will do with it.
Sucks with Randy but Rutskarn cool i like his Cahmel saga. the Dwarf fortress story was hilarious (in dark “ohmygod i’m sorry” way), hopefully this project will be blessed with more success.
You could have kept the suspense on this, Shamus.. Maybe even ask the audience what they would like to see next, cackle gleefully over the torrent of comments, and then announce that you’ll be doing Fallout 3 :P
I never got past the horrible opening cutscene of this game, so it would be very interesting to me, aside from the part of the first episode where this cutscene is. And by horrible I don’t mean, low quality or not making any sense, I just found it .. gross to the point of killing any desire to try playing the game any longer. The Thorian’s gooey excretions in a certain Mass Effect cutscene didn’t even come close to being as gross. But that’s just me.
Yay! Rutskarn! Welcome. I look forward to hearing what your actual voice sounds like, you nut.
However, please do keep us informed on what the hell Randy is up to, will you Shamus? I really enjoyed Randy’s comments and his gameplay. Yeah, that’s right, Randy played the game in ways that I found entertaining. I enjoy Josh’s commentary but, and you can track me down and make fun of me anytime in payback Josh, I didn’t care for his gameplay. Since I haven’t played Fallout 3, I probably won’t have any critique of it though. Er, yeah, sorry Josh.
Have to say I agree with this. The episodes hit their stride in a good way after Randy picked up the controller, it’ll be a shame to see him go really — especially since Fallout 3 affords so much more opportunity to be a bit of a bastard.
Well, I’ll still be watching.
I think we’ve all learned a bit about how to pick the entertaining options since we started the series. A lot of the problem with my episodes at the beginning, I think, was that we hadn’t really chosen a specific direction for the character, so I ended up picking paragon options where renegade would have been much more funny. I wouldn’t be as worried about it with this next series–it’s been demonstrated very clearly to us that chaotic stupid is always the way to go.
And Fallout 3 has far more hilarious chaotic-stupid options…
and chaotic stupid WRITING, as well.
i wonder if you’ll blow up megaton?
oh god please yes
I would appreciate tighter editing though. ME was rather slow at times, with not much happening, while you were talking a ton during conversations, which made them hard to follow if you did not know them. Rutskarn is certainly an awesome choice!
I think the incidental slowness was more due to the game than the editing…
Looking forward for this one. This fallout is a good choice, since it naturally gives fodder pointing out flaws.
I wonder if you will be able to survive to such grade of stupidity, though.
F-Yeah! Rutskarn!
It’s like getting Peanut Butter in Chocolate!
My reaction exactly!
Rutskarn is like, my favorite dude ever!
No. He’s mine. I’m his biggest fan. You can’t have him. Niener.
Wait, that was a playthrough of the _first_ Mass Effect? Ha! I’ve been hyper-cautiously flipping away from all of your Spoiler Warning posts without looking, because I didn’t want to have the _second_ one spoiled for me… and so of course I never saw any, and never realised my stupid mistake til just now. *facepalm*
Well the good news is now I have them all waiting for me to go back and watch.l
I thought they were doing ME2 for the longest time as well. Really glad to find out it wasn’t just me.
I still haven’t and won’t watch the videos, though, because I plan to play ME sometime soon. There are several older games that are finally falling into my price range and I can’t decide where to start. Unfortunately, Fallout 3 is on my list of ‘play someday’ games, so I’ll be missing this series as well. :(
I actually bought and complete mass effect 2 partially so that I could read what shamus has written on it.
Hopefully the thing with Randy leaving isn’t any ill will. He seemed like he was not enjoying himself at times.
Please say the bonus content is the promised inventory-management show. I’ve been looking forward to finding out what a hideously twisted mess Mass Effect’s inventory system is, since I don’t get to play it (religious reasons on the PC, lack of a 360 and besides I hate controllers for running-around-shooting) and I remember Bioware doing vaguely decent inventory systems, way back around the time of Baldur’s Gate…
The inventory system itself is … not too bad. Sure, you have what seems to be an exceedingly arbitrary limit on how much you can carry, but everything’s categorized nicely and stuff.
The real abysmal part is the interface for buying and selling your loot.
From the comments during Spoiler Warning Season 1 (as I shall be referring to the Mass Effect playthrough from now on), I was expecting something almost as cruddy as the original Fallout, or maybe Deus Ex…
Nah, it’s a lot like the inventory system in KotOR, with all the baggage that implies.
Never having played KOTOR, that doesn’t say much to me.
I think I bought/sold during the main game less than 5 times. The wasteland is almost an embarrassment of riches, especially if you pick the perks that bump up how much ammo/money you find.
Besides, they could continue their “renegade” play style and pay for everything with rapidly-delivered bullet-shaped money.
As a personal note, the biggest thing that miffed me about Fallout 3 was the pre-war money. I don’t remember if it was “Fallout 1” or “Wasteland” that did it, but one of those games had a mechanic where those who were adhering to the old world would accept pre-war money over caps, and those who were in the wastes preferred the opposite. In F3, it’s just paper with no inventory weight.
I still have not come across a use for the paper money.
The paper money is good for either something that is weightless you can sell. Or ammo for the Rock-It-Launcher.
I bought Mass Effect and played through it purely because of this walkthrough series. I probably won’t be doing that for Fallout 3, at least from what I’ve heard so far.
Well, well… I dunno, i don’t have much else to add. I probably should have expected Fallout 3, though!
Maybe i should do a Borderlands run like this…
As a lover of the original Fallout, I found Fallout 3 a bit cringe-worthy and hardly deserving of the title. The fact that you might nitpick the hell out of it will make me watch the series. Will miss Randy though; he was great with Mass Effect.
You should at least put in mods for giant penises when you de-clothe the raiders.
Even the female raiders…
Actually on second thought how about I leave those decisions to you.
I’ve been playing through Fallout 3 for the last few months since I got it as a gift back in November. Have it on PS3 (no way my computer could handle it) and even on that it’s glitchtastic!
Does this mean we never get the “menu” video?
I had a feeling this was going to be the next one you were doing…
Or I suggested it.
Or meant to suggest it and then forgot to.
I lose track of things some times…
I guess the remaining question is how long will I last before having to go and buy fallout3 again after how much mass effect made me want to play through it again after watching you.
Yes! A game I have actually beaten! Now I will be able to watch and not feel bad about missing out on a good game. I wish randy wasn’t leaving, because the evil path in Fallout 3 is way more fun than the one in ME.
I liked Randy’s play style more than Josh’s, frankly. No offense to Josh at all, but he’s a better commenter & nitpicker than a demonstrative player. Josh had funny & insightful things to say, but Randy was had funny things to DO. Randy may not have had as much witty commentary, but he was hilarious with his actions, which speak louder than words. His way of steering Sheppard, both through the gameplay & the storyline, was genuinely amusing throughout, & his misanthropy & general jerkiness added much to the entertaining flavor of the LP. I will remember this series for the Mako driving, the reporter punching, & the colonist cleansing far more than the funny commentary.
Plus, he was one heck of a crack shot. You guys were rather under-leveled & under-equipped for most of the episodes, & Conan only died a few times (mostly by being pecked off by that first Colossus).
Randy, you will be missed. (salutes)
Yeah, the dynamic between randy and shamus and josh was perfect.
A great ending to this season, Looking forward to Fallout3.
Unless Masseffect which I wandered off and stopped playing for some reason, I finished Fallout3. (Relatively.)
I am all for Mods being added as the game goes on to keep variety up.
Awwww. I hope randy can at least come back as a guest for some of them…
Give us more information Shamus! Are any DLCs going to be active? Is it only the vanilla game? Will Liam Neeson be appearing as a special guest star?! Will you kill Patrick Stewart in the first five minutes?!
To be honest, I think Oblivion would be a much more interesting play through. The storyline of Oblivion has more problems than I thought Fallout 3 has. As well, you did a post a while back about add-ons to Fallout three, and I have to agree that they did make the game much more enjoyable. The Broken Steel DLC made the game feel much more complete, and the green world add on did break it briefly.
I hope Randy pops in every now and then at least somewhere down the road.
I am pretty excited about Fallout 3, though; there’s boundless potential for humorous, nit-picking commentary to be offered about it. Infinite jest, if you will.
Shamus Young and the Skarn in one ‘cast! Nitpicking a story composed entirely of nits! In a game that I’m really interested in, yet never played and am not a huge fan of!
Man, this is like ending a boss fight with a single great snicker-snack of one’s vorpal sword. Or Easter and Halloween rolled into one day (which is apparently how they do Easter in Denmark, by the way). Or, you know, something else along those lines. You get the idea.
While I didn’t watch the Mass Effect thing you did because I can (and did) snarkily mock/gently point out the flaws of ME while playing it, I will watch this one because it has delicious Rutskarn topping. Not that I didn’t do the same things to Fallout 3, but…Rutskarn. He even drew a pretty picture for me, how could I say no to him now?
Looking forward to this! I really enjoy the Fallout games and this should help tide me over while I wait for Fallout: New Vegas. I do hope you don’t focus too much on the main story (IE the most boring part of the game). I also vote for LK’s comment above: please visit Oasis.
Good call. Darn good call. When you posted that you wouldnt be doing ME2 right away, while sad we wouldnt be getting a 2-fer, I did wonder if this is what you had in store for us. Happy it worked out to our benefit.
Sorry to see Randy leave. With a little luck and a good tailwind, maybe he can make a guest appearance now and again.
Looking forward to this one.
Please do as much bodily damage to Moira as you possibly can.
Rutskarn?! From Chocolate Hammer? Hell yes!
Excellent choice! I’m very much looking forward to this.
It’s probably a good idea not to use mods (or if you do, use very few) as the instability of Fallout 3 increases exponentially with each mod installed.
I’ll throw in another “looking forward to this”. The plot had its holes but I enjoyed Fallout 3 immensely. Throwing in a beloved comedy duo means that I shall watch every episode of this.
Damn It!
I will have to give up my weekly porn hour for this, so it better be good…
AndI completely agree with you about the “holes” in this game. It is a fun game, but not as deep or intriguing as I hoped it would be.
You don’t have to give it up, you just have to make the window smaller.
Alas, once more you’re doing a game I know inside and out! Not much point for me to watch, even with the commentary.
Guess I’ll wait for the third game, whatever it is…
I will either love or hate this series.
I promise to try to behave myself in commenting upon it.
On a nearly unrelated topic:
“In areas of heavy fallout, less than 2% of the radioactivity of the fallout particles contained in the water would become dissolved in water.
Filtering through earth removes essentially all of the fallout particles
In areas of heavy fallout, about 99% of the radioactivity in water could be removed by filtering it through ordinary earth.”
Completely unrelated science, I swear!
Keep on mind that FO is less about being a simulation of a post nuke world than it is a sim of the idea of what people thought a post nuke world would be….
Fallout was never so dumb before Bethesda got to it.
What krellen said.
I disagree. I think the old games (which I replayed recently) were about as “dumb.” From a realism point of view: Fallout 1 had a melty-guy who merged himself with a computer. Fallout 2 had ghosts. And that’s fine and dandy because I’m not playing these for realism.
I think the reason “Fallout” works is why the original “Gamma World” works: Radiation is magic, AI is possible, technological artifacts are incredibly durable, and power sources last forever until someone uses them for something.
Did F1 and F2 have more choices? Kinda. It was still a decision tree where your choices were modified by stats, but every area still had a “best ending.” It was also possible to make those trees more complex because you didn’t need voice actors for every single NPC. I will agree wholeheartedly that a lot of the characters in F3 needed major rewrites to their motivations (especially Tenpenny and Roy the ghoul).
Someone complained to me how they didn’t like F3 for the “retro” look, and got rather upset when I pointed out the Pip-Boy from F2 had vacuum tubes. “Fallout” is the apocalypse by way of 1950’s “Popular Mechanics.” Fins & chrome, baby.
And even if you disagree with everything I’ve said, Fallout: New Vegas promises to be more stat/role-play oriented, so we’ll see how that works out.
your whole comment?
i second it.
I don´t think Krellen´s “dumb” equals “unrealistic”. “Dumb” equals bad writting, bad immersion. There are numerous locations in fallout 3 in which the motivations, dialogues, and objectives of the characters don´t make sense. And let´s not forget the karma stick. Or the main plot as a whole, the “sacrifice” of certain character (which was unnecesary), the excuses of certain companions to not get into a friggin´ cabin to push a button, the enclave actions, the betrayal, how you convince a computer that he should blow up itself, the children town (that somehow weren´t eaten by supermutants), the karma constantly reminding you that stealing is bad, or that you just killed a bad guy so you are good now; the radio guy constantly talking crap about you because you didn´t what the writers consider “good deeds”; how the ghouls whine about everyone not treating them as humans, but then call you “human” constantly showing that not even they consider themselves human, the meaningless of the final choice: a selection between being dumb or being a dick…
The correct term, I think, is to call the other Fallouts silly. Even though half of the stuff was made for laughs (in the second one, at least), the actions and reactions of the characters made sense in the context, the karma meter made sense, the action of the evil masterminds made sense. Even within the sillyness of the gameworld. But they weren´t dumb. Not compared with Bethesda´s.
hmm okay, to be honest, i think that dumb is a harsh word to use to describe any of the games.
fallout one had a lot of silly things about it. (none of that makes it bad. it made it fun)
fallout 2 had silly things but less well implemented because it constantly tried to be “cool” and darker than the first. still, there was a lot of silliness that was nicely done (and some that wasn’t), but about half the story is copy/pasted from FO.
fallout 3, on the other hand, didn’t quite grasp the silliness and was too condescending about things. also while the story isn’t horrible (at least i don’t think so) the writing isn’t great. okay okay, its pretty awful at times. but that doesnt really diminish from the fact that, overall they made a damn good game. its entertaining, its fun, its pretty (and ive never put the green mod in) and probably one of the games i’ve played the most in my life.
enough of my rambling!
that is my opinion, agree, or don’t. hopefully there will be a little of both, at least.
Fallout 3’s “dumb” did not mesh at all with the “dumb” of the original two games.
In this case, “dumb” pretty much means “lacking all sense of verisimilitude”.
It’ll be interesting to see the fallout playthrough, there’s a lot of stuff I don’t pay attention to at all while playing and only notice it when you people point it out.
I’m also wondering if you’ll go with the “hilariously and nonsesicaly evil” way again? Most of these games are much more silly when played this way, mostly because there’s just no real evil motivation behind many of your actions and they try to make up for it with random acts of mean towards random strangers, your allies, people who employ you, people who could order your execution on the spot and even those rare individuals who go out of their way to help you…
Also, too bad about Randy though after the Fortress and Morrowind series (which actually got me back into morrowind after a looong while) I have high hopes for Rutskarn joining in on the commentary.
The worst thing about being stupidly evil is that nobody really seems to notice when you destroy the major city with a nuclear bomb.
The characters daddy and annoying radio guy notice. The first tells you he will give you a lecture later (but kills himself stupidly before doing that), and the second doesn´t stop talking crap about you.
How they know it was you is anyones guess. I mean, it was a nuke.
Oh Yes! Fallout 3!
I liked spoler warning so far. Its like MST3k of video games. That started with Citizen Kane. Good to see the next one will be more… appropriate.
I take it youre gonna be playing it on PC?
Huzzah Rutskarn! Show of hands for those who watched his Let’s Play of Saints Row 2.
*crickets chirping*
Fine, be that way.
I watched it, at least.
*hands up.
i think…
im no longer sure, i watched quite a few of those…
preeetty sure i watched his, as well.
I’ll be watching this like a trainwreck. I thought Fallout3 was awful, and couldn’t get through it even after modding the game to all hell.
I refuse to play FO3 because I realise I don’t actually enjoy Bethesda games – I realised that Bethesda isn’t awesome, Morrowind was a fluke.
So, basically, I’ll probably keep watching but be noticeably less enthusiastic about it. Which you won’t notice since I rarely comment anyways.
@Randy: WHAT HAPPEN ):
I like this.
Ah, FO3. I’m sure I’ve pumped at least 50 hours into that thing (though I’m not sure how to check) and I’m still nowhere near completing it. I just enjoy the world so much that I made a rule against fast-travel. (Adding lots and lots of mods definitely makes the game better, though.)