DM of the Rings XCVII Remastered: Gets Me Right Here

By Peter T Parker Posted Tuesday Nov 26, 2024

Filed under: DM of the Rings Remaster 5 comments

The only way to keep players from doing something stupid is to Just Keep Talking.

Sadly, there is no way to keep the DM from doing something stupid, although offing one of his favorite NPCs might shut him up for a couple of minutes.

– Shamus, May 7 2007




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5 thoughts on “DM of the Rings XCVII Remastered: Gets Me Right Here

  1. Olivier FAURE says:

    The DM is learning the hard way why your campaign’s bad guy should have a phylactery, or a projection amulet, or some other way to taunt the heroes out of murder range.

    But seriously, the DM is being unreasonable here. You can’t tell your players “This is the guy who created all your problems, and also the only tool at your disposal is violence” and then expect them to politely listen to his nonsense monologue. Even within the role they’re playing, they would want to kill the enemy general after his army was defeated, not politely let him rally so he can throw more disposable waves of minions later on.

  2. Philadelphus says:

    Nice job stitching together than panorama shot at the end there! Both here and in the original.

  3. Alarion says:

    I choose to believe that this is a subtle joke about the fact that Saruman’s arc gets wildly short circuited in the movies compared to the books. Like the book DM had all these big plans and the movie PCs just said nah

    1. Tiran O'Saurus says:

      I think that’s right. The DM’s plan is the books, but the game as it plays out is the movies.

      1. Andy says:

        Not entirely, though, since in this version the PCs also killed Gollum.

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