Could Have Been Great
Here are four games that could have been much better with just a little more work.
I Was Wrong About Borderlands 3
I really thought one thing, but then something else. There's a bunch more to it, but you'll have to read the article.
Batman: Arkham City
A look back at one of my favorite games. The gameplay was stellar, but the underlying story was clumsy and oddly constructed.
Batman v. Superman Wasn't All Bad
It's not a good movie, but it was made with good intentions and if you look closely you can find a few interesting ideas.
Steam Summer Blues
This mess of dross, confusion, and terrible UI design is the storefront the big publishers couldn't beat? Amazing.
Goodness! You didn’t say anything negative in that entire sidebar. Who are you and where’s Shamus?
I am really enjoying this series, just a real damn shame you can’t use the existing L4D maps.
Well, you could bluescreen it, but that adds quite a bit of work, and is probably obvious.
I love my Boomer so much. I’m getting pretty decent at the long range belching, just gotta work on getting close for when I blow up.
I need to learn how to play Versus. The learning curve is incredibly steep. Very unlike a valve game. I’ve tried it a couple of times and I think I have yet to do ANY damage to a survivor. Some day I’ll go in there and I’ll win the tank raffle. That will be awesome.
They should totally do a Survival-Versus mode, though. How sweet would that be?
Yeah, they’re annoying, but ultimately useless if you find a corner and spam the push. I will take a THOUSAND of those fat bastards over ONE smoker. I HATE those guys. GOD I hate them!
@Factoid, Survivor vs. would be amazing. Might have to throttle back the tanks though, but still, unending spawns? Brilliant!
Also, learning curve for Vs isn’t that bad, it is just difficult to get near a tight knit team. Coordinate, and you will do fine.
I’m with the Punning Pundit. It’s been days on end without a vitriol-filled post in which Shamus pisses all over some game company for doing something stupid. I think I’m getttiiing th shakekssss;lkrf
@Neil Polenske: That’s not really true in Versus. By blinding the survivors and calling a horde which impedes movement, the Boomer is great for opening an assault on the survivors. (Not to mention the melee fatigue present in Versus.)
@Neil Polenske: Push does a small amount of damage, so constantly pushing a Boomer is actually not a very good idea, as it will eventually blow up in your face.
Agamo: He was referring to the pushing the common infected.
RedClyde has it, though. A well-placed Boomer is the lynchpin of almost any successful Versus strategy.
I agree that boomer is one of the most important specials. Not that he does great damage ( not usually ) but without the chaos he creates the attack of others is almost impossible.
So many games lost just because boomer was killed easily and others didn’t stand chance.
Also as finishing stranded lying survivors he’s best. someone’s on ground and puked, he’s dead soon if others are occupied ( usually with tank ).
Plus it’s fun to express your feelings by puking on a friend :-D
Anyways, nice. :D
Very nice. Thanks for this.