I’ve noticed this week that it is taking a long time to get the notes from the previous session translated. I predict this is be a regular thing. We have our D&D sessions on Sunday nights. By the time the session is over, it’s too late to get started on the notes. During the week I spend my evenings on the next session. Heather is busy as well, so in many cases we may not have the notes up until the following Saturday.
Black Desert Online
This Korean title would be the greatest MMO ever made if not for the horrendous monetization system. And the embarrassing translation. And the terrible progression. And the developer's general apathy towards its western audience.
Why Google sucks, and what made me switch to crowdfunding for this site.
Top 64 Videogames
Lists of 'best games ever' are dumb and annoying. But like a self-loathing hipster I made one anyway.
A Lack of Vision and Leadership
People fault EA for being greedy, but their real sin is just how terrible they are at it.
The Death of Half-Life
Valve still hasn't admitted it, but the Half-Life franchise is dead. So what made these games so popular anyway?
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You can enclose spoilers in <strike> tags like so:
<strike>Darth Vader is Luke's father!</strike>
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Can you imagine having Darth Vader as your <i>father</i>?
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I'm <b>very</b> glad Darth Vader isn't my father.
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I'm reading about <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darth_Vader">Darth Vader</a> on Wikipedia!
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Darth Vader said <blockquote>Luke, I am your father.</blockquote>