By Shamus Posted Saturday Jun 26, 2010

Filed under: Movies 26 comments

Someday the world might get sick of stop-motion Lego movies…

Link (YouTube)

…but not yet.


From The Archives:

26 thoughts on “CL!CK!

  1. mark says:

    well that was awesome.

    Also, FIRST!

  2. X2-Eliah says:

    Nice to see that this didn’t limit itself with 100% Lego-stops. The human in it gives the whole thing a much more refined vibe.

    And yeah, quite awesome indeed.

    1. Sagretti says:

      That’s the really cool part about the video, the Legos fit into the story and the world really well, rather than the medium of the piece being Lego. There’s nothing wrong with using only Legos to make a movie, but after Holy Grail, Lego style, it’s hard for me to take those videos very seriously. While this ends up being something both funny and beautiful.

  3. Vladius says:

    What a cool idea. That was fantastic.

    I liked the Shark Repellent reference.

  4. kingcom says:

    Thats how real scientists do it.

  5. Abnaxis says:

    I havenm’t actually seen the video, but damn, that guy looks like Reginald Cuftbert…

    1. So true(actually it may be Cuthbuer snr.) …….Lego mini nukes anyone?

      1. Bryan says:

        Lego grenades, stuffed into Lego radio announcers’ pockets?

        Well, there were a few things in the video that look superficially similar to what would happen there, anyway. :-P

  6. RustyBadger says:

    What an Awesome Way to start my weekend- thanks!

  7. Malic says:

    I remember seeing this video 35 days ago.

    1. Syal says:


      Any thoughts on it?

  8. Mr_Wizard says:

    And also look at this appropriate TED Talk

    Just out today I think, at least on Youtube

  9. Josh R says:

    I thought it was going to be a hot air balloon… the thing was shaped as one…

    1. Audacity says:

      I think they were supposed to be light bulbs, representing all his different ideas for inventions.

      1. Vladius says:

        This begs the question: would the idea for the lightbulb, or other inventions before it existed, be also shaped like a lightbulb?

        1. Syal says:

          It would have been a kerosene lantern. Before the kerosene lantern it would have been a handheld torch. Before the torch it would have been a burning stick. Before the burning stick it would have been a flash of lightning. Or the sun.

  10. Hawkehunt says:

    Can I just say, he had insane balance.

  11. Yar Kramer says:

    My favorite part was the “stay-young kittens” one. I also liked the music, too.

    Pity the website is a flash-only non-standard web design nightmare …

  12. porschecm2 says:

    Ah, I remember seeing this awhile back on one of the Lego blogs I read. Always worth another watch, though.

  13. SatansBestBuddy says:

    I saw the world peace one and I was like, “Over half done? Bah, it shouldn’t even be a quarter done!” and then I realized that wasn’t the idea at all and then I felt really bad.

  14. Jarenth says:

    I have to say, for a guy who just watched a tiny version of himself walk through the hallowed halls of invention of a tiny Lego building that just magically assembled itself on his desk, he’s remarkably calm about things.

    Also: rocket boots. Someone needs to make that happen already.

    1. Syal says:

      He also watched a drawing testdrive his invention, and scrapped it when it failed. I don’t think anything surprises him.

    2. Tizzy says:

      I’m sorry, but I’m unable to share your enthusiasm there: when I think rocket boots, I think of all the painful accidents that they may cause. It makes me cringe…

  15. Chad says:

    I didn’t interpret the light bulbs as being his ideas alone, but rather the sum of human knowledge’s ideas on each of the subjects. Thus each time a person adds another idea (brick) to a concept, the closer the bulb gets to being complete. Our protagonist just happened to be the one, standing on the shoulders of others who went before him, who managed to complete the “Human flight” light bulb.

  16. somecrazyfan says:

    So, maybe we all are made out of legos, and the lego people are real?That’s what the ending seems so say.

  17. This is off topic but.. I thought you’d be interested to know this Shamus:


    Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands’ DRM has been cracked. (not a big surprise there) what surprised me though is the skill of the crackers.

    It also surprises me that the PR departments try to fool people into believing these DRM systems add value to the game.

    Sure, storing a savegame online is a nice backup. (but only if optional obviously).
    But these things on the other hand?

    – Levers logic
    – Door timing
    – Upgrades
    – Abilities
    – XP & Levels
    – Area codes

    Huh? Having the game requiring asking a server for that stuff during gameplay…There is no game owner benefit in that at all.

    So comparing the original vs the cracked, which has the most benefits?
    The original where you need to contact the server to open a door, or the cracked one which works whether the game can contact the server or not.

    And I can’t imagine the man hours and cost involved at the developer to code that stuff into the game.

    All this did was slow down the crackers a little. Now that it’s cracked the DRM for the release version of that game is useless, and will only be able to stop casual copying (and re-sales as well I guess?)

    Why is it after all these years that execs believe that DRM works, do they still believe that people will try to crack every single copy? Only a single copy needs to be cracked.

    *sigh* I wish publishers would focus more on Value Added

    (end rant)

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