The Mistakes DOOM Didn't Make
How did this game avoid all the usual stupidity that ruins remakes of classic titles?
What is Vulkan?
What is this Vulkan stuff? A graphics engine? A game engine? A new flavor of breakfast cereal? And how is it supposed to make PC games better?
I Was Wrong About Borderlands 3
I really thought one thing, but then something else. There's a bunch more to it, but you'll have to read the article.
Borderlands Series
A look at the main Borderlands games. What works, what doesn't, and where the series can go from here.
Juvenile and Proud
Yes, this game is loud, crude, childish, and stupid. But it it knows what it wants to be and nails it. And that's admirable.
You know what would go nicely with that hat? A nice cane ;)
And a cadillac from the 70’s.
Perhaps a fur coat as well…
I wonder if there is any place in the shire to buy some necklaces or rings. Maybe something made of gold.
Would we be having this entire conversation if she just hadn’t said anything? ;)
Probably not :P
Cane…you mean pimp stick? :)
Damn postman, I wanted to hear the rest of the song.
I know, in my mind, that the postman is an invincible NPC, and Lulzy is going to deliver the mail to Mike Delving…
…but in my heart, I still hope she kills him.
I want a pimp hat….
Er, I mean, stylish Hobbit hat!
I want to know as a low-level lore master where I can find a hat HALF that styling with a spread towards stuff I actually use.
The postman reminds me of the EMH during the tutorial in Star Trek Online. The EMH stands there in the middle of a room full of dying people, and asks you to scan one of them for him. He’s not even standing close enough to anyone to even have a pretense of doing something useful. quasi related..
I think you meant Michel Delving.
Tolkien was very particular in his linguistic derivations. “Michel” is cognate with the archaic word “muckle” and the modern word “much”, and has nothing to do with the name “Michael”. It means “much digging”.
Tolkien, while himself a devout Roman Catholic, deliberately avoided Biblical names such as “Michael” in the pre-Christian mythology he was seeking to create.
I. Am. Astounded.
I never noticed this. My brain just filled in the “a”. In ep 9 Lulzy actually refers to the place as “Mike Delving”.
Do I fix this in future installments, or not? Hmmmm.
I think leave it as it is, just for the opportunity to make off-hand “Mike Delving” comments.
Funny as always, but I’m wondering how far this series will go? There are fifteen books in Volume One(currently three volumes?), 11-12 chapters in the first book and….Holy Crap, Lulzy isn’t even close to *starting* Chapter One.
Either Lulzy is going to have a premature retirement like Star on Chest, or this series is going to go into thousands of comics.
Level 65 or bust!
Kidding. I’m not sure how far it will go, either. I’m running the 10-20 content now and seeing how much I’ll have to work with, humor-wise.
After Book 1, humor would be far apart. I remember a lot of walking in the Lonelands, but not a whole lot of setups for humor.
Only thing I can think of is how some of the guards in areas like Bree and Ost Guruth give you snide remarks, despite you proving yourself as a hero again and again. Stuff like, “I’m watching you, so you best not cause any trouble”, and “Don’t do anything stupid while within these walls or we won’t bail you out”.
Of course, Book 1 does have the conclusion of Amdir’s story and the legendary “TB”.
You don’t mean … Tycho Brahe!?</hasn’t actually played LOTRO>
Tom Bombadil.
Well its good to know Tom Bombadil has at least SOME uses in this game. The first time I found his house, he struck me as incredibly useless, same with Goldberry.
And yeah, I’m not very far into it either.
Tom Bombadil is useless?
So its like the book then.
Old Tom remains about as useful in game as he is in the books, which is to say he’ll save people’s lives when all other hope is lost, and barrow-wights are about to feast on them. That’s actually rather helpful if you think about it. ;)
He’s not the sort of person a fashion conscious hobbit would find particularly useful, though.
Not with his crimes against colour co-ordination (bright blue jacket and yellow shoes? Please).
A lot of the good humorous content might already be humorous in-game, which could be tough to work with. I think my favorite is probably “The Thickest of Skins, Part IV”
Also, are you eventually going to join a hardcore raiding kinship so you can do an episode on people ‘sploiting? A party of of brave adventurers cowering in a doorway, a brave rescuer running by a counterattack so quickly (a la storming the swamp castle in Holy Grail) they can’t even engage him, and so on.
off topic but its been a while since you talked about anime or even a geek-ish movie… kinda miss it… im not asking that you need a mandatory anime update… but it was interesting when u did talk about it… in ur bsg post u talked about vandread did you ever get around to it?
Ha! Loving this series (like I knew I would); Lulzy’s take on things actually inspired me to use one of my two remaining slots on Windfola to make a new hobbit! Already have a minstrel, though, so he’s a guardian. I’m staying in Bree instead of going to the Shire because those hungry/nosey hobbits _were_ placed by Lucifer’s grammar school headmaster or someone equally evil and because I hear leveling through Bree is very different than it was the last time I did it…
Incidentally, whether it’s in a Shamus Plays or not, I’ll be interested to hear what you think–I remember the 30s being where some of the leveling started to feel a little grindy until they added Evendim, which livened it up a bit. Now, there is the whole skirmish thing as well, which seems to give pretty good xp around that level, so I wonder if Lulzy will make it farther than most of your other characters or not (as much as you can even compare one game to another).
Also, have you tried a Warden? Review or not, before you move on too much from LotRO, you should really get Mines of Moria and try a Warden. :.) (That comment should really be to everybody! Try a Warden!)
Absolutely loved Durin’s letter, great song as well. Thanks for a good laugh!
Lulzy: “This is NOT a pimp hat.”
Me: “Holy cow, I just realized that’s a pimp hat!”