Here is part 2 (of 3) of Dr. Breen interviewing Mario.
These Breen comics are a lot of fun, and much easier to write than the normal stuff I do. (Partly it’s because it’s not such an uphill battle getting screenshots.)
The Best of 2012

My picks for what was important, awesome, or worth talking about in 2012.
Starcraft: Bot Fight

Let's do some scripting to make the Starcraft AI fight itself, and see how smart it is. Or isn't.
Was it a Hack?

A big chunk of the internet went down in October of 2016. What happened? Was it a hack?
Rage 2

The game was a dud, and I'm convinced a big part of that is due to the way the game leaned into its story. Its terrible, cringe-inducing story.
Civilization VI

I'm a very casual fan of the series, but I gave Civilization VI a look to see what was up with this nuclear war simulator.
Mario versus Dr. Breen! Who will win?
(I’m guessing the answer will be, “It’s-a me, Mario!”)
I love the Breen comics. I never enjoyed shows like “The Tonight Show”, but I’m sure that if they were hosted by video game personalities I’d be a huge fan.
If I understand correctly, you use Gary’s Mod to create the screen shots – but how do you get Mario’s image into it? Just your mad Photoshop skillz?
Leslee: There is a huge database of fan-made content. Some of it it is 3d models ripped from other games. Someone took the whole cast of Mario Galaxy and ported it into the Source Engine.
Although, I’ve used over half of the really recognizable characters available. And some of the remaining ones aren’t ones I know. (Like the main character from Gears of War, along with a bunch of other chars I don’t recognize and so I wouldn’t really be able to do them justice.) The Breen Show will be a lot less fun once I run out.
There are (for some reason) Garry’s mod versions of many of the Nintendo characters, if I recall correctly.
Breen should interview GLaDOS and Chell from Portal together. He could be doing a kind of Oprah-esque “healing session”. Maybe have an Advisor from HL2 serve as Breen’s “Dr. Phil” — which could lead to a lot of arguing between Breen and the Advisor since Breen is “the only actual doctor on this stage! Helloooo??”
This is the part where you call me a douche and tell me to go write my own web comic, isn’t it? I would. :D
What happened to the ‘gaming magazine’ character that you created? The one whose face you use for these icons? You only did like 4 or 5 comics with him. Actually I found all of those comics completely awful, whereas generally your comics are brilliant. I think you cranked up the snark factor on that character so far as to make him exceptionally unlikable (“that’s what it says here in your file – liked by no one”) and IMO not the slightest bit funny.
I've really liked these up to now, but this time I thought you pushed your characters well past the sort of brittle politeness you get on Letterman or Leno when the host and guest aren't getting along.
You're working a great vein here, but the key is subtlety.
Ah, Metro. How I love thee so.
This is hilarious Shamus.
Is it just me, or can anyone else imagine Mario talking like Kelsey Grammer throughout the interview (as opposed to his high-pitched, stereotyped Italian pseudo-accent)?
Saint_007: Yes! That’s exactly what I had in mind, but I wasn’t sure how to really sell it. I kind of picture him a bit like Sideshow Bob: A Serious Guy stuck in an absurd role.