Diecast #150: Star Fox, Playstation 4.5, Mirrors Edge

By Shamus Posted Monday Apr 25, 2016

Filed under: Diecast 78 comments

The mailbag has been empty for a few weeks now. I assume this is because we stopped answering them in a timely manner. That’s fair. But if you have questions and boundless optimism, the email is in the header image. Good luck!

Direct link to this episode.

Hosts: Josh, Rutskarn, Shamus, Campster, Mumbles.

Episode edited by Issac.

Show notes:
00:32 Something something Star Fox Zero

Sort of. This first half of the show is basically a long collection of digressions and distractions.

28:24 Playstation 4.5

The new Playstation NEO.

39:25 Mumbles was on the Wrestlecast

Go listen to Mumbles talk about wrestlemans! She knows her stuff!

Related to Wrasslin’, I saw this video: Wrestling isn’t Wrestling by Max Landis, and I found it charming as hell. It gave me a better understanding and appreciation for the show than every wrestling advertisement I’ve ever seen in my entire life.

Link (YouTube)

The video introduces the story-driven drama of wrestling by telling the 20-year history of Triple H. It tells the story with all of the wrestler genders flipped, which is fun and hilarious. Watch the credits if you want to see the real-life dudes these women are playing.

Be on the lookout for other names that should be familiar, even if you don’t know anything about wrestling. Aside from a handful of celebrity cameos casually thrown in the mix, you’ll see Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. Dave Batista is there, who you might recognize as Drax the Destroyer from Guardians of the Galaxy. And the tall dude in the black bikini top? He’s playing Chyna, who died just last week.

45:12 Mirrors Edge

Mirrors Edge has been delayed again.


From The Archives:

78 thoughts on “Diecast #150: Star Fox, Playstation 4.5, Mirrors Edge

  1. Daemian Lucifer says:

    Fuck you Josh

    Whoa,what did he screw up this time?

  2. Daemian Lucifer says:

    One gripe I have with that video:Wrestling isnt a tv show,its a stage play(or a circus act,if you prefer it that way),and is just as real as any of those.Sure,those guys on stage arent being stabbed by real knives,but we still applaud them.So why should these actors be scorned because their acting involves more stunts than word memorization?

    1. Dev Null says:

      I don’t think these actors are scorned for doing more stunts. I think they are scorned for being very bad at acting.

      Though to be fair, the _writers_ in wrestling are much worse.

      1. Daemian Lucifer says:

        But why are we putting acting over stunt work?The coordination and physical readiness and skill required to do those things in the ring is quite impressive.

    1. Shamus says:

      I was right. I clicked on it. And read the whole damn thing.

      Of course, it was all recycled jokes stolen from smarter, better sites, but that’s Buzzfeed for you.

    2. Will says:

      Much more than any of those actual 27 things, I’m much more perturbed that while the list contains 27 things, the URL indicates there should be 28 things. What thing got dropped between upload and publish?

      1. Bloodsquirrel says:

        The 28th thing was about indexing errors.

    3. Thomas says:

      That webbrowser celebrity joke is dated – with the webbrowsers and the celebrities.

      “Internet Explorer 8 desperately trying to stay relevant”

      “After years of giving it a chance performance never gets better – Matthew Mcconaughey”

  3. Tizzy says:

    I take comfort in knowing that NEO is so far just a code name for the PS4k. But it remains a strange choice given that it is a competing console who is THE ONE. And don’t get me started on the whole MORPHEUS thing… i had not connected those two until I heard the diecast.

    1. ? says:

      Can’t wait for Sony MOUSE!

  4. Paul Spooner says:

    “The mailbag has been empty for a few weeks now. I assume this is because we stopped answering them in a timely manner.”
    It also might have to do with this not being the Strong Bad Email Show. If you’re going insult people who write in and/or not answer their questions, you’ve got to at least be entertaining about it.

    Cool new intro music!

    I’m enjoying “What if you took Game X and did ridiculous thing Y?” cast. Maybe shorten it to the “Wye-Cast” or something.

  5. Raunomies says:

    I can’t wait for the Fallout 4 season, it’s been five years since Reginald Cuftbert stepped into Mojave Desert. And start of FO4 is straight out of Reginald’s best chaotic fever dreams: in literally the span of fifteen minutes he experiences the end of the old world, sees his wife killed and son kidnapped and then awakes again. Naturally first thing he does is to kill giant roaches for their meat, collect bottlecaps for no apparent reason and soon psychically dominate a wandering dog. It’s going to be a good season.

    1. Yummychickenblue says:

      I can’t wait either! I thought we were gonna start FO4 at the end of last week but I guess they decided to finish SOMA.

  6. Ninety-Three says:

    The mailbag has been empty for a few weeks now. I assume this is because we stopped answering them in a timely manner. That's fair. But if you have questions and boundless optimism, the email is in the header image.

    I think you need to make it more prominent, because I always mean to send you mailbags, then am unable to find the mailbag address. After reading this, I looked at the header and didn’t see the email. I walked away to make breakfast, walked back, read that again, looked at the header again, and still didn’t see it. Only on the third try, as I was posting this, did I notice.

    Yes, I have a perception score of one, but in my defense, “light blue sideways text on a blue background right beside a wall of white” has a way of fading out of notice.

    1. Echo Tango says:

      Even after I read your comment, I had to take two minutes to see where you were talking about. Now that I finally see the address, I can start thinking of a good mailbag question… :)

      1. Syal says:

        “Dear Diecast:

        What’s up with the Mailbag link? It’s, like, super obscure.”

    2. Squirly says:

      I was expecting a mouse-over. I was waiting way too long.

  7. Falterfire says:

    Do you really want mailbag questions? Or do you just want to be able to get that precious 20% speed boost and then dump them when you get where you’re going?

    1. Of course he wants that sweet speed boost! Any silver he spends on a ride is less silver for FASHION!

      Plus, littering the Shire’s a grand old tradition, and good revenge for all those damn nosy or hungry hobbits that didn’t set off my traps. Gave up and just used my own speed boost (hunter AWAY!) but at least the drunken pub crawl is always a good time. How exactly they’re brewing drinks strong enough to get elves drunk is probably not something I want an answer to…

  8. Zak McKracken says:

    Wrestling: So… sure, I get that it’s not “real” but I’ve aborted the attempt to take it as a “story” kind of thing very quickly because … because the rules of the universe in which the whole story seems to happen are … well, I haven’t really been able to make any rules out there. So to me, it’s basically like a five-year-old playing with action figures, where the one guy hits the other, but then the other guy hits back, but then the third guy comes in and beats both, ‘cos he’s, like, way superer than the other two. And when someone is angry, they announce it by saying “AAHH, I’M ANGRY!”

    I just watched that video, and it all does not make much more sense than before. I then wrote a very long elaborate explanation of why it doesn’t, then deleted it. Because:
    Go ahead, have fun. I mean, I know people who read super-schlocky kitschy books, and if that’s their jam, then so be it — some of those are still excellent people. Or maybe I just don’t see the conceptual greatness of the premise? Maybe that’s something you have to watch for an extended period to get? Maybe my horse is just too high? Or I’m just not culturally acclimated to it? I mean, I don’t get Opera either. At all. makes not a bit of sense to me. Why would you sing in a way that nobody is able to understand what you’re singing? What’s the use of a putting a piece on stage where I have to read the script to understand what’s supposed to be happening?

    => Yeah, you guys go ahead, but I still don’t get it.

    1. Thomas says:

      (This isn’t trying to make you like it or change your opinion or anything, because that’d be silly and it’s a perfectly fine opinion). The level of consistency in the rules and what the rules change a lot from show to show and wrestler to wrestler. I liked the concept of wrestling and wanted to get into it, but when I tried I found WWE pretty unbearable because I could never understand even the basic A causes B of the writing. It was just stuff happening that didn’t make sense.

      But when I watched NXT I quickly fell in love because NXT was on my personal wave length and it all fell into place and felt like logical storytelling. NXT is a lot more like a fictionalised UFC and it’s clearly written for nerds – and wrestling nerds – because they spend a lot of time explaining exactly why a person is allowed to wrestle another person and what they gained. This person proved he can beat this person in a fight so he’s second best and allowed a shot to beat the champion, this person is too new and untested to be allowed to face such good wrestlers etc…

      And their storylines tend to be things like “These two guys are so intense all the other matches in the show had to be delayed till next week because they just _won’t give in_ and the match overran” or “This women would absolutely get crushed by the other women so her only chance is to stay close and choke the other person out before her body give sin”.

      It’s doesn’t have the flair or spectacle of RAW, but for my tastes it’s just really nice this causes that writing. And then other places (like Lucha Underground I hear) go the other way and embrace total madness.

      1. Zak McKracken says:

        “her body give sin”
        …is probably not what you meant to write :)

        I think what you say does make sense. Although I’d say on top of “getting” the setting of the story, you also do need to have at least a tolerance for big muscular macho guys pretend-beating on each other. I think not having that makes the whole thing that much more difficult…

    2. Opera makes more sense if you think about it as “olden time musicals” cause they more or less were. I’m not a huge fan of the genre, mostly because I prefer my classical music with less solo singers and more big choral works, but I’ve seen a few in my time, and kinda think of ’em as concerts with some stuff going on to keep people slightly more entertained than they would be with just people standing and singing/playing.
      I’d try Gilbert and Sullivan or various light operas (there are some in English though I’m not coming up with anything off the top of my head, it’s been a decade or so since I studied any of this). Oh, or the operatic Looney Tunes bits, cause “Kill the Wabbit!” is still awesome to this day :)
      As far as wrestling, it made sense to me when I saw the South Park episode about it. It’s still not something I’m really going to seek out, but that’s more because I have way more stuff in the “to-watch/rewatch” queue than I have time. My queue is so full that I have to periodically clean Netflix out so it doesn’t start throwing “Your queue is over 500 and we hate you” errors.

      1. Zak McKracken says:

        yeah, that queue exists in the form of two shelves full of unwatched DVDs and Blurays. Some of the DVDs bought before there was Bluray…

        I’m not a fan of musicals, either, since they tend to be on the kitschy side but there have been some few that I enjoyed (even some that moved me a lot more than I wanted to be moved…some of those people are experts at pressing people’s buttons!). However, in musicals, I can usually still understand what people are singing, which for both Opera and classical choral music, I usually cannot. And I’m not talking about language here, it’s just the plain fact that the sounds leaving the performers’ mouths just do not sound like words to me. I don’t actually mind the music itself but I cannot get myself to care because it always feels like there’s something there but someone deliberately made it harder to understand.

        I guess what I’m trying to say: Although Wrestling and Opera certainly don’t have too much in common, they’re both acquired tastes. You need to invest time and thought into them before you have a chance that things click and make sense. Actually, most art, good or bad, is probably like that in some way, even including crappy superficial daily soaps. The problem is that you never know what’s inside before you’ve invested your time.

        Right now, though, I’ve got no time, and the best I hope for in terms of acquiring taste is finding some good new music, not the same as what I listen too now but not too far a leap either — which brings us back to Mumbles because her taste in that is way more compatible with mine than the whole wrestling thing… sorry, I tried.

        1. No worries! I am not a huge opera fan (though I spent my adolescence listening to Mozart’s masses and his Requiem and Vivaldi’s choral work that has the two soprano duet Laudamus Te in it, and a lot of stuff like the Messiah). I like the big choral pieces because I love the human voices as instruments, and yeah, it means more when I know what Dies Irae, Dies Illa means but I don’t have to. Opera tends towards too many soloes and duets for me, not as many of the big choral things I love, so that’s why I’m eh on it. Lately I go for more of the soundtracks with that sort of sound (Skyrim, Oblivion, Halo).

          And yes, it is a very weird thing. But I’d never really known or been exposed to wrestling beyond vaguely knowing Hulk Hogan was a thing or seeing the Rock on Voyager, (I believe I saw that ep before I read anything or heard you talk about it, but I’m not sure) so I had no real idea of what wrestling was beyond the Olympic sport. I dunno how accurate the SP ep is but I did get a fairly clear idea of wrestling as being acting/staged violence/drama instead of my previous vague thought of “some weird competition thing”

    3. Mumbles says:

      This is maybe the weirdest comment about wrestling I’ve ever read. And, I’ve been in a thread trying to justify a woman giving birth to a grown man’s hand on live tv.

      1. 4th Dimension says:

        Good or bad wierd?

  9. Xedo says:

    The PS4.5 might sell better than you expect. Nintendo sold 8 million 3ds’s in 2015, and 7 million were New 3ds despite the lack of exclusive content for the new system. And this for a platform nearing the end of its lifespan with 60 million units sold (by contrast, there’s only 35 million PS4s sold so far). So console upgrades are probably quite viable even this early in the generation, especially if they market them as a better entry point for late adopters.

    To give a counterpoint to the whole Star Fox thing, take a look at Kotaku’s review. They designed actual diagrams that resolve the whole control issue. It’s still BAD, but it becomes infinitely better if you kick up a leg and brace the controller on your knee. It lets you have an elevated resting place for the gamepad so that its stays visually close to the TV instead of being down in a lap. It sounds like driving a car, where you flick your eyes from the windshield to the dashboard and rear view mirror as needed – just flick eyes down to the gamepad for the moment of shooting and then back to flying. Odd and unusual, but what I’m hearing is that a little investment of effort leads to some really great aiming and precision once you get used to it. Similar to Splatoon – the gyro controls were reviled by reviewers at launch who advised turning them off, but the community has been saying that if you stick with them, you get a level of speed and responsiveness that rivals playing PC shooters with a mouse (disclaimer: I’m not playing star fox zero, I’ve been playing star fox GUARD, which is a weirdly great tower defense game. Chris, go play guard, it’ll take the bad taste of Zero out of your mouth). It was definitely a more helpful (and I’d argue professional) review than Polygon throwing their hands up in exasperation.

    Of course that leads to a generally philosophical question. How much investment in a game is required before it becomes a bad game? I hear people say FF13 is really good once it opens up, like 20 hours in. But that means 20 hours of restrictive, unenjoyable game first. But a game with a few hours of slow burn before it gets good is worth it in my opinion. A book that takes a few chapters to give a payoff to the opening is fine, but a movie that drags for the first half hour usually feels unbearable for audiences. A great control system feels natural from the start, and sometimes a good control system has a learning curve or is poorly communicated to the player. Platinum games is the poster boy for that, just look at Wonderful 101. So at what point does that tip over into asking too much investment of time or effort to be outright bad?

    1. Retsam says:

      Even supposing it’s true that you’ll get better if you stick to the motion controls and learn them, it’s still pretty inexcusable that they don’t give you the option.

      As for whether you actually are better off using the motion controls, I’m skeptical. One, because, if you play a game long enough, you’ll get better at it no matter how bad the controls are. (Case in point: I spent a few hours playing QWOP awhile back, and I can actually pretty consistently run several meters) And secondly just because whenever Nintendo does anything it seems that diehard fans always come out of the woodwork to explain how it’s really the best thing. (e.g. Nintendo Creators Program defenders)

    2. silver Harloe says:

      “the game really gets fun after X”

      if you’re a fan of the game: X can be arbitrarily large, and anyone who thinks the game isn’t fun didn’t choose a big enough X

      if you’re not a fan of the game: X has to be like 15 minutes, tops

      1. Nidokoenig says:

        If a different control scheme is enough to get you to drop a $60 game in fifteen minutes, you’re not Nintendo’s audience, and I don’t see how anyone becomes a fan of a game within fifteen minutes, unless it’s a sequel, in which case the predecessor it builds on is probably dirt cheap and a better starting point.
        Judging by the big recent examples of controversial control schemes, God Hand, Monster Hunter, Kid Icarus: Uprising, Wonderful 101 and Splatoon, the gap between starting and being functional should be one or two hours, i.e. your first session in the tutorial areas. That’s a damn sight easier to adapt to than playing a shooter with a control stick, which doesn’t get any flack in reviews because it’s what you’re “supposed” to do, despite modern consoles being festooned with USB ports you could stick a mouse in.

        If I got salty over controls that rubbed me the wrong, I’d be writing great walls of text about the friction in Mario Maker and Shovel Knight where you slide around like you’re on ice in a way that is utterly infuriating to someone like me who grew up with Sonic on the Mega Drive, but I took the time to adapt. I honestly still don’t like it that much but it wasn’t worth missing some great vidya over and it’s key to forcing the precision and caution you’re expected to employ.

    3. Thomas says:

      I think ‘you have to contort your body to be able play the game’ is a fairly unambiguous bad control scheme.

      1. Nidokoenig says:

        I usually find that standing up is the way to use motion controls, with a chair to sit in during downtime. I’m certainly not going to be able to flail my arms about on one of the comfy living room chairs with big, poofy armrests, and standing up increases your flexibility.

      2. Echo Tango says:

        Contort your body…to play with motion controls. Isn’t the point of those things supposed to be that it’s more natural, and doesn’t require messing around, trying to learn the “proper” way to do it? This just seems like they used the wrong tool, in the wrong way, for the wrong job. :S

    4. straymute says:

      “So at what point does that tip over into asking too much investment of time or effort to be outright bad?”

      I feel like I’ve been asking myself this a lot lately. The discussion surrounding Hyper Light Drifter’s dash where you have to tap a button to an odd rhythm was pretty interesting to me because it gets into what is reasonable for a developer to ask of the player. Learning the dash is only useful in that specific game. It isn’t a particularly novel or interesting skill as it’s just taping a button a certain way repeatedly, but to experience all the content you may spend hours trying to master it. Possibly many more hours than it would take to finish the rest of the game.

      So it gets back to, “Is this a reasonable thing to ask people to do?” “What is being conveyed with this mechanic?” and more importantly “Is this the efficient way to convey that?”

      Then there’s the consideration of how this scales with the player base, for one person it might be 20 minutes of practice and another 5 hours. They might both be willing to expel the same effort, but the relative difficulty can be so vastly different it alters the message conveyed.

      1. Nidokoenig says:

        Even if the specific mechanic is only useful in one, keeping your ability and mind set for learning fresh and supple is useful. The specific rhythms required to get a full buff set and mount a monster in Monster Hunter 4U are fairly esoteric, but the experience of learning and the enhanced plasticity does carry over.

    5. Trix2000 says:

      The thing that concerns me more (and is actually making me consider NOT buying it) is that it sounds like it diverts so much from the “fly your ship around and shoot things in front of it in your crosshairs” which is most of what I liked about Star Fox’s gameplay. I liked 64, I really liked Assault (even though some might disagree)… and thought Command was disappointing and annoying to play (even though I did finish a fair bit of it), also because the control scheme just didn’t feel right.

      I’ll probably pick up Zero anyways in the perhaps foolish hope that they’ll make a better one later, but as much as I like the concept of motion controls (Skyward sword was awesome) the way it’s implemented here just sounds so unappealing to me. I hope my gut feeling is wrong here…

      1. Nidokoenig says:

        From what I’ve read since on imageboards, you have an aiming reticule on the TV screen. This basically means you can use the motion controls without looking at the controller, just tilt it for more precise aiming if you want. You probably won’t be quite as good as someone who masters looking at both so it’s not ideal if you want high scores, but allegedly it should be serviceable.

  10. Dusk says:

    Not sure if Rutskarn said they “were making” a Japanese version of Unforgiven or not, but this was already made: Wikipedia ahoy!

    I saw it back in 2014 and it’s really good – the cinematography in particular is epic. They also went to some good lengths to make the story fit historically into the Japanese setting.

    1. Kylroy says:

      I’m always delighted to find out about films like this, if only to remind myself that it’s not just American studios that do cross-cultural remakes.

    2. Nidokoenig says:

      Also of possible interest, the Seven Samurai was remade as an anime series, Samurai 7, in a steampunk setting. It’s pretty good, and it’s expands on a lot of the characters and concepts, though it gets a bit weird at times.

      On Josh not liking Magnificent Seven so much, the thing that bugged me about the Magnificent Seven was that it seemed like an action movie remake already. The first hour and a half or so of the Seven Samurai was setting the stakes, getting to know the samurai and the villagers, with little more than one or two fights as direct conflict, whereas Magnificent Seven reduced the runtime, expanded the characterisation of the samurai and raiders, and generally wouldn’t sit still, something had to be happening all the time, which worked against immersion.

  11. Bloodsquirrel says:

    Red Dead Redemption lost me during the opening cutscene and never got me back.

    As soon as the game let me ride out into the open world I did, and I was promptly shocked by how little there was to do or see. All of the actual content seemed to be contained in the story missions, which were worse than mediocre by third person shooter standards.

    I was never a GTA fan either, and I gave the game a shot because the Wild West setting appealed more to me than urban thug chic, but now I’m willing to just say definitively that I have no appreciation for how Rockstar puts its games together.

    1. Vermander says:

      It’s been a while since I played it, but as I remember it the world does open up a lot more once you’ve completed at least some of the story missions and there is a pretty wide variety of environments and activities to take in. I liked how the “west” wasn’t just one big generic desert with cactuses and tumbleweeds. The in-game equivalent of the rocky mountains look and feel significantly different from the alternate version of northern Mexico. There’s even one town with a swampy, gulf coast vibe.

      I also though thought the storyline was a lot better than most Rockstar offerings. The protagonist was a surprisingly complex guy who seemed to regret much of his criminal past and was actually capable of kindness and decency. Some of the characters were ridiculous or even offensive stereotypes, but it was nice to play a Rockstar game where you could also interact with and even befriend good people instead of just crazy criminals and lowlifes.

  12. James Porter says:

    Isn’t Mirrors Edge going to have a dynamic co-op feature like Dark Souls? I think that could be what they mean by social features.

    1. Echo Tango says:

      So…would that even work for a game that’s got cutscenes and stuff? Or did I miss some developments since I saw the trailer, and now the game isn’t going to have cutscenes? ^^;

    2. IFS says:

      I can’t wait for all the ‘try jumping’ messages.

  13. John says:

    Right. In the vein of “Games That I Was Excited About and Then Subsequently Played and Enjoyed”, I submit:

    Bastion! I was a couple of years late to this one. But everyone said it was good, and it had a demo, and–lo!–the demo was good too. So I bought it. (It’s the reason I have a Steam account, even. I ended up buying the game from GOG, but the demo is a Steam exclusive.) It’s still the single prettiest game I own.

    Crypt of the NecroDancer! I made the mistake of watching this video by Quintin Smith at RPS. The enthusiasm was infectious, apparently. Crypt of the Necrodancer is way, way outside my usual genre wheelhouse, but I regret nothing.

    1. Echo Tango says:

      Both are games I would be happy to show off to my friends who “don’t play games”.

  14. Mokap says:

    They refused to review a game because it’s broken, has half baked ideas and doesn’t control well? Do they review any AAA game?

    1. NotSteve says:

      Yeah, “this game is really bad and broken” seems like exactly when you should review a game. That’s something really useful for people to know!

      1. 4th Dimension says:

        Also don’t they understand that this is how they make money. By offering dissenting opinions that will drive fans crazy and please those frustrated by them. Which will hopefully cause a riot in the comment section and thus rack up the views.

    2. Daemian Lucifer says:

      If the reasons stated there are true,they refused to review it because they have a policy to finish the game completely before reviewing it.So I dont see whats the problem with no one wanting to suffer through that.

  15. Joe Informatico says:


    1. Andy_Panthro says:

      I also had a Genesis! (Well, a MegaDrive, as it was known in the UK). It was great, and Sonic 2 is awesome.

    2. Nidokoenig says:

      Aww yeah! I still get my jimmies rustled by the way none of the games promising chiptunes use Yamaha synths. It just makes stuff sound better.

      Sonic 1 was my favourite, but I put an ungodly amount of time into all of them. Also, Streets of Rage and Golden Axe. I had one of the Shinobi games and I sucked at it.

    3. Echo Tango says:

      Ehhh…Sonic never really had any actual gameplay. You just ran around bumping into stuff, like a pinball machine where you’re not allowed to see more than a quarter of the board at any time. :S

    4. Mumbles says:


      1. Wide And Nerdy â„¢ says:

        Blast processing is a joke.

        1. Nidokoenig says:

          Mode 7 is wank, and rotating pixelated sprites looks like arse.

  16. Peter H. Coffin says:

    “Too Racy”?

    I have to admit that I bought a Playstation to play Gran Turismo. Never owned another console myself before, only ever bought a PS/2 for some Gran Turismo 3. The Geek owns the PS3 and PS4, I only use them now for media and stick pretty solidly with PC games.

  17. Christopher says:

    Why don’t you pose a viewer question? I could send in lore questions about Dark Souls 3 or ask about your favorite Street Fighter V character, but nobody would be happy.

  18. silver Harloe says:

    “games you’re excited about”
    I’m looking forward to Dishonored 2. Maybe I’m weird, but I liked Dishonored. I just kinda pretended everyone had a better actor in my head and went with it, and the mechanics were fun.

    Anyone have a suggestion for an audio player thingy for chrome? Their native implementation sucks. But I don’t want to download the audio and play it separately. I just want to “hit play” but not have it lock things up with “waiting for a socket”, and have a pause feature that actually pauses until I hit play, instead of breaking if I pause for too long.

    1. Andy_Panthro says:

      I loved Dishonored, and I really hope the sequel is just as good. I liked that it reminded me of Thief, but it was a bit quicker and more forgiving. The magic powers you get are pretty fun too, even if the one I used most was Blink.

  19. James Porter says:

    Man I was really feeling Mumbles this episode. I can tell everyone really wanted to complain about Nintendo, but Mumbles coming in with some really sweet, positive stories really got my day started off right, thank you!

  20. Wide And Nerdy says:

    Actually, I think a blind archer could work if its like the peasant longbow volley. You just have to be pointed in the basic direction and fire on cue. The rest is having roughly the right angle and draw.

  21. Grimwear says:

    Way back in the day when I still played on consoles I went to EB Games (now Gamestop in Canada) and bought a used copy of Batman Arkham Asylum. It was the only used copy they had and I got home, opened it, and turns out that the manual on the inside was in french. I then returned it and bought a new copy so I could have it in english.

  22. Mumbles! Mumbles! Mumbles!
    When you say you had myst-like games for mac, does that by chance include The Labyrinth of Time?

    We used to have that at school because – I suppose one of the teachers had managed to argue it was educational? So we were allowed to play it if we … were the first person to finish our work in class since we only had three computers and only one had the game on it.
    I remember dying a lot in that game, and I don’t know if that was even an easy thing to do.

    1. Mumbles says:

      holy shit this brings back memories. i wonder if i can find this on gog…

  23. NotSteve says:

    Sure, cow tipping isn’t real, but there’s still some stuff you can do. Cows are pretty stable, but if you’re trying your hardest you can get them to tilt at least a little. I’d say on average you can tip a cow 10-20%.

    1. Majikkani_Hand says:

      The real question is, *should* you tip a cow if they make at least minimum wage?

      1. Nidokoenig says:

        Giving a cow the tip is illegal in most jurisdictions.

  24. Hermocrates says:

    I loved Red Dead Redemption, in broken moments, right up until it reminded me that it was a Rockstar Game. Then I would begrudgingly get through the mission where I helped a “horse lover” find his lost horse, or do some missions for racist Mexican caricatures, and eventually the open roaming would return and I would love it again.

  25. Hermocrates says:

    I’ve decided that, while I can’t get into wrestling, I LOVE listening to wrestling fans talk about wrestling. Wrestling isn’t wrestling, and my enjoyment of wrestling isn’t my enjoyment of wrestling.

    So what I’m saying is Mumblo should never stop talking about wrestling on the Diecast.

  26. Steve C says:

    Of the games you were all excited about and looking forward to, I noticed one game was not mentioned: Good Robot.

    Just saying…

  27. Metal C0Mmander says:

    So I have some opinions on the whole “fun experiences don’t mean a game is good” subject in that Star Fox segment.

    The way I see it is that you guys are right but it doesn’t matter if a game is good or bad or even if it’s broken or not once you start having fun with it. What matter is how game works and why you’re having fun with it. Because sometimes it turns out the game itself did have an impact on your enjoyment of it even if minuscule.

  28. Zak McKracken says:

    Dear Diecasters! I’ve fallen a bit behind schedule with listening to you guys (sorry! sorry!) and now my Podcast software won’t download this and the previous episode (but later ones work). It has no problem streaming them, but I only and exclusively listen to podcasts on the road or in the tube, so with no or at best intermittent internet connection … AntennaPod complains about “no such file or directory” — did you perchance delete the file for download, or move it, or change the download link but not the streaming one, or somesuch?

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