At the fifty second mark:
I assume that’s a made-up name?
If not, then God help that poor, poor man.
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I wonder what his inbox looks like…
I’m a bit ashamed, but I laughed :/
I got a buck that says there’s no way that’s his real last name.
I put Rollington into a web-search; apparently it is a legitimate last name. It’s too bad there’s no page on The Escapist listing staff and content contributors to verify this.
His name: Never gonna give it up, never gonna live it down, never gonna go around, and change it!
Haha! Awesome! Wonder what he says after sex….
I was really confused when I first watched this video. I was so focused on reaching 50 seconds that I completely missed that guy’s name. No way it’s his actual name.
On a separate note, MadWorld looks awesome and I look forward to its release. I haven’t purchased a Wii game since Smash Bros. Brawl.
That’s amazing!
Poor guy, people must bug him about it all the time, PARTICULARLY at a place like Comic-Con
Ah, finally got it, after two hours of subconscious brainwork. Now I feel stupid but happy.
Just had to say this, though nobody probably really cares. Carry on:-)
They searched for that guy *specifically* because of his name. I’ll bet you anything (as long as “anything” is “nothing”, but I digress).
Rick Rollington? Really?
I’m actually kinda scared now, because apparently, someone slipped the “internet jargon” dictionary into the “generic weatherman name generator” by accident.
Not too long before we see a Lowell Kattsworth out there.
@11 Hahaha, nice.
Regardless of the legitimacy of his name, I’m surprised he said it so easily. Either he’s a really good comedian, or it’s his real name. If he’s used to saying “I’m Rick Rollington, nice to meet you!”
The credits at the end under “starring” suggest none of the presenters are using their real names, Im afraid…
Which is disappointing.
He’s too old for Rickrolling to be a meme back when he was born though. Heck, he looks old enough that the original song/video might not have been made when he was born. So it couldn’t be both a real name and a reference to the meme.
It might be either one though. Maybe he insists on “Richard” most of the time and only goes by “Rick” on-camera?
Haha, I totally missed it the first time. I figured it would beabout a game name or something and then MadWorld came up and I am thinking: Well that’s not *that* bad is it? Rewind and pay extra attention to the 50 second mark…..
If that is his name… poor guy!
Yeah, it’s definitely a fake name.
I love how the Asian chick from that mock-ninja-fighting whatever group at the end of the video is the only one who gets this joke. She chuckles when the guy introduces himself. :)
Yup, he and the girl both seem to laugh at the name around the 2:50 mark.
I bet Darlene X is her real name though.
He didn’t want his appearance at the NY Comic Con to ruin his career in gay porn…