Bacongamer Anti-Bullying 15 Hour Livestream Minecraft Event

By Shamus Posted Monday Jan 21, 2013

Filed under: Links 9 comments

I normally wouldn’t send you off for something like this without watching a bit of it myself, but tonight I’ve got Spoiler Warning, a sick kid, a bunch of obligations, and a powerful need to sleep. So please forgive me the hypocrisy of linking to something I haven’t perused myself.

Bacongamer is running a 15 hour Minecraft event to raise awareness for bullying and to talk about the subject a bit. The thing is running on the always-stellar Twentymine Server. It’s actually a multi-cam view of many different Minecraft worlds.

I would have been more involved (or at least stopped by for a chat) if I had more time. I do hate to miss out on anything Minecraft-related, and I’m curious where this conversation is going. Good luck to Bacongamer and the rest of the team, and I apologize again for this drive-by endorsement.

You can see all the camera views here.


From The Archives:

9 thoughts on “Bacongamer Anti-Bullying 15 Hour Livestream Minecraft Event

  1. Dragomok says:

    Thank you for the link, but I’m afraid six streams at once is a tad too much for my connection.

    Also, one person is playing World of Warcraft. Strange.

    Edit: Ah, one more thing: I wish your son best of luck.

  2. Forumrabbit says:

    Oh dear god so many streams! Even 5 brought my 4850 to a halt; wish I had my 7970 here already. I can’t even turn them off it’s that slow.

    By the way is it cyberbullying or bullying in general?

  3. Urs says:

    Ahh, Minecraft. I miss you. I will be back.

    …also, I think it’s fantastically awesome how the twentymine server has been going on for more than 2 years now. And how my humble abode was never harmed in any way during that time.

  4. Jokerman says:

    I knew it! Rutscarn is Shamus’s son….

    “I'll cut to the chase. I woke up Sunday morning so sick that I've been sitting here for eight minutes and after a dozen edits, I've barely managed to write a sentence conveying that information coherently. I spent five of those minutes trying to make the information funny, gave up, and spent another three trying to get the information there. I don't even have some kind of mutant voodoo South American monkey pox; as best as I can tell, I've got a case of a common cold, a headache, not enough sleep, and an immune system as robust as an analogy I cannot come up with.” – Rutscarn’s blog

    1. qwksndmonster says:

      Shamus’s son is like ten, right? So that makes sense.

      1. Mintskittle says:

        When did Rutskarn hit double digits? *Sigh* they grow up so fast.

        1. BeardedDork says:

          I think it was during the Bioshock season.

      2. Phantom Hoover says:

        Rutskarn is actually Shamus’ bastard, fathered during one of his zany teenage exploits.

  5. Good luck with the recovery, Shamus. My family and kid managed to deliver unto me all those backup band viruses traveling with the flu this year. I was basically infected with some form of creeping crud from Thanksgiving through Christmas, with the real fun beginning around New Year’s. I’m just about over that one, but I hope you don’t make the same mistake I did: I used a “get the gunk out of your lungs” medication to help, well, empty out my lungs, but I didn’t read the packaging too carefully until AFTER I got better and discovered it was the “don’t take and operate heavy machinery” version of the medication.

    All the while I took it, no amount of coffee could keep me focused, and I’d occasionally wonder if the virus was giving me dain bramage. ‘Twas most un-fun.

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