Upcoming Hangout 7/16

By Shamus Posted Sunday Jul 15, 2012

Filed under: Notices 63 comments

The Spoiler Warning crew will be doing another hangout on Monday, July 16th at 6pm Eastern Time in the USA. For other time zones, check this page. Josh has told me that he’s definitely going to be playing Civilization V, or Shogun 2, The Secret World, or Crusader Kings. Which means he’ll probably play Angry Birds.

I’ll post the related stream when the event goes live.


From The Archives:

63 thoughts on “Upcoming Hangout 7/16

  1. MisterS says:

    Quick correction: Monday is July 16 (correct in the title, wrong in the post body).

    Also, hello world.

  2. Artur CalDazar says:

    I assume this will be on Rutskarn’s stream?

  3. ToastyVirus says:

    Awesome! might be able to make it to this one!

  4. Lame Duck says:

    I would be pretty interested in seeing a Civ V: Gods & Kings game. You know, one that isn’t set to the highest difficulty so we can actually see some of the Gods & Kings stuff instead of Josh being mericlessly curb-stomped by the AI before he even builds a second city.

    1. Daemian Lucifer says:

      Meh.4 is still much better.

      +1 for shogun.Or angry birds.Both are the same really:)

      Although all of you playing magicka for a bit would be even better.

      1. Johan says:

        +2 for Shogun
        It’s the only Total War game I haven’t bought. I was really disappointed in Empire so Shogun 2 didn’t inspire confidence. Nonetheless it’s always fun to see how other people do their battles, no other game (to me) is quite so tactical as the Total War series, which always makes it fascinating to see how others play

        And of course 30 seconds after his general is routed we can all say “your general is in trouble”

        Also holy crap this place has a spell-checker thing now?

        1. Steve Online says:

          I actually got into the series at Empire, and i can’t stand the older games. Melee combat just looks like a jumbled clusterfrack that could go either way based on dice rolls, voodoo incantations, and if the computer realizes it’s Tuesday, while line infantry tactics make perfect sense to me.

          1. Johan says:

            Empire also has melee though. And for me the line infantry tactics DON’T make sense because they conflict with everything I’ve every played in terms of line infantry.

            I remember this game I played… I think it was called “Sid Meier’s Gettysburg,” anyway it also had line infantry tactics, but with one key difference: If you shoot at someone from both the front and the side, they are “flanked” and take heavy moral damage. Empire doesn’t have this, units in Empire give absolutely zero fucks where the bullets come from, and on VH/VH I have never seen them route when they still have 50% of their men. Taking us back to Sid Meier’s Gettysburg, units were very quick to route if they were flanked, same with older Total War games. Flanking feels almost worthless in Empire compared to other games which deal with the same period of warfare, and compared to other TW games, which really takes the tactics out of it.

            1. Steve Online says:

              Melee in Empire is also random and inconsistent. I’ve seen a single damaged unit of grenadiers murder four full teams of Line Infantry at once. I’ve seen heavy cav at full tilt bounce off of a mob of armed peasants and lose half their squad.

              And there is a ‘flanked’ morale effect if you attack a unit from multiple angles in Empire.

    2. Museli says:

      I too would like to see Civ V at a sensible difficulty, although the choice of game is secondary to the general banter. Given as it’s at a more friendly time here in England, and I don’t work Tuesdays, I’ll be present regardless of what’s happening. :)

      1. IFS says:

        +1 to Civilization. How many more people voting for it would it take to make it vorpal?

        1. Daemian Lucifer says:

          It cannot go vorpal until someone yells OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!

    3. Lame Duck says:

      Oh, I’d also be pretty happy to see some Fall of the Samurai. Although given what I’ve seen of Josh’s predilections, I imagine the more we request something, the more likely he is to choose something else just to troll us. Hell, if he was interested in doing what the fans wanted, we’d have started watching the Spoiler Warning Mass Effect 3 series by now.

      1. Syal says:

        And yet no matter how few people request Contra he still hasn’t taken up the mantle.

  5. Deadfast says:

    Good time for the central Europeans, I’ll be sure to drop by.

  6. Daemian Lucifer says:

    Cool,its at midnight,so I wont have to stay up for long this time.You guys keep spoiling me by pushing this backwards every time.

  7. newdarkcloud says:

    I’ll be out of town then, so I might miss it. But I’m glad this is becoming a thing. I’ll be there if I can.

  8. Dovius says:

    Jubilations, I can actually make it this time! Looking forward to it, sounds like it’ll be awesome.

  9. LadyTL says:

    I hope it is The Secret World. I’ve been playing that for a while now but I would love to hear you guy’s opinions on it.

  10. SougoXIII says:

    If you’re doing another hang out then I take it that Josh still haven’t started his ME3 play-through yet? :)

    Anyway, 23:00 in London is much better than 02:00 and I’m going to be slightly awake there for a change.

  11. Usually_Insane says:

    Can we assume you mean Crusader kings 2 at least?

    1. Littlefinger says:

      I assume so yes. Unfortunately, I don’t think it’ll happen. CK 2 isn’t easy on a stream. That said, if Josh would play it the amount of backstabs and plots … sigh.

      1. 4th Dimension says:

        There is something else except murder and plotting and backstabbing in CK2?
        I thought it was Medieval Kinslaying Simulator.

        1. Littlefinger says:

          Only if you play the DLC. Otherwise it’s Kingslaying round the clock.

          (and family-in-law murder time fun time)

          1. Daemian Lucifer says:

            And with dlc it spices things up with queenslaying?

            1. Littlefinger says:

              I don’t have the muslim dlc yet, but apparently due to the peculiar mechanics it becomes almost a fundamental necessary to murder your brothers after you get the inheritance – to stave off any pretenders to your throne.

              1. thebigJ_A says:

                Which is historically accurate. Well, for the Ottomans at the least. I always wondered about the family dynamics, pretty much knowing your older brother will have you and all your siblings strangled once your dad dies must have been messed up. Or knowing you’d have to murder all your brothers (and occasionally sisters) once you inherited.

                1. Irridium says:

                  So is this game good? Because hearing you guys talk about it… it sounds really interesting.

                  1. littefinger says:

                    If you want to know a little about how this plays, there’s a kinda sorta guide/playthrough on the Something awful forums:


                    you might find it informative as to how the game plays (and how to play it).

                    keep in mind: I haven’t been nearly as succesful as the author has been.

                2. littefinger says:

                  Somewhere on the intertubes someone claimed the following re:Sword of islam:

                  Well, let me put it this way, pre-SoI, CK2+ allowed the play of Muslim rulers, but it was just Christian play in Abyssinia, more or less.

                  Let me quote something at you to give you an idea.


  12. Eärlindor says:

    Great! Looking forward to it.

    Haha, Josh playing Angry Birds… the very idea just makes me smile…

    Reginald Birdbert? Okay, no, that kinda sucks, sorry.

    1. GM says:

      that can be fun too watch.

    2. Syal says:

      Reginald Cuftbird.

  13. Alex says:

    when does the spoiler warning season start? I WANTZ DAT

    1. Daemian Lucifer says:

      Well seeing how only Chris and Shamus did some serious work about that,I vote for a two man season of mass effect 3.

      1. SougoXIII says:

        But then what will happen to the insane trolling? The groan-inducing puns? And Mumbles? That’s 3/4 of Spoilers Warning right there.

      2. krellen says:

        I know for a fact that Mumbles has finished her ME3 playthrough as well.

        1. Aldowyn says:

          Reaffirming what Krellen said, if that matters. But Mumbles without Rutskarn to troll her… I don’t know what she’d get mad at. Although I’m sure they’d find a way.

          1. Daemian Lucifer says:

            She could get mad at batman because of bees,my god.

  14. Chard says:

    Damn this obligation of mine to pay rent and eat food. If I just didn’t have my stupid job I could be up at midnight and watch this.
    I hope this hangouts highlights will uploaded on a later date. Feels bad that I will miss the live event though.

    1. Perivale says:

      I tend to watch the stream after it’s finished over on Rutskarn’s channel, I’d be sad if I missed any trolling :(

  15. JPH says:

    Whether I’m there or not depends entirely on whether or not I’m working tomorrow, which I should find out tonight.

    If I don’t make it, :[ .

    1. JPH says:

      Turns out I’m off tomorrow. Huzzah! I’ll watch my back for tanks this time.

      1. Museli says:

        Please don’t. :P

  16. bigben says:

    That’s tomorrow, midnight for me. We’ll see if i can see (I doubt it =/ )
    Have fun anyways :D

  17. Michael says:

    Playdate, playdate, tra la la!

    I’ll be sure to send biggest bro Graw Mad.

    (Also, that was like three references. One not even to Homestar Runner.)

  18. Dante says:

    Cool, I can make this one. I’ll hang out til RDA starts.

  19. Zukhramm says:

    Meh. That’s midnight for me and I’ve actually got a job for once. Might catch an hour or so.

  20. ENC says:

    8AM on a Tuesday? Very doable. During uni semester it wouldn’t be though.

    Saturday night seems to be the time that theoretically everyone could make it (sunday morning over here), although the twilight hours of 2AM-6AM will never get anyone watching.

    I don’t know why Josh couldn’t play something from the steam sale like, oh I don’t know, Knights of the Old Republic?

    1. rayen says:

      they want stuff that doesn’t involve alot of player action. that way josh will be able to talk instead of having to have all hands/attention on the game.

  21. Tse says:

    1 am Tuesday, no problem… I wish I had a real job.

  22. rayen says:

    not working this time. yay! =D

  23. Stephen says:

    The last hangout was a brilliantly crazy mishmash, I’m definitely gonna stick around for this one.

  24. James Pony says:

    Now if only someone could code me a superlight browser so I could play Assault Squad while watching the stream.

    Or send me a brand new computer with POWERRRR and at least 8GB of RAMs.

  25. Cody211282 says:

    Ah sadly I wont be able to make it due to school.But with a little luck you guys will still be going by the time I’m out.

  26. Peter H. Coffin says:

    I still wanna buy Josh Farming Simulator 2011 just for the excruciating background video for these hangouts. The threashing jokes alone will be worth it.

    1. Museli says:

      The pun possibilities are endless. Rutskarn would have a field day.

  27. HBOrrgg says:

    Was it supposed to be starting now?

    1. burek says:

      They’re probably not ready yet. Fashionably late.

      1. Aldowyn says:

        I was just mucking around, then I was like… “Wasn’t the hangout supposed to be today?” *checks site* Crap, I missed the start… Wait, where is it?

        There’s no link or anything, and I’m not sure I ever subscribed to anyone’s livestream :/

        And it’s started…

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