On New Years Eve, Josh is going to bring in the new year with violence and… more violence, I guess. He’s going to play Saints Row: The Third and Livestream the result for the rest of us to watch. His game will begin at 7pm PST and run until midnight PST. (Which works out to 3am to 8am GMT on New Year’s day.
This will be his first-ever time playing the game. I’ll stop by and add some commentary at some point. There may be other guests as well. I’ll have a post once the show begins, but the stream will be found here.
Project Button Masher
I teach myself music composition by imitating the style of various videogame soundtracks. How did it turn out? Listen for yourself.
Push the Button!
Scenes from Half-Life 2:Episode 2, showing Gordon Freeman being a jerk.
Trusting the System
How do you know the rules of the game are what the game claims? More importantly, how do the DEVELOPERS know?
Programming Vexations
Here is a 13 part series where I talk about programming games, programming languages, and programming problems.
Artless in Alderaan
People were so worried about the boring gameplay of The Old Republic they overlooked just how boring and amateur the art is.
Damn you Josh!I was planning on sleeping that night,but now I have to be awake at 4 in the morning.
Given the nine-hour time difference, like Daemian, watching this stream implies having to get up at four in the morning. On New Year’s Eve.
Of course I’ll be there. I might be grumpy, though.
Finally! A game where Reginald Cuftburt not only belongs, but is welcomed!
It should be an interesting challenge for Josh – can he cause even more chaos than the developers intended? If anyone is capable of such a feat, he’s our man.
With proper abuse of the safehouse removing all wanted levels on entering, it’s pretty easy to get a tank just after the third mission. Which is also the mission where you get a controller for a UAV missile drone. I see many explosions in the near future.
So Josh will, naturally, play under a pacifist conduct.
But I have to ask: if there is a game where Cuftbert belongs, doesn’t that defeat the purpose for his existence?
A reward for not having New Year’s plans?
Curses! Now, once more, I have to choose between a social life, sleep and nerding.
“This will be his first-ever time playing the game.” This will be magical.
Will he be co-oping with someone, or is he going at it alone?
Would be glorious if you or Rutskarn could play with him.
Either way, I’ll be there.
Sadly,Shamus is a traitor to the nerdom and has a family,Mumbles is a girl,so she too has plans for new years,and Rutskarn…What is he up to anyway?
Getting computer viruses, probably!*
*This is unfair, as lately they’ve been a bit more prolific and hitting a large amount of people. But since when are we fair?
I do have plans NYE, but if it weren’t too much of a hassle, I might be able to pop in for a cameo or something. I have no idea how the co-op works.
Exactly the same as SR:2 Ruts.
Dude, man. That coop would be great.
Gonna be fun, hope he manages to go through the whole story.
I wouldn’t be surprised if he kills the first pedestrian he sees, then stamps on their corpse for 5 hours. I’d probably still watch the whole thing.
Wooo, super long 3am stream! Sleep is for the weak!
If he’s going to make Gangsta Cuftbert, it’s only appropriate that Cuftbert speaks in Zombie. Yes, that is an actual voice option, and it’s voiced by Steve Blum. Zombie is honestly the closest thing that an… Entity like Cuftbert gets to communicating with humanity.
That or the female Russian accent.
I imagined Cuftbert with the cockney voice, tbh. xD
Which is voiced by Robin Atkin Downes, which is also The Medic from TF2….and countless other video games.
Hah! Nice. Also, barely-related, me playing noobs at Frozen Synapse is going to be livestreamed starting Friday at 23:59UTC.
I will be intoxicated, and the games will be commentated by other (sober) good players.
The stream is at http://tv.devgaming.net/livetv/ and you can probably find other FS players in the chat room making fun of me while it’s going on.
Can yo give me what time zone josh is in so i can time convert please, ’cause i never seem to getit right.
Oh and if it could im G.M.T that would be a major help P.S.T has ALWAYS thrown me off, i just have no clue what it is an when ever I google it get conflicting answers etc.
Unless I’m mistaken, Josh is in Las Vegas, which is PST (Pacific Standard Time).
That’s GMT – 8:00 if the site about GMT I’m referencing is correct.
Ummm.. This?
SSsssssssssssshhhhhh. I totally didn’t miss that. :/
Meh it was like 4:00am at the time.
“Meh it was like 4:00am at the time.”
Well thats perfect.You just need to repeat that on sunday.
Shamus Shamus Shamus. You have an un-closed left parenthesis there, in the time-zone thingy. It’s practically letting the paragraph bleed out in the gutter. No closure. Oh, won’t someone think of the children!
Shamus, pretty please, will it be a normal .flv video later at some point, on Youtube or likewise?
I cannot watch streaming video live (very slow connection), I have to download it completely later using various browser hacks, which is how I watch Spoiler Warning and other Youtube stuff.
That will be up to Josh.
Can I add a “+1” to getting a permanent version (on youtube or whatever) please? Pretty please???
+2 from me since I likely would be either partying, or otherwise unable to get connection at 5 am when the stream starts.
And a third for me. It’s times like these I wish I was lonelier.
Well i didn’t plan on sleeping that night anyway, so i’ll definitely go watch Josh at 3am! And giving his tendency to find find every bug/glitch in a videogame, i’m very curious as to how this will play out :D
Just a heads up;
Thanks to the 50 viewer limit on the original stream, it has been moved to Chocolate Hammer stream: http://www.livestream.com/chocolatehammer
FYI – 50 viewer limit at Josh’s Livestream, so they moved it to the Chocolate Hammer Livestream: http://www.livestream.com/chocolatehammer