Dick Van Dyke, CGI Artist

By Shamus Posted Monday Oct 23, 2006

Filed under: Links 4 comments

Did you know that 80-year-old actor Dick Van Dyke is a CG artist?

I didn’t. Cool.


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4 thoughts on “Dick Van Dyke, CGI Artist

  1. BeckoningChasm says:

    Wow. That IS cool. It’s really neat that the folks in Hollywood can still surprise one (and in a NICE way, too).

  2. some kid says:

    Dick Van Dyke? who’s he?

  3. Shamus says:

    Dick Van Dyke is most famous for playing Bert in Marry Poppins in 1964.

  4. Tola says:

    He now spends his time in things like ‘Diagnosis Murder’.

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