The week to come

By Shamus Posted Sunday Dec 20, 2009

Filed under: Notices 35 comments

It’s the week of Christmas and so things are naturally crazy all over. If you’re not visiting with relatives, you’re shopping. If you’re not shopping, you’re watching one of the 210 Christmas specials on television. If you’re not watching TV, you’re in an MMO grinding away at one of the requisite holiday events.

I’m actually going to be using my time off to get ahead on my writing projects and whatnot. I’m starting to think it would be unwise to post the finale to Star On Chest’s adventures over a holiday when it looks like most people aren’t even going to be reading. With this in mind,readers of this site will be able to look forward to the following content in the coming week:

1) I don’t know what the hell
2) Maybe something else. Or not.

We’ll see.

In keeping with this week of lazyness and apathy, here’s a YouTube video you’ve seen a thousand times already.

Link (YouTube)


From The Archives:

35 thoughts on “The week to come

  1. Rutskarn says:

    Oh, jeez, I didn’t even remember to do one of these this week.

    So, if anyone asks, I’m just going to say you stole mine and hung it from your site like a trophy.

  2. RustyBadger says:

    If you’re not grinding away in an MMO, you’re reading Twenty Sided and procrastinating about the pre-Christmas chores you have to do, like setting up the tree, mopping the floors, and creating more seasonal playlists on the media server. Sigh.


  3. ima420r says:

    Not all of us have shopping to do or relatives to visit. I’ll be working myself, 8am – 10pm on xmas day… overtime is grand. I’ll be dong the Xmas thing on New Years when my daughter gets back from her mothers. I’ll get deals on xmas supplies on the 26th and use them on the 31st.

    Also, I hadn’t seen that vid before, though I don’t watch a lot fo youtube. Here’s a song from Dr Demento’s Xmas album that I enjoy and would like to share:

  4. Phazzar says:

    Or we’re studying for our CS final on the 22nd.
    Christmas week sure is fun.

  5. glassdirigible says:

    Or you’re playing Dragon Age feverishly because you were too busy with finals for the last few weeks.

    The shopping can wait until my sister gets home so that we have someone to keep our minds off how ridiculous this season is and hopefully drown out the incessant Christmas songs.

  6. Sem says:

    Luckily, my family is not that much into shopping/visiting relatives/viewing tv. We still celebrate it but it’s low-key. A feast on Christmas eve, one visit for my mother’s grandparents and idem ditto for my father’s. That’s it.

    Also, I got myself “A Very Scary Solstice”, a CD with hilarious Christmas songs (obligated Wikipedia link). They all borrow their tune & melody from well-known Christmas songs but the lyrics are about the Cthulhu mythos. I’m thinking of playing it on Christmas Eve and then look how long it takes before my family catches on (or until we summon Cthulhu accidentally off course.)

  7. Chris Arndt says:

    Your excuse for not posting the end to Star on Chest suck ass. This is a blog, not a TV show… we’ll read it regardless of when we read it.

    That said, I’ll enjoy your Star on Chest regardless of when you choose to post it and I will be grateful for the privilege.

  8. Chris Arndt says:

    And Youtube videos take forever to load at home on break…
    Grrr… have a scary Christmas

  9. LintMan says:

    If you do nothing else over the Christmas “break”, see Avatar. I just saw the IMAX version: simply amazing. Not just the visuals – it’s a great story, too.

    Have a great holiday and try not to work too hard!

  10. Sekundaari says:

    The CD sounds interesting. David Morgan-Mar has done a Cthulhu mythos Christmas carol every Christmas Eve so far in Irregular Webcomic. Check them out if you haven’t seen them, you might like those too.

  11. Selifator says:

    Or you’re going to study for your drivers license, yahoo. Not.

  12. Nostromo says:

    I’ll be waiting for the Doctor Who Christmas Special and Season Finale. One day before you can catch it on BBC America.

    Life has its little privileges, like that.

  13. pffh says:

    Doing christmas chores while listening to lovecraftian carols

    And a very scary solstice to everyone.

  14. Telas says:

    Merry Christmas, Shamus. Enjoy yourself and your family.

    We’ll be here when you get back.

  15. ccesarano says:

    I think you overestimate the average blog reader’s devotion to family and holidays.

    Of course, despite my absolute love of Christmas and lukewarm interest in New Years, I’ll still be making trips to the internet every day BESIDES those two. Even on days when I don’t have time Twenty Sided is one of the sites that’s on my daily check list after I wake up.

  16. Legendary Bard says:

    Hanging out with my female friends seems to be what Christmas is about. Tonight we dyed their hair. Tomorrow we’re going SHOPPING!

    …no, I’m not gay…

  17. Jansolo says:

    If you were Jack Bauer you could spend your Christmas time like this:

    By the way, I wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year ;)

  18. Gavin says:

    Or you’re working full-time up to and including the 24th, then back on the 4th, probably with more work anyway in between. This goes in the “con” column of being self-employed.

  19. TSED says:

    Or you don’t celebrate Christmas whatsoever and get annoyed in a fashion no one can empathize with! All the ‘Christmas this!’ and ‘Family That!’ gets SO GRATING by… September.

  20. nilus says:

    I always find it odd when people say they don’t celebrate Christmas. My Mother and siblings are Catholic(Dad is technically Lutheran but he never really was religious. I take after him). I have a set of Cousins who are Jewish. One of my other Cousins married a Hindu guy. And my wife and her family are Muslim.

    So when me and my wife had out first kid we decided that there is no reason not to just celebrate everything.

  21. SteveDJ says:

    I’ll echo some of the others – I’m working most days these next two weeks, too. So, if you do choose to post SoC finale, it sounds like there will be plenty of people very happy to read it. :)

    @12 Nostromo:

    Same here! You wouldn’t happen to be an Emerald City Androgum, would you?

  22. Mom says:

    I don’t think it is my imagination that the over exposure to Christmas music is less this year. The stores aren’t playing as much and what they are playing is very low key and low volume.
    Also, the general craziness is less.Maybe it is because I am older.

  23. TSED says:


    Blah blah blah Jehovah’s Witness parents, atheist now. I have no reason to celebrate nor any desire. The worst part is how my friends are all busy, you know, celebrating.

  24. krellen says:

    I think the recession has something to do with that, Mrs. Young. I’ve noticed it too.

  25. Jack of Spades says:

    Noooo! This is the week I’m stuck at work with nothing to do! Need blogs!

  26. ccesarano says:

    @ TSED:

    I have a friend that’s Atheist but celebrates both Hannukah and Christmas with his family.

    And it pretty much grates on my nerves, but it also goes to show that this holiday is really not about the faith. Not anymore, at least. My family tries to keep it oriented to the faith, but honestly, I’m a greater fan of the actual festivities. I like giving people stuff and the annual ritual of watching films like Scrooged, The Ref and Die Hard.

    So I figure why the Hell not let everyone and their mom celebrate the Holidays? It even helps the economy a little bit! Plus there’s a bit of a greedy bastard in all of us.

    Though if anyone out there celebrates Kwanzaa, I’d like to see them raise their hand. I’ve never known ANYONE to celebrate it. I was expecting to meet at least one fellow in College, maybe, but it’s the one holiday that theoretically is celebrated, but I’ve never met anyone who does so.

  27. Torolf says:

    Never saw the video before. Will show to the wife later; thanks for the link.

    As for Christmas activities, I’ll be working straight through from the 22nd to January 2nd. I’m a nurse, and strangely enough, injured people need the same amount of care (or more) on holidays. That’s as much by choice as profession, however. I’m a practicing Christian, but work is my chosen venue to escape social madness that inexorably invades this time of year.

  28. Daimbert says:

    Interestingly, my most enduring current Christmas traditions are:

    Watching all the Star Wars movies in in-universe chronological order (the first day of my break).

    Watching Babylon 5 (sometime over the season; I just finished this year’s run).

    Watching all of the Lord of the Rings movies (New Years’ Eve or New Year’s Day).

    Hmmmm. I must have no Christmas spirit [grin].

  29. SteveDJ says:

    Does anybody celebrate Festivus? :-)

  30. LintMan says:

    Watching Babylon 5 (sometime over the season; I just finished this year's run).

    All 100+ hours of it? I’m a huge B5 fan, but man that’s hardcore! :-)

  31. Cuthalion says:

    I whine about Christmas music and put off shopping and wrapping presents, but I still enjoy the time with family and getting stuff. Also, I usually go to a church service for it. (I usually go to church anyway, but Christmas Eve generally has an extra service.) Seems like the faith-based and secular aspects of the holiday are disparate enough to make it essentially two different holidays. I have trouble thinking of them as a single celebration, rather than two that just happen to be on the same day.

    Merry Christmas!

  32. TSED says:


    Oh, that’s another thing. The rampant capitalism really bothers the nihipsteralist thing within me.

    Anyways, don’t mind me, enjoy your holidays people.

  33. Daimbert says:

    I admit it; I skipped Season 5 this year, because I usually don’t finish Season 5 anyway. But that was over a period of about 2 weeks, while I’m on vacation (I have a LOT of vacation this year).

  34. felblood says:

    I’m not shopping.

    I’m out of work, so I can’t afford to go shopping.

    The only thing keeping me out of the cold is the generosity of my friends and family, many of whom are willing to shelter me in their own homes.

    Not having to shop for Christmas presents is quite freeing, but I really wish there was a way I could say “Thank you!” to these fine people, with something more substantial than words.

  35. DrMcCoy says:

    I may or may not have seen that video before, because, oh great wonder, that YouTube link says that this video is not available in my country (without even telling me what the video is in the first place). Yay. :/

    EDIT: Ah, but the preview thingy shows which it is. And no, I for one haven’t seen it before. Never even heard of it :)

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