Super Stories Finale

By Shamus Posted Friday Oct 16, 2009

Filed under: Notices 25 comments

EDIT: So another reader donated 3 more keys. So the top six spots get access to the game. All keys have been sent out. Thanks for participating!

So, the software I used to run the poll allows you to close a poll. I did so, and discovered that when a poll is closed it acts like nobody has voted. (Facepalm.) So, here is a screencap of the results just after closing the poll:


The top three will be getting their trial keys later today.

Alas, Dark Gods and Ice Cream was my favorite (I loved the tone) and missed the top three by two votes.

Thanks to everyone who participated.

EDIT: Oh-kay… it seems to be showing the results properly now, but for several minutes it was acting like there were no votes. Got it figured out now.

[poll id=”8″ type=”result”]


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25 thoughts on “Super Stories Finale

  1. Drue says:

    It also shows the wrong percentages and total (even with the new numbers), at least for me. That might be because I’m on an old version of explorer though.

  2. Martin! says:

    We could have guessed that you liked Dark Gods and ice cream. There was a food reference in the description. ;-)

  3. Evan says:

    Nope, wrong for me too (In Firefox). Congrats to all the winners though. Have fun with your trials!

  4. Lupis42 says:

    The percentages are correct as a percentage of the max possible votes that any one entry could receive. The total is the total of voters, not the total of votes. Since every voter cast three votes… well, you see where this is going.

  5. Modran says:

    Nope, I f-ed up and only voted for Jerry Atricks. i may not be the only one :)

  6. Drue says:

    I’m fairly certain that I only voted for one too…. But I can’t be expected to remember what I did yesterday. If that is how the poll works then never mind.

  7. Rilias says:

    Interestingly the average number of stories a voter voted for was 2.5 where I would have presumed less since it takes more attention to detail to pick the 3 best instead of simply the one you like most. I for one took the low road and only voted for ice cream.

    Hmm… there might have been some people breaking ties by voting on their favorite 2 or skipping the third vote because they couldn’t decide on a 3rd.

  8. Veloxyll says:

    It still adds up right if you take the %’s as out of 1,137 votes and round to the nearest whole number.

    Two votes though. I guess I’ll just have to indulge in capitalism to play after all.

    Grats to the three winners though, it was fun writing the profile (and fun/stressful refreshing the page to watch the votes tick over and being SO CLOSE!)

  9. Athanasius says:

    And just to confuse things a bit more I actually only voted for one of ’em, the winner.

  10. rats says:

    Yeah, I only voted for 2 stories. I couldn’t bear to kill peoples hopes and dreams.

    Well done to all the entrants and congratulations to the winners.

    It would be quite interesting to see what percentage of people voted for how many entries, but if the voting system has issues ending, I doubt thats in the realms of possibility.

  11. Shamus says:

    So another reader donated 3 more keys. So the top six spots get access to the game. All keys have been sent out. Thanks for participating!

  12. Veloxyll says:

    Woo! Thank you, another reader!

    For other winners, you can download it through your account page easily. You get the launcher at 1.5 mb, then when you log in it patches everything up with a ~3.6 gb patch.

  13. I thought I’d mention this: I liked the Dark Gods and Ice Cream entry too, but there’s no drama in it, no tension. That’s why I ended up voting for other stories. In all fairness, though, the character limit is ludicrously small, and the premise does have potential otherwise.

  14. Jock says:

    I think the dark gods and ice cream just needed a good name. Jerry Atrick and Forum Troll both had the puns going for them, and Nilb'Akh'Tnadres had the nice switch up of expectations. In fact, my third vote was a toss up between forum troll and dark gods, and I finally decided to reward the pun.

  15. Geogscott says:

    Thanks for the votes everyone. Jerry will hopefully be running around whacking young whippersnappers this weekend.

  16. Lazlo says:

    OK, on the one hand, the CO genre sounds kinda fun, but on the other hand I’m not sure if my system could really keep up with it… and on the gripping hand, I definitely don’t have time to play it as much as I’d want (MMO’s are interesting in that they’re cheap if you play a lot. If you have two hours a month when you’re free to entertain yourself, they start to get much more expensive), so I wouldn’t have wanted to enter this competition, since I wouldn’t have wanted to win.

    However, I was struck this morning with the perfect entry that I would have wanted to put in if I had had the idea in time and had wanted to win:

    Steve knew that he shouldn’t take the shortcut through the junkyard… then fate intervened and he slipped and fell, cutting himself deeply on a piece of old metal that had been part of the containment vessel to a nuclear reactor. Things seemed fine, until he realized that he’d been infected by a mutated strain of tetanus. Now his muscle spasms can crush cars. His grim chiseled visage isn’t just your average hero face, it’s the twisted rigor of a trigeminal spasm. He is Lockjaw.

  17. Trianglehead says:

    Thanks everyone who voted for Text Teen! I’ll get the game installed later and from the look of things spend two days fiddling with the options in the character creator to bring him forth into quasi-reality. But then I’ll send pictures to Shamus and hopefully the others will as well. I’d love to see how all these translate out of the imaginations of their creators!

  18. Rolaran says:

    @Everyone with shiny new beta keys: Having already had access to the game, I went ahead and made Dr. Nilb, and will probably be playing quite a bit over the course of the weekend. Look me up when you get into the game, maybe we can team up to fight crime- or at the very least pose for a group photo.

    EDIT: I have to wonder why they go to the trouble of having a space cleared out for a nice long backstory, and then make us cram said backstory into a tiny box with a low character count. *shrug*

  19. Rob says:

    If only 200 more people voted…

  20. TSED says:


    Man, I totally saw you!

  21. Veloxyll says:

    Oh boy. it’s going to take me DAYS to get through character creation. EVEN THE DETAIL OPTIONS HAVE OPTIONS.

    Edit: arg, why do characters heads always turn in character creation. it makes it very hard to adjust details

    Re: lack of Tension – Most of the stories that had been done were just origin stories; I tried one of those but wasn’t satisfied. Instead I decided to go instead for more of who the charater is now, rather than how they got here; Which tragically reduces the amount of the WHY I’m heroing about the place.

    Re: lack of Punnage – I have no excuse for that one. Forum Troll’s pun was why I voted for it

    But I’m game for a group photo on say – monday or tuesday I guess, I doubt I’ll have my character done before then!

  22. Sean Riley says:

    Man, I can’t believe StegaSam came last! I thought it was a fun twist on Turok; a dinosaur dinosaur hunter!

  23. Neil Polenske says:

    Do NOT take faith in the power Jerry Atrick my friends! Clearly he used the unholy powers of the underworld to influence your votes for BEHOLD, the votes themselves show the mark of the beast is upon him!


  24. Rolaran says:

    So the buddy of mine who got the trial key (not a beta key, which is a mistake I’ve made I don’t know how many times) got it this evening. He’s loving it, he spent the better part of an hour just running around the tutorial, picking up produce carts and hurling them at aliens. Thank you for the key, and a big thank you to everyone that voted for Nilb.

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