Chainmail Bikini Re-launch

By Shamus Posted Friday Oct 2, 2009

Filed under: Links 16 comments

It’s hosted on a blog, so there’s no need for me to mirror-post every single Chainmail Bikini entry like I do with Stolen Pixels. So, I’m warning you now I won’t be reminding you every MWF to read it. However, I do want to point you to the first one.


From The Archives:

16 thoughts on “Chainmail Bikini Re-launch

  1. yd says:

    It's hosted on a blog, so there's no need for me to mirror-post every single Chainmail Bikini entry like I do with Stolen Pixels.

    There’s no need with Stolen Pixels, either. Of course, you’re perfectly justified. The additional commentary is usually worth seeing it mentioned twice.

    1. Shamus says:

      yd: I post it here because some people want to comment but aren’t into the whole account creation thing.

  2. Chargone says:

    ehh, i appreciate the links. i find the escapist’s site to be a pain, really, so the links directly to the comic are good.

    need or not, it’s useful.

    plus the whole comments thing… but i never seem to have anything to say about the comics anyway. they’re funny though :D

  3. Fosse says:

    Is it going to continue beyond where it left off last time? Or will this new host merely publish the series up till when it left off?

    In any case, bookmarked. :)

    EDIT: Never mind. It’s clearly stated in the comments after the comic.

  4. froogger says:

    Hey, I understand it’s your birthday today, Shamus? Best of wishes!

  5. BaCoN says:

    Also, everyone should wish Shawn a happy birthday today.

    Shawn, not Shamus. =P
    Shamus’ birthday is, if I recall, August… 24th?

  6. Duncan says:

    Wait, you didn’t have a complete archive? I’ve got one on one of my servers. Did I miss a post where you were looking for it?

    I’ve got all 51 comics, plus ten other files posted as part of the comics. Is there anything I can throw to you guys?

    1. Shamus says:

      Duncan: I’m missing the last two posts – the story wrap-up. They were all text and I entered them directly instead of writing them locally and uploading them.

  7. Duncan says:

    If you’re missing text and not images, I’m afraid I can’t help with that. I archive webcomic images, but I don’t seem to have the posts saved. Sorry about that.

  8. Legendary Bard says:

    Happy Birthday Shamus.

    And yay, Chainmail Bikini! I love this comic.

  9. Rhys Aronson says:

    I’d appreciate it if you could post about them here so I don’t have to add another RSS Feed to my ig page.

  10. BaCoN says:

    It’s not his birthday! /backhand

  11. Pete Complete says:

    The reason the police can’t bust the criminals for assaulting you is that you’re technically trespassing and threatening them, making it self-defense. The guns they use also aren’t admissable as evidence because they were obtained without a search warrant, and search warrants can’t be issued to private citizens like Star On Chest.

  12. Shawn says:

    Duncan- please send me the extra images. A lot of stuff I just made and then uploaded, and lost my copies when my computer died a year or so ago. Email anything non-comic you have to shawn.gaston at


  13. Belzi.ET says:

    Perhaps the “Internet Archive: Wayback Machine” ( may help you with the missing two pages you mentioned.

    I was surprised what I could find in their archive. Small web-pages I made for a small handful of gamers, and other stuff.
    It’s kinda funny to dig through various sites too.

    Your blog is listed too. There is an entry from november 2006:

  14. Someboringguy says:

    What happened to your comic?The link is broken now, but one month ago it worked.

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