Hangout: Killing Floor

By Shamus Posted Monday Jun 8, 2015

Filed under: Spoiler Warning 30 comments

Here is the footage from the hangout we did three days ago. I guess we can consider this the finale to zombie month. We were hoping to cover Dead Rising 2, but that didn’t work out. Later this week we begin our coverage of Arkham Asylum. Are you excited? I’m excited.

Link (YouTube)

Later in the week I’ll post the second half of this hangout, where Josh plays Witcher 3.


From The Archives:

30 thoughts on “Hangout: Killing Floor

  1. The Rocketeer says:

    I have a confession to make: it has been my secret goal to be mentioned, by name, by every stream I’ve attended. So far, it has always happened.

    1. Benjamin Hilton says:

      Last Aunty Paladin I made a joke in the stream chat an they called out my name and said the joke allowed. Of course that was the year the stream didn’t get recorded….I’m still blaming Clockwork for that one. I don’t know why, I just feel like he should be blamed.

      1. Lachlan the Mad says:

        I was mentioned by name in the Spintires stream, for stealing someone else’s joke!

        (When the crew were asking “what is all this wood for?”, I was the second person to propose “trade wood for sheep?”, and Shamus read it out).

        1. Gruhunchously says:

          I was mentioned for the first time this stream when Glitch tried and failed to pronounce my name.

          Nobody can pronounce my name.

          1. Benjamin Hilton says:

            Whelp, the crew is officially Internet Famous enough for people to get excited when they say their names.
            Congratulations guys and gals. :P

            1. The Rocketeer says:

              Oh, it doesn’t matter that it’s them; it’s just my vanity that I would care about it. Hell, it was Glitch that said it this time, and I still count it. ;P

              Actually, I guess it’s that, as fun as the chat is (and I always have fun with the chat), once these videos go on to YouTube, the chat will be gone, and it will be as if all the chat plebs never existed at all, but for the passing chuckles the streamers make when something catches their eye. Getting your name set in the audio track for the stream isn’t just a win, it’s immortality. It’s being plucked from the squalid, ephemeral chaos of the chat window and borne into the Valhalla of VOD veneration.

              I’m not actually sure if I got my name in the New Years stream with Spintires et al; I’m pretty sure I did, but that’s a loooooot of video to sit through just to be sure, so whatever.

              1. Gruhunchously says:

                You need to pass on your memes, Jack.

            2. Grudgeal says:

              …Or we all simply have THAT low self-esteem.

              (Never been name-dropped, for the record)

        2. Don’t worry about attributing that joke. No one remembers the name of the caveman that carved it on the wall of their home after a particularly vigorous round of Settlers of Catan (back in those days, you had three tiles, they were all rocks, and the longest road was really a footpath down to the lagoon).

  2. 4th DImension says:

    “where Josh plays Witcher 3”

    You mean Wendy’s Commercial Extravaganza?

    1. Humanoid says:

      Introducing the new Wendy’s Cannibal Burger.

    2. The Rocketeer says:

      I do have to give extraordinary credit to Glitch. It makes sense that the one person who can really troll Josh is someone who has trained literally their entire life to do so, but Glitch’s ruthless trolling of his poor brother was relentless and expert. I’ve never seen anyone on Spoiler Warning get one over on Josh without it being returned on them tenfold, but Glitch stomped Josh like he was being pressed into wine.

      1. Humanoid says:

        If only Patrick was around more to troll Shamus.

        1. 4th Dimension says:

          Ahh, but nobody so far engaged Josh on his own field, not games but food. He is only vunerable to food.

          1. The Rocketeer says:

            Well I’d say he’s also vulnerable to Fireball whiskey, but I think the reality is that everyone else is vulnerable to Josh’s Fireball whiskey.

            1. Humanoid says:

              It’s particularly convenient that the ammo for the Incinerator is also drinkable I suppose.

            2. James says:

              So whilst getting drunk i decided to mention something that came to me, because revelations happen when drunk of course.

              JimmyC99 “@JimmyC99 May 29
              @nicemovemumbles I know in my soul I can out drink @Rutskarn and probs @shamusyoung but you and josh would be a challenge

              And i realized its a culture thing, sure shamoose and rusts could probaly drink heavily but.

              JimmyC99 “@JimmyC99 May 29
              @nicemovemumbles @Rutskarn @shamusyoung I don’t think buts and shamoose have the mindset of drink till you throw up

              And before you ask/tell me no its not smart to drink until you throw up, its remarkably stupid. perhaps one day i can test my hypothesis.

  3. Grudgeal says:

    I think I’d have preferred Witcher 3 too; this episode gave me a headache. Between with the high speed, colours and gunfire I couldn’t even tell what was going on most of the time.

    1. Humanoid says:

      Well I reckon it’s pretty safe to say that Shamus has dropped his veto of covering any Witcher games on Spoiler Warning, so….

      1. Shamus says:

        The fastest possible run through Witcher 3 is 25 hours. That’s if you skip every cutscene and ONLY do the main quest and skip everything optional. To do a reasonable play-through would be at least double that.

        50 hours is 150 episodes. It would mean we’d spend an entire year on Witcher 3. I really like the game, but there’s no way I could talk about it for that long, and I doubt anyone but the most rabid fans would want to see us try.

        Although I’d be willing to do a few weeks of Witcher 3 coverage.

        1. You might want to have Josh make some save games for such a retrospective and let Rutskarn write the summaries for the “Previously on The Witcher” bumper segments to let the viewers know what happened between saves.

          1. Wide And Nerdy says:

            Great idea. I’d love to see you just touch on some highlights, the good the bad and the ugly (minus Dandelion as that wouldn’t be practical).

            Also, I’m jazzed about them covering Arkham Asylum.

            1. Grudgeal says:

              That reminds me that I should probably re-install it so I can play along.

          2. 4th Dimension says:

            That is a nice idea, but t would also require planning and coordination between the plan and the gameplay. And knowing that half the fun is Josh’s random moments of insanity, the choices picked in the planned version would differ from the ones made in actual gameplay.

          3. Daemian Lucifer says:

            Or you could have Josh prerecord a bunch of stuff,then you all watch it sped up while commenting.

            1. 4th Dimension says:

              This sounds to me like a recipe for a dissaster since Rutskarn and the others would probably concentrate on banter even more and less on paying attenton to what is going on, even more than ussual. Also even with the delay they can still tell Josh to pause at some point so they can get the discussion out of their system, while here coordination would be problematic.

          4. Galad says:

            I second that I like this idea, seeing how a full playthrough would be not bearable.

            I’m also interested to see how Josh can break/screw around with the game.

        2. Humanoid says:

          Even then perhaps it’d open up the path to do the second game instead like Josh has wanted to do for some time? :D

  4. Galad says:

    This music player that pops up occasionally in the upper right corner, for example, around 21:05, is it part of the game, or an outside application?

    1. James says:

      In the game. its the OST which im told is very very good

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