Happy Halloween

By Shamus Posted Friday Oct 31, 2014

Filed under: Notices 36 comments

Hope you have a good night. My costume this year is “Guy who is getting a massive headache and had, like, a bunch of work he was planning to do today but instead he’s gonna sit in the dark with ice on his face”. It’s an easy costume to make, but REALLY uncomfortable.

In the meantime, there’s a new Homestar hulloween cartoon man show. And also I made this music which didn’t turn out very well but the hard work is validated if I share it anyway song:

I leave you with this wisdom:


From The Archives:

36 thoughts on “Happy Halloween

  1. Nathan says:

    I can’t help but be reminded of the Super Meat Boy soundtrack by that song.

  2. ET says:

    You’re too hard on yourself, Shamus. I like your Technoween song! :)

    1. Dragomok says:

      I agree, it’s a good song. Actually, it’s good enough that I’ll add it to my bookmark collection of music. Something I do not do unless I am 100% sure of the songs quality. (Even when I go on Miracle of Sound binge and obsessively listen to same songs over and over, none of his work goes there.)

    2. syal says:

      I can’t help but hear FTL in it though. It’s a Halloween spent in a tiny spaceship with overwhelming weaponry, zooming through the galaxy and effortlessly blasting anything that tries to stop it.

  3. Septyn says:

    Halloween. Bah humbug!

    1. Daemian Lucifer says:

      Its boo humbug actually.

  4. Dragmire says:

    Happy Halloween all!

    Sorry, not sober right now. One shot per doorbell ring can really get to you.

    This post took 5 minutes.


    I think it took 5 minutes,.,…

    1. syal says:

      You wouldn’t have that problem if you got rid of all your doors like I did.

  5. Humanoid says:

    I really like the fact that despite the efforts of the big retailers who want to sell themed stuff, Halloween still really isn’t a thing in Australia. Even in the suburbs full of young families, I might see one attempt at extorting treats per year.

    1. Joseph says:

      It’s exactly the same in New Zealand. There has been a lot of effort to get Halloween going, but on the whole people just aren’t interested.

      I’m sure that it’s an enjoyable occasion in the US where it’s part of the culture. It just feels like it would be hollow down here if people started celebrating it because ads told them to.

    2. tmtvl says:

      It’s the same in Japan, really… But that’s mainly because people think it’s supposed to be a romantic holiday, like Christmas.

  6. McNutcase says:

    My costume was “stay at home father of a one year old”, which consisted of not showering or shaving in a week, being a good couple weeks overdue for a haircut, and having the one year old cover my shirt with pureed pears.

    Nailed it.

    1. syal says:

      My costume was supposed to be “person who can dress himself”, but it didn’t come together the way I’d hoped.

  7. MadTinkerer says:



    1. DIN aDN says:

      Shamusyoung dot com: #1 Source for all your breaking Free Country USA news!

      (But yes, woo new homestar!)

  8. Zaxares says:

    We don’t really celebrate Halloween over here in Australia. Although some kids did drop by in 2012, nobody came in 2013, so the kids in 2014 had to be disappointed when I told them there wasn’t any candy for them. No point in buying candy that will just go uneaten if nobody comes by, after all.

  9. Daemian Lucifer says:

    Orcs mordoring worcs in mordor?What a butchering of the source material.Shamoose must hate this episode.

  10. tmtvl says:

    Fortunately I still don’t see any trick-or-treat’ers. Maybe it’s because I live out in th’ country instead of the city.

    1. Daemian Lucifer says:

      Wait,how did this get broken?It was in te correct place hours ago.

      1. syal says:

        Did the original comment get fragged because of the keyboard-smash name he was using?

        1. Humanoid says:

          It was something involving Belgium, and we all know how indecisive Belgians are.

      2. Shamus says:

        In response to Daemian Lucifer. I don’t know if this was my fault or not. I JUST cleaned out the spam filter when I saw this comment. So if I accidentally killed somebody’s comment, I apologize.

        Also, since the root comment seems to have gone missing, any replies to this will also appear as “loose” comments, not threaded.

        WordPress is odd sometimes.

  11. Kizer says:

    My costume was: guy with a stomach flu who cannot be more than 10 feet away from the toilet. Probably about as uncomfortable as headache guy . . .

    1. Daemian Lucifer says:

      And while you guys dealt with real illnesses,these guys were doing an ebola themed party.

      1. Bryan says:

        A friend showed up to work wearing normal clothes, plus a bowler hat (…a real felt one!) with a paper “e” taped to the front of it. It helps that he’s from Australia, so pronounces “bowler” slightly differently from USians.

        He claims he came up with the idea long before the Texas outbreaks, and just never got around to doing that particular costume…

  12. Daemian Lucifer says:

    So wanting to fuck anna or elsa I understand.But olaf the snowman?Whyyy?

    And thats not even the creepiest one out there.

    1. NotDog says:

      Ah stop being such a prude. :)

  13. GoofyFoot says:

    That’s weird Shamus…I’m wearing that exact same costume this morning. I wonder if we shop at the same costume store…

  14. NotDog says:

    For the record, I showed up at work wearing a suit, a tie, and a pigeon mask.

    I probably should have worn a filter mask underneath because those things smell.

    1. Daemian Lucifer says:

      Just like the inside of a pigeon should.

  15. Galad says:

    Aww, get better, Shamus *hug*

    I was dealing the whole day with a massive hangover from some fake shit whisky I drank the previous night, so it wasn’t the best holiday ever. Still, I stayed a whole three hours in the awesome rock club, instead of just the half hour I was planning, so I guess it went better than expected.

    Also, it might amuse you for a second or two to learn that, in the small town (~5k citizens or so) where my parents live, some grandma, being unaware of what Halloween is, with no one else around the house (all men passed away or living elsewhere) called the police when kids with flashlights showed up near her door’s entrance, all in a Halloween mood (no harm done to anyone at the end of the night). So yes, the famous XKCD 10k comic – http://xkcd.com/1053/ – is very much true, even in ways you wouldn’t normally imagine :)

  16. syal says:

    One year of giving the kids green beans and thumbtacks, and word will get around not to go near your house.

  17. Dt3r says:

    Unfortunately, I worked in the lab all evening. At least I didn’t need to share my candy with miniature panhandlers.

    1. syal says:

      I can only assume it ended with the Mash.

      1. Richard says:

        Well, their eyes certainly beheld an evil sight.

  18. Cuthalion says:

    I pressed play and read other things for a couple minutes. Now, the music just stopped, and I was checking my media player and other browser window to figure out what song I had been listening to. In other words, your song passed for the stuff I had been listening to already well enough that I forgot it was 20sided until like my 3rd try.

    This is an awkward way of saying the music sounds pro.

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