Hangout Sept 3: Total Hangout

By Shamus Posted Friday Aug 30, 2013

Filed under: Notices 50 comments

This coming Tuesday, Sept 3 2013, we will be doing a hangout. If you’ve been looking to hang out with the Spoiler Warning cast then this is probably your best bet for all your out-hanging needs. It’s at 8pm GMT, 3pm Eastern time, noon on the west coast.

Josh will be playing Rome II: Total War, a sequel to the regrettably flawed Rome: Partial War and WAY better than Rome: Diplomatic Negotiations Aren’t Going Very Well.

A post will go up on Tuesday with links to the stream and such. This post is just to let you make room on your busy schedule for wasting time on the internet.


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50 thoughts on “Hangout Sept 3: Total Hangout

  1. GA says:

    October? Did time travel happen and I missed it?

    1. Zukhramm says:

      It’s good to plan ahead, though.

    2. Shamus says:

      Whoop. Nice catch. I’ve been thinking about October today, and I guess the word crept into the post.

      1. anaphysik says:

        It crept into the title too…

  2. Supahewok says:

    If you’re referring to next week Shamus, it’ll be September…

    Edit: Of course I was ninja’d.

    But psst! Change the title too before someone else notices!

  3. Galad says:

    Bummer, a shame I’m gonna have to be at work. Might actually try watching some over there haha…or at least listen to you finetastic folks, over the headphones

    1. Josh says:

      It’ll probably be going for a while. I’ll start with a campaign for a few hours and then do a few hours of multiplayer stuff with Randy.

      1. Ilseroth says:

        So about the Shogun campaign, Soonâ„¢?

        1. Gruhunchously says:

          What about 8 by Zombies part 2 hmm?

          1. Daemian Lucifer says:

            He burnt that one because in it Chris was teh awesome.

            1. Jarenth says:

              A lot of people were Chris that day.

      2. Sabredance (MatthewH) says:

        Does “late” mean “past 5:30?” I suppose I can’t complain -I’ve been able to see all the other hangouts. But I really want to see Rome II. I love Rome: Total War (heck, I’m playing the Roma Surrectum II mod now), but I really don’t want to make the necessary upgrades to my computer to play it. Though graphics cards are getting cheaper, so…

      3. Galad says:

        I just realised GMT is UK time, so 8 PM GMT would be 9 or 10 PM for my time zone and that’d be prime entertainment time for me. Woo ^^

        1. Entropy says:

          Actually, the UK is on GMT+1 right now, because Summer. So if you’re +1 from the UK, you’re +2 from GMT.

  4. hborrgg says:

    Hrmmm, the great dilemma.

    I was planning to play Rome II all Tuesday.

    1. rofltehcat says:

      Why not play Rome 2 all Tuesday while also watching Josh play Rome 2 all Tuesday?
      On a second screen or Rome in windowed mode…. =)

      1. MrGuy says:

        Yo, dawg, I heard you liked Total War…

  5. Daemian Lucifer says:

    “Josh will be playing Rome II: Total War”

    But….He said he will finish shogun before this comes out.Josh lied o us!

  6. Cuthalion says:

    I lol’d at the cover image for this post. :D

  7. Brandon says:

    I was just thinking that it’s been a while since your last hangout and that it was a lot of fun. Now I’m thinking “seriously, noon? On a Tuesday? Sad Panda”

    Might drop by if you are still going when I get home from work… 5 and a half hours later. :)

    1. Lupus_Amens says:

      Well what you call noon i call 9 o’clock in the evening, and if the hangout is in the american evening it will be well past midnight here.

  8. BitFever says:

    if your playing “Rome: Diplomatic Negotiations Aren't Going Very Well” be sure to bring your diplomacy shotgun.

    1. Hieronymus says:

      All jesting aside, I would be all over “Rome: Diplomatic Negotiations Aren't Going Very Well” if it existed.

    2. Hitchmeister says:

      I really felt like they bit off too much with Rome II: Total War. The scope was too big and everything felt watered down trying to get it in. I prefer the more intense narrowly focused action of Rome: Border Skirmish.

      (Disclaimer: I may or may not have played any game real or imaginary mentioned in this post.)

      1. Tomas says:

        “Rome: Border Skirmish” is a fine game, but while it correctly reenacts some historical border skirmishes, I feel that it somewhat romaticizes border skirmishes, and partly overlooks the horrors endured by the civilian population.

      2. burningdragoon says:

        I more of a fan of Rome: Those Two Guys Who Had a Duel That One Time than any other game in series.

        1. MrGuy says:

          I’ve always been partial to the (IMO chronically underrated) Rome: Exchange of Colorful Language

          1. Syal says:

            I always liked Before Rome: Tension.

  9. Humanoid says:

    To nitpick, but it’s actually 8pm British Summer Time, as opposed to GMT. (And therefore technically 7pm GMT).

    And it’s 5am for me. Well, I won’t be at work for the start….

  10. I read the title as “Hangout Octal 3″ and spent a good F seconds trying to figure out why you would bother counting Hangouts in a different base.

    1. Hitchmeister says:

      Because they want to exclude anyone not clever enough to figure out what Octal 3 would be in base 10.

  11. aldowyn says:

    ugh, I have a 3 hour lab starting right at that time. That sucks. Maybe we can get done early, it IS the first lab after all… Does Rome 2 have a campaign multiplayer? Shogun 2 did, as I recall…

  12. Hey! Rome and Barbarian Invasion are my favorite, and still the best imo, so mleh! >:P

    As much as I’d like to catch this I don’t know if I’ll be able to. I guess we’ll see what happens.

  13. Felblood says:


    I have to work.

    I always have to miss these.

    I only managed to catch part of the Monaco hangout, and that’s it.

  14. rrgg says:

    So will Josh actually be playing this time, or does he just plan to hang out on a island for 300 turns until he gets a diplomatic victory?

    1. Aldowyn says:

      luckily that doesn’t work in total war. Or at least it didn’t. I think they’re adding new victory conditions, actually, like an economic/trading one…

  15. Woogles says:

    I don’t remember when I’m working on Tuesday, but I’m pretty sure it overlaps with this.

    Oh well. :[

    1. The Rocketeer says:

      Pardon me if I’m behind the times or if this is incidental to some sort of contentious litigation, but what’s with the “Woogles” handle?

      Did I miss you changing your name to Wilbricht Osricson Osterwald Gautstaff Lindenholme Edouard Siegismund?

      Or is it a code for “wise opinions on games likely excite Shamus?”

      1. Woogles says:

        I decided that JPH is really boring as far as Internet Names go.

        I thought of Woogles from League of Legends, actually. There’s an item in it called Wooglet’s Witchcap and I called it Woogley for short as a joke, and then a friend of mine called it Woogles to take the joke further and it just cracked me up.

        I’m currently in the process of making it my new internet name.

  16. Tuck says:

    I was just writing “Woo I can attend this!” when I realised that I have two separate events on Tuesday evening.

  17. Syal says:

    So why was it scheduled for Tuesday and not Monday when Monday is a holiday?

    1. krellen says:

      Because said holiday is likely to be spent with family, not internet weirdos?

      1. Sabredance (MatthewH) says:

        Well, there’s that.

        And the game doesn’t come out until Tuesday.

    2. Bubble181 says:

      This may be my foreignness showing, but errr…What holiday is September 2nd?!

      1. Humanoid says:

        National Beheading Day. Probably something that Caesar Reginaldus Cuftbertius will heartily celebrate.

        It’s also apparently Labor Day, but I don’t think that’s a major one – it certainly wouldn’t be worth a day off. It’s also Vietnam’s Independence Day apparently.

        1. Bubble181 says:

          Huh. I always thought Labour Day was May 1st the world over. Silly anti-socialist Americans :P

          Enjoy the holiday, and remember: Belgian Tax Freedom Day is even later in the year than we already are now, at leasy ou’re working for your own gain by now :P

  18. RTBones says:

    This is both a boon and a curse to me.

    It is a boon because the timing means I can actually join the hangout and watch AFTER I’ve had some time to play the game myself on Tuesday (pre-loading the game now, as I am sure that sale isnt going to hang around once launch day arrives).

    It is a curse because, well, the alarm clock goes off really early on Wednesday for me. Stupidreallifestupidwork….

    This should be fun.

  19. Sean Hagen says:

    Ooooo! This will be a nice break from watching all the Spoiler Warning episodes while I’m at work.

    I’m also curious to see Rome II after seeing the panel at PAX where two guys from Creative Assembly talked about accuracy vs fun in games like the Total War series.

  20. wulfgar says:


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