File under: Misc

By Shamus Posted Thursday Nov 15, 2007

Filed under: Random 18 comments

Here are various miscellany, which I have gathered together in an attempt to pass them off as a “post”…

  • Augury has a great series of posts on the weapons in the Unreal Tournament 3 Demo. I posted on this a while ago, but his series is a lot more in-depth. I actually learned a few details about the performance of the various weapons that I found surprising. (Example: I didn’t realize the BioRifle has the same damage output as the Enforcer in primary fire mode. I just assumed that it was a lot higher because… I dunno… the gun is bigger?) Very educational.
  • The lack of posts here on the site? Oh, you noticed? No, I’m not taking part in the Writer’s Strike. Yes, My usual goal is two posts a day. Typically, I like to have a quick post at 8 am (written early that morning) and an essay at noon. (Usually written during the previous weekend.) I’ve managed two posts so far this week, and that’s if you include the half-assed thing you’re reading right now. Part of this is due to the fact that I goofed off all weekend, which stopped me from writing essays. The other reason is that I’ve begun an exercise regimen in the mornings, which stopped me from writing the quick posts. Thus the drought.
  • I actually have a post for later today. I know, I know: What a hero. Really, you’re too kind.

From The Archives:

18 thoughts on “File under: Misc

  1. Aaron says:

    Yay! I’ll actually have something to read other than homework essays. What kind of exercise if I may ask? I’ve tried a few different exercise regimes and to be frank I’ve discovered I’m lazy as hell :D Gimme a competitive sport and I’m fine. Give me aerobics and I want to destroy my wifes aerobics dvds with a chainsaw. Overkill? I think not!

  2. Lena says:

    Aaron – My husband and I got a wii over the weekend and have been playing all the sports stuff every morning. We are sore as hell (arms, shoulders, back, obiques…) So, you CAN actually get exercise from a video game. We are miserably out of shape, of course – but it’s WAY more fun than some stupid aerobics class.

  3. Teague says:

    Obligatory “it’s your blog, post when you want and don’t feel bad about it” comment. :)


    Same here. I’ll gladly run around a soccer field until I keel over, but can’t stand “just exercising”.

  4. JT says:

    [quote]The lack of posts here on the site? Oh, you noticed? No, I'm not taking part in the Writer's Strike. Yes, My usual goal is two posts a day. Typically, I like to have a quick post at 8 am (written early that morning) and an essay at noon. (Usually written during the previous weekend.) I've managed two posts so far this week, and that's if you include the half-assed thing you're reading right now. Part of this is due to the fact that I goofed off all weekend, which stopped me from writing essays. The other reason is that I've begun an exercise regimen in the mornings, which stopped me from writing the quick posts. Thus the drought. [/quote]

    Hey Shamus, it’s YOUR blog. As much as we may think otherwise, we aren’t entitled to free ice cream; write what you like when you like. Your fans will always be here.

  5. Rob says:

    Good luck with the excercising Shamus!

  6. Strangeite says:

    The Wii is my primary source of exercise. A couple of rounds of boxing after you reach pro and I am dog tired. I am looking forward to when Wii Fitness comes out because it will provide tailored made exercise routines and keep track of my progress. My wife is looking forward to the yoga drills.

    What a strange world we live in.

  7. Telas says:

    6: “What a strange world we live in.”

    Amen to that.

    Shamus – Real life comes first. We’ll be here when you want to blog.

  8. Deoxy says:

    “that's if you include the half-assed thing you're reading right now.”

    You call this half-assed? That’s an insult to REAL half-assed posts, which require a lot more work. Heck, it doesn’t even REGISTER on the “fraction-assed” scale!


    But we love you anyway. :-)

  9. Veloxyll says:

    My guess is we prefer doing something if it’s a game than to it just needing to be done. As Chore wars ( ) demonstrates!

  10. Snook says:

    I enjoyed reading the quickie posts before my Calc class in the morning. Sorta like a morning paper…

  11. Ian says:

    What a hero!

    …hrm, sorry, had to be said.

    And yeah, I pretty much agree with the other commenters citing the inaccuracies in your “half-assed post” remark. If I were to go through my blog I’ll bet half of the posts would be one-liners. :P

  12. Cineris says:

    Glad you are picking up a few tidbits here and there. I figure if even veterans of the series learn a few things then I’m on the right track.

  13. Davesnot says:

    Nothing like a little exorcise in the morning.. of course.. you could always get a recorder to exersize with you then let your ‘puter decode your voice into a post.. even leaving its mistakes..

    I was training my computer for speech to text and had to read stuff to it. I read the back of the Apollo 13 box.. it said something about Mission Control.. but the computer translated to Michigan Troll.. which is phonetically the same.. and a lot more fun.. I laughed a while with that.. oops.. my nerd is showing.

  14. Huckleberry says:

    Davesnot (#13) said:

    “Nothing like a little exorcise in the morning.”

    Yay, there goes the devil! A good day’s work done.
    (Sorry. Couldn’t help it.)

  15. Davesnot says:

    Pun was intended.

  16. Huckleberry says:

    Well, what can I say? It worked?

  17. Davesnot says:

    Sorry, Huckleberry. I didn’t mean to sound snobby.. just my insecurity wanting to make sure the anonymous world understood that this anonymous person mean what could have been a misspelling.. silly, huh. .. I suppose I should have exorcised that demon this morning… but I hate to exorcise just for exorcise sake.


  18. Miral says:

    I still don’t know how you manage to do it. I can barely maintain two posts per *month*… two per day is just… wow.

    (Update whenever you want. I still love reading it.)

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