Millennium Falcon: Lego Style

By Shamus Posted Thursday Jul 5, 2007

Filed under: Movies 23 comments

Yes, I’m reposting YouTubes as a way of padding out my meager blog this week. Yeah, I know: You’ve seen better, nobody cares about this meme anymore, everyone already saw this years ago and it was old then, etc etc. In any case, this is an amazing stop-motion video of a couple of guys assembling a Millennium Falcon – including the interior and many moving parts – out of Legos.

I started to write a comment here about how I’m thankful for all of the strange people out there on the internet who toil for my amusement, but halfway through I realized I’m one of those people.



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23 thoughts on “Millennium Falcon: Lego Style

  1. JD Wiker says:

    I believe there are actually two Ns in “Millennium Falcon.”


  2. Henebry says:

    Impressive dedication. Very creative in the way pieces were brought into the picture frame. Great pac-man reference midway. And I liked the little piece, one of the first to arrive, which sat motionless until, about 2/3 way through, it “exploded” into about 50 pieces that were then integrated into the ship.

  3. Nanja Kang says:

    Why do people have to constantly nitpick at grammar and spelling… If you noticed it, you obviously understood what was trying to be said… so stop it you jurks! And yeah, thats how I spell “jurk”. Wanna fight about it?

  4. I likd the jedi woh elevatted the ship so thei cood fiks the landign gaer.


  5. DB says:

    I thought they were going to drop it at the end. Very suspenseful once they started running around with it. Interesting, the way they delivered the pieces makes it much harder to figure what went into the creation of the piece. The obviously had a plan for building it, but what isn’t obvious is if they created that plan or found it. Very interesting, fun to watch.

  6. Space Ace says:

    Cool. Now I want to see them do the Enterprise.

  7. Alexis says:

    Research has shown that providing the first and last letters are correct, and approximately the right number of letters are present, most people will figure out a spelling without really caring. [citation needed]

  8. Shamus says:

    I actually appreciate the corrections – keeps my nose to the grindstone.

  9. JD Wiker says:

    As Shamus notes, I wasn’t really nitpicking–just pointing out that he might want to correct his spelling. (Which, apparently, he did.)

    Sorry that you took umbrage, Nanja Kang, since no offense was intended.


  10. Nilus says:

    That a cool video but thats the basic(ie Kids) Millennium Falcon. I want them to do a video with a Ultimate series lego set. Like this one

    Of course they probably wouldn’t be able to run around the neighborhood with this one

  11. Nanja Kang says:

    I’m just at work taking calls from people that should have a license to use technology. There was no offense taken. GET ME OUTA HERE! Deuce Deuce!

  12. Skeeve the Impossible says:

    I just saw that video before you posted it.
    I too thought they were gonna drop it at the end.

  13. JD Wiker says:

    >I too thought they were gonna drop it at the end.

    When I worked at Wizards of the Coast, I ran a lunchtime Star Wars RPG game, and one of my players brought in her Lego Millennium Falcon for us to use as the PCs’ ship. She even altered it to fit the floorplan I provided. I kept it on my shelf, above my monitor, every day, only taking it down for the one day a week that we played.

    Then we had the Ash Wednesday earthquake. While I huddled under my desk, the Lego starship “made planetfall” in a most violent manner, shattering into hundreds of component pieces.

    Then my monitor leapt off my desk and bounced off the chair I’d just been sitting in, then landed on top of the Lego ship.

    I felt really bad about the damage that had been done to the ship, but the player calmly accepted the Baggie full of Lego parts, and returned the next week with a completely rebuilt (and even improved!) starship.


  14. Melfina the Blue says:

    Someone built a Lego Serenity. It’s here along with lots of other nifties.
    No videos (though I haven’t checked the page in a while), but I think the Flying Spaghetti Monster Temple makes up for that.

  15. Nilus says:

    Man I wish I had the talent(and LEGO collection) that guy has. I have tried to make my own LEGO creations and they always tend to fail. So I just stick with following the official model kits.

  16. Eltanin says:

    Shamus: “I started to write a comment here about how I'm thankful for all of the strange people out there on the internet who toil for my amusement, but halfway through I realized I'm one of those people.”

    You certainly are. And thank you very much for being one of those people. You may be strange, but if so, you’re our kind of strange.

    Shamus for President in 2008!

    (ack. the last thing I’d wish on anyone, actually)

  17. Pk says:

    I’m kinda suprised they managed to even complete the ending. When I got that set I remember it was incredibly fragile. Also building it without the stop motion photography took about 4 hours.

  18. Noumenon says:

    I started to write a comment here about how I'm thankful for all of the strange people out there on the internet who toil for my amusement,

    I thought the ending of the video, where they simply put their creation out on the sidewalk for some stranger to discover and wonder at, was very symbolic of that internet-toiling instinct.

    This isn’t the coolest stop-motion toil I’ve run into today, however. That would be Transformers Shorts: On the Prowl.

  19. Dave says:

    (taken from There are two rival explanations as to the origin of this phrase. One is that it comes from the supposed habit of millers who checked that the stones used for grinding cereal weren’t overheating by putting their nose to the stone in order to smell any burning. The other is that it comes from the practice of knife grinders when sharpening blades to bend over the stone, or even to lie flat on their fronts, with their faces near the grindstone in order to hold the blades against the stone.

    All the evidence is against the miller’s tale. Firstly, the stones used by millers were commonly called millstones, not grindstones. The two terms were sometimes interchanged but the distinction between the two was made at least as early as 1400, when this line was printed in Turnament Totenham:

    “Ther was gryndulstones in gravy, And mylstones in mawmany.”

    The language there is difficult to interpret but it certainly shows the grindstones and millstones as being distinct from each other. if the derivation was from milling we would expect the phrase to be ‘nose to the millstone’.

    A second point in favour of the tool sharpening derivation is that all the early citations refer to holding someone’s nose to the grindstone as a form of punishment. This is more in keeping with the notion of the continuous hard labour implicit in being strapped to one’s bench than it is to the occasional sniffing of ground flour by a miller.

    That’s the spirit Shamus.. grind that nose for us!

  20. Gus says:

    Does anybody know what song that was? I didn’t see it anywhere in the comments.

    And yes, Shamus: you have certainly made my corner of the Internet a more interesting place.

  21. lawbag says:

    Anyone know who that piece of music was in the video?

  22. lawbag says:

    anyone know what that piece of music was in the video?

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