Spoiler Warning: Misc

By Shamus Posted Thursday Apr 21, 2011

Filed under: Spoiler Warning 34 comments

Oops. Looks like I forgot to link all of the episodes of Spoiler Warning this week. So all four of them are just waiting for you to watch them. Right now. At this link.

Okay, I lied. I have no Spoiler Warning for you right now. We had scheduling conflicts this weekend and we couldn’t get together to record. I don’t want to point the finger at anyone in particular, but I will say that it wasn’t the fault of Josh, Rutskarn, or Mumbles. I’ll let you draw your own conclusions from that.

But! I did finally get around to making a playlist for our Mass Effect 2 series:

I don’t imagine you’ll be wanting to watch it now, but it’s there if you need it for birthdays, weddings, bat mitzvahs, or graduation ceremonies.

Also, a few months ago a reader made some awesome Mass Effect 2 Regina Shepard fanart. I’m using it on our Official Spoiler Warning Page of Weblinks and Webtext. I wanted to give credit, and I can’t find the source anywhere. I can’t find who made it, where I linked it, or when we talked about it. A little reminder would be much appreciated.


From The Archives:

34 thoughts on “Spoiler Warning: Misc

  1. If I remember correctly, last time we talked about that fanart I did, you were saying something about “I can’t remember who did this fanart or how we go it, so could someone remind me about that?”. And it was I think the episode just before the mythbusters discussion I originally posted it, after which I drew this.

    How far we’ve come since then…
    I’m Dan by the way. I’ll probably have that name longer than I’ll have this, because I always pick terrible internet handles and end up changing them frequently (see the deviantart page).

    Also: Might want to link that episode page from the links section on the site. You know, so people can find it.

    1. krellen says:

      You need something short and memorable, like Rutskarn or Mumbles.

      1. Grag says:

        Short and memorable? C’mon, Mumbles is not memorable.

        Wait, were we talking about the person or the name?

        1. Alexander The 1st says:

          Also, I thought Mumbles was taller than Shamus.

          We could also just give him a title, like “Official Spoiler Warning to deviantArt Art Converter.”

          At the least, it’ll make PurePareidolla [<-<-<- NOTE: @Shamus, see above] seem short then.

        2. Dante says:

          She’s gonna beat you up for that, you know that right?

        3. Daemian Lucifer says:

          How bout Kelly?Thats memorable.And its easy to rhyme.

        4. Mumbles says:

          I don’t know, bub, which one were you talking about.

    2. Chris B Chikin says:

      You have a new fan on DA :D

  2. Kanodin says:

    Here I thought there was no spoiler warning because you didn’t even want to try and compete with Portal 2 for people’s attention.

  3. Bubble181 says:

    Damn you, Randy, for making us wait!

    …What, he wasn’t planned as an extra guest star this week?

  4. Slothful says:

    Oh, Spoiler Warning! I think I’ll click that link.
    Oh, Spoiler Warning! I think I’ll click that link.
    Oh, Spoiler Warning! I think I’ll click that link.
    Oh, Spoiler Warning! I think I’ll click that link.
    Oh, Spoiler Warning! I think I’ll click that link.
    Oh, Spoiler Warning! I think I’ll click that link…

    1. Peter H. Coffin says:

      Well, we know how you’re spending your day….

    2. Sagretti says:

      Even after reading the post and knowing it didn’t lead to any videos, I still clicked the link.

      I’m a sad, sad person.

    3. Jarenth says:

      I was going to make this joke, but it seems you’ve already got it covered.

      Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got some Spoiler Warning to watch.

  5. RTBones says:

    I strip away the old debris
    That hides a shining *star* ….

  6. Irridium says:

    Be honest, it was because of Portal 2, right?

    1. Grag says:

      Episodes for this week would have been made before the portal2 release happened. I am pretty sure Shamus didn’t get the escapist’s precious review copy.

  7. Chris B Chikin says:

    Come on Shamus, surely you could’ve told us a little earlier? Surely you don’t expect me to go cold-turkey on Spoiler Warning without some sort of a heads-up?

  8. Specktre says:

    I’ll record bets for Portal 2–who wants to put money down? Anyone?

  9. HerrSunk says:

    The answer to the Regina Shepard fan art mystery (which has been solved above) is already in the Official Spoiler Warning Page of Hijinx and Distractions which you linked.

    “All episodes feature music from Kevin MacLeod. Artwork by Dan and Rutskarn.”, second paragraph.

    1. Shamus says:

      Heh. Yeah. I just added that, after reading the comments above. :)

      1. HerrSunk says:

        Ah, well, okay then. I’ll just go and correct someone else on the internet then! Hope you’re happy.

  10. Sucal says:

    You see. This is why you guys need to sit down and get at LEAST a fortnights buffer. Instead of goofing off and playing portal 2/making bonnet mods for Chell

  11. Gale says:

    It’s perfectly understandable that there couldn’t be any Spoiler Warning this week, but it might’ve been prudent to have posted a short notice once it became clear that there was going to be a delay or missed week, rather than a couple of days after the fact. Less confused comments of “where’s all the Spoiler Warning” in your other posts, that way.

  12. BenD says:

    I weep from the cruelty of the first sentence of this blog post. WEEP WEEP now see what you did?

    But seriously, I hope the scheduling conflicts were all good things, or at least neutral things, preferably lawful-neutral.

    1. Bobby Archer says:

      Scheduling conflicts are usually chaotic-neutral, except for the dire scheduling conflict, which is chaotic-evil.

  13. Z-Ri says:

    [Shamus Young]
    “but I will say that it wasn't the fault of Josh, Rutskarn,or Mumbles. I'll let you draw your own conclusions from that.”

    So if it wasn’t Josh, Mumbles or Rutskarn then it must be… T PAIN!? what did you do with my Spoiler Warning.

    1. Jarenth says:

      T-Pain moves in mysterious ways.

    2. Bryan says:

      Your Spoiler Warning? Yeah, it’s on a boat.

  14. RTBones says:

    So, now that I am done spouting song lyrics (and modifying them to suit my fancy) to obscure rock anthems that have absolutely nothing to do with anything remotely Spoiler Warning related (I was deliberately wasting your time)…do I read this right and see you actually let REAL LIFE get in the way of our Spoiler Warning?! How does THAT work?! Where are your priorities, man?! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) (I kid. I kid.)

    Sorry to hear schedules conflicted. Looking forward to the next installment.

  15. I keep clicking the link but it recurses…
    I keep clicking the link but it recurses…
    I keep clicking the link but it recurses…
    I keep clicking the link but it recurses…
    I keep clicking the link but it recurses…
    I keep clicking the link but it recurses…
    I keep clicking the link but it recurses…

    Oh god it’s LISP all over again.

  16. James says:

    I found a cure to no Spoiler Warning, its called. Spoiler Warning.
    watching the good ol’ Viddler videos has an air of Nostalgia, and seeing Randy be an asshole to loads of people and using hes Hair Power to defeat the Reapers.

    Also i can’t BEElieve…… You’re giving us the COLD shoulder…….
    [Other Bioshock Pun…… I’m Watching the Bioshock Episodes. BEEES!!]

    When you Kill Benny, please do it Three Dog Style (Pants Grenades FTW), also you have to get Veronica as a follower, Blow up the NCR at Helios One, you know all the crazy stuff.

    On the occasionally referenced topic of Portal 2 I Feel sorry for Wheatly, but they other Core is sooooo happy “I’m In Spaaace”. good for him” i’m sure Wheatly will be back for Portal 3

  17. Chris B Chikin says:

    So Shamus, we getting Spoiler Warning this week or am I going to have to demand my money back?

  18. NotACat says:

    What I did notice is that you haven’t updated that Spoiler Warning page since starting the new series: it still says there’s only “1 episodes” (sic) in Series 5 when we’ve just had S5E9.

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