WoW, That Was Close

By Shamus Posted Thursday May 3, 2007

Filed under: Links 49 comments

Last night I noticed you can create a free 10-day trial for World of Warcraft, and download the software directly. Like an idiot I clicked and began the registration process. It wasn’t until I’d gotten halfway done that I realized what a stupid thing I was doing and backed away.

I’ve known for a long time that this game would suck me in if I was ever foolish enough to try it. Right now my time is carefully balanced between work, family, the website, the comic, and videogames. Something like WoW would upset this careful balance and quickly devour the time set aside for these other projects. Unlike single-player games, you can’t pause an MMO. You can’t pick it up and play for thirty minutes at a time and come away with a satifying experience. An MMO is a demanding hobby and I don’t have room for another one of those right now.

Still, if you’ve wanted to see what the fuss is about then it looks like now is a great time to try the game out.


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49 thoughts on “WoW, That Was Close

  1. Heather says:

    Your family thanks you!!!!

  2. DM T. says:

    Once I noticed how WoW shifted that delicate balance you’re talking about, I started ‘fighting it’.
    It’s like kicking any addiction.

    I’ve played WoW for 18 months and I’m closing 9 months of addiction free :)

  3. Strangeite says:

    You are a smart man. This is the very reason that I have never played. I have seen to many of my friends become caricatures of a South Park episode.

    Don’t worry, your absence what be the “END OF THE WORLD” of Warcraft.

  4. Brian says:

    I find it doesn’t have the same ability to ruin your life that EQ did. I’ve played a lot of WoW, but I’ve also taken breaks just because I was bored. I found stepping away from EQ to be much tougher.

  5. The Gneech says:

    If you’re gonna get sucked in, you should be playing “Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar” instead!

    ’tis cool. :)

    -The Gneech

  6. Henebry says:

    I have friends whose spouses refer to EverQuest as “EverCrack” and swear they almost lost their loved ones to the game. Not clear to me why it would be more addictive than the newer more immersive WoW technology.

  7. ian says:

    I specifically tried WoW over other MMO’s because there is enough single player content so you can enjoy the game without the full addictive experience. An hour is more likely than 1/2 an hour but you can contain the amount of time you spend if you stick to questing and avoid dungeons. 90% of my play is me vs. the environment with occasional 2-3 man team ups for tougher quests. I’ll chat with my guildies and exchange info but only rarely will I delve into a dungeon or go on a raid when I know I have the time, things that are multiple hour commitments. That said, it took me playing a few months to figure out that mode of non life disrupting play. ;)

  8. Mordaedil says:

    It’s not that good. Or fun.

  9. Takkelmaggot says:

    That lack of a pause button is the single biggest reason I haven’t messed with an MMO since the Jumpgate beta back in my bachelor days. I absolutely insist on the ability to get up and, say, threaten my son for half an hour whenever the need strikes.

  10. eloj says:

    Another good reason to not play, and certainly not pay for, WoW is because Blizzard are, well, evil.

    One really can’t be anti-DMCA and a Blizzard customer at the same time.

  11. Cymru Llewes says:

    I think you are utterly correct in your thinking that WoW would suck you in and keep you from spending your time the way you really wish to.

    What I really really dislike about it is people saying “Oh, it’s not addictive.” when they just spent the last 12 hours playing and getting upset when you reminded them that it was time to eat, time to get the children ready for school, time to eat, then get the children ready for bed, then you are heading to bed yourself and they’re complaining you didn’t spend any time with them. Well, duh! You disappeared in to your ‘net connection to play WoW. I won’t have anything to do with you when you do that. You made the decision that was more important to do than anything else. Deal.

    My apologies for ranting.

  12. Jadawin says:

    Wise move. WoW killed one of my favorite blogs (Silflay Hraka) and is the main reason my blog is so vestigial. Once you start playing WoW, other games effectively cease to exist. I played a ton of Puzzle Quest on my vacation last week- that’s the first non-WoW game I have played since before Burning Crusade came out.

  13. Joey the Lemur says:

    Good move. The game does peter out a bit once you hit 70 and have problems getting groups together for the high-level instances… but then, if you’re like me, you go and roll alternate characters and do the whole thing over again…

    (Someone help me. Please.)

  14. Penn says:

    If you are looking for a game with a strong single-player component that’s playable for streches of half anhour without problems, try City of Heroes/City of Villains. It’s unapologetically a MMO centered around combat, but it’s got one of the best combat systems I’ve seen. With travel powers you don’t have the annoying and boring trudges across the landscape that WoW has (not that I don’t like WoW for other things) and are inter (and out of) the action faster. You can solo easily most of the way through the game with most character types, although some content needs teams.
    It’s a really good game, but it’s less likely to eat your life.
    Plus, it’s got the best character creation system I’ve ever seen on any MMO, by a wide margin. You can look like almost anything you want.

    I’ve recently tried WoW and I agree, it tries harder than CoH to eat your life. So far I’ve managed to play while avoiding that trap.


  15. Roger says:

    I’ve actually found WoW to be pretty amenable to a half-hour-a-day schedule. That’s just been my experience with it. Still, the DM-of-the-Rings fan in me applauds your decision.

  16. John says:

    Try Guildwars

    no monthly fee and you can get a satisfying hit from 30 minutes play

  17. Chilango2 says:

    One the one hand, WoW can be addictive like any other good game. But it doesn’t have the elements in EQ that made spending half a day playing it *necessary*.

    I ‘ve quit without too much trouble once (I went back to try it when Burning Crusade came out), and have been playing it again for a few months now, and I have no trouble keeping it down to one hour, half an hour is probably more difficult to do anything meaningful, but you can, say, finish one quest in an hour, or maybe a few.

    I usually play 2-4 hours every day, and you’d spend that on just about any other game, if you wanted too.

    Of course, it sounds like you already have a full plate, Shamus, so even a “small” 1-2 hour commitment might be too much.

  18. Marmot says:

    You will succumb one day, and then the World (of Warcraft) will burn…

    Heh. Anyways, a wise decision. Now that it’s an addiction, I wouldn’t agree, but a demanding hobby… oh yes. That’s very true.

  19. Zack says:

    I personally feel WoW works fine as a casual player. I only play once or twice a week, and have a blast playing with friends in organized 5 man groups.

    But most people seem driven to “keep up” with hard-core players and endgame content is definately not casual friendly. I personally have been playing 2 years and I haven’t reached endgame due to having alt-itis and playing in a lot of 5 man groups. Some friends have reached endgame in 2 months and then play every waking hour to do raids.

    It really depends on how obsessive you are about completing a game. I love exploring and questing and trying hard 5 mans, other people want the best loot in game…

    As a low level casual you _will_ feel a little left out. The servers are filled with high level players these days. And it is sometimes difficult to find low level groups with so many people playing high level content. If you play, try to have a set group of friends that plays on set days as that helps you to limit your time commitment, and playing as a group is fun. I demolished two instances back to back last night in two and a half hours total. (we were low level for both instances, one boss was 5 levels above us and still no one died because we played so well together) Set groups are MUCH better for this kind of play as you learn to work with one another and it makes it easy to destroy even higher level instances. Also you get to socialize while playing.

    But given your myriad time commitments it may be good that you backed off. *grin*

  20. Kevin says:

    How you play is way more dependent on your personality than the game itself, but if you’ve already got a good thing running with your time now, I kind of agree that adding another element is just throwing rocks into your gears.

    I personally love to play WoW for 30 minute or smaller stretches, while I’m waiting on dinner to finish cooking or the wife to get ready to leave the house. She and I generally play together and are EXTREMELY casual about it. (Though she is the head of our guild “” it is a casual guild as well.)

    I also have a webcomic I produce, and at first I had some difficulty balancing WoW with that and other obligations. But I worked at it, and feel I have created a new system for myself that works and is enjoyable. My “pause” button is /quit.

  21. Alexis says:

    But it’s so gooooood!

    Embrace the evil! You don’t need that stinkin’ family. Time wasted on a job, blog, cartoon etc is just unproductive, you could be grinding gold!

  22. Rich says:

    As a ex-WoW player (beta and about 2 years paid) I took one glimpse at the email inviting me back and trashed it fast. No thanks. 10 days free or not is 10 days too many. I’ve had my fill and more. I’m happily enjoying the gankfest that is EVE Online. 2 accounts worth. ;)

  23. The Pancakes says:

    Good decision, Shamus. WoW is tEH sUKK!!!!11

    I’ve played a lot of MMOs. WoW is the most treadmill-oriented of them all so far. I reached level 42 in the game before I called it quits. I now call it World of Borecraft for a few reasons:

    1) In-game travel is a time sink and is designed to be so. Quest A is granted in City X. You must travel to Region Y (20 minutes of walking/running/flying/riding on a boat) to complete Quest A which will take about 10 minutes. Then you must travel back to City X (another 20 minutes) to turn in Quest A where you will get a modest XP award and maybe some middling item. I noticed this got worse as I gained levels with travel times increasing steadily. Also, you’re often forced to travel through areas far beyond your abilities to get to the quest and then travel back through them to turn in the quest. This usually results in your death, which results in an XP penalty and more travelling from the graveyard. At level 40 you can buy a mount which I thought might help with travel time, but it turns out that the quests just get farther apart.
    2) You must level to get to the ‘better’ content. Leveling is a treadmill grind. Kill -> Loot -> Level. Repeat. The combat itself quickly becomes mechanical with almost no variation in tactics required from monster to monster. It’s the same old kite-and-kill method people have been using since Ultima Online, and in a group it’s tank-and-blaster.
    3) Instanced dungeons are too difficult for a solo player, but deliver poor XP for groups.
    4) To achieve levels higher than about 20 during your lifetime you must group. Groups are difficult to join because no one wants to take a chance on adding a “n00b” or a “ninja”. Forming your own pick-up group is hit-and-miss as they are usually made up of all the people that no one else wanted to group with (i.e. “n00bs” and “ninjas”). The best way to get reliable groups is to join a guild, but…
    5) The guilds tend to be cliquish and often demand a lot of time from their members, at least the ‘best’ (meaning the most successful) guilds do. If you can’t meet the time committments, you don’t get to be in the guild. Joining a casual guild may seem like a good idea but ‘casual’ generally means ‘small’ and that means you’re not going to have a lot of options for grouping because there won’t be many members on at a time.
    6) Once you’re more than about 4 levels above or below someone else, there’s little point in grouping with them. Either you’re going to die, they’re going to die, or one of you isn’t getting much XP for your efforts.

    I think there are two reasons people keep playing WoW. First and foremost is because their friends are playing it and they don’t want to quit because they’ll miss their friends; their friends don’t want them to quit because they’ll be missed — classic peer pressure. Second, the game is very easy to figure out (meaning you’ll see very quickly how the designers intended you to play) and the first 20 levels come fast fooling you into thinking that you’ll be level 70 and raiding in no time at all. It’s not until you’ve put in a few 15+ hour sessions that you realize that it took you as long to get from 20 to 30 as it did from 1 to 20 and then to get from 30 to 40 will take you as long as it did to get from 1 to 30.

    I agree with Penn@14, City of Heroes/City of Villians is a much better game, and if you’re looking for an MMO that will allow you to play for 20-30 minutes at a crack, that’s the one.

  24. Mistergreen says:

    I also play CoX (Coh/CoV) and I must say I’m a lucky one becuase my wife is a gamer too now thanks to me. So I don’t have to worry about finding a group or a large guild to do missions with. Plus since I am a truck driver and not at home every night, more like every other weekend, that is how we spend “quality time” together. We’ve managed to come up with some great character pairings as we’re now over 20 characters a piece. Call us Alt-o-holics.

  25. supermank17 says:

    The Pancakes,
    One or two corrections: you don’t actually lose XP for a death. You just take 10% damage to your equipped items, which is minimal. WoW has by far the lightest death penalty of any MMORPG I’ve played.
    Also, it isn’t incredibly difficult to level all the way up to 60 by yourself, if you skip the instanced dungeons and elite quests. Admittedly, thats where you get the best gear, but I managed to get all the way up to 50 largely playing solo, or with one or two real life friends every once in a while.
    I agree with most of the other things you said though, and thats largely why I quit. The first 20 levels were a lot of fun, but after that things became more and more tedious.

  26. Dev Null says:

    Man Pancake, you sure you’re talking about the right game?

    Wow is full of zones where you can quest without travelling at all, and you can always refuse to take the travelling quests. There are usually just a few scattered about to lead you to other areas that are within your ability.

    Wow doesn’t have an XP penalty for death.

    Fulfilling quests is the best way to level; grinding is only really necessary for getting gold or faction reputation, both of which are actually fairly irrelevant to the game unless you’re into min-maxing your gear.

    I play in pick-up groups all the time, with only the occasional jerk; my guild is laid-back and full of people who just play for the fun of it. The guilds aren’t part of the game, after all, they’re run by the players, so you just have to find people you like and hang out with them.

    I’m not saying its not a bit addictive, but I don’t play any much more than most Americans watch TV, and at least this is both social and interactive. I think Shamus is right to be concerned though; I don’t know too many people who _started_ playing and kept it down to a half-hour a day at the beginning, and the thing is big and varied enough that you have a tendency to keep playing it as your “main game” for a lot longer than you would with most single-player games, which in turn means you don’t get to sample nearly as many…

    No Shamus, we like your game reviews and your comic; go not into the time-consuming maw of the beast!

  27. theonlymegumegu says:

    “Unlike single-player games, you can't pause an MMO.”

    That’s my biggest problem w/ playing MMOs. I get sucked into single player games enough, but if I don’t at least have a pause button I can hit to give me a break when I want, it could be terrible XD

  28. Cenobite says:

    The Gneech @ 5:


  29. The Pancakes says:

    My mistake on the XP penalty for dying. The actual game penalties may be light, but it’s still a huge time-sink to die. Hell, everything in WoW is a huge time-sink, and the time sinks get bigger as you go up in levels. I never spent so much time staring at a monitor waiting for some gameplay to happen in my life.

    I found the best way to get gold was to catch fish and then sell them on the auction. Oddly, I had more fun finding good fishing spots than I did doing just about anything else in WoW.

    As to refusing to take travelling quests, well, I guess I could have but I couldn’t find quests that were level-appropriate in the areas I spent time in. It seemed that whenever I found a quest it required me to travel to the other continent and then walk for 20 minutes before I could start doing anything.

    I know there are a lot of people out there who like WoW. A few of my very good friends like and play the game to this day, but personally I find life to be too short to spend it sitting in front of a monitor watching my avatar riding a giant bat.

  30. ZackTheSTGuy says:

    RE: Pausing WoW –
    I play rogues predominately in World of Warcraft and, let me tell you, the game might not have a ‘pause’ button but you can stealth yourself in an out-of-the-way spot and go AFK for awhile without much of an issue. Even on a PvP server this tactic has only gotten me killed once.

    Also, if you’re not keen on playing a rogue, Night Elves have a racial ability that allow them to do largely the same thing but they can be warriors, priests, or druids (as well as rogues). Oh, yeah, and druids after level 20 or so can change into ‘cat form’ and use a stealth ability much like a rogue can, so this would allow you to play a Tauren druid if you wished to take advantage of this tactic as well (Night Elves have the ability already, so they get IMPROVED stealth).

  31. bkw says:

    I’ve played WoW for a long time, took a several month haitus, and am playing again — along with my wife. I have several accounts with several high level characters, and I’ve been leader of or member of some of the elite guilds in the game (we were the first people in the world to kill Broodlord, the 2nd people in the US to kill C’thun, IIRC). My priest has 128 days+ /played on her at the moment, to give you an idea. And this is after I took a 5 month break.

    Playing at that level requires an enormous time investment, A very small percentage of the population actually ever reaches or sees much of that content. It’s exceedingly high profile in the community, but from a business perspective, it doesn’t make sense for Blizzard to build all this end-game content that 95% of their player base will never see.

    So they’re changing their entire approach to be more focused on small group and solo content. It’s both a good and bad move.

    They’re making changes to the game to cut down on the downtime — less time sitting around watching your character fly around. More stuff you can do with smaller groups of people.

    But honestly, it’s a MMO. It’s a social game as much as anything else. You get out of it what you put into it. I’ve made a number of good friends from all over the world, whom I would never have met or related to if not for the shared context of this game.

    With the new content, it is possible to play alone. But if you’re going to play alone, why play a MMO in the first place?

    That said — yes, WoW takes up a lot of time. For a $/hr return on entertainment value, it’s completely unmatched. My entire family plays — my wife and our older son enjoy running around killing things together.

    My level of DVD and game purchases has plummeted since playing WoW. We don’t even touch our Wii or PS2 or any of the other toys we have lying around the house. Which suits us well enough, but it certainly isn’t for everyone.

  32. ZackTheSTGuy says:

    To the people who complain about the flight times between zones: That is the ideal time to make a sandwich, use the bathroom, or remind your significant other that you are still alive. If it weren’t for the flight times, I might never get up to stretch my legs!

  33. John Fiala says:

    I’m a casual WoW player, and it’s not been a problem for me. Sure, I can see how it could become addictive, but for myself I’ve not had a problem with logging in for a bit, doing a bit of quest or grinding, and then logging out to go do something else. That said, if you don’t want to play the game then you shouldn’t download it, alright.

  34. Myxx says:

    I gave in to the pressure from friends and tried it out. I successfully avoided putting my credit card in, though, and uninstalled on the eighth day.

    Save vs timesink. Of course I say that after 7+ years of EQ…

  35. John says:

    Yeah I played that 10-day trial. Its captured everyone who stayed in my hometown and didnt go to uni or whatnot, and I eventually gave into them. Hit the lvl20 cap after a couple of days. Personally all that kept me away from buying it was my g/f explaining the monetary side – I have no issues playing $100NZ for a game I really want, but would i pay it if i could only play it for a couple of months? Of course not. Not to mention that broadband data charges are pretty insane over this side of the world. Then she let me buy NWN2 to distract me till I forgot about it…

  36. Anachronda says:

    I’m also a casual WoW player. Although I rarely group, my main just hit level 68 last weekend; it’s definitely possible to go all the way to 70 solo.

    I’m a bit odd, however, in that may favorite activity is killing skinnables. I’m pretty simple-minded, so it suits me.

    My guild is a largish one composed primarily of the sort of people that enjoy quoting Monty Python, so even though I’m not grouping, I’m not *totally* antisocial.

    I spend about the amount of time playing that I used to spend watching TV. Even so, I occasionally have entire evenings where something interesting is on TV that I watch instead of playing the game.

    My wife, however, is pretty hard-core. She plays pretty much all the time. We don’t play together because she tends to use my characters for bag space and tends to swipe my gold when there’s something on the auction house she just *has* to buy. So I play mostly on a different server.

    Transit times don’t bother me; I play in windowed mode and use the time to surf the net for news or hack away on one of my programming projects.

    Yes, my programming projects have slowed to a crawl since I started playing WoW. But it hasn’t totally taken over my life. My wife, however, is another matter entirely…

  37. nehumanuscrede says:

    Wow IS addictive. WoW demands your time. Lots of your time actually.

    If you ever wish to proceed to the higher levels, you will have needed to put in your time to acquire semi-decent gear in order to survive the higher level dungeons.

    The time requirement is much much higher on PVP servers where your gear makes all the difference in the world. Two equal level characters can face off but if Character X has Tier Y gear and you don’t. . . well. . . you pretty much lose :) Thank you for playing, please insert .25 to continue.

    I played WoW from it’s release date until the Burning Crusades release. Three or four level sixty characters across a few servers.

    Like you have already noted, MMO’s are not a ‘ get in / get out ‘ type of game. If you can’t dedicate a few hours to it when you log in, don’t log in.

    Ultimately, in order to ensure I never returned to it I sold all of my gear, handed out gold by the handfuls to new characters starting the game then deleted my characters. All of them.

    You just can’t burn the bridge down with this one. . . you have to blow it up. :) I’ve been much happier ever since.

  38. Avaz says:

    I’ve been a longtime fan of this site, particularly DMotR; first time posting.

    As an ex-WoW addict, I can safely say that not playing is the best decision ever. I put 2 years and some change into the game, played since launch. On the one hand, I made a fabulous little group of friends as a result of my *gasp* actual roleplaying (Yes, I really did.) On the other hand, I was ][ this far away from getting a divorce.

    So I quit last July and haven’t looked back since. In fact, I gave up all games altogether. (Turned out, I have what I believe is called “technodependency” – something that makes me utterly and completely addicted to computers and just about anything with an enjoyable interface, like games)

    It was only in the last two months that I tried gaming again (Fallout 2). I can feel that addiction kicking back in slowly, but I’m fighting it better now that I know I have a gaming problem. I’ve been able (somewhat) to not get sucked in, and I’ve limited myself to an hour or so a day. So far, so good.

  39. Yahzi says:

    WoW is a great game. But I only have time for one hobby, and Wow isn’t it.

    Kudos to you, Shamus, for demonstrating self-knowledge. Really, 99% of the problems of the world would go away if everyone could be that knowledgable about themselves.

  40. Rustybadger says:

    Almost 40 comments and nobody thinks it’s a bit suspicious that Shamus’s WIFE had First Post? C’mon people – you’re slipping here!

  41. Shamus says:

    I’ve got it!

    The ad right now on this post is for those WoW power-leveling services. I’ll sign up for the game, and then I’ll pay someone else to play it for me. Problem solved.

  42. sithson says:

    A couple of things:

    I was, up till a month ago, a WoW addict. I have two, TWO level 70 chars, solo.

    At first it started out innocently with my friends, but then something happened. I had to catch up with them, I had to burn away hours to reach their level, It took weeks for this to eventually happen. Once I had gotten to their level, I found my gear woefully under par, and wanting to play with them more, ment to get the gear that they had spent three months to get in a period of a few days. Needless to say there was a real disconnect, and I found my self soloing more and more and more, untill I found my self, ten or more levels ahead of them.

    I was a WoW addict. I joined a year before Burning crusade, and when I hit 60 yes, I sucumbed to the dark side: Raids.

    I would take off work early, just to get better gear, or the possibility of it. Vent was a nightmare, and it was like boot camp with the guild master chiding children all the time. But I did it. About 2 months before B/C I had my tier one set. (Molten core) The raids were the worst. Five hour gank fests of strategies. Five hours to get to the end for that one peice, and you dont have the DKP for it.

    No all was not good. Then B/C came out, and like a stalion I had been planning, plotting and scheming months eailer than anybody else (I had a heads up from my friend who got into the beta)

    So the first week, I find my self 64 and 2000 gold richer. It takes another 2 months for me to get to 70. At this same time I had a level 58 pali, that quickly with the quest rewards gott to 70 no problem.

    FLying was great. Everything was great. But then it hit me. My firneds were just turning 62. I had to 70s I was a Wow Junky. Ashamed and realizing that it had come to this, I quit wow. It was a good move.

    Now, Now I play flyff!!!! Yes a kids MMORPG!
    #1 Its FREE
    #3 Its pretty easy going solo wise, and good for groups. This is the game I recommend you Shamus.

  43. Jack says:

    Like most things that bring pleasure in life, an MMO is a test of one’s self-control.

    While it may be true that it is nearly impossible to complete raid armor sets or max out crafting without a serious time investment, games like WoW can be played casually _if the player has the right mind-set_.

    I’m really tired of people complaining about their own lack of self-discipline and bringing down an otherwise fantastic gaming experience for those who may have yet to try it.

    If you haven’t played an MMO, you have no say.

    If you have played, and gotten yourself addicted, I’d also stay away from things like drinking alcohol and smoking.

    gratz ty bibi

  44. Patrick the Evil Twin says:

    C’mon kid…just try it…everyone is doing it. AAwwwww c’mon, it’s not what everyone tells you it is…it’s fun! it makes you feel good. Nothing BAD will happen…Here..I’ll even give you some FREE…no obligations, just try it. trust me…. here just take it and try it.

  45. Christian Groff says:

    Beh, I have all the time in the world to sink into WoW, the reason I don’t play it is because they don’t have blooding halflings – gnomes just ain’t as cool to play! :p

  46. Christian Groff says:

    “The ad right now on this post is for those WoW power-leveling services. I'll sign up for the game, and then I'll pay someone else to play it for me. Problem solved.”

    You can get paid to play WoW? Oh man, if my folks hear about this, they’d probably sue Blizzard. *lol* (Looks around shiftily.) I might take you up on that offer, if the price is good. ^_^

  47. Gahaz says:

    Its fun, very fun and easy to get to know. Also its extremely computer friendly, darn near any system can play it. Just give it a fling, I play a bit, nothing scary, it took me 4 months to get to 70. If you want to, and want a hi lvl friend, get on Andorhal and be Horde, send a msg to Gahazakul. Ill hook you up, and help ya out if needed.

  48. FlameKiller says:

    The odd thing is i can step away from WoW whenever i want.
    i just get bored with it.

  49. Gothic Punk Fox says:

    I just started playing WoW today… I had avoided playing it since it came out, raged against it… Then the RT guys said stuff about it, and I thought playing the Hoarde would be pretty cool and hated the Alliance… Now, a friend at work sucked me in, talking about his guild and how I had to play Alliance… I’m a Night Elf Rogue…and it’s pretty fun. I’m only on the trial right now. If I can get him to pay for my first 3 months, I might be able to deal with it, but if I have to pay…will it consume my life? Ugh…

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Can you imagine having Darth Vader as your <i>father</i>?

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I'm <b>very</b> glad Darth Vader isn't my father.

You can make links like this:
I'm reading about <a href="">Darth Vader</a> on Wikipedia!

You can quote someone like this:
Darth Vader said <blockquote>Luke, I am your father.</blockquote>

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