Escape From City 17

By Shamus Posted Saturday Jan 30, 2010

Filed under: Movies 19 comments

A fan-made Half-Life 2 movie. Like the game itself, it’s light on plot and heavy on atmosphere:

Link (YouTube)

It’s called “part 1”, but it sounds like the guys who put it together have moved on. I searched around for a part 2 and all I got was rick rolled for my trouble. So now the film has a Duke Nukem Forever / Half Life Episode 3 thing going.

Still, impressive.


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19 thoughts on “Escape From City 17

  1. Jazmeister says:

    I think these guys have big animation contracts going on, and they’re working on this fan project when they can. The response when it came out was phenomenal.

  2. Gandaug says:

    I remember seeing this when it first released. I had forgotten all about it. It is a shame they haven’t released more. It was worth watching again. I’m not a huge HL2 fan but it is still astounding what people can do.

  3. ClearWater says:

    Gahh! I thought: what are you talking about no part to? It’s right there. Now I know what you meant by being rick-rolled.

  4. Bearpocalypse says:

    There’s a newer version of part one available . Apparently they’re still working on the project.

  5. toasty says:

    That was 5 minutes of pure win. I liked the CP masks.

    Also: THE CROWBAR!

  6. JoeFF85/Skitzophrenik says:

    I prefer the first cut to the tightened up recut. The Metro Cop masks look as if they are HQ models from the SDK (or beefed up quality models based ont he ones in the SDK) put in during post, like many of the other effects. The blending of the live action and the CGI put in in post is really really good.

  7. Teldurn says:

    That was one of the most enjoyable 5 minutes I’ve spent since, well, since playing the game of the same name!

  8. Eric says:

    Lou Diamond Phillips was awesome!

  9. LK says:

    I prefer the first cut to the tightened up recut. The Metro Cop masks look as if they are HQ models from the SDK (or beefed up quality models based ont he ones in the SDK) put in during post, like many of the other effects. The blending of the live action and the CGI put in in post is really really good.

    If I remember right the combine masks are nearly verbatim replicas of some pretty common surplus soviet masks, anwyays. I think they’re easy to get ahold of.

    The combine soldier ones are definitely similar to old soviet “pig” gas masks:

    Art imitates life =3

  10. TSED says:

    Something totally unrelated: Shamus, you should go read the patch notes for Champions Online. Wow, what a patch.

  11. Telas says:

    Love the guest appearance of the crowbar…

  12. ninepepper says:

    I too remember seeing this when it first came out. I like how they could have easily stuffed more cgi in than the did, but chose not to do so. They hit the tone just right.

  13. Brigdh says:

    I seem to recall you posting this vid a while back

  14. arlojeremy says:

    I’m trying to remember if I’ve been waiting for Episoide 3 or Part 2 of this longer…

    No wait, Episode 3.


  15. UtopiaV1 says:

    Hang on, wasn’t this released about two years ago? :P I remember watching it a while ago anyhow.

    Oh Shamus, your like the uncle who thinks he’s cool and hip, but you only seem to know two-year old pop references! Still, the vid is ‘funky’.

    1. Shamus says:

      “Oh Shamus, your like the uncle who thinks he's cool and hip[…]”

      Slander, sir. Slander! I have never made any such claim.


      Some movies will be new to some people. Some are old. This is the way of viral videos.

  16. Emkinator says:

    The funny thing is they used my home city Riga (capital of Latvia) for the first shot! :P I was very surprised when i saw it, because it’s not that big and certainly not known internationally.
    I hadn’t thought of it that way, but it really is similar to city 17.

  17. UtopiaV1 says:

    Ah, yes, i retract my previous statement good sir, as I am somewhat of a hypocrite in regards to my last post. I only just got round to getting Fuel yesterday (it was only £6 (or $10 in your case)), and my god, that thing is HUGE (that’s what she said, ba-zing!).

    Seriously, that amount of open space terrifies me. I never go outside in real life! Anyway, it’s copyright 2008 (so it says on the box), so talk about your old software… ¬_¬

  18. SolkaTruesilver says:

    Shamus, have you ever watched Freeman’s Mind?

    Highly entertaining…

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