Bizarro Genius Baby

By Shamus Posted Saturday Aug 23, 2008

Filed under: Nerd Culture 9 comments

Some more MC Frontalot for your Saturday morning:

Lyrics here.


From The Archives:

9 thoughts on “Bizarro Genius Baby

  1. Face says:

    Awesome, thanks for the video!

  2. Grant says:

    Wow…. just wow.

  3. Jim says:

    Pitch Dark was great, but this is just a completely different level of amazing. I obviously need to do some music shopping.

    Technical nit-pick, you changed tags for the two videos.
    Pitch Dark: mc-frontalot
    Bizzare Genius Baby: frontalot

  4. Kevin says:

    Okay, let me see here. I have a hard time understand a lot of Frontalot’s lyrics, so I want to know if I have the story straight.

    He has a baby girl, who is really smart. He has trouble identifying with her, and she’s also a lot to manage around the house. After much work and trial, she finally accepts him as a dad and role model, so he sells her to a sweat shop in Singapore, for which she kills him.

    Is that basically the idea?

    I feel like I ought to like Frontalot. I really want to, but I guess it’s not for everyone. On the other hand I really love Jonathan Coulton, who also writes a bunch of “geek music.”

    For what it’s worth, Frontalot’s efforts seem very well-made, and just as good as any other rapper out there… and he isn’t singing about shooting cops or raping/peeing on kids or stealing things, so that’s a check in the plus column!

  5. Daemian Lucifer says:


    “Is that basically the idea?”

    Except for the most important part:Hes just dreaming all of that.

  6. Kevin says:

    Oh! Okay, cool. Thanks for that Luci. See, that’s why I asked!

    (Though I’m not certain how that affects the story…)

  7. Macguffin says:

    Shamus – another to check out (but that has no video) is Secrets from the Future. You’ll find a lot of parallels to the futility of DRM mechanisms. :)

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