
By Shamus Posted Tuesday Oct 2, 2012

Filed under: Notices 38 comments

I had another post about Guild Wars 2 up for about ten minutes. It was a draft, no screenshots, no wrap-up, no proofing. It’s not going up until Thursday-ish, but instead of hitting “save draft” I hit “publish”, because I’ve only been doing this for seven years and I’m apparently still learning the ropes.

Anyway. Sorry for the confusion and for the three comments that probably got deleted in the process.


From The Archives:

38 thoughts on “Oops.

  1. Malkara says:

    Your “page not found” page is really funky formatting-wise, by the way.

    1. Lanthanide says:

      For anyone trying to read the story about racism in Shamus’ latest tweet, it appears it’s been taken off the blog.

      I managed to find google cache of it though: http://jsfiddle.net/UGWGG/show/

      1. Gary says:

        That is despicable. The type of behavior I would have expected 40 years ago. Not today and not in a modern tech company…

      2. Dasick says:

        The worst part is…

        Their co-worker expressed feelings of uncomfort about their jokes and phrases. Even if you think you are within your right to make those jokes and observations, he is your CO-WORKER. You share a working space, and if you don’t look out for each other, that’s just stupid; you’re hurting a fellow human being, and you’re hurting the project, and you’re hurting yourself in the process. That’s where a big problem with the -isms in workplace come from.

        Observation: What other people say is directly quoted. Writer describes what he said.

        1. Sabrdance (MatthewH) says:

          If it’s accurate, it’s an HR nightmare. The conversation with Steve is ipso facto evidence of a hostile work place and an invitation for a lawsuit. “They are just jokes” is both irrelevant to the and an improper response from a supervisor. EEOC would have that company for breakfast.

      3. Shamus says:

        I’m betting the OP took it down because they’re moving to take legal action. His lawyer likely advised him to remove his public statements, just to keep them out of the hands of the people he’s suing.

        Of course, Google remembers all, but LOTS of lawyers have trouble understanding how that works.

        It’s a terrible story. Amazing that this happened in 2012. In San Francisco of all places.

      4. Volfram says:

        Wow. I hope he ends up owning the company and every penny Steve makes for the rest of his worthless bigot life. I skipped merrily over half of it because I was getting exactly that same feeling of rage, and I don’t think I’d have made it through the whole article otherwise.

  2. Isy says:

    Well shucks. I guess I’ll just purge the column from my memory.

  3. newdarkcloud says:

    That was an interesting read… that never existed.

  4. Sagretti says:

    Just a heads up, the notice about the story being posted is still in my Facebook feed, so make sure to nuke that, too. I was wondering why you were being so prolific today.

  5. swenson says:

    Aww, and I was all excited to hear more about Guild Wars, too!

    Well, it’s something to look forward to. :)

  6. Astor says:

    aaaw, now I wish I had been here earlier to witness the post-that-was-not-meant-to-be-(yet).

  7. Paul Spooner says:

    It doesn’t help that the “save as draft” button is right next to the “show everyone my draft-level scribbles” button. I’ve caught myself a few times doing this exact thing. Only a matter of time before it happens again really.

    Kind of like the joke in “The Long Dark Teatime of the Soul” with the two buttons on the desk. Will interface designers never learn?

    1. Yar Kramer says:

      And now I’m going to have to reread it to find the specific joke you’re talking about. Thanks! ;)

      1. Bryan says:

        Hmm, yeah, I don’t remember that joke either, and now it’s going to bug me too. :-/

        Curse this internet! :-P

        1. Paul Spooner says:

          In your defense, I may have mis-remembered. Doesn’t he have a couple of buttons on his desk, one of which calls for tea and the other destroys the universe?

  8. Jamfalcon says:

    I got to read it. Now I feel special!

  9. David says:

    I did note an uncharacteristic density of spelling errors.

  10. David F says:

    Oh, that’s why submitting a comment to that post wasn’t working.

  11. Fang says:

    Dang, it has been… ’08 since he has done that. I think ’08, I was just browsing some of the older articles because of boring classes haha.

  12. JPH says:

    I got to read it all! Bwahahaha thank you Google Reader.

    I can’t wait to see what you’ll say about the dungeons…

    1. krellen says:

      I predict “fuck gravelings and their fucking burrows” will be part of it.

      1. rofltehcat says:

        Ah, some of the other dungeons aren’t that bad because you can exploit them to hell, skipping whole bosses. Somehow, that is the only way people are doing those damned dungeons and tbh I don’t condemn them for it. Imagine doing some of those dungeons without exploits. They’d be impossible!

      2. Jarenth says:

        Maybe some jokes about Logan, too.

        1. rofltehcat says:

          That cowardly traitor!

      3. Ateius says:

        Gravelings are the least threatening thing in that dungeon.

        If his experience is anything like mine, it’s going to be “screw ghost rangers so hard.

        1. Jarenth says:

          Have you been to Explorable Mode as well?

  13. Hitchmeister says:

    THURSDAY? Everything will be 3 days outdated by then. ;-)

  14. Tohron says:

    You have some very high-quality rough drafts :)

  15. anaphysik says:

    I guess it shows how insanely frequently I visit this site that I got to read it while it was up, then?

  16. “This blog was taped earlier in front of a live studio audience.”

    What’s next, a laugh track on Spoiler Warning? :)

  17. Sabrdance (MatthewH) says:

    Anyone else find it amusing, perhaps even ironic (in the Olympians striking down hubris sort of way) that the twitter feed right next to it is about 2K Games release XCOM ahead of schedule, because after all NOTHING could possibly go wrong?

  18. Talbot says:

    What are you trying to hide from us, Shamus? We demand answers! Don’t throw posts down the memory hole!

  19. Katesickle says:

    I love how Shamus can get 20+ posts just by saying “oops, I hit ‘publsh’ too soon, nothing to see here.”

    1. RTBones says:

      This is not the post they are looking for.
      They can go about their business.
      Move along.

  20. Dianne says:

    Shamus, I’m not sure if you’re aware of this, but the entire post is still available on Google Reader. I presume other RSS feed aggregators will still be able to see it as well. You might need to publish a blank version of the article and then set it back to draft status to kinda-sorta-delete it from everyone’s feeds.

    Incidentally, have you read any of Patrick Wyatt’s posts? Scaling Guild Wars for Massive Concurrency has some interesting insights into the speedy double patches. I won’t comment on the rest of the post and I will pretend I didn’t peek. Shhh.

  21. Mike Lemmer says:

    I read the whole thing regardless; thank you, RSS feed into Email. I’m sure I’ll make this comment again in more detail once the actual post goes up, but I thought GW2’s plot was pretty good. I would like to see some examples of why GW2’s heroes were so blindingly stupid; compared to WoW’s heroes, they’re geniuses.

  22. Urs says:

    Soooo? Thursday is now-ish! Or, over here it is. Anyways, your first or something post about Guild Wars 2 is pretty much responsible for me having played the thing for the past two days. Looking forward to the article.

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