DM of the Rings Remastered CI: There He Goes Again

By Peter T Parker Posted Sunday Jan 12, 2025

Filed under: DM of the Rings Remaster 2 comments

When it comes to giving things to the players versus making them “earn” them:

Give a player a fish, and he’ll probably try to sell it to an NPC fisherman.

Teach a player to fish, and next week he’ll show up with the book, “The Complete Adventuring Fisherman”. He’ll start hunting for some monstrous leviathan to catch and enslave, and he’ll be dual-wielding two fishing poles.

– Shamus, Wednesday May 16, 2007


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2 thoughts on “DM of the Rings Remastered CI: There He Goes Again

  1. Philadelphus says:

    I do like the Whoosh! effect on Gandalf and Shadowfax there. I had to check the original to see if that was an addition, you’ve recreated it quite well.

  2. Andy Cyca says:

    Hate to be *that* guy, but I’m sure Shamus didn’t write that blurb on “Tuesday Dec 31, 2024” (either that, or the reports of his passing have been exaggerated).

    That said, back when I played D&D for the first time, I was guilty of researching every possible pantheon, spell, and ritual any cleric could cast. Thankfully, my DM told me it’s not very common for a Cleric to switch beliefs every other week.

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