DM of the Rings XCVI: An Errant Arrow

By Peter T Parker Posted Sunday Nov 10, 2024

Filed under: DM of the Rings Remaster 8 comments

There is nothing more destructive to the story than a DM temper tantrum, which explains why players have such enthusiasm for causing them.

(Also, for the benefit of readers who check out the comic but don’t read the rest of the site: I want to point out that I was interviewed on Fear the Boot. Tune in to hear some behind-the-scenes info on the comic and a bit about myself and my experiences playing D&D.)

– Shamus, Friday May 4, 2007



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8 thoughts on “DM of the Rings XCVI: An Errant Arrow

  1. Deleted says:

    This comment has been removed for violating community guidelines

    1. Matt` says:

      Nothing requires you to remain subscribed.

      Doubly nothing required you to be a jerk about it.

    2. Alarion says:

      You may just be a troll and so are getting exactly the response you’re going for, but just in case…

      My guess is that republishing these comics serves as a bit of tribute to Shamus by his children.

      Imagine if someone close to you died and then you received hurtful comments because you made a typo in the obituary.

      Please, reconsider your comment.

      1. Deleted says:

        This comment has been deleted for violating community guidelines.

  2. Scott's Folly says:

    Admirable honesty from Legolas’s player. Hands up all those who’d have just let the GM give them the hit?

  3. Mortuorum says:

    Typo: “Orthand” should be “Orthanc.” Love the capture of Grima’s impalement.

    1. djw says:

      ^this is the correct way to point out a typo.

      Just saying…

  4. irvitzer says:

    Oi! Seems like this week image is missing.

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