DM of the Rings remastered LXV: Gross Misallocation of Resources

By Peter T Parker Posted Sunday Mar 31, 2024

Filed under: DM of the Rings Remaster, Random 3 comments

While often nothing the players do makes any sense at all within the contex of the gameworld, you can be sure they will fixate on any and all flaws in the thinking on the part of NPCs.

-Shamus Monday Feb 19, 2007

Every player wants a straight man to their antics. Unfortunately, the DM is also a player.


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3 thoughts on “DM of the Rings remastered LXV: Gross Misallocation of Resources

  1. Example says:

    Hey! Looks like the previous comic is not added to “DM of the Rings Remaster” category.

    1. Peter T Parker says:

      Ah dagnabbit, thanks for the heads up. Should be all fixed now :]

  2. Also, the thinking of the NPC’s is the thinking of the DM, so criticize at your own peril.

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