Angelina Shrugged

By Shamus Posted Monday May 8, 2006

Filed under: Movies 4 comments

Angelina Jolee and Brad Pitt are interested in doing a movie version of Atlas Shrugged*. I’ve commented on this sort of thing before. I’m sure she is capable of doing a fine job (part of being an actress is being able to play people different from yourself) but still, it’s a bit like Hugh Hewitt deciding to star in The Motorcycle Diaries.

Does. Not. Compute.

* I’ve never read the book in question, and know it only by reputation.


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4 thoughts on “Angelina Shrugged

  1. . says:

    I don’t recall prostitution and drug use being major themes in Atlas Shrugged.*

    * Snarky commentary does not indicate I have actually read the book.

  2. Shamus says:

    I don't recall prostitution and drug use being major themes in Atlas Shrugged

    Maybe she’s broadening her horizons. She’s pretty much cornered the market on skank.

  3. I have read the book. I’d be interested on how an adaptation of this kind would work. It’s a long book, with many long winded conversations that repeat themselves, on a theme. The main plot of the movie form of this book could include one or two of those multitude of speeches and work. I would see this as a darker movie, for the most part. It portrays a country in decline. *ponders* I’d like to see it done, just to see how it turns out.


  4. Pretty much everyone in the Objectivist community that I’ve talked with is a bit eh about the movie. Ayn Rand herself was working on a screenplay when she died, and she wasn’t sure Atlas could be made into a single movie without destroying it.

    The latest news that I’ve heard is that the project has been shelved indefinitely: Angelina said something like “It’s the kind of story that if you can’t do it well you shouldn’t do it at all”, which I think is a pretty big admission of her. Maybe one of these days I’ll write a treatment or screen play myself and post it on my blog.

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