WARING: This episode contains violence, drug use, kink, kink-shaming, marriage, bicycle kicking firearms, Bethesda dialog, baseball bat journalism, and allusions to that one episode where Rutskarn read us the Wikipedia entry on hemipenes. This episode may be harmful to children, pregnant women, and everyone else.
Link (YouTube) |
Maybe I need to apologize for this episode? But I kind of feel like this episode needs to apologize to ME? In any case, something has gone wrong, somewhere, and it’s probably Josh’s fault.
Also, why was that vault door closed / how did they manipulate it without a Pip boy?
EDIT: Wow guys. I just realized: When Reginald died, do you know where the last save was? If you re-watch the episode, it was in the closet with the yellow drug container, which is the exact moment when Josh claimed he’d “become a god”. The game KNOWS. It punished him for his hubris!
I’d be okay with that, except we wound up getting punished along with him.
Mass Effect Retrospective

A novel-sized analysis of the Mass Effect series that explains where it all went wrong. Spoiler: It was long before the ending.
The Witch Watch

My first REAL published book, about a guy who comes back from the dead due to a misunderstanding.
Dear Hollywood: Do a Mash Reboot

Since we're rebooting everything, MASH will probably come up eventually. Here are some casting suggestions.
The Death of Half-Life

Valve still hasn't admitted it, but the Half-Life franchise is dead. So what made these games so popular anyway?
Overthinking Zombies

Let's ruin everyone's fun by listing all the ways in which zombies can't work, couldn't happen, and don't make sense.
I always got mods in Bethesda games that allowed me to dictate what companions wear/equip. I guess they added that feature to the base game this time.
This was a very irresponsible episode. I almost suffocated from laughter.
This season is the best.
This season is the breast.
I haven’t laughed this hard in a while.
My secret-sorcret has been revearoled…
Yeah. Shut up, kid.
I’d reckon that Piper’s “Blue, we’re not alone here.” was more of a verbal shoulder tap to remind Reginald what was going on after he dove into yet another side closet to look for shinies in the middle of a gunfight.
I’m liking the relationship, I think it has potential to go places.
(I said, minutes before it went places. Dark, kinky places)
Y’know, if you squint a bit, Piper in the Vault Suit almost looks like Reginald’s old wife. With the wedding ring and everything. Yeah, this is creepy.
Huh, now I kinda want to play as a psycho that dresses people up like her husband/wife when travelling with them.
“Ok Nora, now put on the dog collar”
“Just do it”
“uhhh ok”
“Wait! take your clothes off first.”
*Piper does as she is asked*
This comment made me laugh for like a minute straight. Thank you.
So I looked things up, and the glitch here is that Reginald *wasn’t* able to equip the dog collar. It should have equipped to his right bicep, which according to the wiki is where it goes on a person.
Yeah, I don’t fucking know either.
Its not a glitch,its the fact that cuftbert is a dom,not a sub.
… I feel like I have heard people talk about their biceps as their “puppies”. Is that supposed to be the joke? This only made it weirder.
I've only heard breasts referred to as puppies.
Also, just to note, I really wanted to hear a “you can leave your hat on” joke. Maybe next time.
Checked it in the Creation Kit; wiki’s wrong. Only dogs, ghouls, and old-model synths can wear dog collars, and Bethesda marked it as “playerCannotWear” just to be sure.
The display object for ghouls and synths is called “DogCollarHumanAA.” Someone at the wiki must’ve looked at the data without fully understanding it.
So how come piper can wear it?
When you had Piper wearing the dog collar and Cuftbert wearing Piper’s outfit I really hoped that you would try to put a summer bonnet on the dog. To complete the triangle.
Normally when things like this episode happen, I’d make a joke about someone dropping acid.
I think in this case, acid itself dropped reality as a whole. O_o
I like to think the cast decided to play along with the drinking game for a single play session…
I love Spoiler Warning so much.
That is all.
On a more serious note, it turns out that there actually are world-building conversations in this game. It’s just that they’re between hostile NPCs that the player eavesdrops on and are interrupted the moment the player is spotted.
There was an interesting thing going on at 9:10 (and again at 15:30 becuz Josh) where a Shamus type guy was asking why they would build a Vault in a subway, and a ghoul he was talking to, who presumably was there at the time, was explaining that it was some sort of con on Vault-Tec’s part. Then Reginald showed up and killed them both without another word spoken. It’s not even a New Vegas deal where these guys may or may not have been hostile depending on certain conditions, it’s just disposable mook dialogue.
Missed opportunity really.
“Missed opportunity really.”
Seems to be a large portion of this game. The tech is pretty decent, though, so we can always hope for another New Vegas-style spinoff. :)
Seems unlikely, Obsidian is even more B-list than they were when they made New Vegas. These days they’re in the business of crowdfunding isometric Unity games with animation budgets so small they have to relegate “a man walks in and falls down” to a text cutscene, fading out and back in to show the changed state. I would be shocked if they could afford to license the engine, and I’m not sure if there’s any other studio with the inclination to build a New Vegas-y RPG in someone else’s engine.
It’s one of the things that really angered me about this game: Everyone is either non-hostile or 100% ready to murder you. There were so many places where I would’ve liked some conversation that wasn’t just overheard before the shooting started. I think the closest I got to that was the talk with Strong and the radio guy while escaping from the skyscraper they were held in. I know Shamus didn’t like the “joke” about Strong’s mangling of Shakespeare, but I was too busy chuckling over radio guy not realizing his call for help was encouraged by the Super Mutants because it lured more humans into the building for them to kill. It was also a decent two and three way conversation that flowed without hiccups or pauses, which is unusual for this kind of game.
But overall, I would’ve liked, say, a chance to talk with the Gunner bosses before they just started killing me. I guess the rationale was that I was a Minuteman and they’re former (now enemies of) the Minutemen, but how would they know that? Why wouldn’t they try to convince me to ditch Preston or trick me into betraying him or something?
Maybe I can’t recall them properly, but I could swear even Fallout 3 had more places where I could go and talk to NPCs before they’d start shooting: Paradise Falls, The Republic of Dave, Dukhov’s Place, Fort Independence, Girdershade, etc. Not that they were all awesome or anything, but at least I could stroll in and ask what people were about before anyone started sending lead flying.
I remember my playthrough of that quest rather fondly. Not sure how much of it is randomized or level dependent but in my case there was a supermutant wielding some kind of minigun at the top of the building and when I dealt with him Piper walked over and casually picked it, and I will admit she looked pretty badass spraying bullets all over the enemies during the lift descent.
Also, I’m guessing no one in the video caught Rutskarn’s ending pun?
I did not, please explain.
Piper’s paper is called “Publick Occurences”.
Chech the credits.
This happens when Rutskarn is particularly contributing to the downfall of shivilization.
That could be entirely normal considering Rutskarn’s standard MO.
>…how did they manipulate it without a vault boy?
You mean a Pip Boy.
Good to see that somebody else beat me to posting this. :P
Whoops. Fixed.
I wonder if Campster ended up watching that episode of New Vegas…
If he did, is his life changed forever?
Retconned? Don’t you mean…Rutsconned?
hashtag nailed it
I’m surprised no one made a comment or groan on the theme being “Public Occurrences” which is the name of Piper’s paper. Either they didn’t can’t it or the show was cut before the reactions. Bonus points to Rutskarn for using it.
…I actually did pretend I married Cait as a roleplaying thing and had her wear my dead husband’s wedding ring.
…I am an awful person.
“I love you Nate”
“Um, what?”
“CAIT! I love you Cait. Sorry”
WARING: This episode contains violence (fine), drug use (okay), kink (great), kink-shaming (sure), marriage (why not), bicycle kicking firearms (sounds good), Bethesda dialog (deal breaker, don’t bother reading me the rest, I’m off)
Vault Tec’s security is something of a joke. I mean, if any random Tom, Dick, or Harry can just waltz in, there’s not much point in having a door lock in the first place, right? Who are they keeping out, cockroaches? Didn’t work. But this is even worse – with the lock on the outside, anyone with a pip-boy (which are apparently not uncommon, extracting from what Paladin Danse says) can open it up.
Okay, I get why you want a nifty lock that can only be opened by a pip-boy. It makes sense, it really does. But why not be a little consistent with it? I’m not even asking for consistency with previous games here – go ahead and make your pip-boy the key even though no other game did that, that’s fine. But put the lock either on the inside, on the outside, or both.
By putting the door lock only where the player comes to and not on the other side, you’re removing a bit of immersion. It becomes obvious that this is a videogame progress blocker, and not something you’d find in the real world.
Skyrim did the same thing, with the dragon claw doors. It irks me. The design of Labyrinthian was better, actually – the player starts the game with the Flames spell, but the designers still put in a Flames spell tome in front of a fire-lock door, just like they did with frost. They could have gone the lazy route and, knowing that the player starts with Flames and there’s no point in putting a flames spell tome there, ignored it, thus making the frostbite spell tome an obvious wrench away from immersion. In that instance, the level designer understood that how real people would build their progress blockers is important to immersion and verisimilitude.
This bit with the pip-boy lock on the outside of the door, and only on the outside, because that’s where the player comes from, duh… it’s reminiscent of a rush job.
Your QA testers are supposed to spot stuff like that, but I imagine that Bethesda’s QA department consists of a single, overworked guy, who can barely keep up with the bug reports, and has no time for flavor. Much like Hollywood no longer seems to employ continuity editors.
Another thing that bugs me about Bethesda’s (*) level design is that they rely far too much on the unspoken agreement between game maker and game player to ignore a lack of realism in dungeon design. I’m talking specifically about the one-way trip you take down a little chute in Vault 114. Players jump down, completely secure in the belief that there’s another way out. In real life, if you’re a spelunker and you try something like that, you’re more than likely to end up a starved corpse. Now this may well be a specious argument, because as I say, every computer game out there relies on this understanding that there will always be a way out. What goes in a tabletop RPG game just doesn’t fly in a computer game – as a GM, I can reasonably trap my players in an inescapable hole, but in a computer game, this dedication to realism makes the fun go away. In a tabletop game, the players are still going to have fun… even when starving to death in a hole… whereas in a computer game doing this is seen as really shitty level design.
(*) In this I’m not actually poking at Bethesda specifically here, but the genre as a whole. Bethesda is no worse than many studios, and is in fact better than some. But I’m coming to the computer with a perspective grounded in tabletop games, where your actions have consequences, and not meaningless paragon/renegade consequences either. For the vast majority of players, I’d say that probably the way things are done is not only acceptable, but far more desirable than otherwise.
One thing that I do have a legitimate bitch about is Nick Valentine picking unpickable doors. Mercer Frey did that, so maybe the voice actor demanded the ability or something. :)
Now that you mention it – Vault 111 does not have a Pipboy access outside the vault. On the surface (where it could have been easily destroyed) there’s just the elevator control station with a *single* red button. I guess Bethesda figures everyone will bind multiple functions to a single ‘context sensitive’ key (and the vault door unlock calls down the elevator – with no check to see what’s happening up top – better hope no one is loading supplies on it at that time). There’s no way to non-destructive open that door from the outside. So how did the Institute get in?
I don’t remember if Vault 81 has a door control station on the inside in the same spot that Vault 111 does.
Vault 81 has the lock on the outside, because that’s where the player arrives. If the player had, for example, tunneled up from underneath, then magically there would only be one lock on the inside. Any vault door will only have locks on both sides if the player can reasonably approach the door from either direction.
Does Nick pick other unpickable doors, or is there just the one in this Vault that’s designed to teach you Nick can pick doors?
I second this question. By the time I got Nick, I had really upped my lockpicking skills. I don’t think I ever had him pick a single lock for me, especially after I found out he “liked” it when I picked locks, and I wanted to do his “loyalty mission.”
By the way, this is my biggest beef about F4’s morality: They removed Karma, which I think makes the game worse (at least previous game worlds had some reaction to what you decided to do; just look at Skyrim) and offloaded what you’d decide to do to your companion. This is doubly dumb because the companion is locked into an “alignment.” I can’t role-play trying to win them over without trying to ape them at every turn.
Nick only picks just the one. And Mercer Frey picked two. So I’m only half right… or less, considering that although Nick could pick the unpickable door in the vault, he couldn’t do Kellogg’s door.
And I always ended up maxing out loyalty for several companions just by modding weapons over and over, when I could find the adhesive.
The problem is ‘Karma’ is a horrible way to do this. There’s simply not a whole lot of ‘this is right, this is wrong’ here. Plus, this is BGS – you saw how much difficulty and how poorly they slotted every choice into ‘good’ or ‘evil’. Its removal is for the best – its effectively God standing around and personally judging your actions (and providing immediate feedback) but God is an old, senile baseball umpire who isn’t paying a lot of attention (Huh! What? Oh, that’s . . . ‘GOOD’) and refuses to use instant replay.
This would be especially bad in a game like this one where there’s only really one option in accomplishing anything and several of the quests (like the DC one where you help the guy rob some liquor merchants) that jump from good to evil to good to evil all along one linear corridor of a quest.
I will agree that the karma system was awful and not centering the game around good-evil axis opens up more storytelling and roleplaying freedom, particularly so in a video game where the player is limited to a set of predetermined choices based on predetermined reasoning (see the Tenpenny’s Tower quest in FO3). On the other hand they removed it and did not put anything to replace it*, like the reputation system in NV, which admittedly had its own problems, robs the game of reactivity making it feel even more like a theme park.
*Basically the factions have two states: first where they treat you like a (potential) ally, second where you cross a point of no return and they become immediately aware of your allegiance with the opposing faction and turn irreversibly hostile. Nobody else cares.
Surely the bigger issue is that your Pip-Boy only releases the cover over the button, then he detaches the Pip-Boy and pushes the button to open the door.
Surely it would be simplicity itself to remove the cover without needing a pip-boy.
Assuming that it actually works like that. The button is probably just an extra safety- if you press it without using the pipboy it won’t do anything.
Screw absolution,THIS was the purest hitman experience.
A lot of men got hit, I can’t deny that.
You know,in that leather trench coat,reginalds ass looks mighty sweet.
And people say how theres no roleplaying in fallout 4.Well this episode showed you,haters.
I see Quiet’s influence has spread to more than just MGS.
I’m curious about Rutskarn’s “Thank God Bethesda never made a Pathfinder game” comment. I have a hunch, but could you elaborate?
“If I take some drugs, wear this bonnet, and eat a bowl of bear soup I can get a +85 to hit with melee attacks and I deal 10[w] damage for the next hour.”
“The next ingame hour?”
*sets egg timer* “No.”
Precisely. Every Pathfinder game I’ve ever been in, it’s been a tight forty minutes between “here’s the character creation rules” and churning out a behemoth who does six times his own HP in damage ever turn.
My current character, at level 6, does up to 420 damage per turn (average: 90 damage per turn) and can steal the fleas off a fox. And that’s ACCIDENTAL. All of that’s using rules explicitly outlined in official Paizo products.
(For the curious: Old West setting uses Advanced Firearms.
Goblin Gunslinger 1/Ranger 1/Fighter 2/Urban Barbarian 1/Vigilante 1 [Full BAB]
Dex 18+4 (Goblin)+4 (Urban Barbarian Rage)=26=+8 Bonus
In Adv. Firearms settings, Gunslinger 1 adds full Dex bonus to damage with favored weapon (in my case, pistols). Additional situational (common) bonuses to damage: +1 Point Blank Shot, +4 Deadly Shot, +2 Human Favored Enemy. Usual damage bonus: +15.
Makes two attacks per round for BAB, two for offhand weapon, one extra for rapid shot.
Attacks (assuming humans within range): +6 BAB, +8 Dex, +1 Masterwork, +2 Human, +1 PBS, -4 Two Weapon Fighting, -2 Rapid Shot, -2 Deadly Shot, -5 for second BAB attack. Total bonuses: +10 for first four attacks, +5 for fifth attack.
Makes all gun attacks within range against touch AC. Given this, misses are pretty rare, even on worst attack. Every hit against a nearby human (by far most common enemy) deals 1d6+15 damage, and critical hits deal 4d6+60 thanks to how Pathfinder calculates those.
As for sneak, that’s +4 for being small, +4 for being a Goblin, +8 for dex under ideal circumstances, +3 for class skill, +6 for ranks, and I believe I took focus at some point for +28 total.
I can literally shoot somebody over and over again from ten feet away and unless they’re unusually perceptive, they’re unlikely to figure out where I’m shooting from.)
This from the head of the Pun-Pun fan club. :)
Pun-Pun killed any interest I still had in P&P. :|
That’s not fair, Pun Pun was the result of splatbook abuse, and drew the core of his power from a book that was bad even by the standards of third-party splatbooks.
I mean, most P&P settings still have major problems with balance (see above) , but Pun Pun isn’t a real problem.
I should probably point out that basically no one I know still plays P&P, and I was already losing interesting fairly quickly due to the feeling of never really doing anything that mattered, but that might be because the longest campaign I’ve ever been in was maybe 3 play sessions.
In most cases though, its not a problem that needs to be solved.
An overemphasis on “solving” the problem leads to things like 4E where the characters are so mechanically similar and differ mostly on flavor text.
While you’re not wrong on the damage numbers getting a bit silly, I happen to be running a goblin gunslinger in our Iron Gods campaign at the moment, and my dreams of super-stealthy gunfire were dashed by the following (from the Stealth skill page ):
It’s impossible to use Stealth while attacking, running, or charging.
If you’ve already successfully used Stealth at least 10 feet from your target, you can make one ranged attack and then immediately use Stealth again. You take a ““20 penalty on your Stealth check to maintain your obscured location. […] using Stealth immediately after a ranged attack (see Sniping, above) is a move action.
So um, am I missing something, are you using a houserule…?
Given the way he’s only got two levels in a single class, I doubt Rutskarn has it, but I vaguely recall that there’s some mid-level class ability, that lets you make stealth attacks without that massive penalty.
It’s also worth noting that even with the penalty, he’s hiding at +8 which is enough to reliably beat someone with no ranks in Spot (or whatever the PF version of Spot is, I’ve played more D&D so my brain always recalls the D&D terms).
I can’t see a way that a character at that level would have hide in plain sight. Straight rangers don’t get it until the end of their careers, and rogues couldn’t do it until double-digit levels.
The bigger problem is that, thanks to Pathfinder’s borked stealth rules, he needs cover or concealment to make a Stealth check at all. Granted, this may not be an issue in a setting strewn with barrels, boulders, or buildings. Personally, I find it rather silly that use of a firearm doesn’t apply a penalty to Stealth checks on its own (see my previous comment).
If he’s trying to snipe, he won’t be able to make a full attack, which would do a fair bit to nullify his high damage output.
Fun fact: there is a 250 gp single-use oil that silences firearms for an hour. Far as I can tell this has absolutely no mechanical benefit whatsoever, RAW. Firearms are a bit silly like that.
On the note of sniping, there’s a few ways to reduce the penalty to -10 (and halfling can again reduce it by -10 with an alternate racial trait, bringing it to 0) but the limit of a single standard attack is the major limiter there. That being said, I did recently roll a snipe attack at a -30 (-20 from sniping, -10 from hiding behind a creature larger than myself and yes there are rules for that which is hilarious) and still succeeded at hiding. Goblin stealth is magical.
(For reference, in Pathfinder Stealth is an opposed skill check by the opponents Perception, so given a bad roll on your side and a good roll from the other guy, someone with a +8 to Stealth can absolutely fail to hide from someone with a 0 to Perception given particularily good/bad rolling.)
I should have taken a moment to describe how stealth works in the system — thanks for picking up my slack!
Where did you find rules allowing for soft cover and Stealth checks? The core rules specifically prevent that from happening. An alternate racial trait, perhaps?
As to the likelihood of succeeding at a Stealth check, I did a quick survey of my core bestiary. The overwhelming majority of CR-5 monsters have Perception modifiers of +6 or higher, which means he’d have maybe a 10% chance of hiding successfully after a shot.
I’m not fully up to speed on Pathfinder’s firearm rules (I didn’t own Ultimate Combat until the Humble Bundle sale), but I don’t particularly care for the way the system handles the things. Combat is already skewed toward ranged damage anyway, in my opinion.
That being said, can you still claim ‘all-caps accidental’ after taking levels in four different classes, one with an archetype attached (unsure what the vigilante level does, as I don’t have Ultimate Intrigue)? Also, out of curiosity, did you roll ability scores or use point buy to maximize Dexterity?
The subway tokens are utterly worthless. If you power up a robot you can make it be a steward who will kill anybody who lacks a ticket, but nobody I know has ever had the robot do anything but take your ticket, and then try to kill you. Nobody could tell if this was a joke or a glitch or what.
Josh passing over microscopes is a mistake. They are the prime source of fiber optics, for some reason.
Also this episode is insane.
According to the wiki you have something like half a second to hand over your token if you’re asked for it.
I think its one of their stupid ‘look how authoritarian the pre-war world was’ jokes.
I did get it to work once, after which my Protectron ineffectually stomped about for a bit and went down a lot easier than it would have done against me. Given the tiny window of opportunity and this game’s sodding UI, it’s not worth the candle, I reckon.
Which is weird since Fallout 3 did it and he just scans you for your ticket and then gets killed by whatever is near by or starts shooting you after it scans you and you don’t have one.
But that’s the thing. There’s a material difference between a TOKEN and a TICKET. And the FO4 usage is dumb.
A ticket is a piece of paper (or equivalent) that you have to prove that you’ve paid. A ticket should be carried with you. This is how the DC Metro actually works – you get a ticket with a magstripe on it, and you present the ticket a second time at the exit to leave (because some routes cost more than others).
A token, on the other hand, is NOT carried with you. A token is something you use for payment, usually at a point of entry (like a turnstile). You might use the token to buy a ticket, but you don’t carry around the token with you. That’s the whole point of a token. You SPEND it when you enter.
Which is why the Protectron functionality made sense in FO3, but doesn’t make sense here. Checking patrons already in a station for a ticket is perfectly reasonable – can you prove that you’ve paid, and so didn’t jump the turnstile? You’re supposed to (in most cases) carry a ticket for the length of your journey. But “checking” someone for a token is dumb. If they are in the station, then they would have paid with their token when they entered. They won’t carry the token around with them – you’re SUPPOSED to take the token away when they pay for entry. Demanding a token inside the station is the equivalent of demanding to be paid a second time.
And, yes, I realize I just put way more thought into this than the developers did, but this is an example of the little things that drive me bonkers about FO4 – nobody cares about getting the details right.
So I actually like that you can equip the collar (silly it takes the other stuff off) because it’s that Mad Max kind of feel. Road Warrior had very strong bdsm influences (Lord Humungeous for example) and the raiders in Fallout have always had a bit of that. Would be interesting to see that carried through.
I’m guess that it takes off her clothes because it’s an “outfit”, and thus can only be worn alone. Because it was designed for the dog, who doesn’t wear any other clothes, and Bethesda just never bothered to prevent you from equipping it on your non-dog companions.
Without checking, it might actually equip to the right wrist as armor. And the Red Trench won’t accept armor, so…
I’m imagining Reginald Cuftbert as a nutcase hobo with DETERMINATION reset powers now. So he gets shot to death, resets, then walks up to Piper and says “the BDSM thing didn’t work out, so let’s try this: I’ll put on your clothes and you’ll put on my clothes. It’ll confuse the enemy!” And Piper has no idea what he’s talking about.
“Reginald: Piper, wear this! *hands Piper the dog collar*”
“Piper: Blue, we’re not alone here!”
“Reginald: I know!”
Subway tokens can be given to protectrons in Subway Steward mode so that they don’t attack you.
Aw man I love the procedural one liner idea. You get voice acted segments awkwardly spliced together by the algorithm
“I want this one’s _ neck _ on a _ garbage truck!”.
“It’s time to _ kill _ and _ Dance!”
“It’s time to _ party _ for _ caps!”
“If there’s one thing I _ can’t stand it’s _ cowards!”
“If there’s one thing I _ looove it’s _ cowards!”
I’m getting flashbacks to the Orz from Star Control 2. “Do you want to be *together* with us? You will all be the *happy campers* after we *party*!
“He comes around here, I’m going to fix his little red wagon.” – Far Cry
Challenge accepted.
I took the full list of FO4 taunts listed here (side note – there are over 2000!)
Then I fed them through a markov babbler like so.
Here are a few of my favorites:
You’re about of your neck
I do that hurt
I’ll your life
Felt a life, you!
Damn! I have was a get kill you might back! Not quicking me!
I’m going these old bothing to slower
That’s now
I’ll the bad one..
Whew! I’d be dying this?! My knee!
Somebody getting to killer
Oh God, but noggin!
You got quick
I’ll attack for than this!
Bone going to leg at ME!
I’ll be baddest
Love to do your necklacking away
Don’t burning down!
You wanna scrag you with broken arm..
That…stomach your first be shadown lung-ones
Pather’s a will bite that
Personally, I think “Bone going to leg at ME!” is the best of the lot, but YMMV.
Perhaps he’d given his gun a pet name (ie. Good bye), just like Scarface called his gun “My Little Friend…
I think “Say hello to goodbye” sounds very engrish, like “All you need is kill” or “Attack on Titan”. But I like your interpretation. “Goodbye” is a great gun name.
Attack On Titan is the fault of American translators, not the Japanese title.
From what I’ve heard, it wasn’t the gun that got that name, but the 40mm grenade he fired right after saying that.
Which considering how much damage one of those would do in a room of that size, “little” might have been an understatement.
In today’s instalment of “Very Minor Praise for Fallout 4’s Design” — I really like the fact that the Triggermen apparently have both human and ghoul members. Far too many societies in the Fallout-verse are arbitrarily humans-only or ghouls-only. In fact, according to Fallout 3’s Karma meter, a mixed humans-and-ghouls society would be the paragon of good. Is there any option to join the Triggermen or are they all hostile on sight?
Of course they’re always hostile. Of course there isn’t a way to join them. Of course what they actually do in Boston, how they function and how their dapper 20s culure developed is never adequately explained.
They do get veeeerry minor points for allowing you to talk your way out of the vault, though.
There’s a small group of them in the alley behind the Rexford in Goodneighbor doing what I assume are shady type things. They just tell you to clear off and won’t attack unless you get too close. Nobody in town cares or even reacts if you stomp them up, so I use them to relieve stress whenever I have a frustrating conversation with that rude hotel manager.
I can’t wait to watch this episode.
This episode encapsulates everything about why I love you guys <3