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Here’s the Mexican Standoff skit I mention in this episode. It’s really good. I also mention the same exact skit in the next batch of episodes, because my memory is terrible.
Chris pointed out how Sith High looks like a Quake level. I think this is due to several factors:
First, this is kind of what you get when you’re under a tight polygon budget but you’re trying to make something “strange” or “alien”. You don’t have the polygons to make (say) rounded arches, round rooms, or other kinds of curved surfaces. The problem is that box rooms and box hallways are the most polygon efficient, but they’re also the most familiar and unimpressive, because we inhabit box rooms here on plain old Planet Earth every single day.
Also, the player needs lots of room. In Quake you need room for the circle-strafing, rocket-jumping tomfoolery that game is built around. Here in KOTOR, you need room because the player has a camera floating about three meters behind them and you don’t want that thing to be constantly bumping into walls. It’s actually really annoying (and for some people, nauseating) if the camera has to keep moving in and then pulling back over and over again as they traverse the space.
So you’re trying to escape the boxy nature of your graphics engine, you need lots of space, you can’t spend too many polygons, and the lighting system won’t cooperate if you try to make anything too smooth. So what can you do? You obviously can’t mess with the flat floor too much, since that will probably be more annoying than interesting, and might confuse the AI or the collision system. So you try making the walls sloped. But that cuts down on the volume of the space and crowds the camera. So instead of having the walls slope at eye level, you have regular vertical walls in the player space, which slope inward (or outward) about two meters overhead.
That’s fine, but now you’ve got this vast empty space above the player, which feels really boring and probably gives them an eye-full of a badly repeating ceiling texture. So you add some crap hanging from the ceiling to break up the emptiness. To justify it being there, you make it a container for a light source. So you end up with something just overhead, made from combining simple polyhedrons. (Mostly cubes.)
That’s really starting to look like Quake now, whether you intended it or not. The fact that this is an ancient ruin on a desert planet pretty much seals the deal, since it traps you into using earth tones for color.
I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that this game looks like Quake. I should be surprised that more games didn’t look like Quake during this time period.
Here’s the Mexican Standoff skit I talked about in this episode. I really like it. It comes up again in the episodes for next week because my memory is terrible.
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My Music

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Shamus Plays LOTRO

As someone who loves Tolkein lore and despises silly MMO quests, this game left me deeply conflicted.
I see what you did there, but by next week I’ll have forgotten, because my memory is terrible.
So i liked Voyager, i know its bad, very bad, Janeway is written like a Schizophrenic lunatic, and what the series did to The Borg was unforgivable, but i watched it when i was a kid at my nan’s so its always got this place for me. and it tried to do something special and thats atleast noble.
It had a great concept at launch given 1) They wanted to have another exploration based series since TNG had just ended and DS9 was space station based and 2) They didn’t just want to do the same old thing for a third Star Trek series.
Stranded with a split crew. Do Federation ideals still matter this far away from home with this crew?
Well yeah they do. They pretty much locked that down maybe three episodes in.
But it had its moments. You’re not wrong to have a nostalgic attachment to it given the circumstances.
Oh and Chris had to bring up one of the stupidest bits of Voyager lore; the Ocampan reproductive cycle.
Kes can apparently only mate once. Meaning the Ocampa have to grunt out at least two children every time they breed just to maintain zero population growth (and this would be assuming that all female Ocampa breed and they make up half the population). And there’s this lengthy ritual they have to go through which is just a random collection of weird stuff the writers thought of. Unless they lay clutches of eggs that have a high survival rate, its amazing the Ocampa haven’t already gone extinct.
This only makes any sense if its a result of the interference of The Caretaker and is part of the reason the Ocampa are presented in such a fragile state.
The Ocampa are this odd race that’s introduced very early and doesn’t make much sense which would be fine if it was a 1-2 ep race and then the show moved on, but because Kes they stick around for like half the entire shows run.
Also poor Harry Kim, a convict gets promoted above him, demoted and then promoted again and he gets nothing. poor poor Harry
“(Harry Kim) gets nothing.”
He got killed that one time and replaced with a parallel universe version of himself. And it was never brought up again.
It happened to Chief O’Brien too. He was time hopping into the future and on his last hop he died and the him of that future hopped back. As with Harry, they’re virtually identical and only have a few hours difference in experiences.
It occurred to me that (if its the thing you’re thinking of) it would be just as valid to say that the entire original Voyager crew died except for the original Harry Kim and Naomi Wildman who now travel on the duplicate Voyager where duplicate Harry and Naomi died. Its like the Thomas Riker situation, both copies of Voyager had equal claim to being the “real” one.
When he gets back to Federation space, a Ferengi kid outranks him.
Sure in the expanded universe Harry gets an immediate promotion to full Lieutenant upon returning but who knows how many promotions Nog has gotten from Lt Junior Grade in that time.
I think the reasons why it didn’t stick with me was that I never fell in love with the crew (in large part because it was too similar and too different from TNG, which was “my” Star Trek), they moved it to a whole new place… just to make more of the same, and at that point I was ready for something without the reset button (something that I think I didn’t really get until the new BSG).
Oh, and they made the Borg suck.
The show had its moments, and for a short while it was the only new trek on TV, so it had that going for it as well. And production values were consistently decent. And it just oozed unused potential at the seams, offering hope that it would get interesting any episode now.
But it was unused potential :(
Like ME2/3, it disappointed because it could have been so much more, not because it as actually that bad.
One good thing that can be said about Voyager: the HoloDoc never once stops being absolutely fucking awesome.
Robert Picardo was and is fantastic
Let’s not forget the brilliant Jeri Ryan.
Korriban is my favorite planet, so I’m a little bummed that that you guys seem to dislike it so much. Or do you dislike it? Would you have had a different reaction if you had done the planet pre-Leviathan? I’ve never considered Campster’s point about the post-Leviathan pacing of the game before.
Interestingly enough, Bioware has used Glitch’s idea–namely, that they make it impossible to do all four planets–in other games. The second act of Hordes of the Underdark has a very Bioware sort of setup. “Here’s your hub. Here’s your five zones. Go forth and acquire plot coupons!” But the game breaks from Bioware’s usual conventions when you return to the hub after completing the fourth zone. “Remember that invasion we said was imminent? Well, it’s happening right now.” It is technically possible to do all five zones if you go directly from your fourth zone to the fifth, but very few players are likely to do that. Most will want to return to the hub to sell the loot they picked up in the fourth zone. I understand that Bioware does something similar in one of their more obscure games–I think it’s called Mass Effect 2–as well.
Honestly, I don’t think they have anything inherently against Korriban; I think it is more that they are 48 episodes in, and this was (I am pretty sure) the end of the recording session. Josh clearly was interested in filling out the quests fully, he could have just clipped through doing the less nefarious means of going through sith academy; but he went for the more interesting route.
The simple fact is, the commentators all had their say for the day; any main points they had in mind were discussed and likely re-discussed through someone else. The plot has moved forward and the majority of what you do on Korriban at this point seems subsidiary to the primary point since prior to the Leviathan the quests on the planet *were* the story you were completing.
Now you have an interesting main plot, a main support character missing fighting a major villain and… you just go to *another* Star Map.
I am pretty sure if they were doing any of the other planets they would have similar candor. Hell if they were on Manaan going to trial I am pretty sure they would be going even more nutty.
Heh. That’s probably true.
Korriban is my favorite planet too. So long as you’re in the mood for it, the cartoonish villainy and hammy voice-acting go very well together. And IIRC, Korriban overall has the least repeated alien voices.
Admittedly, if you’re not in the mood for that kind of black and white theming, then very little in the game will be satisfying.
For the record, I don’t dislike Korriban. I think I’m just getting burned out on the game and running out of stuff to talk about.
Fair enough. I appreciate the fact that you’re offering a running, continuous commentary on what is an only intermittently plot-filled game.
Assuming you’re still looking for something to talk about the next time you record, I’d love to hear more about the game’s level design and how the strength and weaknesses of the game’s engine inform it. I know next to nothing about 3D graphics, but even I can tell that the designers usually try to avoid areas that might result in long draw distances. It makes for some oddly curved hallways sometimes.
Oh wow, how are you going to manage to stay awake while on the unnamed planet? Just long strings of “Uuda wuuuda” talking.
I hope Josh goes darkside as things get a lot more interesting on that planet then and the last chapter.
And seeing Carth run away like a little bitch is always amusing, and I think Mission even calls him out on it?I’m starting to think that you should have done Tatooine Korriban Manaan Kashyyyk. Kashyyyk’s the shortest planet and doing it late wouldn’t have taken away your ability to complain about wookie sound clips, while doing Korriban early would have let you talk about it while you were fresh and been interesting.
Also, I’ve never seen what happens with the Sunry trial if you’ve never met Jolee or what Jolee says if you already know you’re Revan when you meet him. You’d get less Jolee that way, but you shoulf get Jolee material fewer people have seen. Or bugs where they don’t properly account for the possibility you might do Kashyyyk last. One or the other.
It is frustrating to hear things like Chris complaining about ‘dialogue fluff’ just as Josh talks to Yuthura Ban about her experiences with Revan. This planet has a lot of thematically important content, not to mention the uniqueness of being in the middle of enemy territory. And that valley is really well designed, from an art perspective. And Yuthura Ban is such a great character exploration due to the assumptions you make when you first meet her. And…well, there’s a lot here to talk about here.
But yeah, Spoiler Warning does not fare as well with longer games. Especially longer games with simple/limited game mechanics.
I think it would have worked better if Bastilla was not kidnapped until after all starmaps was found (after all, there is unused Korriban dialog for Bastilla).
And if the player character came to the realization themselves that they are Revan rather than Malak revealing it.
I agree with Chris that this major event took place and being forced to go to a fourth planet kind of sucks. I don’t see why Bioware couldn’t have not gated off the last planet but rather presented the option to skip it. I mean the previous segment of the game involved you going on to the bridge in order to turn off the…tractor beam? Once back on the ship they could have done some quick dialogue where maybe you can point out “O hey I totally found the ship logs detailing prior places they’d been maybe we can find out where the super base is from this”. That way you get to skip the fourth planet if you care about progressing the main story or if you want to be a completionist you could either just ignore that option entirely or Bioware could have one of your companions provide a reason such as the intel could be untrustworthy and we’d rather get the location from the original source.
I really like this game (although I like KotOR 2 a lot more), but it is impressive how all its admittedly boring, tedious and sometimes illogical parts are highlighted when you watch other people play it.
The end game will be more fun to watch: endless waves of Sith grenadiers and dark jedis, the confrontation with Bastila and Malak … the return to the main story in general.
For me, last two “planets” (I include Star Forge as a planet) was dissapointment. There is nothing much to do, Star Forge can actually kill you with waves of enemies (that spawn directly in front of you), and resolution of Bastila ark was just… bad.
I know that this game has black and white morality, but Bastila’s story STARTED grey. She’s young and unexperienced, Council treats her as a asset (and generally consists of cowards, manipulators and hypocrites) and she has to babysit the Sith Lord. Plus she has a vanity issues… It’s so easy to see why she turned to Dark Side. Malak just allowed her to feel whatever she feels in the moment.
But the last confrontation with her… PC Revan has only three dialog options:
1. Go back to the light! (I.E. trying to out-Bastila (or out-Carth) Bastila herself)
2. What you doing is stupid (In “whatever” kinda tone)
3. You bitch I KILL YOU (stupid evil way).
There is no emotions, no empathy, no understanding of her issues. If you START a grey morality story, don’t END it with black and white “couldn’t we just get along?” story.
It’s a shame that KOTOR 2 makes me retrospectively emphatize with Bastila more than KOTOR 1 ever did.
Err, there are definitely more options, depending on your interactions throughout the game. You can just-not-literally do “Join me, and together we shall rule the galaxy as….well, Sith Lord and Lady, I guess”. DS/DS is fun. Or be DS yourself and convince a LS Bastila to come with you because she has to save you.
I think this little standoff is genuinely interesting to interact with. You have people with motivation and a plan and how you interact changes the plans of everyone involved. You can lie or tell the truth or just follow the script if you want but the fact that you have several characters all interacting with each other is part of what makes it.
I guess that’s also part of it, in most RPGs almost every conversation and interaction is just a path to follow. You talk to someone, they have a problem, you fix it. If this was a bethesda quest You almost assuredly wouldn’t be working with an evil person to begin with (likely would be a good person in disguise or what have you), and then they would tell you to take out the lightbringer, who you would be unable to say anything to, since he would likely just attack you, maybe shouting some kind of generic “You’ll never defeat me Inspector Gadget” kind of line.
In one you are a person interacting and the other a tool to be used. One allows for you picking your position and role in an encounter and the other assumes your position. I get *why* this happens, it is a lot easier to write, voice act, and code these simple interactions; but it is sad how rarely we can interact in a more in depth way.
This is perhaps the biggest reason that Korriban is my favorite planet. Without getting too into spoilers for a video game from 2003, there are just so many ways that the final confrontation between the Revan, Uthar, and Yuthura can end. The player inevitably survives–that’s a given–but the other questions, who else lives, who else dies, and what the survivor (if any) does afterwards, can all be answered in a number of different ways.
While it is silly to bring Jolee or Juhani into the academy when they are clearly force sensitive and using lightsabers, they are not actually allowed in to be taught. Your followers are considered your “slaves” at the academy, which we saw with Juhani begrudgingly accepting this ruse last episode. Jolee has a similar interaction, though he injects a little humor into it as well as he usually does.
So boooring… midway through the episode I started reading about the Livonian Order. I hope you’re happy, Josh!
I approve of this.
Skimming the Wikipedia article
Well . . . I know what a “battle” is. And those look like calendar years of some sort . . And Denmark thats where Hamlet is from . . .
Basically you know all those let’s say memes about shiny religious knights defending the known civilized world from eastern pagan barbarians? Well probably most of those come from (heavily) romanticized portrayal of these guys.
Knightly orders were allready quite popular since the start of the crusades, but the Holy Land is so far away, so some of them wanted to do some crusading closer to home. Thus this order and the Teutons were given charter to crusade in the Baltics which in their Eyes was filled with Pagan and non Christian barbarians.
They did do some fighting against tribes of the priBaltics but were mostly opposed by Lithuanians&Poles (where Lithuaninas were still Pagan I believe?) and Novgorod Russians (think northern trading merchant republic ala Venice; also they were Christians, but Orthodox and thus still on Teutonic shit list).
Of the battles I think on of those was the one in which Alexander Nevsky (kind of a very important and famous Russian figure) managed to defeat better armed and trained Knight army by drawing them onto a frozen river whose ice was strong enough to support his lightly armored troops but it cracked under the weight of heavily armored and mounted Knights.
Novgorod. Would this have anything to do with Novigrad? Is the Witcher a fictionalized version of this stuff?
Partially. The Witcher’s universe *is* based on Polish books, after all, placed in a finctionalized version of their Medieval Times. It’s a more Eastern interpretation than we are, perhaps, used to, for the “fictional classic fantasy”. Were it British, it might’v’be been Albion or some such.
Some people have said that you can mod bastila going with you down here,and she even has some unique dialogue as well.That seems like they wanted you to be able to bring her,but then either cut her out for budget reasons,or were unhappy with her stuff down there.
So wait,as depicted here(and in many other works past the original trilogy(where they werent even mentioned)the sith are kind of like anarchists.Sooo,how can they have a school then?I mean imagine this:
“Here is our school for anarchists,where you will be taught how to be the best anarchist ever,seize full power over your life,and then join our glorious anarchist organization under our powerful anarchist leader.”
“If you’re lucky, you can lead our anarchist Empire based on promoting order and adherence to the law, instead of the reckless anarchy of the Republic!”
At least the imperial type of Sith (there were other kinds) seem to be pretty much the opposite of anarchism*, believing in very strong and oppressive government structure while combining it with might makes right taken to the logical extreme.
*And you absolutely can have an “anarchist school” or a “school of anarchism”.
They are also selfish egomaniacs that obeyed Rule of Two for thousand years. For all chain breaking in their mantra they stick to rules and traditions way more than Jedi.
That standoff thing reminded me of some other silly escalation skits.
Firstly, the one from Worms 2, of all things.
Also a LRR sketch.
I assume that most of the people on the planet did recognize you, but their only dialog option was “Who are you?”
Nice memory.
It was 2003. It’s only to be expected that computer NPCs would have limited memory.
Hey,remember when back in the original trilogy obi wan and vader could sense each other from across the whole death star?They were both so powerful that they emitted strong force vibes,and were able to detect even the smallest of hints(like a bunch of lives being extinguished in a second half a galaxy away).Yet here we have one of the most powerful force user ever,a woman of legends,and this supposedly very powerful force user can only “sense a kernel of dark side in you”????
I mean yeah,you were brainwashed and stuff,but if you pick this planet as the last one,you are practically back at your peak,remembering everything,and if you picked the dark path you are at peak dark as well.
Me thinks that “master” is just a poser.
Basically, if you have anything approaching telepathy in your setting, your options are to make it ludicrously rare, easy to resist, require contact or another limitation, or just be plain useless, Deanna Troi-style.
Also, if Force sensitives can sense each other, why aren’t there Jedi buzzing every city and town picking out every force sensitive kid? Or just chilling in maternity wards or something? Why did Qui Gon have to do that stupid thing in the film that never happened?
When a guy looks at the former top dog of the Sith Empire, the baddest of the bad, and says “I sense a kernel of darkness within you”, it’s pretty conclusive that he can’t sense anything and is just bullshitting his way through the orientation.
Obviously, alcohol dulls force sensitivity and he’s off his face on Hutt moonshine. Just look at his rhythmic swaying.
I’m not completely certain, but I think that Uthar can actually detect your position on the game’s evil-o-meter. Anyway, he had a different line the last time I did a Dark Side run.
The most annoying aspect of the Force is that it’s an entirely narrative driven power.
If we’re looking for a more in-universe explanations:
-Even at this stage Revan’s power level could be much lower than at the peak of his/her power.
-The destruction of Alderaan was supposed to be a (nigh) unprecedented event, hence the echo in the Force. Of course since destruction on the planetary scale was introduced into the setting authors started doing events of this magnitude all over the place, including in the prequels happening in the distant past.
-The argument that Obi Wan and Vader are more sensitive to each other because they have a deeper Force connection certainly holds some weight.
-During the original trilogy period active Force users were few and far between (though later on EU made the galaxy chock full of them in various shapes and guises) whereas here Korriban is a maelstrom of Force, especially dark side, activity.
-Wibbly-wobbly midichlory… stuff…
Plus we could say that as gifted seniors within their respective orders, Obi Wan and Vader were probably plain better at sensing disturbances in the Force in general. For all we know, Vader sensing Obi-Wan was like the bearest hint of air flow tickling your neck; most folks might not even notice. Vader was skilled enough to notice the teeny tiny tingle, and after a few moments, was able to connect it to his memories of Obi-Wan.
Or it was just an excuse for Lucas to incorporate mysticism and a samurai duel into his movie, and there isn’t really a pointing in fan-coning an explanation for it.
Just for the record, Vader senses “a presence I haven’t felt since…” when he stands right next to the Falcon where Kenobi is hiding. Hardly long range. (and most likely he is referring to familiar force presence of his friend and mentor, not generic “there is a force sensitive 5 metres from me”) In RotJ Luke is certain Vader is on SSD, yet it’s hard to tell if Vader is bothering Piett about the shuttle out of boredom or did he sense Luke back. By the end of the scene he sensed something but it’s still unclear what. (based on dialogue both of them are not informed about Emperors plan yet). It’s almost like mystical force isn’t a precise science and even if it is then it’s far more complicated than Newton’s first law.
And I’m sittin’ here all:
“Young fool. Only now, at the end, do you understand.”
So it has gone before and so it shall go again. The point where the points have been made but the gameplay that does the same stuff continues and so everyone except Josh slowly goes insane.
Thats because Josh makes everyone else insane, watch either of the two Fallout series, and you can see the true power of Chaotic Stupid
Nothing makes you hate your favorite game more than playing it.
Dark kernels, the source of all the Galaxy’s eeeevil corn-on-the-cob.
I don’t think Korriban is all that much just fluff. The story is about Revan rediscovering or maybe redeciding who s/he is. A journey to a world of sith and the temptation that the urge to return to those ways had to be one of the planets, I think.
So as worlds we have: the galaxy at its most civilised (manaan), at its least (tatooine), at a breaking point in its history (kashyyk) and the world of who revan once was.
The real fluff is Rakkata. The temple is fine, but all the dealings with the tribes is just pure filler. Somewhat interesting filler maybe, but filler as far as this story goes.
Let’s have a whispered conversation of betrayal. Stand 10ft over there in this stone hallway intersection. It will be very secret. Nobody will know. {Know…know… no… no… }
I think m large headgear on the fritz. I’m getting reverb.
Canabalt doesn’t seem that hard anymore. Sure, the challenges are tough, but in the central map you don’t accelerate nearly as fast. That way you can easily get to half-marathon distance. Now, the central map on 2 players mode is something else though. It advances too fast and I don’t see how people can get to even half-marathon distance.
The awesome thing with Yuthura and Uthar betrayal is this…
Yuthura and the player can conspire to kill Uthar,
then the player can go to Uthar and reveal Yuthura’s plot (and I think this might gain you some prestige),
Uthar will then plot with the player to weaken Yuthura,
the player can choose to do so or not if the player chooses not to weaken Yuthura they can instead reveal Uthar’s plot to weaken Yuthura to Yuthura,
then Yuthura asks the player to use Uthar’s plot against him to weaken him instead.
Without spoiling too much a later encounter between the player and Yuthura and Uthar can play out in um… 5 different ways if I recall correctly depending on your choices/actions.
Props to whomever at BioWare came up with that idea.
No just a double cross but a tripple (or is it even a quadruple cross?) you can pull off!
Shame Rutskarn is busy, I’d love to hear his views on this multiplayer microplot.
In addition to the 5 different ways the later encounter plays out there is also 3 different ways the encounter can end
either Yuthura dying, or Uthar dying or both dying at the player’s handsand you canturn Yuthura back to the light side.Oh and Jacob not sure if you know or not but there is one person on Korriban that will believe that the player is Revan and that is
Yuthura at the end of the encounter with the player and Uthar, I can’t recall if Uthar also does or not, I always end up killing him so…)Also
if you spare Yuthura and turn her to the light side you will run into her on Dantoiine if I recall correctly.I do wish BioWare had dared the let the player go darker than they do, I’d have loved to go to the academy and blasted everyone with lightning while HK-47 yells “Kneel before Revan”, but alas no.
I’m personally expecting Josh to murder both of them. It’s what Reginald Cuftbert would do, and I certainly hope that Regina would do the same, even if she’s a bit more wishy-washy and a bit less chaotic stupid than her spear counterpart.