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You know what I want? I want the book Metro 2033 is based on, in audiobook format, as read by Rutskarn doing his “Russian” accent. I would pay many rubles for such a treasure.
MMO Population Problems

Computers keep getting more powerful. So why do the population caps for massively multiplayer games stay about the same?
This is Why We Can’t Have Short Criticism

Here's how this site grew from short essays to novel-length quasi-analytical retrospectives.
Gamers Aren’t Toxic

This is a horrible narrative that undermines the hobby through crass stereotypes. The hobby is vast, gamers come from all walks of life, and you shouldn't judge ANY group by its worst members.
Silent Hill Turbo HD II

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The Biggest Game Ever

Just how big IS No Man's Sky? What if you made a map of all of its landmass? How big would it be?
Hm, I’ll have to watch this soon, to compare Rutskarn’s natural Russian accent with my own natural Russian accent.
I don’t have a sample, but I had to do a Serbo-Croatian accent for a play. Spent several months working on it, and even received some compliments from Russians and Bosnians.
Probably a little rusty now, but RUTSKARN, I CHALLENGE THEE!
*Throws gauntlet, smashes foot*
Make more of those videos already, you jerks!
For the record, ENTIRELY my fault. So I’m the jerk. I’m getting grief about it fairly constantly. I went to college and didn’t bring my desktop along. I live in town though, so I plan to rectify this soon.
At least you guys should have a pleasant surprise when I finally get the next week up.
BTW, I was going to post that link myself. I shouldn’t have been surprised to see anaphysik had done it already. Always one to plug something when it’s relevant.
On that topic, Rutskarn’s isolated use of the accent has NOTHING on doing it for an entire week.
That sounds like a challenge. I sure hope Rutskarn takes it as such, that accent is hilarious.
To be fair, you’ve had a month to fix that problem right now. And you’ve said that you’d get around to it soon… a month ago.
My (totally not just made up on the fly) rule about naming characters Hunter: A character is only allowed to be named Hunter if they are at least as awesome as Hunter Thompson. The only example I can think of is Colonel Hunter Gathers from The Venture Brothers, and he’s just an intentional Hunter Thompson doppleganger. Russian action hero Hunter doesn’t come close.
Unless he keeps screaming about bats, and tries to snort the dust off your jacket every time he can get you alone. Come to think of it, it could just be a subtle suggestion that Artyom is stoned off his gourd for the entire game.
What’s worse is when they take a name like that and give it the sci-fi/fantasy “twist spelling,” and you wind up with Huntaar or H’nter.
Of course, this is made worse by MMOs and the various name-limiting schemes in place.
What if they’re instead an expy of the Dutch soccer player Klaas-Jan Huntelaar?
If I only had a kopek for every name gleaned from Northern European football players…
They could have just gone the STALKER route, Shamus, and not translated some of the nicknames. I don’t know what the original name was, but as a random Russian word, Hunter probably sounds a hell of a lot more badass.
That said, Shadow of Chernobyl probably would have gotten me to shoot coffee out my nose, if they’d kept calling the guy you’re hunting, “shooter”.
EDIT 2: Can we change Rutskarn’s subtitle to “Chapter 2 Bourbon” or “groped by sewer mutants”?
Thing is, his name in the original literally is Hunter(Хантер) – a word taken from English. So, it kinda works as a somewhat cheesy ‘cool foreign word’ nickname, but were they to change it into “Okhotnik” for English version, it would probably just feel like something from Clockwork Orange.
I’m Russian, and Hunter never sounded right to me. It’s not really something I would expect to hear as a nickname, it felt more like the man’s last name was foreign, but noone ever explained or mentioned it which was weird in a game that is otherwise deeply “Russian”. I always thought he’s just more properly set up in the novel.
Oh, groped by sewer mutants, that makes so much more sense. I heard “groped by Serbians.”
In russian, ‘hunter’ would be ‘Okhotnik’. With English-based audiences, this could have become mildly problematic, as they might mainly perceive it as “A hot Nick”.
Oh, do want to mention: One thing that bugs me about the setting is that its only been 20-some odd years since the everyone pushed their red buttons, and we already have all these crazy creatures. Even by the logic of Magic-Radiation(TM), these mutations are a massive stretch for me.
the Dark Ones are actually aliens, not mutants. I’m not sure, but I always got the impression a lot of the mutants lose in the Moscow area either a byproduct of their arrival, on the local ecosystem, or came with them. Like the Spanish bringing horses and other European species to the Americas.There’s also a possibility, late in the game, when you get to
D6, you start running into stuff that suggests some of the mutants might have actually been the product of pre-war bioweapons.Last Light kinda hints at this, too. But, my last playthrough (of 2033) was three or four years ago, so I could be remembering that wrong.I was told the Dark Ones were originally human.Aliens?
Welp. Okay.
The Dark Ones aren’t aliens. In one of the cutscenes where they speak to you they say, “Even children who are hated and feared by their parents still seek to understand them” or something to that effect.As for all the mutants and stuff, I just looked on it as one of the many ways that Metro is the serious and grimdark Fallout. In Fallout it’s Radscorpions and Deathclaws. In Metro it’s Nosalises and Demons.
I just went back and rewatched the closing cutscene. I’m going to blame it on some combination of reading Roadside Picknick into this and my own faulty memory. I wish I could remember where I’m getting this from.
Though, the number of characters that call the Dark Ones, “homo novus” suggests I’m completely wrong here.It’s not Fallout, though. Metro pulls it’s material from the Russian and Soviet Union era post apocalyptic genre. There’s some tonal overlap with the American/European take on the genre, but they are very different creatures.
In Fallout 1 you have to leave the relative safety of your vault to explore the hostile wasteland and try to find help for the problem facing your home. In the second half of the game if you fail then the Super Mutants overrun your Vault.
In Metro 2033 you have to leave the relative safety of your station to explore the hostile wasteland and try to find help for the problem facing your home. If you fail then the Dark Ones overrun your station.
To me the similarities in plot and world seemed enough that I thought of Metro as the dark, un-funny Fallout.
I think the influence Fallout, and I mean oldschool Fallouts 1 and especially 2, had on Russian (and Ukrainian) developers is worth considering in this debate. For a generation of post-soviet gamers Fallout 2 was THE game; playing it inspired a lot of people to become developers in the first place, to the point where it used to be an industry in-joke that every developer in Russia dreams to make a “Fallout MMORPG”.
The approach is markedly different, yes, but it’s worth noting that Fallout most likely had at least some influence on Metro. Hell, it may have influenced the novel!
I detected traces of Roadside Picnic. It’s name-dropped in the game at the very least. The world’s a very different from one another, but enough is there it can’t be ignored.
The lineage from Roadside Picnic is a little odd. Roadside Picnic inspired the Tartovsky movie called “Stalker,” which in turn inspired the “S.T.A.L.K.E.R.” games, all of which likely inspired the book “Metro 2033” by Dmitry Gluhovsky, which was adapted into the game “Metro 2033,” which got a sequel (unconnected to the book sequel) called “Metro Last Light”
That’s a hell of an influence chain for “Grim, post nuclear Russian fiction” across three mediums, most of which is regarded as excellent.
Although the game is pretty scanty on details, suffice it to say that evidence suggests that the war was fought with something a good deal nastier than nuclear weapons. Also, characters suggest in all seriousness that a good deal of the weirdness is because the war blew up the afterlife.
I could have sworn they were saying the weirdness was because they thought they hadn’t survived the war, and the Metro was the afterlife.
It’s entirely possible we’re thinking of different characters. One of the characters says, “It appears that the devastation we brought upon ourselves was complete. Heaven, hell, and purgatory were atomised as well.” in relation to the ghosts.
Yeah, I think we are. I vaguely remember someone explicitly speculating that the Metro was purgatory.
In the book they talk about the afterlife being ‘blown up’ a few times, actually.
I always assume that any apocalypse has been caused by something way nastier than what people have now, since it’s only natural that in the nondescript future we’d have newer and crazier weapons.
And of course, no weapon to date has yet caused an apocalypse, so you’re always treading new ground there.
In the book it heavily implies that The Dark Ones are from Metro “2” which is on top of the regular Metro. This Metro 2 was reserved for Military staff (and as far as the characters know, no one lives in them) and everyone inside of it must’ve mutated, separately from the rest of the human race.
They talk about a lot of stuff speculatively in the book and none of it is ever confirmed or denied (The Grey Worm actually being real, those 2 people before Polis who get Artyom the chance to go to the Library, etc) but there you go: Dark Ones are former humans. Or not. The book is very much a coming-of-age novel in that Artyom’s presented with all these worldly outlooks that all conflict with each other.
One of the things I really liked about the book was how it brought into play every rumour about the Moscow Metro it could think of – mutants living in the tunnels, a secret, 2nd metro system exclusively for the military.
I never realised the Dark Ones were supposed to be from Metro-2 though. I thought they were just humans who’d been caught in the blasts and mutated. Also, it wasn’t just nukes that were dropped, it was all kinds of biological and chemical weapons. Which then interacted with the stuff that was already stored on/under the ground (Like….whatever the hell it is that lives in the Kremlin).
On the topic on the ending picking system thing, it seems that most of the, let’s call them Happy points, come from acts of kindness or exploration where as Unhappy points come from acts that are selfish.
This makes sense with the ending to me. The Dark Ones are using your past behavior to judge whether or not you’ll be willing to work with them or just blow them up.The thing I like about this is it doesn’t pass judgement on you as much as some other games do. All of those selfish actions are things that will keep you alive. Most of the time you’re not being a dick to be a dick, it’s a matter of keeping filters, med kits, and Mill-grade ammo. All things that, in the world, are precious.
I like that too. It’s not “give a coin to the beggar” or “curbstomp the beggar and steal his borscht”; it’s a real choice you might make in the real world.
Subway guy does, in fact, always die. Scripted animations always render the entity invulnerable until they complete, so it’s impossible to kill the nosalis that grabs him.
“Are you going to Riga? May I come along?”
“Sure. Get in. We need someone to demonstrate how monsters work.”
I did always think his shirt looked a little red.
I believe it is possible to delay his death. The first time I played, I managed to shoot the Nosalis off him twice -which led me to believe he could be saved. But he died shortly after, and almost immediately after was when I got knocked off the cart. After a dozen more attempts, I decided that it is scripted that the hitchhiker dies before Artyom gets knocked off -and if Artyom doesn’t get knocked off, the chase just recycles.
But I don’t know for sure.
I will say that the scripted stuff happened early enough in the game that I’d just assumed most NPC deaths were due to me not yet being familiar with the game itself. With shooters like this I try to not abuse the reload ability unless it becomes clear that missteps earlier have completely destroyed my chances of advancing, so I let them stay monster-lunch. It’s nice to know that even though I think I might have shot them in the face(s) while trying out the shotgun for the first time, I could claim it was a mercy-kill.
I would pay multiple hundredths of a Bitcoin to hear Rutskarn read Metro 2033 in the Dolphin Lover voice.
Wow. I think this is the first time I wanted to play a game after seeing it on Spoiler Warning. Congratulations.
You should go ahead and do it then, before this season spirals down into criticizing
escort questsinsewer levels.But not
slimeandtentaclemonsters inabandoned underground military bases?Seriously that thing gave me flashbacks to the worst sequence in the original Half-Life.
EDIT: I’m begining to think the moderation system just doesn’t like me. :(
This is one of the game I myself have played to the end before Spoiler Warning, so it will be interesting to see how Josh does.
I shall be expecting at least three bugs a week, and if the end credits are to be any indication plenty of funny events are coming up.
I am looking forward to seeing how Josh deals with the Library. My default method was always the belt-fed auto shotgun, the max amount of shotgun ammo I was allowed to carry, and an attitude not unlike a Space Marine purging the filthy xenos. :)
It’s been a while, but wasn’t the Library (like a lot of places you visit) played up like some “nobody ever lives who goes in there, it’s impossible, we’re all going to die” locations? When I eventually got to the surface, I did find the game to be very Doom-like, in that I think there were some off-the-path trigger points where you’d earn a monster attack (for picking up loot).
I also remember being frustrated in the Library as it took me a long time to figure out where I was supposed to go and what I was supposed to do to open whatever door was in my way.
The library is full of librarians! :P
The “correct” way to deal with librarians is basically the same way they dealt with the T-rex in Jurassic Park. Keep perfectly still and don’t break eye contact. Dealing with them through the conventional method is, in my experience, impossible unless one has the aforementioned belt-fed auto shotgun and max ammo.
It’s totally doable to kill a Librarian with a reasonable expense of ammo, at least on Normal difficulty. I wound up having to do it a lot because… I don’t think I actually “got” their mechanic. If you stand your ground do they wander off and lose interest? Because I thought you had to stare them down while you’re moving, so I was backing up across the level until I hit a wall and ran for it or started shooting.
Personally my attitude towards the library was more like Rincewind…
Oooh, hadn’t thought of that angle. Well done.
…Errr, I mean: Ook.
– Can I get a lift?
– Sure.But no free rides.You will have to pump.
And then he is the only one who pumps,while the three of you are riding for free.You guys are dicks.
To be fair, I believe the one guy was the caravan guy so likely owned/managed the cart or something. You and the other (unless I miss my guess) were ‘hired’ as guards or helpers to begin with. So in essence, Mr. Redshirt was the only one that hadn’t ‘paid’ for the ride in some way.
The Metro feeling like a real place was one of the major draws of this game for me.
And I’m not talking about how the metro system is accurately represented – I’m talking about the fact that the stations are full of life – with different sections for different purposes, such as the pig area, the markets and the living quarters.
And, when I played through in Russian, I felt like the places were even more real – there was no dodgy dialogue to distract you from the atmosphere of the place, it was this wonderful, breathing space. I listened to all the conversations in Russian – even though I couldn’t understand what they were saying, emotions and intent still carried across and I felt the people, struggling to survive.
The fact that the metro tunnels don’t feel like they were designed for gameplay, but are actual spaces is a plus. Reminds me of Minerva: Metastasis – the creator of that mod designed the places as places first, gameplay second. That may sound backwards, but it really feels like you are invading an actual location. Also, it allows the AI to shine – the AI in half life 2 is actually incredibly complex, it’s just that the levels in the storyline are so scripted that it doesn’t matter. In Minerva (and in Metro 2033 as well), the enemies often outsmart you – they flank you, they co-ordinate attacks, they wait until you are reloading before getting out from behind cover to attack. It’s wonderful.
Also adding to the realism is the mushroom farm in the pig area. Using livestock feces as fertilizer for mushrooms is something that a lot to farms actually do to get extra profit.
It really sells the idea that these are people conscious of their resources and know how to use them all to the best effect to survive…even if that resource happens to be pig shit.
Oh God, and I just realized that the guys might be right and they are using the mushrooms to feed the pigs…..I’m not sure if I should be disturbed that they are using the pigs own crap to feed them or impressed by the efficiency of such a setup.
I actually never got negative morality points. There aren’t many opportunities to get those anyway, and they normally require stuff you probably wouldn’t do.
Also, about the way Last Light was…
I didn’t like the definite “Dark Ones are really nice guys!” vibe – I get that Metro 2033 essentially said they had good intentions, but that was it. They were killing and driving insane A LOT of people just to find someone to communicate. There HAS to be a better way for that. So I always thought it painted them as good, but naive and flawed and kinda ruthless things. Whereas Last Light goes “yeah they are good and they like children and their young ones look cute and are super nice!”.At the end of Metro 2033 (book), Dmitry goes on a tirade about how, although both
humans and Dark Ones are flawed (Dark Ones can’t really use technology for some reason), they can work together to make both sides stronger and live in peace.The whole last chapter is pretty much dedicated to this realisation as the
missiles are flying.So THAT’s why they’re always going around in the nude.
I know, that what irked me about it in Last Light –
making them post-apocalyptic Jesus…es? Jesus’? Jesi?… didn’t feel right to me. I also honestly didn’t like the decision to leave the Dark Ones alive at all from a story standpoint – it painted such a wonderful picture of despair in a careless world, especially the way no one gives a damn about it in Metro 2034. It kind of fit with that resignation in Hunters voice Rutskarn mentioned – Sure, “If it’s hostile, we kill it”, but how long does that buy us?So, don’t get me wrong, these are just nitpicks. I love the writing style and the atmosphere and the setting so incredibly much, I couldn’t be mad at it anyway. It’s just great. Even the expanded universe authors do such a great job. There’s even an italian book out now! It plays in the Vatikan. I just love all about this franchise.
Like what? The Dark Ones aren’t capable of verbal communication and even if they can write, they’d just get shot at if they show up with a note in hand.
Their only option for communication was their telepathy and they had to find a way to finetune that so that they wouldn’t turn brains into jelly. Something which unfortunatly can only be done through trial-and-error.
Um, spoiler warning?
Not the show, I mean: That’s a pretty significant plot point.
If Shamus & Co set a spoiler policy for the comment threads of their episodes, feel free to point me to it.
In the absence of such a policy I’d advice anyone who gets worked up over spoilers to not watch a LP and not read the accompanying comment thread of a game they haven’t yet played.
The Titanic sinks and the 300 Spartans die.
“The Titanic sinks and the 300 Spartans die.”
Yeah, but what about all the other people on the ship?
While there isn’t a fixed policy, standard practice is to not post about things too far beyond the show, which generally presents events in the same order as the game, except when Shamus specfically declares open season.
Actually, that was only really standard practice starting with The Walking Dead. (And it was used there mainly because it was a very recently released game.)
Besides, the show’s name ought be enough warning for anyone.
Well, I’d say if even the attempt to talk to a group of people has about a 99% chance to outright kill them… move away and don’t talk to them? The Dark Ones are shown to live on the surface just fine – they can keep Nosalis away, at any rate, and they have that huge hive-like structure to live in.
I’m just saying if humans shoot you whenever you show up because you drive them to suicide just by talking to them, maybe you shouldn’t show up and talk to them on the off chance that one guy one day WON’T go apeshit.
Fun Fact: In the german translation of the book, they actually are called the “Blacks” – and the weirdness of that is addressed. When Artyom meets an old man, he hears that Nazis don’t like darker complexions – but Artyom has apparently never seen someone who is darker than him, so he thinks the man is talking about the Dark Ones and pretty much says that “Blacks” are destroying the Metro.
Oh dear. Now I’m imagining Gordon Freeman interacting with the world in a much similar way to Gromit. [Er, do you guys know Gromit? He’s a dog from a series of shorts on British television that we get throughout the commonwealth every now and then.]
Thank you, Rutskarn.
Wake up, Mr. Freeman.
Wake up and smell the cheese.
Oh, great, now I’m imagining the G-man with a Yorkshire accent.
/Wallace and Gromit/ is fairly well-known, even in the US. (In fact, they’re probably pretty well-known even outside the Anglosphere.)
Of course, being half-British I know it better than most, but still…
Since people say that I never relate enough materials science factoids (particularly in relation to the number of linguistics-related things that I say), I’ll note that the ball-and-pipe structure on Artyom’s desk (see, frex, around 11:24) is a body-centered cubic (BCC) crystal structure. Iron (at room temp in its α-phase) and low-carbon non-stainless steels are probably the most notable materials to adopt the BCC structure. (It’s also a rather important structure when dealing with low-temperatures, as it becomes much more brittle than FCC (face-centered cubic; e.g. standard 18-8 (18% Cr, 8% Ni) stainless steel) does at low temp. Larger Peierls-Nabarro stress in BCC, and all that.)
Ah, a fellow scholar of iron-carbon alloy -science I see! Ferrite IS softer material than most, but it is hardier AND it’s plasticity is better than it’s buddies, Austenite, Perlite and Cementite.
Every alloy has it’s place, as my teacher says.
“Ferrite IS softer material than most, but it is hardier AND it's plasticity is better than it's buddies, Austenite, Perlite and Cementite.”
A statement like that needs to be better qualified. Hardness, toughness, and yield stress all have specific meanings in materials science (well, okay, “hardness” doesn’t – it has about a bajillion very specific meanings, depending on the test used ;P ). Additionally, there’s the matter that I’m not sure if /anyone/ has ever used cementite (which is a specific compound Fe3C) in its ‘pure’ form for engineering purposes (that is, it’s always used as a minor phase, so it should be considered in that light rather than on its own). Whereas pearlite isn’t even a phase, but a specific microstructure of multiple phases (interpenetrating ferrite and cementite, which appears lamellar).
So, um, basically your comment makes no sense. (With the natural exception of “Every alloy has its place”, mind you! *That* is very true.)
Plus, I believe you’ve got your data backward: to return to the specific examples that I used, ferritic steels are generally more resistant to plastic deformation (stronger and harder) and more susceptible to fracture (more brittle) (ESPECIALLY at lower temperatures) than austenitic steels, which are usually more susceptible to plastic deformation (more ductile and softer) and more resistant to fracture (tougher). (Naturally, what thermomechanical processing you apply to any given piece of steel can change its properties immensely, but those are the generics. (Frex, austenitics work-harden much more easily than ferritics, so some applications can achieve comparable yield strength.))
(Directly comparing pure ferrite and pure austenite isn’t really possible, given that the latter isn’t even metastable at normal working temperatures – hence why I talk about alloys above.)
Now when I have dusted off my material science book I realise that I was severely off the mark and far too vague. Me brain no work.
But yeah, the points you bring up are correct.
Also in regards to last episode: Ranger on Last Light decided to eliminate the tutorial popups, meaning that you can’t figure out how to play the game (including things like nonlethal takedowns) and completely disables ammo counts.
I’m glad Spoiler Warning are doing this game because I really couldn’t get into it.
The linearity of the intro and first part of the game just annoyed me, and there’s something about the art/graphics which I really can’t stand. I haven’t quite managed to put my finger on what it is yet.
I propose “people voiced by Steven Blum” (and possibly “people voiced by Yuri Lowenthal”) get added to this season’s drinking game. I think that’s an average of one drink per episode.
Entire mutant team is babies! /bad Russian accent.
Funny thing is, when I happen to play online with real Russians, they sound just like that! And a friend of mine, whose English isn’t very good, sounds just like the Heavy. I just have a feeling that bad accents are often true to the source.
Shamus, you are not the only one who prefers silent protagonist over voiced protagonist in fps games. I also like it more when Artyom speaks only during the loading screens. Otherwise, as Josh said, it would feel like writer is putting words in to my mouth which is really annoying. It would be that constant feel of game telling me how I should feel. Like you said, if you want your protagonist to have a voice, this is a good way to do it. Other option would be something in the general direction of Deus Ex: Human revolution.
My favorite Hunter in television, is Hunter Hearst Helmsley.
(Speaking of Triple H, as an ‘Merican Shamus, what has your exposure to pro-wrestling been like?)
Also have we named Russian Cuftbert yet?
I vote for Reginal Cuftbertski.
Once again Reginal Cuftbertski.
Or we could sort of translate Reginald. Reginald is probably made from the root word reign, thus it probably should imply that Reginald is some sort of ruler. Similary Vasily or Vasiliye stems from Greek Vasilius (Basil, Basilius in English books even though they are read diferently) which is supposed to mean something similar to king/Emperor/ruler.
So Vasily Cuftbertsky
The guys shooting at him in the next episode have other suggestions.
Incidentally, the bastard gun looks like a stripped down version of the Sten.
Which really shouldn’t be possible to strip down, but they did it anyways.
They probably are not growing tea, as in Induan plant called tea. What they are growing are some sort of ex semi wild plant whose leaves can be tried and used to make tea. Sort of homegrown tea. And considering these are the Russians, those tea leaves are probably worth a fortune in Metro.
But what do the pigs eat?
Mushrooms, mostly, with scraps from the humans meals as well. Or at least that’s my guess.
And tea without the actual tea plant is an infusion. As someone who’s allergic to the tea plant, it is highly entertaining to ask people if their tea contains tea (with herbals it may or may not). The looks are priceless.