Dishonored EP5: Secondary Explosions

By Josh Posted Wednesday Mar 6, 2013

Filed under: Spoiler Warning 106 comments

Link (YouTube)

As a result of Shamus’ GRAND MOVING ADVENTUREâ„¢, he was unavailable for… basically everything this weekend. As a result of this, and an intense market research study that cost nearly as much as Rutskarn’s yearly salary (!), we’ve decided to bring in a replacement for Shamus with someone that we estimate will be significantly more successful in virtually every way. So much so that we’ve pretty much just decided to permanently replace Shamus altogether, or at least until such time as he finishes moving his things and returns to smack me upside the head.

So give a rousing welcome to Jarenth, hailing from Blue Screen of Awesome, and enjoy this mostly Shame-less week of Twenty Sided.


From The Archives:

106 thoughts on “Dishonored EP5: Secondary Explosions

  1. impassiveimperfect says:


    You stole (kinda) the joke I was going to make when I would (eventually) be invited to join Spoiler Warning! I was going to make it big!


  2. Talby says:

    No Shamus? You Shamus with your actions.

    1. malonedotcc says:

      Even Josh’s computer is embarrassed! Look at his shamerate!

      1. It’s just not the shame without him.

        1. Daemian Lucifer says:

          What shamefur puns!Commit sudoku,all of you.

          1. Talby says:

            You’re guilty too, Shamus the rest of us!

            1. noahpocalypse says:

              I’m ashamused of you.

  3. Gruhunchously says:

    Yay Jarenth!

      1. Paul Spooner says:

        I was really hoping your full name was “Welcome to the Blue Screen of Awesome Podcast Video Gameplay Experiment Thingy I’m Jarenth”, but I guess your version works too.

        1. Jarenth says:

          You should see my business cards.

  4. hborrgg says:

    Huh, when I released the sick hound I had also accidentally released every single enemy dog in the process, but it was still able to go through and slaughter everything in the area. I assumed that they gave it a ton of extra health.

    1. newdarkcloud says:

      I never did that because the guards would usually be knocked-out before I opened that cage.

  5. Johan says:

    “and enjoy this mostly Shame-less week of Twenty Sided.”
    I can’t believe I chuckled

    I’ve seen (heard) Jarenth in many of the livestreams, it’s nice to see (hear) him in… basically the same capacity, but on YOUTUBE

    1. wheals says:

      This is actually Jarenth’s second appearance on Spoiler Warning; he was also in 8 by zombies (the second part of which should be around ANY DAY NOW (ie contemporaneous with Half-life 3)).

      EDIT: Wow, posting was actually fast.

  6. krellen says:

    Josh has always liked Jarenth more than me. It’s not my fault Jarenth is more likeable. (Actually, it is.)

    1. anaphysik says:

      Don’t be silly, it’s obviously everyone else’s fault for having such strange taste in what constitutes likability.

    2. His name is also close to “Jareth,” so I imagine him as a more heavily-accented version of the Goblin King, twirling a crystal ball from hand to hand while wearing tight, bulging leotards and a Tina Turner wig.

      If that’s not the case, nobody tell me. I don’t want my illusion destroyed.

      1. krellen says:

        No, you got it exactly.

      2. Jarenth says:

        You’d be surprised how correct you are.

      3. BeardedDork says:

        Right down to the backwards hands.

    3. newdarkcloud says:

      I’m sure if you asked, you could be on Spoiler Warning.

      1. krellen says:

        The only thing I fear is rejection, which is why I so seldom put myself in a position to be such.

        1. Jarenth says:

          You could always do what I do: inexplicably and through no conscious intent of your own become friends with someone who does most of the gameplay and heavy editing lifting on a popular webshow, and then be in the right place at the right time when one of the other members of said webshow is moving house.

          I should mention that doing this had me stay up until 6:40 AM, which meant I basically had to blow off work the next day. So there’s some degree of sacrifices involved, too.

          Though I should also mention that blowing off work opened up time to do more house hunting, which lead directly to the two house viewings I have this week. So, you know.

          1. krellen says:

            Like I said, Josh likes you more than me, because you’re more likeable.

  7. RedSun says:

    It appears that the main effect of Shamus not being here this week is that there are much fewer comments being posted. This confirms my longstanding suspicion that 30% of the online population is actually Shamus wearing a funny hat.

    In fact, if you’re reading this, you’re probably Shamus too.

    1. Oh no! He’s found me out!
      I mean… yes… maybe you’re right, random guy on the internet. But I wouldn’t know, because I’m definetely not Shamus Telemachus Young.

      1. Bryan says:

        /me looks askance at the two Shamuses (…Shamoose? weird plurals are fun) talking to each other…

              1. Daemian Lucifer says:

                Shamoose rex.

                1. anaphysik says:

                  Shamus is from Séamus, which is obviously of Gaeilge origin. Assuming that plurals work the same way as in Gà idhlig, then there ought be no change in the word until we reach at least /three/ of him. However, after that, there’s hardly any telling what the proper plural would be, as it’d depend greatly on noun class, strength, and the case that we’re speaking in.

                  So let’s just say ‘fuck it’ and call them Shami.

                  1. Daemian Lucifer says:

                    Shami ite domum.

                    1. MrGuy says:

                      Ironically, this is exactly the problem.

                    2. Daemian Lucifer says:

                      Is it really irony when it is the literal meaning of the phrase?

                      Or were you talking about some level other than them moving that I accidentally injected there?

                  1. Nytzschy says:


    2. MrGuy says:

      There may be better sources for Shamus, but they don’t have…this hat.

  8. X2-Eliah says:

    Soo, the kennels. I always entered the compound on the roof-pathways (double blink ftw), and never used the kennels to gain entry. However… I always went into the kennels after getting ri of Campbell and rescuing that officer guy – just as a ‘cleanup’ of the zone, in a way.

    And the best part is, the way the npc’s move in the kennels, it all still totally works if you go through them backwards – there’s even some pathings designed to deliberately trip you up. I like that, because it shows that the devs did consider that players could go in both directions, and accomodated for that. Most other games would completely break that by having all npcs stare listlessly in the ‘one true entrance’ direction.

    So, um, yeah, Dishonored.

    1. AJax says:

      I really like how guards will change their patrol routes to cover the routes of the previous guards the player have taken care off. This mission does a good job conveying this mechanic. Makes them a little bit unpredictable in subsequent playthroughs. Funnily enough, the AI is never bothered by the fact that their comrades are disappearing left and right, they just continue on their merry way.

      1. newdarkcloud says:

        Yeah. It’s cool that guards go “Hey! Shouldn’t someone be on patrol here!?” (They literally say that) and then modify their patrol routes.

        1. bucaneer says:

          It also makes things much easier for you sometimes. Say you have a room full of guards that patrol all of it in a rather impenetrable manner (for a non-lethal ghosting Corvo anyway). One of the patrol routes briefly takes a guard to a balcony or an empty hallway. You hide there and knock out the guard, then another guard sees the first one got missing and goes to investigate, so you knock him out as well, which makes the third guard take up the vacant route, rinse, repeat, and soon the room is empty and all the guards are sleeping in a pile somewhere.

  9. It seems like Arcane studios had to give up a lot of what they would have liked to do for their primary audience – people holding the standard expectations of a First Person game from the past decade or so – to be lead exactly by the hand, have no options and just go through trying to find the way the developers intended you to go.
    This whole mindset, ingrained over the years, was actually brought up in one of the interviews with the developers (can’t remember which), wherein one of the developers said that the majority of playtesters just completely obeyed a guard’s instructions, without even considering the possibility of doing something else. (With the stairs in the masquerade ball).
    It’s also clear that they wanted people to see as much of their content as possible – without making the non-lethal options so obvious, I sincerely doubt that many people would have actually taken those paths.
    It tries so hard, but ends up being 2 conflicting things – a linear combat game and an open stealth game. This is reflected in the mechanics, in that it’s really 2 completely different games, depending on if you choose low or high chaos.

    1. Sleeping Dragon says:

      When that tutorial screen popped up I just immediately had this feeling of why it’s specifically there. Granny Rags, distillery, doctor’s house are all optional and frankly, if you did go around all these places you probably don’t really need this screen. But if you were just doing a beeline for the objective you could skip them all and this would be your first actual mission area. To me it just felt like this was the point where the testing revealed too many people just tried to make their way to the front door, even in stealth mode, because hey, this is obviously the mission area with all the guards and such, and found it frustrating because they’re not used to looking for alternate paths, balconies, windowsills and such. This theory made me sad.

      1. Unfortunately, I’m pretty sure this is the case.
        Although, something like this is probably something that is needed to reinvigorate the existence of actual choice in games – show those that are younger* to gaming that there are more options than what they are used to.
        Dishonored may not have got itself entirely right, but I think it’s definately a step in the right direction.

        *By younger, I don’t neccesarily mean age-wise.

        1. newdarkcloud says:

          That’s the unfortunate reality of modern game design. You have to balance between telling new players who are used to playing linear games that they need to learn to think and choose their own route and/or cater to them in some other way and allowing players just to critical thinking to just do their own thing.

          I don’t know if it’s necessarily a bad thing, but it often needs a very skilled team to pull it off.

  10. Cupcaeks says:

    So, about the brightness… The default brightness was actually way too high on my monitor, so I had to lower it quite a bit. I don’t know how hard or easy it is to determine what a ‘good’ brightness level is for a wide spectrum of hardware, but that complaint seemed a bit petty to me.

    1. Yep, and like (Rutskarn?) said, we still haven’t solved the problem of monitors with different brightnesses, and it’s different depending on your environment as well.
      On a similar note, I agree with Josh’s sentiment that turning the gamma removes much of the interesting contrast that existed before, but that’s partially due to the fact that the area he is in is much more even than the previous ones.

      1. Cupcaeks says:

        I agree with that sentiment as well. It wasn’t obvious to me at first because the opening levels were so dark, but once I got into the missions proper, everything just looked kind of bland until I fixed the gamma slider. The high contrast in the environments is definitely a point in favor of the art direction. It made the city feel gritty, but it did so while still utilizing a full color palette, which was refreshing to see.

    2. hborrgg says:

      The only problem I had with the brightness was that all of the debris in dark shadows tended to have sparkily outlines (it wasn’t interactable objects), It almost looked like 8the was seeing through the level into the void.

      1. Cupcaeks says:

        Those weird outlines threw me off so much at first. I would always go towards them thinking there was some loot I could pick up or something, only to find out that it was just some weird bits of level geometry and I was wasting my time.

    3. Raygereio says:

      Yeah, Dishonered has a lot of things to bitch about. But come on…

      The game prompts you to check the brightness settings. Despite Josh apparently feeling that’s an incredibly arduous task, it’s not. It’s takes a second. If the video is any indication, Josh decided to completely ignore it and click past it without checking.
      As for what the art director intended: he intended for you to play the game with the brightness setting that are suitable for you. That’s why that prompt is there.
      All games have a gamma slider. I have to tweak that setting for almost every game, because guess what: the developers didn’t come over to my house and set the defaults to be perfect for my brand and type monitor, for my monitor’s settings and for my room’s ambient lighting.
      It’s no different from having to tweak the controls to my liking or the tweak the other graphic settings to my liking.

    4. WJS says:

      Huh, the game was too bright for you? That’s interesting. I was coming here to comment that, while I would disagree with gamma being a solved problem (although it really should have died with CRTs – damn backwards compatibility), it seems in general that the defaults should be brighter – that’s not just my monitor, but also several I owned before my current one.

  11. Adam Rhodes says:

    I’m disappointed to find that this is the only post tagged “Funny Shamus Puns”.

    1. Bryan says:

      Are there any Shamus puns that aren’t funny? Might be some consolation there.

      …On second thought, probably not.

  12. hborrgg says:

    So back to Granny Rags a bit. I noticed something really interesting while reading about her on a wiki. Apparently if you don’t go visit her or interact with her at all this mission then you won’t actually meet up with her later on during the trek though the sewers, the gangster is already dead, the gate unlocked and Slackjaw’s fate unknown.

    It just seems surprising that the developers would be willing to let the player miss out on that much content and the entire character (including the whole boss fight, oh yeah, how spoiler tags), and even more so that they did it by biting the bullet and realizing that yes, if they left this in there when the player had missed the previous set up then it wouldn’t make any sense at all.

    1. X2-Eliah says:

      Oh. That’s actually pretty cool to know.

      I think you can link up with slackjaw for the disposal-of-Pendleton-brothers mission, though.. Maybe that re-triggers the final Granny showdown mission?

      1. Samim says:

        Unless I’m mistaken, to trigger the Granny Rags/ Slackjaw confrontation you need to do both the Infect the Distillery mission And use Slackjaw to neutralize the Pendletons.

        1. newdarkcloud says:

          I didn’t taint the stills and I still got the final side-mission in the sewers. I knock-out Granny’s gentleman callers and did Slackjaw’s side-quests, for what it’s worth.

        2. X2-Eliah says:

          I think it is enough to do granny’s first mission (get rid of the three pesky dudes) to get her side’s worth of unlockery for the final bit.

  13. hborrgg says:

    Josh, are you intentionally avoiding darkvision for the sake of the LP being in color, or is this really how you played?

    Dark vision was always the very first thing I went for in my runs. It was just so handy whenever I got it up to “show everything the game will actually let you interact with” mode.

    1. Josh says:

      I generally tend to dislike “detective vision” modes in more recent games, and Dark Vision was no exception. I only ever unlocked it so I could find the damn hidden Empress chamber on the Regent level, but then I loaded an earlier save so I never spent the runes.

      What can I say? I like using my own eyes to spot things, without any weird color-tripping magic-highlighting going on. It’s more fun to me to find something well hidden by observing subtle queues.

      1. There are lines you have to wait in to find clues?

        1. NCB says:

          Didn’t know Josh was British and loved queues!

          1. Zeta Kai says:

            Mind your peas & queues.

            1. anaphysik says:

              Hey, get enough of them to RSVPea and you could throw a queue ball.

      2. Nordicus says:

        So I can assume that you grumbled a bit when you heard about the Thief reboot’s “Focus mode”, which is exactly this, but with even more gameplay benefits?

        Out of all the version of this mechanic I’ve seen in games, Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines’ version was my favorite.

        You had a stat called “Inspection” which would highlight hidden objects and doors, higher Inspect meaning more carefully hidden stuff would be highlighted. A gunslinger could end up with natural Inspection 5/10 by the end of the game, but any other character would need to make deliberate choices to upgrade it from 1/10

        Relying on Inspection had negative consequences (experience points usage) and it wasn’t a binary choice, but had 10 levels of efficiency/handholding

        Shame that the there weren’t many spots where high Inspection could have been a life/timesaver

    2. StashAugustine says:

      I really only used it to find whale oil tanks on the security devices. I preferred standing behind cover and leaning.

  14. Daemian Lucifer says:

    I dont think there is anything ambiguous about that guy.

    Also funny to see Rutskarn praise the thing with the dog here,and yet he doesnt like far cry 3,which is basically just that thing,only done a bunch of times,and actually has meaningful effect…Hm?What?Rutskarn doesnt like far cry 3 because of its story?Wait,that game has a story?!

    1. StashAugustine says:

      Yes, one where you have to follow the instructions of a fucking despicable rapist for two fucking hours.

  15. Daemian Lucifer says:

    Well since Shamoose isnt here,let me be a bit shameful myself,and direct you guys to listen to someone way cooler than these guys:Mumbles is in the new disclosure alert.

    Also Indy was good enough to open a forum where you can discuss stuff even when the discussion about it dies out around here,so check that out as well.

    1. Nytzschy says:

      Mumbles on Disclosure Alert? *watches*

      Better step up your game, Spoiler Warning!

      And by step up your game, I mean have Mumbles on.

      1. X2-Eliah says:

        Pft. Jarenth is the new mumbles. Vocal chord surgery has already been scheduled.

        1. MrGuy says:

          Oh, there’s a NEW bee-loving cannibal in town?

          Pfft. It’s been DONE.

    2. anaphysik says:

      Hey now, Mumbles was in the first episode of this week too, you know:

      And she’ll be in the next two as well, as soon as Aldy finishes editing and posting them <_<

      1. Daemian Lucifer says:

        He took this whole “be like Josh” thing a bit too seriously then.

        On that note,Josh when is 8 by zombies 2 coming?

  16. anaphysik says:

    And once again Josh’s graphics-card privilege rears its head. Whenever he says something like “wait, wtf happened to my framerate?” in that indignantly-bewildered tone, I always think “huh? what? it looks the same as before, except more normal.”

    1. Daemian Lucifer says:

      Yeah,but thats because recordings are not done at the same speed at which the actual game is being played.Also why it is much easier for gamers to get used to hobbit 48fps,than non-gamers.

      1. anaphysik says:

        48fps? What’s that? Is that even a real number measurable by modern fps-counters, or just some Calvin-and-Hobbesian ‘thirty-twelve’ trick?

        1. WJS says:

          On the offchance that that’s a real question, film (as in “actual cinemas”, not “dvds”, IIRC) has (almost) always operated at 24fps. In the last few years they’re finally catching on how crappy that looks, and experimenting with higher framerates.

      2. Eruanno says:

        It is? It took me about 45 minutes before I could relax because everyone was moving around in such a weird fashion… >.>

        1. Daemian Lucifer says:

          Huh.It must be just me then.

  17. Josh: “I like how he immediately knows that this is Corvo, that we are Corvo.”

    That made me wish the rest of the cast had chanted in a Borg-like monotone: WE ARE THE CORVO. RESISTANCE IS FUTILE.

  18. MrGuy says:

    We’ve secretly replaced your whale oil with Whale Oil Quantum.

    This explains the blue glow, the crazy explosive properties when put into a common container, and that crazy high you get when you drink it.

  19. newdarkcloud says:

    I want to point out that one my first playthrough, I COMPLETELY missed Martin somehow. I turned off the quest markers and went right passed him thinking it was a stupid NPC I didn’t need to care about. Funnily enough, that do actually let you complete the Campbell assassination without saving Martin.

    However, when you rescue Martin, he goes off to tell Samuel where you’re to be picked up. In other words, he triggers Samuel being there to end the mission.

    1. Shamus says:

      How did you kill him? I skipped Martin just for lulz on my RENEGADELOL playthrough and Campbell never showed. The poison drinks didn’t appear and the doors couldn’t be opened. I had to go back and free Martin to proceed.

      I did this on the PC version about two weeks ago, if that has anything to do with it.

      1. anaphysik says:

        Cloud doesn’t have Dish on Steam (and is an incorrigible console user regardless), so it could be a console (presumably PS3) glitch/not-glitch?

        Also, Shamus, I’m still having to input the data fields every time I want to comment, instead of that info getting saved like it used to :/
        I definitely think it’s a cookie issue, and delving into that I saw that the cookie for this site expires on session end for me. Someway that can be fixed or I can fix it? :S

        EDIT: post stuck in the MURDERation queue

        EDIT: Or rather, instead of session end, it expires 30 minutes (edit: and by 30min, I mean 42min, because I can’t read) after being created. (that ‘expires on session end’ note must have simply been because the expiration timestamp had already passed)

        1. Daemian Lucifer says:

          So its not just a problem at my end?Well thats a relief.Though now I did get quite used to retyping that old,nearly forgotten email.

          1. anaphysik says:

            Thank grav emails don’t have spaces or apostrophes in them ;D

          2. Same here. Though I can just double-click the fields and choose from a list of cached entries.

      2. newdarkcloud says:

        From what I remember, I just went into the location with Campbell and Curnow and seeing it work just fine. There wasn’t any problems.

        Of course, my memory could also just be off, as it often is.

        Man, I am only 19, yet have the memory of a 50-year old. Geez. :(

      3. hborrgg says:

        All I know is that if you don’t notice the lever at first and try to free Martin with your sword then you get a game over.

  20. Mersadeon says:

    Also, that bookcase in Galvani’s mansion? It is gifted by the Outsider. Stick a corpse in the place where it hits the wall when it closes. Trigger the bookcase. The corpse will disappear with the same effect as someone killed by Corvo with the “shadowkill” ability.

  21. Trithne says:

    The thing about Martin is that rescuing him feels like a secondary objective, but it’s not. It’s primary, but they didn’t do a very good job of impressing that on the player, instead opting to put him RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU.

    Supposedly he’s the brains of The Conspiracy(tm), with Pendleton being the money, and Havelock being… There. I never quite got Havelock’s role. He’s an admiral, but you never hear of his presumably loyal to him navy doing anything.

    1. Mike S. says:

      Navies tend not to be easy to apply to the business of revolution, which is why you see so few naval coups. (Though of course there was Admiral Horthy, who gets special distinction for becoming dictator of a landlocked state.)

      I get the impression that Havelock is the face of the conspiracy once it needs one: the respected public figure who can be Emily’s regent and puppetmaster. (The latter being the reason that someone who’s personally loyal to Emily is long-term problematic.) He also owns the pub, so as the guy with the clubhouse the others pretty much have to let him in the club.

      1. Syal says:

        I like the idea of them inviting Havelock to join the revolution because otherwise they would have to do it sober.

  22. Tse says:

    Funny that Jedi Academy came up, I am replaying it now, going full sith on the hardest difficulty. I maxed out force lightning by lvl 4. It kills any enemy without a lightsaber in seconds (even force users). Problem is that the dark side is much weaker versus sith, because you can’t absorb their force powers and the sith form of protection, while giving you a lot of damage, doesn’t provide any means of replenishing force power while it’s active. Also, it drains hp, which is problematic, since you have 50 hp on the max difficulty. So, wish me luck on the last batch of levels, because I got through the first 2/3 of the game successfully.

  23. wererogue says:

    I play most of my games on a digital projector, and I have to continually tweak the brightness settings up during the lifetime of a bulb.

  24. Chris says:

    Holy missing Shamus, Batman, do you think the cover story is true or is his second life taking over. Mild mannered blog poster by night and superhero by day.

    Still miss the cannibal Mumbles.

  25. Lunok says:

    Chris I got to this point in the game still thinking the game was linear. I had not seen any alternate paths or side quests yet.

    1. newdarkcloud says:

      I don’t mean to judge, but I have to ask what you did and what your thought process going into the mission was, because to me (and a lot of others here, it seems) it was pretty obvious.

      1. Lunok says:

        I legitimately played it as a first person shooter and gun fought my way in through all the doors. other than like the painfully obvious paths right next to the doors.

  26. Alexander The 1st says:

    Speaking of the many ways of dealing with the Overseer, there are multiple ways of dealing with Captain Currow:

    1.) Bust into the room, triggering him to run away, and chase him out of the map. Non-lethal.

    2.) Bust into the room, triggering him to run away down a staircase, then drop from the top of the staircase onto him. Non-lethal.*

    3.) Swap the poison. Non-lethal-y, although it begins to implicate him with against the Overseers, and the discussion they have is kind of interesting. Can be ensured non-letal by jumping in mid scene, but good luck dealing with both the Overseers and the Watch.

    4.) Poison both of the drinks. Pretty sure this is lethal.

    5.) Spill the drinks. Non-lethal, presumably. Haven’t done this or 4.) myself yet.

    6.) Flat out kill him while they begin to take wine.

    Yeah, this mission is by far my favourite so far, just because you get presented with *so many* options.

    EDIT: *The dropping onto him was my favourite. Here is a grown man falling with gravity, maybe using blink to gain speed, falling directly into a person, and…it’s non-lethal? Okay, sure, I’ll take that.

    It was so awesome, that I eventually decided to pull this on the Spymaster later in my non-lethal playthrough.

    Gave the tape to the broadcaster, watched him get taken by the guards and dragged through the hallways, and when he came to the main area out a door, was already waiting on the chandeliers. “‘Scuse me, hope you don’t mind I blink the guy you’re arresting unconcious.”

    And then I ran away like a fool after triggering all the alarms despite doing it relatively stealthy, going “Totally worth it.”

    1. WJS says:

      IIRC if you spill the drinks, the High Overseer leads Curnow off to an isolated place and shoots him. You can intercept them on the way, but Curnow goes hostile if he spots you. (Hey, he’s a guard, you’re an intruder)

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