I don’t have anything original to say on the death of Gary Gygax. I know everyone else has heard the story already. There were many comments and several emails (thanks!) about the story yesterday, and my mention is late in coming. Still, it seems odd to run a site called Twenty Sided and not at least comment in some way, even if I have nothing deep or meaningful to add.
Photo: Alan De Smet. |
I did enjoy these tributes:
Dueling Analogs
Order of the Stick.
Penny Arcade
Also: My wife decribes playing a diceless storytelling game with our three children, and also drew a picture of G. Gygax.
Hardware Review
So what happens when a SOFTWARE engineer tries to review hardware? This. This happens.
Top 64 Videogames
Lists of 'best games ever' are dumb and annoying. But like a self-loathing hipster I made one anyway.
Skyrim Thieves Guild
The Thieves Guild quest in Skyrim is a vortex of disjointed plot-holes, contrivances, and nonsense.
The Biggest Game Ever
Just how big IS No Man's Sky? What if you made a map of all of its landmass? How big would it be?
Overused Words in Game Titles
I scoured the Steam database to figure out what words were the most commonly used in game titles.
I couldn’t help it but this joke popped into my head when I heard the news.
Gygax shows up at the Pearly Gates and St. Peter stands there smiling.
“Gary, up here in Heaven, you can be anyone you want. So what do you want to look like?
Gary thinks about it and responds, “Sorry Peter. I am old school. Just give me 3d6 and I will take them right down the line.”
A moment of silence as the d20 rolls across the table.
A memorial service will be held in 1d4+2 days. :)
May his twenty-sided die thunder across the gaming tables of heaven, for all eternity!
You will be missed, Gary.
Rest in peace, Dungeon Master. You no longer need dice to make your saves, so please bless the rolls of those you have left behind with a few modifiers now and then, ok?
BTW, HeadHunter’s “memorial service” line made me laugh out loud, something I couldn’t really do yesterday. Thanks for that.
I like the tribute at Kenzer’s website (http://www.kenzerco.com/). Very fitting.
I’ve been enjoying all of the tributes and comments, thanks for the links to some I hadn’t seen. RIP and thanks, GG!
Thanks for the many great evenings, Gary.
Time to get out my pamphlets from the 70’s and reflect on how much I owe to Gary Gygax for the last few decades of fun.
It’s amazing how far reaching the tributes to EGG have been. As just one example, I give you a constitutional law blogger’s memories.
Guess he failed his save vs. getting old….me and some friends ran Tomb of Horrors in his honor. Pour some Mountain Dew out for one’s creator….
I was very saddened by the news. Gaming has played a huge role in my life. I can thank gaming for the great majority of my friends and intellectual interrests. I am very greatful to Gary and his legacy.
Fairwell Gary, you had many more friends then you know.
Jesus saves, roll for initiative.
I say we all take a full-round action of silence.
Heh in the Dueling Analogs tribute, I immediately recognized the map on the table as being the Moathouse from the Temple of Elemental Evil adventure.
This is from the Foreward of book 1 of the original 3 book rules (white boxed set).. written by E. Gary Gygax…
Hard to imagine life without D&D…
.. and it looks like I have some reading to catch up on.
where’s a cleric with a res spell when you need one?
I’m glad I found this post. As I said in another thread before I found this one, I expected Twenty-sided to be flying at half mast.
*raises a glass in honor of GG* Here’s to many wonderful hours spent playing D&D.
While most of the mainstream media seems to not really understand why Gary was famous, I was touched to see Steven Colbert finish last nights episode of the colbert report with a very apt tribute to him. Short but apt.
Shamus, I’d suggest you add xkcd’s tribute too. Really good one
Doh! Solka, you added the 21st comment!
That means this post no longer has “A natural twenty” comments. :-(
Simply notifying you that the Author’s picture from the recent site reworking doesn’t line up here, probably due to the picture of Gygax.