I really don’t like how commercialized Hitmas has become. When I was kid, Hitmas was about crazy, life-ending butchery in the name of a paycheck. Now people are so obsessed with shaved heads, sunglasses, and barcode tattoos. They’ve forgotten the true meaning of the holiday and instead are focused on shallow, superficial things. It’s cheapened the celebration and taken the joy out of contractually-arranged assassination.
But not Rutskarn. Rutskarn understands the True Meaning of Hitmas:
Link (YouTube) |
It’s the most wonderful time of the year. I’m so happy right now that I could beat a man to death with a fruitcake.
This is just a one-week deal. We’ll do something else special for Spoiler Warning next week (maybe even more Hitman, we haven’t decided yet) and then we’ll launch the next season on September 13.

A video discussing Megatexture technology. Why we needed it, what it was supposed to do, and why it maybe didn't totally work.
A Telltale Autopsy

What lessons can we learn from the abrupt demise of this once-impressive games studio?
PC Hardware is Toast

This is why shopping for graphics cards is so stupid and miserable.
Stop Asking Me to Play Dark Souls!

An unhinged rant where I maybe slightly over-reacted to the water torture of Souls evangelism.
Bethesda NEVER Understood Fallout

Let's count up the ways in which Bethesda has misunderstood and misused the Fallout property.
There is only one soundtrack that could possibly do the adventures of Agent Reginald “47 Times The Legal Blood Alcohol Limit” Cuftbert justice.
Well, maybe there’s one other song I can think of.
Apart from Yakity Sax, of course :P
Yay Spoiler Warning \o/
Just because this is completely pointless in any way, shape or form whatsoever..
Omg u guys shuld totalee doo Fable 3! It’s got colourful graphics, some decent humour and a ton of stuff to rant about too.
Also, 13th really sounds like a good date to launch a new season, indeed.
Yes,please do.Id love to hear Shamus rant about fable instead of just reading it.Itd be awesome!
do you want Fallout Level ranting with the only reprise being its well VO’d, that game-play is terrible, you cannot die, you combat is woeful, the story, while good. displays all the traits or racism and classism, ‘cus apparently only Monarchs can be heros, and only heros can save the resistance. it is a fun game, mostly its gets bad when your fighting hoards of monsters that cant hit or hurt you, theres a funny bug were you can get stuck in a tree. i would really love to see a Dues Ex one, but also i dont want to see it ‘cus of spoilers. plus ME3 soonish :), Dragon Age 2 would be cool, the combat isnt as heavy as DA:0 and the story is more character centric.
“do you want Fallout Level ranting”
I would also like to see deus ex 3,of course.But Id prefer if they did fable first,because I have no intention of playing that one.
Seconded. To either of those ideas.
this is what could happen in Fable :)
Nice – will have to watch it later, while I am ‘productively’ at ‘work’.
MINDLESS PEANUT-GALLERY YELL: Do The Stanley Parable next week!
OK, I’m better now. Can’t wait to see what you guys chose for the next main series.
SO next week we’ll see Mumbles do a playthrough of Guitar Hero, and after that Shamus walks us through Bureaucracy?
That’s how this is going to end right?
And both of those will end with some unimaginable bloodshed.
Well Bureaucracy makes you want to kill yourself, so we’ll get collective suicide at least.
I actually think there’s a series called “How NOT To Play Hitman” on Youtube somewhere.
There’s also an LP by a guy called The Auzzie Gamer who both shows off how to get Silent Assassin while also using bombs/going on shooting rampages.
I actually just finished Hitman a few days ago and I have to say I really enjoyed it. I also find it pretty funny that rutskarn managed to do this entire mission in one go in like 11 minutes compared to his LP in which he must have taken well over an hour to complete it.
Little secret: I’m not as bad at Hitman as I appear on the streams.
Of course not, dear.
So youre worse than you appear in the streams?
So your superweakness is people watching you?
Yeah, you made all those extra kills intentionally because you believe in giving the customer value for his blood money. “I know you only hired me to murder two people, but here, have 39 more! It’s Christmas!” :P
Talking and playing at once tends to make one of them go less expertly.
And of course Rutskarn is such an expert talker.
Whatever helps you sleep at night, man.
“Hey y’all, watch this!” Agent 47’s missing dialog upon approaching the junction box.
I highly approve of the different driver so Josh gets to make fun of someone else’s playstyle.
Hey Shamus. All 4 of you playing Borderlands, as different classes. Yay/Nay?
It’s too long for a series, but maybe a week long special?
Bonus points if you make Josh play the Siren.
Yes, because we need to see more of him playing with a stealth/melee/crit build.
That NEVER gets old.
Especially when he doesnt use any of those.
Yeah, he’d probably restrict himself to a RL and combat rifle as a siren…
I like it.
If borderlands is remotely as boring as it is to watch as it is to play, I’m thinking that’ll be a bad idea.
If you think about it… it was a successful stealth mission. If there is no one left alive to tell that you were there you have successfully gone incognito.
Save for the cameras and the blood and theSHUTUPALREADY.
Loved the intro.
So…how many people still lived at the end? 41 seems like it was quite the majority of them…
Well unfortunately, he left the main party area untouched, save the pool. Some of the livestream runs hit it though.
And no matter who is driving,spoiler warning crew leaves a trail of dead bodies behind.
Also,Rutskarn,you really like killing dogs in hitman,dont you?
Not with Mumbles. All that’s left is a bunch of suits and skeletons lying around – bodies cleanly eaten.
Say no to cannibalism,zombies are real!
What are you, some kind of Spaz?
Oh but it’s all right if you crack the bones for the marrow. Then they can’t get back up, you know. And it’s extra tasty stuff.
Cannibalism – the gift that just keeps on giving!
We only got a brief glimpse of him on camera, but we’re pretty sure he has long, flowing hair.
Well, there were a lot of people who had elf hair costumes, so they probably assumed he put that on while leaving. Which, you know, he did.
Actually, it would’ve been awesome if they had a santa elf hat on him in the photo.
He didn’t have the hat on when he was under the camera, which is the only evidence they have for a photo.
September 13?
Aw, you didn’t have to get me a birthday present!
I think that was Rutskarn’s most successful Hitman mission ever. Loved Josh getting the opportunity to be a member of the peanut gallery.
That felt all kinds of nostalgic for the Hitman streams. 47 even went and did a stupid context based action in front of witnesses he can clearly see and made Ruts yell at him. Good times.
Hilariously, in my RSS feed, the video that’s showing up is the Electric Company sketch from the previous post. I didn’t know that children’s shows involved paid murders and high body counts.
The best stream was the white house original run. I am still annoyed that the initial run failed.
So …. killing lots of innocent lives in an Hitman game is playing it wrong? So why do they keep on giving me the opportunities and resources to do it?
On a more serious note, here are some thoughts on the subject:
The Hitman games have always allowed the player to, within certain limits, do whatever he/she wants to. They are more like a little sandbox – where the give you the tools and let you loose on the set (god I miss the “immersive sims” of old days) OR (going along with Rock Paper Shotgun on this) a puzzle game where you are searching for one of the solutions to do a mission with the Silent Assassin rating (the best rating available/ “perfect” solution).
On the world setting, the games have (apart from the first) always made a great mix between gritty and black humour (my favourite example: dropping a hanging grand piano on top of a lady dress as a bird – with feathers flying and the bad tunes playing as they collide with the floor).
Once you enter an animation there’s no going back from it: breaking fuse boxes; (un)packing a rifle; fibre wiring someone; sedating; changing costumes; etc etc. Not framing this as an excuse, but if you play the game long enough, you’ll start to time for these things.
The Dual Silverballer upgrade is a really weird one: you carry 2 pistols; with the same amount of ammo as usual; you fire them both with each click; each shot goes slightly apart from the cross-hair (there are cases where you miss a medium range head-shot because your target’s melon is dead centre in your cross-hair and the bullets just fly by his ears); and the reload times are [keeping this polite] really long. Not a really useful one, in any case I can think of anyway.
Still, I’m interested to see how your short term plans, in regards to Spoiler Warning, align with your target for the show.
So the developers make sure that the dual wield upgrade is the only one you get for the final mission. *sigh*
Really? I’ve never noticed when that upgrade unlocks itself*.
Maybe they think the players will go on a duel to the death with the final target?
It’s a chase & showdown scripted assassination in the White House (from the Oval Office to the West Wing), at night, while raining.*That mechanic is one that fails by only unlocking certain upgrades after you’ve done (greatly or poorly) certain missions.
I meant the final, final mission.
Oh, THAT mission. I couldn’t agree more.
there’s a fools ending masked as credits sequence in 47s funeral (ie. the main menu background)The concept is cool and I’ll usually just wait around to see it work but I’ll immediately end the mission after that.
Yay! More Spoiler Warning!
“That’s a really compromising position”
I’ll say!
Especially concidering the poor chap’s rather perforated bottom.
So much for not watching any of Rutskarns Hitmases because I keep planning on playing the sequals eventually. I got about halfway through the first Hitman and I’m a quarter through the second.
This is an interesting phenomenon — whenever anybody plays a game for Spoiler Warning, they instantly become Reginald Cuftbert.
Even Shamus ended up dropping a train in the middle of a road. Just try and tell me that’s not something Cuftbert would do.
I noticed that too, though Rutskarn played a lot like this in his Hitman streams before anyways.
Yeah but he didn’t usually end up slaughtering every gaurd in the building on his SUCCESSFUL attempts.
So the cameras caught a bald assassin in a black suit and their profile is a fat, long haired nerd. If that’s the best police can do no wonder 47 became a legendary invisible assassin.
Also, I’m calling it now: they are doing Deus Ex:HR next but they are giving it a few weeks so Rutskarn would reach the age he’s allowed to play it without parental supervising.
“Ew, why is that woman half naked?”
“You’ll understand when you’re older…”
I think it’s a bad idea for them to be doing games right after they are released. I’d wait at least a season before jumping into HR if it were up to me.
No dognesses.
What is Josh eating? XD
Everything from his inventory!
He’s still chowing down all the crap from the NV Endboss
That was a pretty funny episode, can’t wait for the rest.
Alos, were you guys aware Reginald Cuftbert went to PAX?
No bonnet, not the true Cuftbert.
D: You’re not Team Top Hat?
I should think not. Bonnet Cuftbert is classic.
I’d think that was TotalBiscuit if I didn’t think it unlikely he could have grown the muttonstache since Gamescom.
Because he’s sitting in the illusive man’s chair and is in front of his sun I like to think that reginald cuftbert the third (chronologically), after killing everything in the Mojave, went in to space and ate TIM and stole his…office thing?
hitmas?? what is hitmas? i thought it was called hitman?
Hitmas is a portmanteau of Hitman and Christmas. I used to stream Hitman once a week–sometimes I’d do additional streams, which I’d call the X Days of Hitmas. This tradition has apparently been carried over.
What happens if you try to take a woman’s costume? Does it just not let you, or do we get a Skimpy Swimsuit La-Mulana situation and everyone tries to kill you?
It just doesn’t let you. It makes sense in a way, every male has the body frame of 47 in the Hitverse, and every female has the body frame of a stripper, so not a lot of room to squeeze in.
Yay, Hitman!
It’s good to hear the whole bunch commenting on this game, if only for a short while. What? You did that level in under 15 minutes? It took me ages! But then again I didn’t draw that much attention to myself on my playthrough :D
That’s got to be the most successful ‘failure’ I have ever seen, though.
Also he has done that particular level several times. I believe it was even one of the ones chosen for him to do again at the end of the Hitman streams.
I would watch more of this.
Who hasn’t played Hitman?
Psyched for absolution, Contracts and BM were some of the most fun games i’ve ever played (never played 1 and 2 was pretty meh, it didn’t have the hitman formula of alternate paths for most of it).
This is making me want to watch Rutskarn’s LP of Hitman, but… Is there any better way than going to Livestream and watching the archives there? Livestream’s archives aren’t very user-friendly. Blip and YouTube only seem to have Rutskarn vs. Jibar (which I also want to watch, but I want to watch Hitman first!)
I just realized that killing everybody in the mansion is probably the best way to cover your employer.
If you just went for the kill of your targets, the found deads could potentially have been traced back to your employer. “Who had an interest in killing these two people so professionally, hmmm?”
While in this case, the theory will me “a crazed gunman went in and indiscrimately killed everybody. Probably a terrorist attack, or a mafia strike team to make a point”. They won’t look too deeply into victim #32 and #54, who were your real targets.