I said that everyone goes crazy this week at one point. Josh is sort of crazy all week, due to a disagreement before the show. We vetoed doing Honest Hearts in favor of getting on with the game, and so he spent the week torturing us.
But today… today is Rutskarn’s day to shine. Near the end of the episode, Rutskarn gives a performance specifically designed to make you feel uncomfortable, ashamed, and confused. You don’t have to watch today’s episode, but if you chicken out you won’t understand anything that happens tomorrow, where all of the fear and loathing comes to a head. Time to cowboy up. You weren’t using your pride anyway.
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Object-Oriented Debate

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Gamers Aren’t Toxic

This is a horrible narrative that undermines the hobby through crass stereotypes. The hobby is vast, gamers come from all walks of life, and you shouldn't judge ANY group by its worst members.
“Fear and Loathing in New Vegas”
I’ve been waiting since the start of this season for you to use this header.
“We can’t stop here. This is cazador country.”
So, can I see the link? I promise I won’t hold you responsible for any mental damage it may cause.
It sounds like he was reading wikipedia.
the wikipedia article also has a picture..
seriously, that thing has spiny hooks all over
Saw it, looks nice :)
A bit more that I didn’t need to know, seeing that I don’t draw that kind of thing.
So, no Honest Hearts at all? Or just this week?
I’m pretty certain that they’re not going to do any of the other dlc, considering that they’re trying to get to the Hoover Dam battle, after which the game is over. And Obsidian confirmed that there would not be a NV Broken Steel-esque add-on so that one can play the game post-end.
That was a scary episode…
Ah, I remember killing the Deathclaw Mother and her two mates. It involved a mini-gun, armor piercing rounds, and a hill I cornered myself into so they couldn’t swipe me.
Red Lucy, the things I do for you…
That was a thing I did not need to see. Just… Everything. No thank you.
in Fallout 3 Deathclaws are scary, but sit 500yards away and pepper them with plasma till its dead, in New Vegas, you sit 3 miles away and get a nuke and maby it’ll be hurt. and DAM was momma big and angry, she one shot all 300hp of your ass
Plasma works surprisingly well against deathclaws,because of its armour reduction.So as long as you are invisible,you can shoot them off quite easily.
seconded. I took down the legendary deathclaw all with the unique plasma rifle
I just found a nice, elevated spot and expended a bit of sniper ammo. Made that area a bit of a pushover. Although it did take some patience.
I just did it, too. I love the criticals on my Gobi Campaign scout rifle. I was able to kill the mommy Deathclaw without reloading. same with the Alpha Male.
Wow. I want to say something in the vein of “I bet Rutskarn can read anything in that voice and it will still be calm and relaxing“, but that’s pretty self-evident now. He’s already read the worst thing imaginable, and I was strangely ok with it throughout.
Ruts, please never go into sales. It wouldn’t be fair.
I agree, there’s something magical about Ruts when he uses that voice. He can take the words “seminal groove”, and make it sound like a cool new music genre.
deathclaw´s are my favorite part of this video. signed Shepard
Cazadores never killed me. I don’t think they even ever touched me as I just murdered every single one of them with a ranged weapon, instead of running around like a Cuftbert and punching the highly-damaging-once-in-melee-range critters.[/smug bastard]
Now was it me, or did the drugged-out-filter-effect version of Melissa looked she had pretty sweet beard? Cuftbert; what sort of funky halucination/desires do you have, man?
Also, one of the many things in Fallout lore that makes you scratch your head. Deathclaws don’t come from iguana, but they are mutated and genetically engineered versions of these guys:
o_O?! Bears -> Yao guai I get. This not so much.
Some biologists believe that a modern creature’s DNA contains fragments of its earlier code from older forms. The genetic mutation of the chameleon may have brought out some Permian era traits, such as bipedalism. Or it may have evolved from a mutated hybrid of some sort.
Why am I thinking this through? Oh, the Vault wiki says genetic engineering was involved, so blame the Enclave, I guess.
Which reminds me, getting Arcade Gannon will be really easy for you guys, so if you wanted to do For Auld Lang Sine real quick, that might be neat.
Edit: I am a sucker for a wiki. From the Vault:
“The deathclaws were originally created before the Great War by the United States Military in order to replace humans during high-risk close-combat search-and-destroy missions.”
Getting Arcade, easy, getting enough like points or whatever for him to give you his quest, not quite so easy.
Go to repconn, go the crashed vertibird, go to…uh, another one, and that should do it. I think.
Although now that I remember, they’d have to do that quest for Doc Henry first I think.
You have to do Doc Henry’s quest before he’ll rejoin; you don’t have to do it before Arcade gives you the quest.
Ahh, another fetch quest.
I can hear Mumbles dulcet pleas for mercy all ready…
Unless Doc Henry has been prematurely locked inside the hidden enclave base. Then your only option is to uninstall and swear to never embark on another one of these bugridden games again.
Until next time. Damn you (Obsidian or Bethesda or both of them).
I like to think Cuftbert always sees the world like that and we were just treated a rare glimpse into his head. The fact that he sees everyone with sweet beards does not surprise me in the least.
I think he sees sweet beards on the ones he won’t kill.
So, he’s a Clutch fan then?
I thought the drug-filter Melissa looked strangely like Hugh Jackman-Wolverine.
I second the notion presented in the first paragraph. What’s that guys? Unarmed and Melee is overpowered and guns suck? Tell that to that mama deathclaw, it looks fierce. I bet that claw could knock your ass if you ever came within melee range. Now if only there were some way to stay outside her range and whittle down her health with a few hard shots to the head…
I completely support your decision of not playing Honest Hearts. It sucked. And not in a so-bad-it’s-hilarious way. Just plain boring and dull.
You should definitely do Old World Blues, though.
I am a sad, sick person. I looked it up myself before he got around to reading about it. And yes, thank you, I do also Rickroll myself. :-p
On my first playthrough I went ranged, so I just sniped the Deathclaws from distance.
On my second playthrough I took Shamus’ tips and went unarmed…I regret nothing, a fully repaired ballistic fist, 100 points in unarmed with implants and special points for 10 strength…and derman implant, with assassin armour and +6DT from perk.
Those deathclaws didn’t stand a chance when I got there xD
And again..double teaming with Veronica with a ballistic fist of her own. She’s a beast with that thing :3
I must say, after taking the Spoiler Warning advice I definitely have discovered the joy of Unarmed. I hated unarmed and melee in FO3…but the ballistic fist is terrific, and it’s silly to use anything but unarmed in New Vegas.
I just love me some energy weapons, so I assumed that was a good way to go. Not like I had many problems going that route, but unarmed was definitely a ton more fun in the early game.
Ya, unarmed and melee is tons of fun. Sending people flying with a sledgehammer xD
In the early game, unarmed and melee is really good, especially since you can pick up some good ones really early if you know what to do. Later…. not so much, in my opinion. They’re still useful, but some of the endgame guns completely wipe the floor. Also, you need to specialize heavily if you want to melee any deathclaws. Not saying it’s impossible, just saying those perks may be better spent elsewhere.
Thanks for the Bio Lesson Ruts. Excuse me while I go bash that info out of my head
euagh…. sometimes spoiler warning goes so bad its funny. But talking about penises on this show is just downright tasteless. I didnt find it funny at all, no matter what voice Rutskarn spoke in.
I, on the other hand, found it hilarious.
And I find penises quite tasteful myself.
Insert fellatio joke here.
If it wasn’t for fellatio, I would have made a cannibalism joke.
Resists… urge… to… combine… two… suggestions…
First,I ate that guy,then I ate that guy.
I guess we should add something to Godwin´s law:
“If the discussion doesn`t eventually involve Hitler, it will instead involve male genitalia.”
Or both. Hitler apparently only had one testicle.
Indeed. What are these mongrels going to do next? *Adjusts monocle*
So… Melissa speaks with a New Zealand accent, not an English one.
Bloody Canadians, can’t even recognise accents.
Yes! Thank you!
She’s voiced by Zoe Bell – she was like, the one good part of Death proof
You know what I was just wondering about that. I THOUGHT it sounded australian except dumber. so that makes sense (:
I noticed an uninentional (maybe?) fight club reference. Bob’s nipples made me instantly think of Bitch-Tits Bob
You really should do the DLC, since they have a connecting storyline. Honest Hearts isn’t all that necessary I suppose since really the only things that shines about it are Joshua Graham and the Survivalist, but it’d also be a nice break for scenery.
You HAVE to do Old World Blues before shutting the season down. DO IT SHAMUS, DO IT… and Lonesome Road if that manages to come out before the end (probably not).
Well, the only connection there really is Joshua making mention of “another courier” who we would assume to be Ulysses, even if the description defies what we learned about him in Old World Blues. As for the main plot of Honest Hearts, there’s really nothing in common with the rest of the DLCs so far.
For the uninitiated, first British guy in Fallout:
Mad props for the reference. He was fun.
Speaking of Cazadores and Old World Blues, in that DLC you get to meet the guy who made Cazadores. Apparently he made them to be docile and sterile.
I remember reading a thread at Space Battle about New Vegas DLC and when they found out that the Big MT is the birthplace of the Cazador the reactions amongst the forumgoers was various amounts of murderous rage.
I think I was able to deal with Cazadores decently since I usually focus on Guns and I had Veronica in Remnant Armor+Ballistic Fist. Turns out it’s a plenty good combination for her since she can take Deathclaws as well. A Sneak Sniper does great with Deathclaws as well.
And is it just me or am I imagining Cuftbert as a Fist of the North Star villain? Kinda like Nevada’s version of Jagi?
I really don’t understand why they raged over that, though it IS a spoiler for people who haven’t played Old World Blues.
Old World Blues is hilarious, awesome, and hilariawesome. I didn’t have any issues with it on any level, and I’m wondering if now people are just nitpicking to nitpick.
It’s more jokey “Oh those filthy bastards” kinda rage.
Why did it take you so long to make a Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas joke, considering Cuftberts tendency to drink, snort, and inject anything in the mojave wasteland and wrecking peoples houses?
Also, it’s something of a shame about honest hearts, largely because of Joshua Graham. He’s an amazing character. No doubt Josh would just ignore what he says and then plant an explosive in his pants, but he’s the kind of character I’d like to hear the crews thoughts on.
Honest Hearts is also a rare instance of real faith being discussed in video games (real faith meaning based on a real world faith and not pretending to be something else, rather then being a Crystal Dragon Jesus), and it treats it with surprising depth and doesn’t try to make a ham handed morality speech either for or against faith and religion.
Also, the Cazadores terrify me ;( I can’t have my headphones or eyes open when I fight them. I just pull out the laser chain gun and open fire and just keep the trigger down with occasional peeks because EUCH. The worst thing is they are based exactly on the Tarantula Hawk, just blown up to bigger then a man size.
Also Deathclaws are mutant Jackson’s Chameleons. Ruts is now no longer allowed to critique Fallout lore.
I think I might have been confused by something in Fallout 3. Or alternately by their resemblance to GINO. Either way, I can’t really excuse the source.
Let me make it clear, because apparently the first thing GINO brings up is a couple ethnic terms: it’s the nickname of the American remake Godzilla.
And not the Dexy’s Midnight Runners’ song?
Isn’t American Godzilla just “Zilla?”
I thought it was matthew broderick.
Deathclaws always reminded me of Legacy of Heorot’s “Grendels”…
I like to think someone in the Fallout design is a Niven fan… Them gaining intelligence just makes it more amusing.
snake taste like chicken to me.
It’s a white meat but I wouldn’t say that it tastes like chicken so much as it tastes very similar to most other white meats. Honestly, I found the flavor to be closer to that of quail.
Every thing tastes like chicken because chicken is bland and tastless, hence it tastes like what you cook it in.
“What if chicken tastes like everything because they couldn’t figure out what chicken tasted like?”
About the cazadores, I never had any problems with them. just let them run straight at you while hosing them down with semi or full-automatic weapons (any smg, laser rcw, or a modded fat man shooting 900 nukes a minute. …actually, I would pay real world money for one of those if someone made them. :) )
Even against large groups of cazadores, I only ever get hit once or twice unless I’m surrounded
And the deathclaws aren’t as deadly if you just snipe them from atop a rock.
Also, JOSH USED A FLAMER! You see, Shamus? He doesn’t lug those things around just to troll you, he carries them to occasionally, sporadically, briefly and unneffectively use them in combat situations!
He used a flamer. Incinerator? not since Caesar.
oh, but the incinerator is just waiting for the right moment to blow Shamus’ mind. Just you wait….. MUHAHAHA!
Okay, maybe you guys should start rolling up new Call of Cthulhu characters, since it looks like you’re almost out of San on these ones.
Just no munchkining, k?
On the Ask Red Mage! section of the old Nuklear Power site, there was a Call of Cthulhu optimization guide. I think the most OP build was the blind, deaf paraplegic who couldn’t read anything and had to be left back at the office.
Well that would be least likely to die… They’re not flaws but features!
I’ve seen a video of, if I remember correctly, a hedghog or maybe an echidna. I can attest to hemipenes being the most disturbing piece of anatomy in existance. Words can not describe the Lovecraftian horror that resides in those things’ crotches.
Bah,you find that disturbing?I have cats,and since I did search for suitable cats to breed a few generations,I educated myself in their anatomy.
Now,interesting thing about cats is that they dont menstruate like other mammals.See,the penis of a male cat has spiky hairs on it,and these point to the back.So during the first copulation,when the male removes his penis from the female,he scratches her vagina,which causes the female to finally ovulate.This is the reason why cats are so loud and aggressive when they are mating,and why the female violently attacks the male as soon as they finish.Take that lizards!
Why did I read that? Why did I keep reading that? I’m a moron.
For more weird animal mating, the male lobster proves his strength and prowess to the female lobster by going into her den and beating the crap out of her. The male who beats her the hardest is the one she follows to HIS den and they mate…
Also, male ducks have corkscrew shaped penises some about as long (when “unscrewed) as their whole bodies. This is an attempt to fight off the fact that female ducks have labirynth-like “uterus” (oviducts to be precise) full of pockets and spirals of their own. Reasoning for this is… Female ducks will bond to a single male duck for a season. But the other male ducks don’t seem to care, and will rape already bonded female ducks. The female can’t prevent this but she CAN prevent pregnancy but shutting off certain entrances and exits of her oviducts, so that she’ll only produce offspring with her desired male…
Gorillas, like steroid users, assert their sexual dominance through physical prowess and aggression, and have very small genitals.
Primates that have females that are not monogamous have larger scrota then those that aren’t. Gorilla scrotum are relatively small, while, for their size, bonobo chimps are quite large.
Humans are somewhere in between.
Humans also have the largest penises of the great apes.
Oh the graphs I’ve seen…
I’m just pleased as punch to be a part of this.
“Whales are silly once every two years.” — Will Cuppy
Edit: Meant to be a reply/addendum to Grag’s comment above.
Another Edit: Seriously, if you’ve never read Will Cuppy, seek him out.
Why did I read all of these posts about mating? I must be insaine. Or have a deep seated hatred of myself
It’s train wreck syndrome, you keep thinking there’s going to be a punchline but there never is!
So it seems this strip is wrong…
So does that mean that you don’t have to neuter your cat, you just have to shave it?
I think that the most painful moment in this episode was hearing Shamus’s pronounciation of “Cazador” — KAY-zuh-door very nearly cracked my skull open…
Sooo, basically an average post on the Hammer? On a related note, Ruts needs to use this voice more often in streams and recordings.
Also, I’m sure whoever of the people getting headaches from bunnyhopping hasn’t left yet just looooved that bit at around 9:30.
Ignore the usual order of training; his safety requires the Voice.
Really, more disturbing was mumbles commenting that she goes to sleep every night (or in her case, every mid morning, I guess?) listening to ruts talk about penises.
Normal person when entering an area filled with large, nasty, one-shotting monsters: *Sneak* *Sneak* *Snipe* *Sneak*
Josh in the same circumstance: *Bouncy* *Bouncy* *Punch* *Die*
He’s a kangaroo with a death-wish.
(Carrying two Incinerators)
I’m betting Reginald isn’t even close to being as tasty as kangaroo though.
Hold on – I think someone wrote a song about this…
RTBones, where are you? Pah, I’ll sing it myself.
“I am the very model of a bunny-hopping pugilist
A drunken malcontented bouncing bruiser with a power fist
A wealthy if unhealthy mule of pant exploding violence
A bonnet wearing plasma sharing thief of Legion consiousness
With non-appointed skills disjointly used in highest prominence
I am a very model of a bunny-hopping pugilist”
I forget which episode that actually was posted on, but it was back in May, if it helps anyone find it.
EPIC *claps*
[Applauds] Mordin would be proud.
Hey, you, peoples. Don’t be thinking this was all me. I was just the singing talent.
The lyrical genius is (as mentioned, though perhaps not strongly enough) RTBones, who appears to have disappeared.
Just wanted to clear that up, as it seemed to have been a little ambiguous.
First – thank you for your kind words.
Second – it isnt so much that I have disappeared, its more that real life intervened. I travel for work off and on – when its off, I go here and there occasionally, but when its on, its usually on in a big way. I still check in, but time constraints mean I’ll read (meaning catch up on) several posts at once and just scan comments instead of posting “in the heat of the conversation.”
EDIT: In trying to post this reply, I got an invalid email address error. Reloaded and the post wasnt there. Went to reply, and magically everything I typed is in the edit box. I will hit post again – and will apologize in advance if this double-posts.
I have a new favorite Mumbles quote: “I had alligator once. It was okay. But it didn’t taste like people.”
If you loop around through Sloan and come in from the front of the quarry it’s a lot easier and not dying repeatedly makes it faster. You do have to kill the deathclaws in the quarry, including the mommy and daddy, but they aren’t that hard if you snipe them from the top of the gravel elevator. Punching them in the face may be a different story. But at least my approach features zero cazadors.
So long as no one ends up naked in the bathtub with a hunting knife in their hand.
You can turn your back on a man but you can’t turn your back on Rutskarn.
And this is where a 100% repaired, 100 guns skill, slasher’d Anti-Materiel Rifle .50 MG match hand load sneak attack headshot crit comes in. With Better Criticals. From an extremely long distance.
In response to your raging on Twitter about Ubisoft DRM: you’re aware that AC2 took 3 months to crack, right? That is enough incentive for Ubisoft to try it again, and that is also why they think it worked. Sales in the first weeks matter the most, after all.
Though I’m pretty damn sure the sales weren’t affected as much as they think, but that’s another story.
The problem is that the other games using this system that came afterwards were cracked almost instantly.Not to mention the fact that ac2 was cracked in segments,so first chapter was available looong before those 3 months.
Oh,by the way,do you know how long it took for twilight of the arnor,a game with no drm,to appear on the webs?6 months.And during that period,you could find zounds of threads with “When will this shit be crakced?/Just buy the game you moron!”
Still enough incentive for them to do it again. If they would have understood things like that they wouldn’t have used DRM like this in the first place.
Also what the hell is twilight of the arnor. Not cracked because it’s hard has nothing to do with not cracked because no one cares.
Also, for a significant portion of that 3 months paying customers who’d bought completely legal copies of the game could not play because the online DRM servers broke.
All of that still doesn’t explain why the always-internet-all-the-time DRM was removed from somegames, like AC, but not from others, like Settlers 7. I bought S7 for dirt cheap (Play.com disount huzzah), and played it and liked it, but it still bothered me immensely and I had to actiuvely change my patterns to be able to play it at all. GRAH.
The second expansion to galactic civilizations.It sold about 300000 copies in first two years,so its not that no one cares.There are far more obscure titles that get cracked much sooner(like eschalon books,for a sad example).
It wasn’t on torrents because the pirates didn’t upload it before some time had passed, they just supported the no-DRM policy.
IIRC TotA used what I call the Paradox DRM: no drm in itself, but you need to enter a serial code on their website to be able to download various patches and whatnot. This is what wiki has to say about Dread Lords, the base game that Twilight is an expansion of:
I’d note that, this being a 4X game, the patches are very much necessary as they fix various bugs with AI, balance adjustments and so on. In general, fps games seem to need less patching after shipping, so I can understand that this is not used more for Hidden and Honour 18: Left for Modern Warfare. A waste, but still…
Actually the game was pretty tight without any patching.Patches were mostly bug fixes,so werent really necessary.
See I don’t have any experience with this particular game and can’t argue on it, but most video games that ever come out are pirated either before or a few days after launch. It’s true that in the case of, say, Forgotten Sands it got pirated less than a week after launch. But I’m not betting mcuh on Ubisoft understanding this.
There is only one sure way to prevent piracy:Make it so that buying a program is much more beneficial.For example,my country was huge on piracy a few years back.You could buy pirated programs in stores,computer shops,everywhere.And there was this little program that is basically a map of the country and its cities,so quite a handy thing to have.And,of course,everyone had it.The pirated version,naturally.But,when the new version of the program came out,it was practically dirt cheap,available everywhere,and it offered free internet patches.Suddenly,you couldnt find the pirated version of it,yet people everyone who had the old program had the new one now.Yep,people who had the old version for free were willing to buy the new version,even though no one forced them to(there is no disc must be present,no constant internet connection,only one serial key and thats it).Sure,it became available on the web after a while,but even then people preferred buying it legally.
My favorite part was when josh repeatedly ignored his many doses of anti-toxin while fighting the cazadores.
Oh yes,thanks for reminding me Hitch,I wanted to comment on that.
While frogs do taste like chicken,they are much juicier.Its a shame they are so expensive here,or Id eat them instead of chicken every time.As for people,judging by the composition Id guess they taste like wild boars,which are quite yummy.I would try one myself,but I dont think human meat is really that sanitary.
Americans have a hard time with “nasty” food. Chicken Hearts for an example, are DELICIOUS (with some garlic, lime, hint of beer, barbeque it and BAM!) but alas… No one even tries them…
I prefer brains myself.
I haven’t really been watching this but is there a reason you seem to hate hotkeys? Watching you go through the menus every time you want to use a stimpack is torture to my OCD side.
“Watching you go through the menus every time you want to use a stimpack is torture to my OCD side.”
That may very well be a reason…
I actually prefer NOT to hotkey my stimpacks so that I don’t use them in a panic of trying to switch weapons. wasting stims just before actually needing them is not fun.
plus, all of my easily accessible hotkeys are stuck with weapons so i’d have to put them in the corners which are a bitch to press correctly on the PS3.
But it isn’t a problem after the Sierra Madre, since you have virtually limitless chips to make stimpacks with.
Hmm, I seem to have been poisoned! Lets see, ant-meat, antidote, AHA absinthe! Time to drink more booze!!!
But booze IS Reginald Cuftbert’s antidote. It cures all his ills.
Cuftbert is only truly intoxicated when he’s sober. Inebriation is his natural mental state.
Maybe he’s like Same Vimes before he went on the wagon.
So Mumbles has Rutskarn read to her before she goes to sleep?
With his dolphin-lover voice
Why do I get the feeling that if they do Honest Hearts, Josh will try Chaos In Zion via using the incinerator on Graham? Then use every other weapon that isn’t the Ballistic Fist. Then die. Then repeat until finally he bombs Graham’s pockets?
And of course I also get the feeling that Old World Blues will lead to Shamus complaining about the Pacification Field and how not giving you the chance to kill NPCs as soon as you meet them is railroading. That or Josh will try to glitch the game so that he can try to kill the Think Tanks as possible.
If they’d manage to piss off Josh with enough bitching and moaning, I could definitely see it happen. And well, Shamus is Shamus, what else is he gonna do?
Joshua Graham has a DT of 50 – the incinerator won’t even touch him
The highlights of this show are when Josh hops off the rails and picks a fight with vastly more powerful enemies. Hilarity always ensues.
Ill live if you guys dont do Honest Hearts but for the love of christ, you must do Old World Blues.
Why does Reginald Cuftbert instinctively fold into the hog-tie position in the face of overwhelmingly superior firepower?
It sells well, so I always pick it up. Plus, I think that you can procure a radscorpion meal from the lady in Primm.
The likelyhood of Josh picking something up is directly proportional to its weight and inversely proportional to its usefulness.
Its not useless,it can be used to make antivenom,which is useless to Josh.
Mutant bits sell incredibly well to vendors with enough cash at hand. Of course, Cuftbert probably keeps it on hand so that he could do as Arcade said and try to snort them.
He picks things up because they’re there. That really seems to be the extent of Josh’s hoarding strategy.
Three words: double-sided sticky tape…keeps just about anything on in large enough quantities.
After applying the brain bleach to Rutskarn’s tangent, I hesitate to ask what needs keeping on.
Diane’s vest-shirt thing. Though to be fair, her cup size does not seem to be that large, so it may not be an issue.
I’m way too involved now.
I had to bite my knuckle through the Dolphin-lover voice bit. When the episode ended I looked down and saw that I was bleeding.
It really takes some powerful words to physically hurt people over the internet. Turns out a wikipedia article on the reptilian reproduction system, spoken in a slimy sensual voice was enough. I’m impressed.
Thank you Rutskarn. You are an asset to humanity.
Also, Cazadores. I thought I was just bad at fighting them.
Thank you for showing me that this is not true.
There are two ways to fight cazadores: explosives, which are not fool-proof, and VATS-targetted shots at their wings, crippling them and leaving you free to circle-strafe around them.
And sniping them from half a kilometer away would be the third way.
Conveniently for me, I don’t watch any of these. A bit of a shame, really, but it saves time, and it avoids certain… situations. Like this one.
That great Khan chick actually has a New Zealand accent, not a english one although it is quite common for americans to mistake the two