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Well, that was a worthwhile way to spend three episodes. It might have been crazy nonsense and broken quest triggers, but at least we failed to bring everything to a satisfying conclusion.
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Okay, the default screenshot for this episode, with smile over eyes? AWESOME.
That is all.
Um. Can’t be unseen o.O
On a side-note, love the new hat, Josh. Really works with the flamer & armor.. Now you just need a steam-powered dirigible.
Ugh. I hate gaining karma from Powder Gangers and Fiends. It ruins my alignment. Not all of us want to be Lawful Good.
Well, don’t kill them. All you’re doing is reducing the levels of mayhem and carnage in the wasteland. That’s never a good thing.
Still…killing a human being should never get you good karma…
Karma doesn’t care about killing. Krishna rather explicitly tells someone (who doesn’t want to go to war against his own family members) to do his duty.
In that situation, killing your own family members is good karma.
It certainly makes more sense that getting bad karma for killing evil people. Pretty sure that’s happened before in this or the other Fallout Spoiler Warning season. One is probably not playing the Fallout games in order to get out of Samsara or better live by Buddhist ethics.
But how does this make sense:You kill a bunch of powder gangers in their hideout and get positive karma for that,then you loot their stuff and get negative karma?
They shouldve removed it completely.It already is pretty useless,and quite annoying and nonsensical.
The thoery going around is because the powder gangers are NCR prisoners, technically when you loot there stuff, it’s the poperty of the NCR.
My disbeleif is easily suspended apparently. Also why I didn’t mind doing fetch quests as a courier-its kinda my job, isn’t it? That’s just me though.
Yeah,but that works for any place where powder gangers live,not just the prison.
I dont mind many other ludicrous things,but karma just bugs me.
Well the obvious solution is to be Chaotic or Neutral good, then.
Besides, the karma gain from those kills hasn’t ever gotten in my way before, I always seem to make it right back up. In fact, killing gangers and fiends seems to be a good way to keep my alignment not fully evil, which is what I personally want. If you really need to make sure you’re evil though, the easiest solution is to go through an NCR camp and get trigger-happy.
Thumbs up for the top hat.
I was willing to forgive “taste explosion” but mentioning the FATAL RPG is grounds for an internet throat punch.
Oh, the Friends with Powder Gangers? It takes a couple more dialog options than Josh went through, but if you let Joe Cobb and his crew live you find out it only applies to about 3 Powder Gangers in Goodsprings, all the rest still hate you and try to kill you on sight. It’s not worth letting him live. (Of course, the Cuftbertian answer is it’s never worth letting anyone live.)
Not true, actually. The Powder Gangers at both the Detention Facility and one of the Vaults will be friendly towards you if you don’t kill the ones at Goodsprings. They even have a few missions available. The only always hostile ones are in Primm, and they don’t affect your reputation if you kill them (since they’re a “rogue cell” apparently).
That`s obviously a Mass Effect easter egg.
Screw you FATAL. Violence too, though that one actually had more of a point…
Apparently the wiki page on FATAL got nuked, so here’s a link to a review. Warning: NSFW for language, and because it discusses goddamned FATAL.
STOP!!! Stop now. This needs to be forgotten.
No, this has to remembered. Both as a warning and as a testament to how bat shit insane some people can be. Remember kids: the guys who wrote FATAL were dead serious.
I’ve actually been witness to a FATAL character creation session once. It was bad. Really bad. Heck, it was worse then seeing the the book of erotic fantasy D&D suplement being used.
Used as what?
As a reference during a game.
The book itself is just ridiculous, immature and nothing more, it’s main problem are the people that actually think it would be a good idea to use it.
I could seriously have done without overhearing a discussion concerning a specific way the grapple rules could be used.
Extreme bad taste aside, judging just by crazy mechanics and lack of coherence, I think the Spawn of Fashan has FATAL beat into the dust. Sure, it’s 96 rather than 900 pages long, and not completely obsessed with rape, but it’s much harder to make heads or tails of it.
Oh, if we’re going with screwed up mechanics, how about deadEarth? It has the usual weirdness of shitty games (Let’s see, I’ve become exposed to radiation and now I have to roll on this chart to see what mutation I got *rolls* I now have the mutation of being a good housekeeper? o_O), but the real kicker is the character creation.
First off, you have a damned good chance of your character ending up dead during character creation. I did it once and 2 out of 3 ended up dead and the third was so crippled he was unplayable.
Secondly, you are only allowed to role up 3 characters. So if all 3 die, then according to the rules you can’t play the game and have to leave the group.
Oh, the famous “character can die during creation” schtick! I have heard that the original Traveller (1977) had that… And maybe Cyberpunk 2020? Although, a limit on how many characters you can roll is really hard to beat.
I mean, I get that the point of such a restriction is so you don’t roll 150 characters and then pick the most adept killing machine among them, but if the character creation process can be fatal this restriction should be at least qualified as not being able to roll up more than three characters who live to see the end of character creation…
You know, I could have lived my entire life being blissfully unaware of something like that existing.
I’m think I’m going to go cry now.
Is this a bad time to tell you about the RPG called “Racial Holy War”?
It’s a game where you play so called “white warriors” and
Oh. Oh, dear. Stop crying, it’ll be okay. *pats back*
Let me cheer you up. Racial Holy War is actually utterly hilarious in that due to the way the broken rules works, your white supremacist characters end up running around being utterly frightened of even non-white toddlers as PC’s can’t hit anything, while NPC’s can and just being in the presence of a non-white NPC damages you.
Yeah, turns you need a working brain to write a game.
Sounds totally accurate and 100% true-to-life, then.
Speaking of getting nuked… I WANT THE CHOCOLATE HAMMER BACK! :'(
No idea what FATAL is, though i will educate my self for the lulz.
But it sonds pretty ironic that he’d mention it during an episode called:
You have gained karma
Also once you’re done with the Brotherhood, you are obligated to kill Veronica, dismember her corpse and scatter her limbs and head all over the bunker.
Not only is she a member of the BoS, she’s the kind who would agree with Lyons, and we simply cannot have that.
Yes. You must do this. You’re not a mercenary.
Yes,dont google for fatal,google for fatal circumference.
Also,Im sad that Josh dropped the flamer.Why didnt he carry both the flamer and the incinerator?
You’re a bad person.
It’s worth noting that this won’t immediately get you where you “want” to go, but down on the results page there will be a reference to what he’s getting at.
I`m so horrified I`m sure your suggestion is actually a trap for something even more hideous.
More hideous than fatal?Even I couldnt think of that.
(well I probably could,but for the sake of the joke,lets say I couldnt)
I’m sad to see the bonnet go, but I can’t say that I mind since our beloved summer-headwear is now replaced with a tophat.
And tophats make everything they touch awesome.
“Because your character is getting introspective.” That’s exactly what I thought when Josh asked it, and Rutskarn stole the words from me.
Turns out words stolen from the imagination of innocents is what keeps Chocolate Hammer running.
Except that it isn’t.
/obligatory whine
Well that’s self explanatory – JPH is obviously not innocent enough.
What? I didn’t do it! You saw nothing!
Oh good, the White Glove episodes are over, now maybe I can stop getting aneurysms, and Josh can look more amusing because he’s wearing a top hat. And you’re about deal with by far the shittiest faction in the game! Finally, a massacre I can get behind.
What did Mumbles say to not Google? I couldn’t understand her.
So no one cares that Josh plays Sims 3?
“Dolphin lover”. It came up on a spontaneous livestream night Mumbles hosted a couple of weeks ago (although that makes it sound way more organised than it actually was). Rutskarn even provided a dramatic reading. It was horribly traumatising for everyone involved. Don’t google it.
Interspecies erotica
Do you like dolphin sticks?Then youre a gay marine mammal.
For some reason, I suddenly feel compeled to link this:
My 80 hours in the Sims 3 says not really (and I know that’s not even that much).
You brought that Sims 3 thing up yesterday as well. Why should we care about anyone playing Sims 3? Is that some joke that I’m missing?
the steam popup in Ruts hitman let’s play showed up multiple times to inform us that Josh is currently playing Sims 3.
And I have to admit, picturing Josh play Sims 3 like he played the Spoiler warning games is funnier than it should be.
^This, plus the fact that I make fun of people who play The Sims.
I like playing sims:You make a guy,tell him to go outside,pause,build 4 brick walls around him,then watch him squirm until he dies out of exhaustion in the puddle of his own urine and feces.That never gets old.Especially when you do it with the whole family.Too bad there isnt cannibalism in there.
I believe this is relevant.
So that’s what happens after you save the world….
Steamginald Punkbert?
It’s a shame, now he actually has a reason to use the incinerator. And he still won’t.
I get it now, the loading screen is supposed to be a roulette wheel. You know, because there are casinos in this game.
None of them are good people. Except the old host, Shame. He was pretty cool.
That he was.
I’ve heard he’s working on a new LP, though, so that’s something to look forward to. I just hope it doesn’t get cut off early–I *still* wish he’d go back and revisit his LP of Silent Hill: Homeco.
But they arent,theyre too stringy.Though infants are pretty succulent.
Finally, back to the good old fun of bunny hopping and incinerator antics.
Of all references to understand….why did it have to be that one? *shudders*
I know I don’t say this nearly often enough, but I love you guys and everything this show has touched.
Just putting that out there.
Waaaiiiiit…. This show has touched me. Are… are you comming on to me?
Yeah, people walking into a casino w/ tons of guns would be a little regular in the wasteland, but a more appropriate casino security tactic would be to outright turn away anyone walking in w/ mutton-chops and a bonnet.
This one’s OK. He has mutton chops and a top hat.
(…Well… he does now… Stop looking at me like that!)
For some reason I really hate how the screens look like when they’re… sliding? (I know, but have forgotten, the correct word for when screens do that)
When they’re still those dark corners look like they’re the result of the CRT not bombarding those areas with electrons.
When it’s… rotating? It looks like the texture is moving around.
I really wish they had used two textures, one for the corners that stays still, and one for the “face” that occasionally loses tracking.
By ‘top right’ Ruts means ‘top left.’
Or maybe ‘top hat.’
I enjoyed the DMotR reference there, Josh.
FATAL roulette:
Download the FATAL pdf.
Go to a random page.
If you are not offended, repeat the above step until you hit a page with some offensive.
My record is three.
Impressive record. I think it would be really challenging for people who are offended by bad game design.
HA! Tuxedo hat + assassin suit = rampaging steam-punk chimney sweep.
This is the episode where it finally dawned on me, as Josh was walking back into the banqueting hall to commit wanton murder at Mumbles’ command, that Reginald Cuftbert has been killing people this whole time solely at the behest of the wisecracking voices in his head.