Eomier shushin Thu’fir

By Shamus Posted Monday Jul 9, 2007

Filed under: Pictures 11 comments

Reader Donateller read the D&D campaign I put up and was inpired to draw a picture of the situation in this post.

It’s a pretty big thrill to see our story through the eyes of someone else, so I got a real kick out of this.


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11 thoughts on “Eomier shushin Thu’fir

  1. Patrick the Evil Twin says:

    sigh..you know…. even the guy on THE OTHER website got the name right….EOMIER…… I before E …. dyslecix tool.

    You were the DM and you have yet to get my name right…sheesh….

  2. Shamus says:


    Sorry. It just looks.. wrong with the i first. It looks like “Eeyo-mire” instead of “Eeyo-mer”, which is how everyone – including you- pronounces it.

  3. Inane Fedaykin says:

    Dyslexic tool.
    Ahh, that made me giggle even if it seems a bit mean.

  4. craig says:

    i can kinda draw, and I’ve made a portrait of all the characters in the campeign i’m running. I’d do the same for other campeigns, like yours, but I feel nerdy enough already.

  5. Katy says:

    I do love your write-up of the old campaign. That’s what brought me to the site. I hope someday when you’re done with DMotR that you can get another game together and write up some posts on it.

    Completely unrelated, and please let me know (at least in a comment) your take on this… do you know about the 1-18-08 (AKA “Cloverfield”) trailer for an unnamed movie? It’s said it might be a film adaptation for The Call of Cthulhu (just a rumor at this point). With my luck, it’ll be yet another P.O.S. Godzilla movie, but are you as insanely excited as I am?

    Trailer here: http://www.apple.com/trailers/paramount/11808/

  6. Ryan says:

    Actually, if we a assume that Eomier is a “Germanic” name, then that spelling would suggest the name “eyo-meer”. The “i before e” in German is always an “i” sound, and “e before i” is always an “e” sound.

  7. elmofromok says:

    hmm.. I honestly do not remember the scene where one of the characters picks his nose and starts to eat it, only to realize that he failed his ‘pick stealthily’ roll and was seen by another character, who was laughing his ass off.

    Need to go back and see what else I missed.

  8. elmofromok says:

    OK sarcasm aside, that was cool of him to draw that up.. and I LOVED the DnD campaign write up. Thank you for that. It really inspired me to write up the campaign I have been running. It’s a lot of fun to try and put the adventure down into that format. It has also helped me in forming a full storyline and world for my players. Good Stuff.

  9. Lars says:

    “Completely unrelated, and please let me know (at least in a comment) your take on this… do you know about the 1-18-08 (AKA “Cloverfield”) trailer for an unnamed movie? It's said it might be a film adaptation for The Call of Cthulhu (just a rumor at this point). With my luck, it'll be yet another P.O.S. Godzilla movie, but are you as insanely excited as I am?

    Trailer here: http://www.apple.com/trailers/paramount/11808/

    I dunno what the movie you posted is, but the Cthulhu movie is already out – http://www.cthulhuthemovie.com/

  10. ShadoStahker says:

    Actually, if we a assume that Eomier is a “Germanic” name, then that spelling would suggest the name “eyo-meer”. The “i before e” in German is always an “i” sound, and “e before i” is always an “e” sound.

    To me, the spelling always looked French. In this case, it would be pronounced “eyo-mi-eh”. (Accent on the “O”.)

  11. Casper says:

    Shamus, are still playing DD? If yes, you could at least put up a recording. I sure there will be some suckers.. er, enthusiasts who will write a transcription for it.

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