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Yeah, so… two minutes into the next episode we realized that Josh hadn’t actually accepted the quest, which is why we couldn’t DO the quest. But we blamed the game anyway. Look, give us a break. There’s only four of us. We can’t possibly notice every tiny little detail, and sometimes little things like WHAT QUEST WE’RE ON get lost in the shuffle.
Yeah, we suck.

A game I love. It has a solid main story and a couple of really obnoxious, cringy, incoherent side-plots in it. What happened here?
Object-Oriented Debate

There are two major schools of thought about how you should write software. Here's what they are and why people argue about it.
Steam Summer Blues

This mess of dross, confusion, and terrible UI design is the storefront the big publishers couldn't beat? Amazing.
Rage 2

The game was a dud, and I'm convinced a big part of that is due to the way the game leaned into its story. Its terrible, cringe-inducing story.
Silent Hill 2 Plot Analysis

A long-form analysis on one of the greatest horror games ever made.
I loved that NV played into the broken signs and psuedo-names. It makes sense that places would be named things like this rather than Megaton, Springvale or Chevy Chase North. Though I was shocked they didn’t put a reference to the ‘ranches’ outside of vegas. Even if there wasnt anthing there but a novelty weapon or armor, how cool would it have been to have a quest to go out to ‘Must Ran’ (Mustang Ranch)for a side quest or something similar.
Shamus, I am disappoint. :|
But RedLetterMedia makes up for it. ^_______^
RedLetterMedia is part of this video?!
No, but there are references. :(
Also, is it just me or is it weird that everyone on the sites I go to seems to know about it, but then he goes to cons and stuff, and nobody knows who he is?
What the heck is redlettermedia? That like a russian version of Penthouse?
Have fun. :)
Humor, on the internet?
I must investigate.
I didn’t get the reference during the episode because I’d forgotten that guy. I have to agree with Mumbles to a certain extent. I felt a strong desire to punch that guy in the throat to shut him up long before I was amused by his ranting for 7 videos about how bad The Phantom Menace was. I actually prefer Jar-Jar to listening to him.
I don’t think you got far enough into the videos to find out why he talks like a creepy, drugged-out serial killer.
(It’s because he is.)Realizing this makes the videos far, far more unsettling and enjoyable, in my experience.
You mean, the CHARACTER Pinklett.
Not the actual actor/reviewer?
Wait, now I’m confused, does Mumbles know who Plinkett is or no?
‘Cause first I thought, “Gasp! Mumbles DOESN’T know who Plinkett is???”
Hey, another few hours of my life spent slack-jawed and giggling.
Thanks, Shamus. ;)
Thank you so much for reintroducing me to this, Shamus!
I said a couple weeks ago that Josh really was becoming the Harry Plinkett of video games.
Soon very soon his transformation will be complete.
Well, I have to say that I love this series. I have Fallout 3, found it as glitchy and depressing as you guys, but thanks to Spoiler Warning, I am probably going to buy New Vegas.
Heheheh, figurines.
I want to scream through the internet, “Stop bunny hopping on the roof and pay a little attention to the game your supposedly playing! You’ll get to good stuff much faster that way.”
Then again, Josh would probably enjoy my frustration if I could somehow express it while he was playing.
You know, Josh’s bunny hopping makes a lot of sense .. ON THE MOON
I expected something else from that link. Still, happy with the outcome.
Edit: also for anyone wanting the first part for Nyctef’s video –
Its not bunny hopping but the conversation with three trolls talking turns talking.
Yay – New episodes! If Shamus hadn’t started delivering soon I would have thrown a tantrum and demanded my money back
one of the most interesting people lives in no vac and that happens to be no-bark. i was glad you guys decided not to try and kill him.
on my first play through of fallout new Vegas upon meeting him i couldn’t stop laughing at his nonsense, but then again i may just be the type of person easily amused by crazy old people heh.
Don’t get too excited. Now they’ve figured out why they couldn’t get anyone to follow them who gets killed is anyone’s guess.
[EDIT]: Although apparently killing someone else requires 55 Speech to convince Boone it was the right guy or he might try to kill you, so maybe Josh will just go for the easy option.
true novac will probably suffer the same fate as goodsprings nothing but a smoldering pile of ash with only the dinosaur to mark where the town stood haha
Wait, so you leave people alive when playing this game?
… huh.
Shame on you Mumbles!Picking on small children.
“This aahh…This safe he-…” awesome!
You dont have to catch her before she leaves,she has a house down the street.She just works in the motel,she doesnt sleep there.Which is also a nice touch.
In 3 playthroughs (out of 5 total) the target person actually did disappear after the first encounter – wasn’t anywhere in Novac, interior or exterior. Either something bugged triggerwise, or something clipped through geometry, or something else, idk – but that quest has been a royal headache for me for many times..
Should’ve offered a half-monkey/half-pony monster…
Is referencing Jonathan Coulton passe now? I can’t keep track.
You’re actually supposed to go to Jeannie Mae’s house at night and tell her to go outside.
I would’ve thought that Reginald would think of Boone as his nemesis. Reginald is a melee-focused chaotic evil junkie while Boone is a kill-stealing sniper who is decidedly not insane (though with a definite murderboner for the Legion).
Why do I get the feeling that they’ll later complain about not being able to join the Fiends?
It would’ve been interesting if you managed to kill Daisy for the quest. You might of course talk about how even in the Mojave the Enclave isn’t safe from Cuftbert.
Man, we should totally be able to join the Fiends. Gotta get hopped up on Psycho and Jet before talking to them, of course.
If nothing, their leader Motor-Runner’s a pretty chill dude (“Oh you’ve come to kill me. Eh, fine let’s do this.) and has no problems buying up all of your spare Jet and Psycho (at potentially extra price) before you try and waste him.
Of all the factions in New Vegas, The Fiends seems like the one group Cuftbert would finally be at home with.
Reginald, call sign Little Bunny Foo Foo, trolling the trolling trolls. No, I don’t get the bunny hopping, other than it’s Josh’s way of trolling us, the viewership.
All I can say is that as a stealth-based character, Reginald will never become a karma chameleon because he keeps stealing things and losing karma.
I actually kinda get it a little bit. The first, for me, reason is that the Elder Scroll series have strongly conditioned me to this type of movement (for those unaware, in short: faster than walking, and trains your acrobatics which makes you jump further and consequently travel even faster), not sure if it applies to Josh as well. But there’s also another reason for this, it shakes the screen around and in so doing tricks the mind a little bit into thinking that “something happens”. Perhaps not to the extent that Josh does it but it somehow breaks the monotony of waling even when it’s not actually faster.
In Josh’s case, the bunnyhopping comes from TF2. As with any online FPS of the past ten years, you quickly learn to start hopping as if you were a meth-addicted Jack Russell Terrier.
Well, except in some tactical shooters, of course.
Granted. I am just as guilty of bunny-hopping my way through the Elder Scrolls series. And as Klay mentions below, its a habit that sticks from TF2 (which I have played only a handful of times).
Maybe its just me, but sometimes it just seems like Josh bunny-hops to bunny-hop (thus, my comment about him trolling all of us). I don’t get it (aside from giving us all grief) because the benefit in this case seems minimal. You’re not raising stats. Maybe you move a little faster. Bunny-hopping sometimes appears to come at the expense of “paying attention” to the rest of the game.
Not good, not bad, just my perception.
I stay with my comment, and most games nowadays have conditioned us to expect something fast paced when if the game doesn’t throw something at you for 3 minutes it means its building up to jump you.
I get it,because Im like that too.Its not trolling,its perfectly reasonable way to move.First of all,its how you move in any fps ever since quake(or maybe even further back?),especially in multiplayer.Second,like Sleeping Dragon said,you have to level up acrobatics.And third,new vegas has looooong stretches of open roads that are just boring to run through,so hopping at least makes them a bit less boring.
Oh good, the slow clap processor made it into this thing.
When I did the rockets quest, I was disappointed by the lack of visual payoff. I got the human to realize his species; then told him not to sabotage the rockets; went up to the roof and pointed them in a better direction; but when they supposedly launched, there was no visual indication. The roof didn’t even open.
As said, I am disappoint.
If the roof didn’t open, then it probably bugged out. Shame really, it does look fairly cool when it works.
plus the all music radio station blares “ride of the valkyries” while they launch.
they are supposed to luanch, may be a bug.
The test results are in, you’re a horrible person.
I found myself wishing during that quest I had a better speech score.
Maybe after I someday finish this game I’ll go back through with a non-violent speechmonkey.
We weren’t even testing for that.
All you really have to do for this kind of quest is find a “Naughty Nightwear” item – it adds +10 to your speech skill. Add a magazine, and maybe that times-two bonus perk, and you’re good to go.
The x2 magazine skill perk is one of the most important perks in the game. There’s very few places in the game where you really need more than 80 of any given skill, and you can easily use magazines for all of them.
This means that that, aside from primary combat skills, you never need to get a skill above 80(unless you’re after a specific feat that requires 80+). Some, like Science and Speech, even have +10 equipment available, meaning that you never need to get them above 70.
Plus drugs.You can get up to +10 from drugs alone.Especially if you have high science and brew the special ones.
I will note that the x2 magazine perk is also the +1 from books perk, making it even better.
I like how Shamus took the first chance he got to whine at the game for not letting you do stuff.
Well, it WOULD have been a pretty disappointing flaw if it had been true. I assumed we had tripped onto some trigger that I’d never encountered.
Out of curiosity, is the stream quality still terrible on your end? I remember that being an issue when you guys did Fallout 3.
Yes, it’s always terrible.
Have you tried other streaming solutions? seems to be fairly high-quality, and runs great (mostly) even from across the pond. It’s also free and you can set a password (turning it into a private stream). It’s pretty weird how you guys complain that the text is all a blob of incomprehensible soup while I’m watching people play Starcraft 2 live in 720p.
Youtube allows streaming now, and it’s ad free and fast, plus the quality is probably the best I’ve seen compared to basically every streaming site out there.
The only hitch is I have no idea how it works. >.>
The nightkin quest is pretty buggy. I had to go find where he was hiding and gank him, because he didn’t ever come out and play as he’s supposed to.
I tried to follow the Nightkin, see where he lives (hey, more stuff to steal!). I then found out that he lives right nextdoor, behind a nearby rock. No wonder he went stark raving mad from the Brahmin, he practically sleeps in the pen.
Also had to kill him twice in the end; once as a regular Nightkin, and later as a Nightkin Master. The first kill didn’t trigger the reward dialogue, so I went out and did some other stuff. Later returned to find a new nightkin. Oh well, they die fairly easily.
I too found the fact that the nightkin doesn’t have a real home very disappointing. Why go to all the trouble of making this miniquest if there are no useful options once you locate the target NPC other than ‘kill it’?
“Don’t sneak up on me like that.”
This man just walked past Reginald Cuftbert holding a dynamite in his hand at the stairs. When he’s doing that, you don’t look away from him and forget about him!
The mention of an aggressive junkie in a room reminds me of one of the small houses in Vivec, Morrowind, which had a couple of aggressive people. I think it was accessed from outdoors, on the Waistworks of the St Delyn canton. (Finding places in Vivec is easy and fun, just ask Cahmel!) I don’t think I ever found out who they were. I suppose I could do so now… nah.
Seeing a man with mutton chops, a pretty bonnet and a dynamite might induce a “somebody else’s problem” -field.
Or the snipers are like the mighty Tyrannosaurus in that they cannot see someone if they are not moving.
haha nice hitchhikers guide to the galaxy reference, it works perfectly for most of the things in this game.
Possibly. Though I imagine the thought would be more like “This madman is absolutely everybody’s problem!” At the very least, the correct action isn’t telling him what he may not do.
The right action is pretending to ignoring, hoping he’ll go away, and sealing your pockets close before any dynamite can find its way into them.
Also to be fair, Boone has the second-lowest intelligence at 3.
His charisma is also a whopping 1. Which kinda explains why he’s not very talkative and almost seems to stumble over his words.
I stumbled on the leader of the Nightkin on accident my first time through, and ended up doing it on his side. Helped out the ghoul instead my second run. That was my one real complaint about the quest: you can’t tell the ghoul “hey, these Nightkin will leave if you just let me check the computers in here, then you can do whatever you want.”
The new DLC, honest hearts, is coming out soon. The patch just hit on monday. I know your probably not going to have the DLC’s on spoiler warning (though I’d like to think Josh would go crazy trying to do Dead Money), but what about you personally? Do you plan on investing in it?
I found dead money to be a blast and genuinely scary the first time I played through it.
Dead Money might be scary if I wasn’t playing a character with ridiculous melee skills. The Ghost People are push-overs to Melee.
And really annoying for anything else, unless you actually find the .308 recipe needed to make the Automatic Rifle viable.
The holorifle gets pretty useful actually if and when you get all the upgrades. I ended up using it for the better half of the DLC. The base damage plus the three second DoT puts is just a little behind the YCS/186, while using only one MFC per shot.
Unless you decide not to use it because you have an incredibly crappy energy weapons skill.
*looks at self* stupid pistol and its stupid crappy damage…
I won’t be getting Dead Money because I have yet to see a review giving it a decent score.
I have yet to see one giving it a bad one.
Hell, even No Mutants Allowed likes it, and they HATE video games.
Here’s my review: Better than FNV out of the box. Oops, that’s not a score. Um, 5 out of 7 kumquats.
Seriously, you come to Shamus’ blog and say scores define your buying decisions? Who are you? Are you new here? Or is your sarcasm/humor just not coming through to my eyes?
What difficulty are you playing it on? I’m finding that Dead Money is decently difficulty with a high melee weapons score, but I’m playing it on the highest difficulty level. Anytime I don’t have Dog with me, I’ve got to be pretty cautious dealing with them.
I found it flat-out easy. Hard difficulty, 20-30 Melee (I leveled up a few times). Could it be a case of “higher level = harder” again? I was level 9 when I started it. If I got a sneak crit on them, they’d just die in one hit, and when you target the legs, it severs most of the time.
They sure are pushovers to melee…
The police pistol required a sneak and then some, usually. Hunting Shotgun just blew them apart (high Guns; 60-70 maybe?).
As for the rest of the DLC; I somewhat enjoyed it, but the “music” (a seven second loop) in the Villa is so annoying. It tries to land a spooky atmosphere, but you run through there so often, and usually there’s nothing alive. Not very scary, and then the music just falls flat.
I did like the (minor gameplay spoilers)
bomb collar ideasince they didn’t overuse the trigger mechanics to my taste. The change of pace was enjoyable.Couldn’t save the Dog God because I had a low speech; that was a big letdown :(
They also seem to be doing something genuinely interesting with the DLC. Seems like they’re adding a whole new story-arch, with it culminating in a showdown between you and Ulysses.
I hope thats the case anyway. Would be much better than Fallout 3’s, where its just a bunch of random stuff with widely varying degrees of quality.
Myself I hope they’re going to skip it. Though this is purely out of personal interest. I’ve decided to wait till the promised DLCs are released, maybe till they have some kind of “buy all in a pack” offer, before playing them (I’m also planning to take that chance to replay NV itself and I’m not a big fan of replaying games without a good break). Basically, I don’t want to have it spoiled :P
Well I was going to say there was no way they were going to do it but they did DLCs for Fallout 3 so I can’t see why they wouldn’t really.
I also imagine that they’ll despise Dean and will take great joy in killing him. Either that or they’ll try and keep him alive only for him to screw Cuftbert over.
Also two things for the record:
1) Crawford DOES have an actual house just outside of town, you’re supposed to go see her THERE at night and take her out in front of the dino.
2.) Once you get Boone, make sure to switch him back and forth from ranged to melee 20 times. A quirk of the programming causes the game to think he’s wearing another sniper hat every time you switch him, so doing it twenty times causes the stacked effect to give him 100% critical hit chance.
The last thing ANYONE will never see.
I’m testing this right now.
Cuz what Boone really needed was being MORE broken…
Hey you still get full XP for everyone he kills, so if you are a high sneak/speech/science build like me, you can pretty much just act like some haughty know-it-all general.
But you dont get the achievements,so no extra xp for those.(like you need more)
Further justifying the choice of just strolling around in a suit instead of inevitably donning power armor and removing any personality from your character.
It’s even more fun with infinite companions.
About the time I finished Dead Money, my apparel began to consist of suits.
I hated Victor so much. He just made me so damn suspicious. Following me around. I think I killed him about 3 or 4 times in total.
Mumbles and Rutskarn are so tsundere for each other
I’m starting to think it’s more sibling-esque. Rutskarn is a 12-year-old boy, after all.
What? There’s someone who doesn’t ship Rumbles*?
*Or should that be Mumkarn?
You say like it’s news… This thing has been budding at least since Bioshock… We got our fingers crossed for them, but only Allah knows all the Ghayb…
The best part of Jeannie May (and her being evil) is why she sold Carla into slavery – it’s because Carla called Novac a crap-hole (which it is).
Well at least it has Dinky.
I was wondering whether you’d end up switching to the beret considering your evil critstacking ways. Now you at least ought to get the unique Bonnet from that one curious couple.
You mean the one with the unique 9mm SMG?
I’m disappointed that you can’t mod that gun. Sure, it’s got more DPS than any other SMG I own, but hey – a little more never hurt (me)…
Thats because all named weapons in NV are already fully modded IRC
Depends on the gun, some are fully modded, some have unique modifications, and some just simply do extra damage.
Q-35 is not,I have modded it myself.
There seem to be remarkably few comments by recent Spoiler Warning standards.
I have to admit that I didn’t watch this one. 20 minute episodes were about my limit (preferred the 15 mins of ME2). This one, I saw it was 25 and closed the window without bothering with it. The lack of comments (so far – maybe everyone in the US is late / on holiday) makes me wonder if we have discovered a magic cutoff between 20 and 25 minutes where many people stop watching.
Comment-fans got all worn out on the Portal 2 entries over the past couple of days.
Yeah you can blame Shamus for that one – he didn’t start his timer at the beginning of the episode so we “eyeballed it” and overshot by like six minutes.
I would’ve cut some of the wandering around out but there wasn’t really a point when interesting conversations weren’t happening so I just decided to leave it in.
The rest of the episodes should be around normal length.
See now you went and ruined someone’s day, somewhere and some time.
This is why, private Josh, you do not eye-ball-it.
*Thinks back to ME2 with that stupid captain lecturing his troops about “eye-balling it.”*
I liked that lecture – It added a bit of hardness to the Space Opera. Although I was wondering why he was giving the lecture in a commercial hangar rather than a classroom.
Maybe they were waiting for a ship,and he decided to fill out time.
You are not a cowboy shooting from the hi – wait, Reginald has a Bonnet and a shotgun that despite holding at chest height, the bunny hopping makes it hip-height…so maybe he is.
Drink scotch to alleviate alcohol addiction.
Immediately wait 12 hours.
I’ve missed you spoiler warning.
Yesterday while mowing grass in the backyard I heard the sound of mine activation from F:NV. I froze for a second or two thinking “WHERE?” before I realized I’m just a big fucking nerd. FML
@14:51: Shamus, I think what you meant was, “I’ve had enough of your disingenuous hatsertations.”
The long quest with ghouls in the space observatory?
I never knew that was a quest. I just found it while I was traveling and did it.
Then again, I never talked to Manning when he was up in the Dinosaur mouth so… now I know, I guess.
Did a similar thing with the Black Mountain quest: I accidentally solved it while exploring.
I thought the robot was going to be a new companion. Then I got ambushed by “Tabitha”.
There is a quick way to do it: just go there and kill all the ghouls.
I forgot this the last time,but Its sad that you turned off the black mountain radio.Its not like the music is that loud,plus its just a 3 minute song.On the other hand,everyone being quiet(except for laughing)while best friend tabitha speaks,well it would be fun,but not really a spoiler warning thing.
Reginald goes around accidentally drinking from toilets. Josh: “Oops”
Man, I loved the ghoul-spacemen quest and have done it twice. I look forward to doing some of it again, with an eye toward mangling everything as badly as possible.
I remember that I looked in Manny’s room and read his computer file when I played the game, though I still chose to do the quest for the XP.
And of course, you can get Manny himself to spill the beans if you’ve got Confirmed Bachelor since he’s gay for Boone and is really just jealous of Carla.
It’s good that the game offers you quicker ways to get past this part.
Even Fallout 3 had it, as you can simply go right where all the directions point you straight away if you like, thus bypassing most of the early questline.
Man, I really need to do a Confirmed Bachelor playthrough. I’m missing so much.
Speaking as someone who’s every playthrough is confirmed bachelor I can tell you that not that much. There’s really only a few conversations and probably even fewer that are actually worth it from gameplay efficiency perspective. It is mightily satisfying when you find said conversations though, at least if you’re into it I guess ^_^
i really can’t watch this anymore. josh’s bunnyhopping is making it impossible. he needs to stop that or somebody ELSE needs to play or we need a game where you CAN’T bunnyhop, or bunnyhopping ISN’T the fastest way to move, or at least costs stamina or something so he CAN’T KEEP FUCKING BUNNYHOPPING. i’m serious. i will follow this game ONLY to see when it’s over, because I’VE HAD ENOUGH OF JOSH’S FUCKING BUNNYHOPPING, IT RUINED THE SHOW FOR ME.
Blast from the past:
“Oh, you’re going to be that guy that carries the incinerator around for the whole friggin game in case you find ammo for it. Twenty pounds weighing you down”
Well, that subplot went nowhere…