“Don’t try what you’re about to see us do at home.”
“We’re what you call ‘idiots’.”
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If you want to know a bit more about Mumbles, check out the post on her blog where she talks about joining the cast of Spoiler Warning and gives a bit of her gaming background.
I tease the other cast members about how they make me feel old. When you can’t see someone, you’re not constantly thinking about their age and background. I’ve never met any of them in person, and they’re all fairly mature. So I forget how old they are and treat them like same-age peers most of the time. But then suddenly one of them will mention something crazy, like how they were a kid when the Nintendo 64 came out, and I’ll suddenly be reminded of our huge age differential. (Not as huge as some, but still.) So I keep saying annoying old-man things to them.
“Hey, I met my wife the year you were born.”
“So wait, you’re YOUNGER than Tetris?!?”
“Please tell my you’re joking about not seeing Back to the Future.”
“My oldest daughter turns 13 in about a week. You’re closer to her age than to mine.”
They’re all good sports about my sudden revelations regarding my own mortality. And I had a point to all of this but I’ve forgotten it now.
Oh, right. Mythbusters is awesome.
Batman: Arkham City

A look back at one of my favorite games. The gameplay was stellar, but the underlying story was clumsy and oddly constructed.
Trusting the System

How do you know the rules of the game are what the game claims? More importantly, how do the DEVELOPERS know?
Silent Hill Turbo HD II

I was trying to make fun of how Silent Hill had lost its way but I ended up making fun of fighting games. Whatever.
Hardware Review

So what happens when a SOFTWARE engineer tries to review hardware? This. This happens.
The Best of 2017

My picks for what was important, awesome, or worth talking about in 2017.
Is it bad if I thought Ghostbusters before Mythbusters?
That means you may qualify as an Old Man/Woman/Thing.
I’m 19 and I thought “Ghostbusters”
I’m 19, and also thought of Ghostbusters.
I’m also 19 and I thought of both Mythbusters and Ghostbusters simultaneously. The Geth too.
I’m… not nineteen, but I also thought of Ghostbusters, first.
so i gues i win cause i am 18 and my first and only thought was ‘ghostbusters’, i had to read ‘mythbusters’ and then go oh, yea thats ALSO possible
*does the i am a movie addict dance*
I thought Ghostbusters when I named the episode, but I liked the title too much to try to come up with something more evocative of Adam and Jamie’s televised hijinks.
Teenager who thought ghostbusters. Sorry your perch is kinda destroyed.
I’m 17, and I thought Ghostbusters. Probably because ‘Geth’ is more assonant with ‘Ghost’ than ‘Myth’. I dunno.
Well, compare:
As you know, the start and end is what counts. When finding something sounding similar to G-busters, G-busters always takes precedence compared to M-busters.
It’s the exclamation point. The meme for Ghostbusters is “GHOSTBUSTERS!”, from the song. Mythbusters, on the other hand, is never said with such enthusiasm. I think “Gethbusters.” would be more likely to be seen initially as “Mythbusters” than is “Gethbusters!”
Except for that thing in our brains that looks at the beginning and ending of a word and figures out what we expect it to be.
Doesn’t really matter though: I’d watch either a Mass Effect Ghostbusters spoof or a Mass Effect Mythbusters hybrid.
It’s a bit more complex than that. While the beginning and end of a word might be used when looking at a word, not only does “the beginning” not necessarily mean the single first letter but might aswell include images made up of more then one letter, and still it’s not like the rest of the word is completely irrelevant.
I also thought Ghostbusters.
I envy you as an older gamer, being only 16 as of the time of this comment, I’ve missed out on a lot of fun games, it makes me sad :(
EDIT: also, while the sun drains shields, Shepard is using BIOTIC shields, so how does that work?
Wizardry was quite cool, first person 3D dungeon crawl… in 1981! I remember playing it back then on an Apple ][+
aww… Don’t let Jayne… er, Kal’Reegar get killed. He’s one of the few that I like.
Agreed, though I’m curious to see how it’s handled.
Anyone want to take a shot at writing “The Ballad of Kal’Reegar”?
From the BioWare Social boards. It doesn’t fit perfectly, but it’s the thought that counts.
The Ballad of Kal
Kal, the man they call Kal
He robbed from the rich
And he gave to the poor
Stood up to the man
And gave him what for
Our love for him now
Ain’t hard to explain
The hero of Caleston
The man they call Kal
Our Kal saw the Quarians’ backs breakin’
He saw the Quarians’ lament
And he saw the Geth takin’
Every peice of land and leavin’ no organics
So he said “you can’t do that to my people”
He said “you can’t crush them under your heel”
So Kal strapped on his mask
And in 5 seconds flat
Stole everythin’ Boss Gethins had to steal
He robbed from the rich
And he gave to the poor
Stood up to the man
And gave him what for
Our love for him now
Ain’t hard to explain
The hero of Caleston
The man they call Kal
Now here is what separates heroes
From common folk like you and I
The man they call Kal
He turned ’round his ship
And let that credit hit sky
He dropped it onto our houses
He dropped it into our yards
The man they called Kal
He stole away our pain
And headed out for the stars
He robbed from the rich
And he gave to the poor
Stood up to the man
And gave him what for
Our love for him now
Ain’t hard to explain
The hero of Caleston
The man they call Kal.
Wow. You just made my evening. Thanks for the repost.
I was very disappointed about how under utilized Adam Baldwin was in this game. But then again in most of the things I have seen him in his main spark comes from his presence. So maybe the audio only medium just naturally under utilizes him.
Tali just seems full of cameos. Both Loghain and Morrigan’s voice actors show up in her Loyalty quest.
I know what happens to Reegar, as I chose that option out of roleplaying a strict pragmatist, but I’m not going to spoil it unless requested. Here’s a hint, though;
I knew it!
I refuse to believe that.
That’s right. Mythbusters is awesome!
On the subject of being an old nerd: Yes, the X-Men did liberate a race of giant space whales from the Brood, in 1983. Thanks to Marvel’s budget “Essential X-Men” reprints, this still feels like part of my adolescence, in the late ’90s.
And because Chris Claremont was writing it, this episode included Ms. Marvel, Cyclops’ father and his crew of space pirates, Xavier’s bird empress girlfriend, and Storm committing suicide to save her comrades. (She got better.)
I think it’d be remiss to not mention the Star Trek: TNG pilot, where I believe everything was down to spacewhales.
Or at least, space Jellyfish.
OMG Shamus, you remember Starflight! I loved that game!
At least we can be old together.
I rank Starflght.exe right below System Shock. The games are very similar in my mind: Huge, open, exploration-based, good story. (Even though you don’t encounter it often.) The graphics were amazing at the time. (Remember the 4×4 grid of polygons at the landing site? 3D GRAFIX OMG!) But now it’s hard to run, the interface is horrible, and the graphics didn’t age quite as well as some of its contemporaries.
If I ever get to a point where I can make an indie game, a Starflight descendant would be near the top of my list of projects that I’d like to work on.
I, too, have horribly fond nostalgia for Starflight. I loved meeting all the weird aliens, who each had their own space and their own personalities. And running in fear from the Uhlek. The gorram Uhlek.
You guys seriously need to do an Infocom game for an episode. I recommend The Lurking Horror.
All your fancy pixels confuse my sensibilities.
My name is derived from Starflight II
Though I dunno how I’d rate Starflight against it’s futuristic brother, Star Control 2!
Starflight is better.
You’re not alone, Shamus. I just finished making a game based on what I (foolishly) thought was one of the most well known games ever, Zork. That’s when it really hit me that, though most people may have heard of it, they haven’t played it.
These damn kids need to get off our lawns.
I worked so hard on that lawn, too!
A hollow voice shouts “FOOL!”
I think I may have started Zork once and couldn’t get out of the first section. Just like nearly every other adventure game I’ve ever attempted. The only adventure game I’ve ever reached the end of was Myst and that’s because there were two people in the house playing it and looking over each other’s shoulders.
At the very least, I had thought that a majority of “experienced” gamers would understand what this references:
West of House
You are standing in an open field west of a white house, with a boarded front door.
There is a small mailbox here.
I actually just realized that I’m wearing my Grue Repellent shirt today. Gotta stop getting dressed in a hurry.
Starflight was awesome. It was one of those games where you’re sent out into a big universe exploring, and just kind of stumble across the plot. Games aren’t made like that anymore. Now there’s railroading, intrusive cut scenes, and out-of-character moments.
It was also a direct inspiration for Star Control 2, one of the best games of all time.
I would like to express my undying love for that sub machine gun. Tali’s okay to I guess.
I always liked that they gave 3 different ways of getting to the Colossus and each one is a pretty different fight. As I recall Josh has picked the one I found the hardest.
There’s a fourth way: the game will actually let you CHARGE the colossus. I’m surprised Josh didn’t do this.
Or the best way: Bring the Cain heavy weapon and just nuke the damn thing.
That’s what I did to the final boss. With all the heavy weapon ammo upgrades, you can carry 2 nukes, which made the climactic confrontation rather anti-climactic.
It deserved to be nuked. It and the thing that thought of it.
Yep, I did the same thing. One nuke and a clip of bullets in one eye, more or less.
That’s actually exactly what I did. Made it a pretty easy fight, all told…
Yeah… One blast with the Cain and you usually kill the Colossus and all but 1 or 2 Geth.
1988? Are you sure, Shamus; I don’t think they even had video games all the way back then. I think maybe you’re misremembering. Don’t worry, it’s understandable, things like that just happen when you get old. Maybe you’re thinking of electricity; I’m pretty sure 1988 is when electricity was first discovered.
Yeah, I checked, it was electricity.
Wasn’t the first game a tennis-like game made by scientists on some machine way back in the 1950’s?
Scientists? In the 1950s? I don’t know; I’m almost completely sure the best they had was witch doctors at that point.
Witches? Nope, the shaman’s were still trying to burn the guy who invented those for inventing those.
Burn him? You mean, like, with insults? ‘Cause I absolutely know that fire wasn’t invented until the at least the mid-1960s. Plus, it didn’t gain popular appeal until 1973.
Ah yeah, I remember ’88, back when I was -2…had to walk uphill both ways in ten feet of snow to get to the…pre-person thing…
“pre-person thing…”
Still laughing.
Pre-persons…that reminds me of a horrifyingly good (and horrifying) short story by Philip K. Dick…worth reading…
Yeah, me too. Just that I think it’s more horrible than horrifying :)
Since I read the mini-article before I watch the episode, when Tali says that the sun is aging too fast, I kind of expected Josh to finish his “It’s kind of like…” with “Shamus.” It’s too bad he trailed off; there was an excellent burn in there*.
You know, since Shamus “[kept] saying annoying old-man things to them.”
*Pun intended.
EDIT: Oh, also: “Please tell me you’re joking about not seeing Back to the Future.” Did you mean ‘in a theatre’? Because there are some channels on the TeeVee that play the trilogy non-stop for days. (Hee hee, typo. ‘Me’ is not equal to ‘My’, Shamus)
*mutter* My high school diploma is older than Tetris…
Oh, yes, one bit of ancient trivia. Video games used to be sold in zip-lock baggies like illicit drugs.
Oh, lord, this fight.
I had to do it about half a dozen times before I finally beat it – it pretty nearly caused me to stop playing!
*Ahem* Are you saying that the fighting got old? Or perhaps that the gameplay prematurely aged?
Fighting didn’t get old. Dying did.
IIRC, I’m just a little younger than you, Shamus – my oldest will be breaking double-digits in age pretty soon.
And yes, all of a sudden, in about the last 2 years, I find myself having lots of “old man” moments like that. It really did seem to sneak up on me – one moment, everyone was laughing at the ridiculously young guy who commented that the LOTR movie was just a bad ripoff of Willow, and the next, everyone’s wondering what that strange old guy (ME) is talking about…
Hey, I’m 22 and I feel the same way every day. :(
This is sort of the part of the game where I stopped caring about what was going on and just enjoyed the ride (up until the end anyway). Rather than boring scrapyards and stuff, we’ve got derelict Reapers, the Collector ship, the quarian home planet and Migrant Fleet, etc. Tali, Legion, Thane and Samara are all really cool on top of that, and BioWare probably should have opened the game with a couple of them rather than those boring pills Miranda and Jacob.
Also, I’d like to thank Shamus and crew for their awesome work on Spoiler Warning once again. I’ve been away from the Internet for the last week and a bit due to some stuff in my personal life, and this morning had to leave my girlfriend behind at the airport for a long time to come. You guys really helped bring my spirits up during a hard time for me. Please keep up the awesome work!
“This is sort of the part of the game where I stopped caring about what was going on and just enjoyed the ride”
That is the way to play this game. Everything main plot related is just this horrible abomination of a fanfiction.
But the gameplay and most of the sideplot is fairly solid.
If only it wasn’t so repetitive. Josh and Shamus mentioned that Dragon Age was repetitive, but honestly, not really. Maybe if you play on normal difficulty, but nightmare requires a lot of tactics and there are a large number of fights that really require you to manage your party well. It’s not as varied or challenging as Baldur’s Gate, but at least it’s not the same thing over and over like in Mass Effect.
I won’t argue that there are a large number of fights in Dragon Age. I’m not sure that all of them would be distinctive and interesting. you’ve still only got so many moves. I can’t imagine how Deep Roads wouldn’t get repetitive though.
The gameplay in Dragon Age was more tactical for sure, especially compared to “Sit behind cover, pop up, shoot dude, crouch down, repeat.” But the Deep Roads and Circle Tower were just too damn long. I think I mentioned it in a recent episode but I spent thirteen hours in the Deep Roads. Running around in dark caves just got plain old.
That said, I am still firmly in the “Dragon Age was a good game” camp. I think I could fairly rank it as better than Mass Effect 2 (though Loghain’s motivations make absolutely no sense and seem to change every time you see him and Morrigan’s nonsensical face-heel-turn at the end was jarring; which makes me wonder if it’s just the BioWare writers on the whole are losing their touch).
In 2008 I looked to my College roommate with a sudden and horrifying realization. “Aubrey” I said, “these kids are 18. That means they were born in 1990. They don’t know about the 80’s!”
Of course, I was born in ’85, so I barely recall the time myself. I was fortunate enough to have an older brother, however, who shared with me Transformers, Robotech and Ralph Bakshi’s Lord of the Rings. To this day he continues to share these things.
Still, I continue to meet people that are roughly 18 or 19, and when they say “I remember when I was a kid and Pokemon first came out…” and I say “you were a kid? I was like 13 and played it with some of my friends in high school.”
I think advancing technology and growing media has made us all grow older that much faster.
it would he hilarious if you got to the Collosus(?) fast enough that Kal’Reegar didnt die, it’s possible, just incredibly hard.
I always thought he just dies by default if you choose this option no matter what you do so I didn’t even try to hurry. That’s how these choices in games usually work anyway.
No it’s just really hard to keep him alive, he has a very small amount of health. So if he ‘helps’ he can take maybe two shots till he dies.
Really? Playing on normal difficulty, I took the path up to the right (being a sniper) and basically just took potshots at the geth (all the geth) for a good five-ten minutes. He survived.
Yeah. I don’t think it’s that difficult to make him live. I played on insanity with a standard collector beam heavy weapon and two armor breaking henchmen, and it wasn’t such a big deal.
Yes I always have him help out and he never died.
I usually need at least five minutes to take out the Colossus.
A few friends of mine said he often gets killed by geth soldiers that move arround Kal’s cover if you don’t take them out.
Is it just me or is the recording framerate much lower in this episode than it was in previous episodes?
Josh did mention a poor framerate while playing so probably just that.
Yeah, I don’t know what was going on. I restarted the game after we finished recording the episode after this one and it seemed to go fine after that.
I think it’s funny when Josh goes “Oh there’s a guy back there.” Yeah. Same guy you knocked over with charge and didn’t kill…
Btw, “Power Ranger spin off” is referred to as Super Sentai. Series of live actions shows in Japan featuring the same concept of color coded heroes. They were big in Brazil before the US got their hands on Power Rangers. I think Changemen is the first one I saw… They were pretty awesome when I was a kid (yes, I’m old too =P )
Edit: http://www.supersentai.com/database/index.html
The first one i saw was Beetle Borgs, it was…odd.
We can’t talk about color-coded super heroes with robots without mentioning Voltron, can we?
Pretty sure you’ve got that backwards: Power Rangers was a rip-off/re-skin of Super Sentai (and reused actual Super Sentai footage). And it was still fun. Goldar ftw.
I also totally didn’t realize that was Baldwin until it was pointed out here; he did seem to sound completely different from all the other quarians.
Josh!!! You’re suppose to be nice to Tali! Remember? Mumbles told you that too! Tali asked you to keep Reeger alive, and you’re sending him to die! That’s NOT being nice to Tali!
Plus, he’s Adam Baldwin from Firefly (oh yeah, and Chuck too), you can’t kill him! That’d be wrong!
Despite being in the lower age bracket on this site, just turned 21, I feel compelled to point out that the magnificent Mr. Baldwin was Animal Mother long before he was Jayne Cobb. Which means he was a badass before I was even conceived. He. Is. That. Awesome.
On the flipside, he was a freaking supersoldier in the (decidedly mediocre) last two seasons of The X-Files, so my first impulse on seeing him is always, “Terminator!”
Maybe I should try watching those again. I kinda gave up on the X-Files after season four.
I’d say that particular brow-high wall is my personal worst example of the trope. I spent several minutes poking around that thing, taking screenshots (which I don’t have anymore, unfortunately), and pondering. The conclusion was that not only could you climb over the damn thing, you could walk around it. There’s about 2 feet in the back right where you could squeeze through.
I’m 16 and I’ve seen all of “Back To The Future” (saying its technically on film split up into three parts) and it was awesome :D
I don’t know, man. Bits of Part III felt rather forced. Like every romance in ME/ME2 except Thane.
Glad you liked it. FYI, TellTale is continuing on the series in their new 5 part adventure game. Sure you heard about it.
Played part 1 over Christmas break. Great voice acting, keeps with the theme of the show, help starts out heavy handed and the game is short and linear, but it’s a very positive experience. Looking forward to the release of parts 2, 3, 4, and 5.
How awesome would it be if someone posted this video on the Mythbusters forums?
How much MORe awesome would it be if they made an episode about it?
Man, this series has given me such a craving to play Mass Effect but my damn Xbox is being all red and ringy. Microsoft’s failings have screwed me over once again.
Josh is truly a master at surviving near death…..Its why he is special…its why The Elusive man picked him. Its why they brought him back to life.
Its why he will stop the reapers.
Fuk yea!!
Illusive man.As in deals with illusions,not as in eludes.
Also on the note of Grunt, I took him there and I am pretty sure the sun bothered him.
Also I got the bloody sniper rifle upgrade, freaken… FINALLY! I can actually kill more than one target per “Adrenalin rush”.
One thing that I have found that bugs me about the soldier class though, is that everything is put on a timer, which really limits the use of everything. I understand putting all of the mass effect powers on one cool down, makes some sort of sense, but a Personal intrinsic power (Adrenalin rush) and a Weapon based power (Consessive shot) really should be on different cool downs.
I see lines of red, and probably missues of intrinsic…
So am I the only one who is immune to the fad of “Back in Time” and even moreso, “Ghostbusters”? I mean, really, those movies were just average at best..
Wasn´t there a trope for that? So Avereage It´s Okay?
Err, yeah, also, I don’t get that tvtropes thing either..
How old are you, Eliah? For Shamus and I, Ghostbusters and Back to the Future are the nerdy movies of our formative years, and thus have a large degree of nostalgia factor. For younger (or older) folks, they might not have the same effect.
I watched Spies Like Us recently. It was funny, but nowhere near the OMG COMIC GENIUS I remembered seeing at sixteen or so. It was very much a product of its time.
Yeah, I remember last time I rewatched Back to the Future, I mused a bit on just how oh so 80s it was.
While Ghostbusters has aged somewhat, yet still remaining good fun, I think Back to the Future remains pretty strong. It forms a key component of my “Glorious Quad of ’80s Trilogies of Radical Awesomity”â„¢ which consists of Back to the Future, Die Hard, Indiana Jones, and Star Wars. The music may have sucked HARD but the ’80s were damn good to us movie wise.
The music did not suck. You take that back.
You’re really going to try and debate this? About the decade that gave us Michael Jackson, Vanilla Ice, and Prince, not to mention all the hair bands?!? Granted the ’90s weren’t much better, but at least we got Nirvana and The Offspring out of ’em.
And yet,you still had the youngun outgeek you with baldurs gate.For shame Shamus,for shame.
Its funny though how Josh keeps forgetting to finish of dudes that he has charged and shot to near death.Like he has ADD or something.
Ah the colossus fight.Another easy one for the sniper.And like other said,its not that hard to keep kal alive,even if you go full renegade.
Agreed, I went through that fight on Renegade and just murdered my way to it before he died. It was actually damned fun.
Baldur’s Gate came out in 1998. Shamus was in his mid-20s when it came out. Baldur’s Gate is not part of Shamus’s development as a gamer. System Shock, which he admits was probably the most impactful game of his life, preceded Baldur’s Gate by four years.
Baldur’s Gate is actually a bigger deal to younger gamers, not older ones. My formative DnD game experience was the gold box TSR first-edition games (Curse of the Azure Bonds in particular); BG is just another (admittedly good) game to me.
Incidentally, this is a similar reason why I consider FF7 one of the worst of the series, not the best. Younger gamers had their first experiences with that one, while I was formed off FF4 and FF6 instead.
Hmmm, odd then, I love FF7, even though I played the expansive FF6 a couple of years before in high school. Kind of wish I’d been told by a friend to wait for Shadow before I hit that point though… >.<
Heck, I probably wouldn't have picked up FF7 if I hadn't first played 6.
And as for TSR games, Eye of the Beholder in the SNES for me since I didn’t have a computer.